Author Topic: Global Buddhists  (Read 15775 times)


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Global Buddhists
« on: December 11, 2011, 03:46:37 PM »
This letter seems to be circulating among Tibetan Buddhist circles. I have a few friends in different centers who have received this letter and shown it to me. A brave, and interesting perspective. I did not attend this Buddhist gathering though I heard about it through the grapevine. Did anyone here attend it? And what did you think of it? I suppose it's not much of a surprise to hear that Shugden groups would not have been invited, seeing as it was held in Delhi, right smack in DS-Discrimination land.

I applaud Mr Tenzin Kunzang for his courage in speaking up. Don't know if he's Tibetan, though it sounds like it. All the power to him if he is, because it must be difficult speaking up like this within the Tibetan societies. His points about including and respecting all Buddhist traditions is such common sense, but so often not practiced. If only perpetrators of the ban would realise that imposing this ban is just them cutting off their noses to spite their own faces.

Anyway, have a read. Drop a comment. Write to Mr Tenzin if you like. (his email address is at the end - the one where this letter came from). We need more like this.

(And by the way, if you hear of any other letters like these, or if your own centers are writing letters to lobby for some change, please share them here too. It is inspiring to hear)


To members of Central Tibetan Administration and Tibetan friends,
Tashi Delek! How are you?
I am Tibetan man live in Europe, Switzerland. Last week, I am in Delhi for the Global Buddhist Congregation 2011, arrange by Asoka Mission and very venerable Lama Lobzang. It is very good to meet so many Buddhist people coming from all countries in this congregation. I congratulate to Lama Lozang and his committee to make such a big event for Buddhist people.
But I think this kind of events is not so fair and not so truthfull. You say the congregation is for all Buddhist peoples but of course Dorje Shugden people cannot go to join. It is same like this always. Why is it like this? Dorje Shugden Lamas and their Buddhist centers are very big in the world. They have so many centers. They are doing very good things for Buddhist practice. They are also studying Lamrim and the holy dharmma of Buddha. I think they have many things to share. They have many networking contacts and big international sponsorship. They can help Buddhism so much..  but they cannot come because of this Shugden issue! Why you invite Christians, Jain people, Hindu people and Muslim to your talks and prayers, but Shugden people cannot go? Shugden people are also Buddhist!
Dalai Lama writes very beautiful message on . He says: “Today, in a new millennium, our world requires us to accept the oneness of humanity. Many of our world's problems and conflicts arise because we have lost sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a human family.” So nice message. His Holiness always give good teaching on peace and kindness and I respect and love Dalai Lama so much. But if he talk about “oneness of humanity” and “human family” isn’t it Dorje Shugden people also in this family? We cannot tell people we are Buddhist but we push away some people. This is not part of the Buddhist teachings about compassion.
If we want to be real Buddhists and kind, then we must love everybody and help everybody, even we don’t like them, even our enemies. If you think they are bad or wrong, then why not you help them to connect with Dalai lama and all the lamas so they can learn more dharma and become good. You should not keep them away and say they cannot attend dharma. I think even Buddha will not turn them away. This is dharma logic.
Everyday during Global Buddhist Congregation, many good venerable lamas and scholars talk about Buddhist peaceful method and Buddhism is very good to bring more peace for modern world and modern people. But this is not true! We know Buddhist people have discrimination and bias against Dorje Shugden people. Even inside Buddhism, our own Tibetan people attack and push down other Tibetans and Buddhist people because of one protector issue. So this is not correct if we want to hold big Buddhist events but we don’t include all the Buddhists.
At Global Buddhist Congregation, you want create a new international Buddhist fedreation group. But how can you do this if you don’t tell to all Buddhists and you on purpose push down some people and make them not speak? This will not be a real and fair Buddhist group. I am very sad our Buddhist Dharma event also become politics.
Then, the whole world will look at Tibetan Buddhist people and think why they have so small minds, why they treat their own people like this? All world countries will ask why Tibetan people do not improve their society but always focus on small things like religion things like this. Even there is politics in the most important thing they have.. that is Buddhism.
Please do not be angry with me. I do not disrespect you. I respect His Holiness so much. I love him so much. I respect tibetan parliament also because you always working very hard for Tibetan peoples. But I also wish we can have more justice and more expression and freedom for all religion. This is what Buddhism teaches and the whole world respect Buddhist people because we are kind people. Let us show everyone that this is true. Please invite all Buddhist group next time and don’t tell to people they cannot come for teachings and Dharma gatherings if they are Dorje Shugden practitioners. Dorje Shugden people are also human just like us. They also need Dharma and they love Dharma and love His Holiness.
Please I hope my letter does not make you angry and offensse. I wish you good luck and long life always. Many tashi delek to you.

Mr. Tenzin Kunzang

[email protected]


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2011, 03:57:43 PM »

Thanks for this post. Obviously CTA's participation in this so called Global Buddhist Conference is politically motivated. Why? Many actions they have carried out in the past is coming to light now. They have to play more politics to cover their mistakes of the past.

Whatever problems, heartaches, doubts, politics, pain they have caused to others will return to them. The wheel of sharp weapons is returning now. The first of these is their downgrade from EXILE TIBETAN GOVT TO CENTRAL TIBETAN ADMINISTRATION. Many more embarrassing situations will arise for CTA.

Many lamas, teachers, sangha and guests attended this not very well organized event. The conference was for three days. But the big question is WHAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED from this conference? What was the goal?


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 03:59:02 PM »
This was very brave of him but we all know they arent going to change their mind.  :-X


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 05:15:21 PM »
Things like this letter I believe will chip away at the ban and the resolve of the people who are still upholding the ban. If no action can have a non reaction, so will this action be of sending a lot of these letters create many results. It makes sense.

Big Uncle

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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 06:36:29 PM »
Naturally, none of the great Dorje Shugden Lamas like Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Trisur Rinpoche Lungrik Namgyal were invited for the Global Buddhist Congregation. It's sad that they were so biased that way. Degeneration of merit is evident with such blatant use of Buddhism to further different party's political aims. Isn't the Buddha's wish for all to realize that all actions will eventually come back to us?


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2011, 07:16:47 PM »
Change their minds or not, maybe itll make them hesitate just a split second longer next time they want to put down Dorje Shugden. And the more mail they receive, they might not read it all but sheer volume will make them uncomfortable.

Theyve caused many sleepless nights for many people. About time they got some of their own medicine (again, Internet trolls, not a threat. Its just a little thing Buddhists like to call KARMA.)


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2011, 08:57:44 AM »
Thank you Tenzin Kuzang,

For writing a direct letter highlighting some important issues...will this make changes...maybe not.

But it does set a precedent for other Tibetans to ask more of their CTA representatives. Working with Tibetan Refugees settling in the west I know how hard it is for them to be direct / and share their feelings on personal issues, emotional trauma, family or health issues.

"Please do not be angry with me. I do not disrespect you. I respect His Holiness so much. I love him so much. I respect tibetan parliament also because you always working very hard for Tibetan peoples. But I also wish we can have more justice and more expression and freedom for all religion. This is what Buddhism teaches and the whole world respect Buddhist people because we are kind people. Let us show everyone that this is true. Please invite all Buddhist group next time and don’t tell to people they cannot come for teachings and Dharma gatherings if they are Dorje Shugden practitioners. Dorje Shugden people are also human just like us. They also need Dharma and they love Dharma and love His Holiness.
Please I hope my letter does not make you angry and offensse. I wish you good luck and long life always. Many tashi delek to you."

May more, and more Tibetan people's find the courage and strength to soften the stance of CTA in the future. DS people are human people and also have a relevant Buddhist voice that can benefit as well.

Thank you again for highlighting those points too often lost in the debate of right and wrong.




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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2011, 09:03:38 PM »
This is an interesting thread. I had heard about this Global Buddhist Conference but it doesn't sound very global to me. After all, His Holiness - with deepest respect - is seen as the spiritual leader of Tibet, not even Tibetan Buddhists, as each school of Tibetan Buddhists has its own spiritual head, such as Gaden Tripa, Sakya Trizin etc.

The Dalai Lama is not the spiritual leader of all Buddhists either. So why did the Global Buddhist Conference acquiesce to the discriminatory practice of the Dalai Lama against Dorje Shugden practitioners? The absence of the great masters like H.E. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche shows that the 'Global' Buddhist Conference is political.

It is unfortunate that such a potentially spiritually powerful congregation shows a lack of true spirituality - especially harmony, acceptance and equanimity.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Big Uncle

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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2011, 09:15:50 PM »
This is an interesting thread. I had heard about this Global Buddhist Conference but it doesn't sound very global to me. After all, His Holiness - with deepest respect - is seen as the spiritual leader of Tibet, not even Tibetan Buddhists, as each school of Tibetan Buddhists has its own spiritual head, such as Gaden Tripa, Sakya Trizin etc.

The Dalai Lama is not the spiritual leader of all Buddhists either. So why did the Global Buddhist Conference acquiesce to the discriminatory practice of the Dalai Lama against Dorje Shugden practitioners? The absence of the great masters like H.E. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche shows that the 'Global' Buddhist Conference is political.

It is unfortunate that such a potentially spiritually powerful congregation shows a lack of true spirituality - especially harmony, acceptance and equanimity.

I do agree with your point on Dorje Shugden. However, I do think that the Dalai Lama is the closest thing we have to being a leader of the Buddhists. There is no other Buddhist leader, whether it is the Karmapa, Gaden Tripa, Rev Cheng Yen, Head Patriarch of Thailand or any other great monk or Lama that come close to the Dalai Lama.


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2011, 12:16:49 PM »
Thank you Tenzin Kunzang for writing and speaking up for the practitioners of Dorje Shugden. Whether it will change their minds are not, no one knows. But by highlighting this issue, it will create a cause for them to think twice before they put Dorje Shugden down!


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2011, 02:22:46 PM »
This is an interesting thread. I had heard about this Global Buddhist Conference but it doesn't sound very global to me. After all, His Holiness - with deepest respect - is seen as the spiritual leader of Tibet, not even Tibetan Buddhists, as each school of Tibetan Buddhists has its own spiritual head, such as Gaden Tripa, Sakya Trizin etc.

The Dalai Lama is not the spiritual leader of all Buddhists either. So why did the Global Buddhist Conference acquiesce to the discriminatory practice of the Dalai Lama against Dorje Shugden practitioners? The absence of the great masters like H.E. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche shows that the 'Global' Buddhist Conference is political.

It is unfortunate that such a potentially spiritually powerful congregation shows a lack of true spirituality - especially harmony, acceptance and equanimity.

I do agree with your point on Dorje Shugden. However, I do think that the Dalai Lama is the closest thing we have to being a leader of the Buddhists. There is no other Buddhist leader, whether it is the Karmapa, Gaden Tripa, Rev Cheng Yen, Head Patriarch of Thailand or any other great monk or Lama that come close to the Dalai Lama.

That's true. It's interesting to see why that is though. I think that it is actually through the tragic loss of Tibet, that the Dalai Lama has serendipitously become an internationally recognised image of Buddhism. It is ironic that he probably would never have had that status if not for China's occupation of Tibet. The Dalai Lama would probably have stayed in the geographic isolation that is Tibet.

I think that the fact that the Dalai Lama had to leave Tibet and Dorje Shugden's help in his exodus all contributed to the growth of Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama as a worldwide phenomenon.

Fortunately or unfortunately, because of the Dalai Lama's global stature, his unsubstantiated opinion and condemnation and subsequent ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden also receives international exposure and majority support. Saying that, i go back to my original point which is that the Dalai Lama, however well respected he is and how deserving of that respect he is, does not represent all Buddhists in the world.

Hence this Global Buddhist Conference should have invited Shugden Lamas to this event - not so much because they are Shugden practitioners but because of their wonderful contributions to Buddhism and society. Again, i refer to the supreme example of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche who tirelessly benefits others.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2011, 03:37:19 PM »
I think that the fact that the Dalai Lama had to leave Tibet and Dorje Shugden's help in his exodus all contributed to the growth of Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama as a worldwide phenomenon.

Dorje Shugden, in the wrathful form of Manjushri saw clearly what Dalai Lama will be accomplishing for the growth of Dharma. Knowing that there will be much persecutions, yet Dorje Shugden helped Dalai Lama to escape unscathed. Sure shows the nature of Dorje Shugden!

Fortunately or unfortunately, because of the Dalai Lama's global stature, his unsubstantiated opinion and condemnation and subsequent ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden also receives international exposure and majority support. Saying that, i go back to my original point which is that the Dalai Lama, however well respected he is and how deserving of that respect he is, does not represent all Buddhists in the world.

So many people get so hung up on the Dalai Lama's view, ... you put it very well, only if they know that Dalai Lama does not represent all Buddhists in the world. (with no disrespect intended) The Dalai Lama has given countless teachings. Do people pay such close attention and adhere to everything he says? nah.. i find that hard to believe. So why be so fixated with Dalai Lama's view on Dorje Shugden?! Makes no sense to me.

Hence this Global Buddhist Conference should have invited Shugden Lamas to this event - not so much because they are Shugden practitioners but because of their wonderful contributions to Buddhism and society. Again, i refer to the supreme example of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche who tirelessly benefits others.

How unfortunate and what a shame. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche is one of today's very rare, leading peace advocates. It would have benefited many for him to attend.


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2011, 08:25:17 AM »
This was very brave of him but we all know they arent going to change their mind.  :-X

Sure, things may not change over night but their inertness and non-reaction shouldn't be a reason for us to not do more. If this is the case, then none of us should bother speaking up at all then. Then, there is no point even having this forum or the website.

A letter like this is not ONLY about asking the CTA to change something immediately (although that would be nice!). I see that there are many other repercussions to this letter:
- it gives confidence and strength to other Dorje Shugden practitioners, that someone CAN and IS speaking up on their behalf; that they are not completely silenced and that if someone like this Tenzin Kunzang has the courage to speak up, so can they.
- on a karmic level, every effort to make a difference (whether it does or not) - whether it's by speaking up or doing something to lessen the oppression on DS practitioners - does surely contribute to a global merit for lifting the ban.
- as everyone has already said, speaking up like this does also make the perpetrators of the ban feel uncomfortable - it shows that there are people who are thinking and talking and showing up the foolishness and illogic of the ban. They may have been able to throw their illogical reasonings around in an old Tibet where many were not educated or literate, but in this modern world, people are not going to just accept something without checking things out for themselves. Letters like this show that people are CHECKING THINGS OUT and not just taking the rubbish that the Tibetan govts are doling out to people

so yes, maybe things won't change overnight, but I would say that this person is doing more for the ban than those of us who just sit on a forum and say "well it won't work anyway" and just don't do anything at all!


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2011, 12:02:04 PM »

I applaude the courage and effort that Mr. Tenzin Kunzang made by writing this letter to CTA. Simply a powerful and logical letter that I doubt  the CTA would reply him back.

As more voices speak up, it will become a bigger voice, and loud enough to let the buddhist community know that DS practitioners just want peace, harmony and happiness, just like other sects of  buddhism. And certainly within the budhist community, no one like to be called a hyprocrite, saying one thing and practising another. So DS practitioners and lamas should also be invited to all future buddhist congregation, events or teachings. This is the ONLY way to show the world that we can have different practices but we accept one another and are true buddhist that walk the talk of compassion.

Thank you again Mr Tenzin Kunzang for writing this letter!!!


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Re: Global Buddhists
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2011, 05:36:59 PM »

... But I think this kind of events is not so fair and not so truthfull. You say the congregation is for all Buddhist peoples but of course Dorje Shugden people cannot go to join. It is same like this always. Why is it like this? Dorje Shugden Lamas and their Buddhist centers are very big in the world. They have so many centers. They are doing very good things for Buddhist practice. They are also studying Lamrim and the holy dharmma of Buddha. I think they have many things to share. They have many networking contacts and big international sponsorship. They can help Buddhism so much..  but they cannot come because of this Shugden issue! Why you invite Christians, Jain people, Hindu people and Muslim to your talks and prayers, but Shugden people cannot go? Shugden people are also Buddhist!
Dalai Lama writes very beautiful message on . He says: “Today, in a new millennium, our world requires us to accept the oneness of humanity. Many of our world's problems and conflicts arise because we have lost sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a human family.” So nice message. His Holiness always give good teaching on peace and kindness and I respect and love Dalai Lama so much. But if he talk about “oneness of humanity” and “human family” isn’t it Dorje Shugden people also in this family? We cannot tell people we are Buddhist but we push away some people. This is not part of the Buddhist teachings about compassion.
If we want to be real Buddhists and kind, then we must love everybody and help everybody, even we don’t like them, even our enemies. If you think they are bad or wrong, then why not you help them to connect with Dalai lama and all the lamas so they can learn more dharma and become good. You should not keep them away and say they cannot attend dharma. I think even Buddha will not turn them away. This is dharma logic.
Everyday during Global Buddhist Congregation, many good venerable lamas and scholars talk about Buddhist peaceful method and Buddhism is very good to bring more peace for modern world and modern people. But this is not true! We know Buddhist people have discrimination and bias against Dorje Shugden people. Even inside Buddhism, our own Tibetan people attack and push down other Tibetans and Buddhist people because of one protector issue. So this is not correct if we want to hold big Buddhist events but we don’t include all the Buddhists.

The Global Buddhist Congregation 2011 had not addressed the issue on the ban on Dorje Shugden practice and it had also failed to stop prejudices against Dorje Shugden practitioners worldwide. 

It has been a long time since the ban was imposed.  How is the Congregation going to promote prosperity if Dorje Shugden practitioners around the World are being discriminated against?  This international forum needs to protect the fundamental human rights and freedom of practice of Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Please refer link below on the Congregation’s aims.
… the Congregation aims to set up an international forum that will define collective action aimed at promoting peace, stability and prosperity the world over, and creating a united voice against prejudices, exploitation and violence.

Thank You Mr. Tenzin Kunzang for speaking up.  The World needs to know the truth.  You are helping to create the cause for the ban to be lifted.  More and more Dorje Shugden practitioners will be inspired by your courage to speak up and do the same.