Author Topic: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?  (Read 6482 times)


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Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:17:05 AM »
I have read in the Diamond Cutter Sutra, the long version of the Prajna Paramita that we cannot have attachments to religion, teachings, dharma - because there is no Dharma of Enlightenment, names, beings, in fact, we can't hold on to anything. The Dalai Lama knows this. He has so much on His plate. A country, a language, a people, a religion and a title and 2 wars.

He doesn't say He is the Buddha. He says He is a simple monk. He says, I am not THEE Buddha, not, I am not A Buddha. The way Spiritual Teachers word things can be important. Anyway, if He is to walk the path that the Tathaghata taught us, He must release all these things,: His country, His title, His religion which He says He doesn't have one other than love and kindness, He must release it all. Now He has been the "Dalai Lama" for 14 lifetimes. How can He truly know if He has overcome and detached from all of this?

The reason no one is Enlightened by 2011 is because we have free will. Free will to choose. Free will to think. It is our right and downfall.

The Dalai Lama wanted to retire. He wanted to stop the role of the Dalai Lama which many have an attachment to and it is not right for them in the long run. He wanted to focus less on politics and more on the spiritual aspect of life. He went to His Teacher and asked him to ask Dorje Shugden if He could indeed do this. The answer was no and the Dalai Lama's teacher was "afraid" of Dorje Shugden. All the Dalai Lama did was ask a question, like relax. A simple yes or no with love and compassion is all a benevolent being need do. Anger and wrath, to create fear is only used by those who lack personal power. It's psychology, not Enlightenment.

This protector of the dharma, when dharma does not exist according to the Tathaghata so how there can be a dharma protector is beyond me and at that, how only since the 1700's? How did that happen. Who allowed the dharma to be changed? Anyway, how can Dorje Shugden say no when we have free will. The answer would be it is up to you or the highest good for the all in the long run is this. That would be the way I would deal with that situation. However, when God wants to say no, He is kind, loving, brings an overflow of peaceful energy to us while saying no so we know it's for the best. I don't think that happened.

The Dalai Lama wants to be a Buddha and reach Enlightenment. He must release all these things. How does He know He has done that if He doesn't actually do that? It must be done in the physical as well as in the spiritual. Dorje Shugden told Him no, He has to hold on to it all. He has no free will, no rights to choose and that is denying the Dalai Lama of His personal freedom, spiritual freedom, religious freedom, and right to choose the path the Buddha taught us.

This is just one argument for one man. My story is in the open say comment area.

We are so quick to judge the Dalai Lama and why is that? We demand of Him so much when He has done more for humanity than all of us combined. For 14 lifetimes this man has given his life, selflessly, to the OM, the world, all living beings and for us alone. We are selfish. We are so negative, defensive and full of what about me and MY rights. We don't become Buddha that way I am sorry to share. We must stay peaceful. We must be defenseless. We must give in and surrender accepting defeat.

If the Dalai Lama continues His role and He dies, the Chinese will be searching for Him in Tibet. They will take ANY child and say, it's Him and put them under house arrest or kill them. A few weeks later they will be bored and unsatisfied and they will say, oh, we were wrong, this child is actually Him and then kill that child too. I am a Catholic, of course I think this way at Christmas. It puts anyone at danger who is born after He dies, in Tibet. If He says, the role of the Dalai Lama is finished, how can China continue to hate and fear the Buddha they don't believe in? Religion is not worth the deaths and house arrests of innocent children.

So let the Dalai Lama go. Just let it be done. He made a promise so long ago and now it is no longer in alignment with what is best. Until we can dissolve into the Highest Tathaghata, we don't know the truth. I told Him, keep asking Dorje Shugden questions. Take 10 of the best monks, 10 spiritual and every day questions and ask. See if Dorje Shugden knows anything. Like, may I ask Dorje Shugden, what is the mantra of Ganesh? What is the prayer of Archangel Michael? Is Kalki working through the Dalai Lama and who is Kalki, please?

I demand that the DS following do their homework, research and get to the bottom of this so all the murders can stop! Will any of you listen to me? Will you do what is absolutely necessary, let's say through the UN and all spiritual teachers on earth, can we all align, come together and find the answer?

I know that unless Dorje Shugden brings forth a negative moment for you all, and you all take blame inside as your egos so you'll never blame him like I do for my downfall because I know who I was before meeting the particles of this deity, but until it happens to you personally, you might not ever understand.

Let us meet now in the Pure Land of Amitibah. Let us pray with Amitufuo and see if we can align. Not Amityus. Amitibah. The Pure Golden Land. It is the pure world of the sun. So is the pure world of Jesus and Krishna/Hinduism. Let us meet there and discuss.

We have to do it individually. We have to study all religions, all deities and know the difference between right and wrong before we can truly discern if Dorje Shugden is benevolent or not. I became my worst hell being ever and Kelsang Gyatso, Kelsang Donsang, the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh and my family and loved ones all saw this. My whole life fell into hell after a month or 2 of praying to him. I could not work, was deep in debt and had to renounce all living beings as Buddha and only praise the OM and Universal Guru while begging for the help of Deepak, the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh. Kelsang Gyatso ignored me. I guess silence means consent. They ALL witnessed what happened to me.

For myself, Dorje Shugden is not the best of all the deities I have prayed to for help. He did the opposite and physically harmed me when I had true love and faith. I believe I angered the Universal Guru by honoring that religion.

He did deny the Dalai Lama first of religious freedom, of choosing the Buddha and Right Dharma, Right View and Right Livelihood. I'm so sorry if this is difficult to accept but eventually, we all will realize that we aren't getting any more Enlightened in 15yrs and how can that be when others who don't pray to him are? I have met that Sangha that just can't break free. It's very difficult to do. It took me a long time to know what happened and then a whole year of praying with all my being to the OM and Universal Guru before I could be free and have total control over my senses again. A year after only a couple of months of praying. It got so bad praying to him, that I had to write to the Dalai Lama for help. I was becoming evil. I have proof too. Proof through Kelsang Donsang and emails and correspondence we had. He saw it happening but though I did not know of this controversy, HE knew I loved the Dalai Lama. So tell me how I am not to think that they might have purposely sent me harm, evil, negativity? We can't know in truth. They never once in 7 months of  knowing me, told me at all that the Dalai Lama I loved so deeply, was against them. They said nothing. When I found out because of the evil I was becoming, they never said a word to me again.

You can all comment and ask me questions and truly investigate and discern for yourselves. I'm not here to do anything but help the situation. Either way, good or bad Buddha, DS is not as important as the souls of all for the OM cannot be complete without any one us.

All my love and God's blessings to you all. Thank you so much.
Anna Tetro. :)


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Re: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 05:43:17 AM »
I dont know if English is your first language Anna but alot of what you say doesnt make sense either historically, From a Buddhist POV or either in terms of context of current events.


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Re: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 12:37:41 PM »
Hi Zach, I respect that you didn't understand. It makes perfect sense to me. Clear simple perfect sense. I don't understand though, how people do not respect the Diamond Cutter Sutra. Have you heard it or read it? It's hard to understand too. In fact many sutras take years to understand. However, God bless you for reading and may you have inner peace always. Love and Light. :)


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Re: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 12:43:04 PM »
Case in point about Dorje Shugden only knowing my ego. I wrote a book in my past life. I in this life, had forgotten that but I wanted to be a writer. I said, I am not any good at it. I never commented publicly or wrote anything because I was shy, worried that I would not be understood or that my writing might be confusing. I know this. I did not receive any compassion from Zach, only an attack to my ego. Well, sadly, DS, I have healed this and I don't care how I write because I am shy. But still, I have to try. I am not a writer, just a girl with a story. However, now we have seen together. I have also written this to all those I have mentioned to say, I am not a writer but I will still write anyway. Now, to all of those out there who feel the same, throw it away and just write, love yourself and don't let anyone try to take your power away by being negative or insulting your work. Ignore them ego/evil ways and keep going!!! :)


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Re: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2011, 01:17:10 PM »
If what I truly write is very confusing, I do apologize. I offer Manjushri, Om ah ra pa sta na Dhi to help us all "get" it and read between the lines of what I write. There is always help to resolve problems that arise. May God bless us all, guide us and give us intuition within to "know" what someone is trying to say. Peace, kindness and love. I used to volunteer at a Distress Center and yes, mentally ill people are hard to understand on a phone, but with God, I learned how to help them and make them feel better within minutes. I believe in us all. We are wise enough and wanting to help one another. So now we know as my ego, in past lives, I struggled with mental illness. This was in Deepak's book that was written about my soul too. With proper discernment, as soon as you read that I helped mentally ill people, it should have clicked that my ego is that. We only know what we are. That is to read the mental continuum. We are the other shore facing our egos. So have compassion for all you see that may lack a little in life for that is how the Buddha sees us too. Thanks for reading. SO much love to all. This is fun! Thanks for letting me be here. :)


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Re: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2011, 01:32:15 PM »
A mini writer's bio for us. I am no one. However, if you were a part of Joe Brown's Facebook page for The Voice a Human Journey, you will see that in front of thousands of people, I was the most liked commenter on his page and it shows in my Klout from Twitter and Facebook. I was also the most answered commenter by Deepak Chopra on His facebook page and well received by His fans. On twitter, I was also answered a great deal by Deepak, but also His fans would include me in tweets to His name trying to prove a point or to get us to read a poem. Socialite I am not so I stopped. Also, my poetry and short stories on my blog not only get nice comments but inspire people. I have only been published in one book though. So once again I prove that DS tactics, which I have lived through for 9yrs now, without knowing until last year, I know how he works inside and out, they don't apply unless they bring total inner peace and love to me. This is how I work. I listen to the soul, not the ego. It feels like being under a Bodhi Tree and no matter how one stays at peace in love, the negative ego stuff won't vanish. The only way I got rid of him was to renounce him and find the Pure White Lotus Flower. Until we ALL try this, like a scientific experiment, we won't know any difference, especially if we have honored him our whole spiritual lives. I am suggesting we do this but like the Dalai Lama ignores people, so too I am ignored for people never do unto others that which they ask. I know this. We only speak of what we know, have been and will be. It's never me and you. There is no I and no other. There is only Anna and Buddha in conversation and I am sharing it. It's personal, humiliating and difficult to do but I do it publicly in case it reaches just one. May we stay gentle hearted always.


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Re: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2011, 01:57:39 PM »
A mini spiritual bio. In 2002, I noticed that there are loved ones who pray to the name, Anna Tetro. I said, God, this is a little weird, I need to find the guru. I went in search of them. I found them last year. However, the more these beings prayed to my name, the more their prayers got answered instantly. I said, well, I can't save them until I am the Buddha. I learned that I am made up of saints and gurus so I guess that is how that happened. Have you ever had someone pray to your name, not believing in God or believing that your prayers are the most powerful around them? It's scary. Yet, if we generate the best for them, I guess that is all it takes. I wish us all to succeed in light and love and truth, to be our perfect Buddhas. I walk with many saints in me, many holy people so when I read to not be negative on this page, I know why. We don't know who is a Buddha and who is not and it is very bad karma to be negative to a Buddha. We must stay deep love and compassion at all times because we never know who we are and who might be praying to us and if they pray and we hate, they might get harmed. Maybe the Buddhas KNOW where Dorje Shugden is and know if he is Enlightened or not. Have we thought that yet? Maybe I am him? How would we know???


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Re: Did Dorje Shugden Deny Right Dharma?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 07:59:38 AM »
I find this article interesting because it is very apparent that Anna is recovering from an unhappy experience in her ex Dharma center. Many people find a Guru and go to a Dharma center with the hopes of finding something or with the wrong motivation of having some kind of fulfillment, and that everything will be smooth and happy and when things dont go their way, they start going off track and they find themselves lost and full of hatred. Anna mentioned that she has been reading the diamond cutter sutra and found light and love there...but really...if it was that easy to understand, if that sutra could have been that easy to practice, would the editor and translator of the book be enlightened by now? Nothing wrong with reading sutras, but interpreting them according to what we want to believe can increase delusions as opposed to removing them. The second part of the post was more disturbing as it reveals Anna's hallucinations and lack of knowledge and information. It is very easy to blame something bad on an entity, which is why Christianity has Satan for that purpose. In Buddhism today there is Dorje Shugden. Satan is imaginary, Dorje Shugden is a Buddha and to impose delusional projections on him would create the causes to suffer severe mental illness in the future.

From reading Anna's replies, it seems that she really wanted attention really badly from all the masters she mentioned and especially from the Dalai Lama. When the monks from NKT gave her advice, and things turned "bad" for her (which could either be purification or a manifestation of her hallucinations) she blamed it on Dorje Shugden and talked about the Dalai Lama as if the Dalai Lama was her lover. This is a very clear indication of mental illness, sorry to say. There are people who are already afflicted with mental illness whose conditions get worse and worse after they study Buddhism, some to the point of insanity, not because Buddhism is bad, but because these people trust their delusions more than the Dharma. Incidentally, these buddhists study Dharma not from teachers but only by reading whatever Dharma book they could get hold of. In her later replies, it is very clear that she is upset that her cries for attention were not answered. It would be best that she sees a psychiatrist before the whole thing gets out of hand.

This is what happens if we lack a spiritual guide that will give us instructions based on our dispositions and our needs. This is also a very classic case of some of the delusional people that might appear in Buddhism. If she does not receive help, it might get worse and escalate to self harm, as wisdom sutras when misinterpreted can greatly increase delusions and hallucinations.