Author Topic: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands  (Read 7523 times)


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Click here for the videos of the holy initiation ceremony to thousands!


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2011, 08:09:14 AM »
Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche is known to teach his students to not criticize HHDL, and other gelug masters such as Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche, and  Dagom Rinpoche and encourages us to hold our vows when experiencing difficulties.

May Lama Jampa Ngodup live long, and continue to turn the wheel of dharma and give thousands initiations and blessings.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2011, 05:00:13 PM »
I saw in one video with English translation he was telling the people to check and not simply take what people say on face value. He is one of the lamas who make you think deeper and more. 


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 04:08:55 PM »
Those people are so blessed to be able to attend Dorje Shugden's and Tsongkhapa's initiations given by Lama Jampa Ngodup.  I saw 1 of His video where He was giving a teaching and it was quite easy to understand at ( although the translation stopped halfway.  Remember what Buddha taught instead of following blindly what people say.   I wonder if non practitioners and practitioners were to debate, who'd have more logical points? ::)


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2012, 03:04:18 AM »
This is so amazing! may more events like this happen in the future especially in China. they need Dorje Shugden and they need to be more spiritual.

Would be nice if this happens outside of China tho. Can you imagine Trijang Rinpoche giving this initiation? It would be amazing. Would like to gain that initiation one day. I have none yet tho. And that statue is HUGE.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2012, 03:38:23 PM »
This is very famous in China! Alot of my China friends have heard of this great Lama and within the Buddhist world in Communist China, the local Chinese themselves were awed at what Lama Jampa achieved within his community.

I believe this would not have been so successful without the help of the Guru, Yidam and Protector Dorje Shugden.

This is MASSIVE!
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2012, 06:00:54 PM »
I talked with a monk today who was at this event.

He said that monks from 45 different monasteries in the Kham/Amdo border region attended this event!! 45 different monsteries that support the practice of Dorje Shugden, and this is just one area of Tibet!!!! WOW!!!


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2012, 06:18:50 PM »
This is very famous in China! Alot of my China friends have heard of this great Lama and within the Buddhist world in Communist China, the local Chinese themselves were awed at what Lama Jampa achieved within his community.

I believe this would not have been so successful without the help of the Guru, Yidam and Protector Dorje Shugden.

This is MASSIVE!

If a follower of Father Shugden trust and relies on Shugden all the way, then the entourage, students, wealth, work, benefit and attainments will multiply. Keep a good motivation and work hard and things will arise Shugden promises.


See this prayer written by HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche:

Just thinking of you clears all obstacles
 Mighty Gyalchen Shugden who accomplishes activities
 Accept this oceanic torma offering of samaya substances
 And accomplish the activities I request!
Plant the victory banner of learning and practice
 Of Buddha’s general Teachings and particularly
 Tsongkhapa’s excellent system,
 Foundation of all aid and comfort for the three realms’ beings,
 Unmoved by winds of evil, throughout the ten directions!
Clear all darkness throughout the world, harm of the four elements,
 Disease, epidemics, war and violence,
 Famine and all decay of degeneration
 And spread happy auspicious illumination everywhere!
In particular, O Lord of Dharma Guardians,
 We yogis who have long relied upon and honored you,
 Entrust everything, including the actions of our three doors
 To you from our hearts, protect us without break,
 Evaporate plagues, sickness, demons, obstructions,
 Misfortune, fatal astrological configurations, spirits and obstructers,
 All outer and inner unwanted bad conditions without exception,
 Like dew touched by the rays of the sun!
Bring increase of all virtue, goodness and glory of existence and peace,
 Long life, merit, all desired wealth and enjoyment,
 Realization of the three principal paths,
 yogas of the two stages and so forth
 Vying in increase with the waxing moon!

Meaningful Controller, with your hook, draw in the good fortune
 Of concordant conditions to accomplish all spiritual and temporal good
 For the sake of the Teachings and beings, the great purpose, and so on,
 And all requisites and wealth of proud devas and humans.
 With irreversible blazing sharp razor weapons
 Pulverize and take as food the life and breath
 Of human beings, non-humans and spirits
 Who cause direct and indirect harm, without exception.
Pacify all hindrances and obstacles to activities
 For accomplishing our deepest heart-felt wishes!
 Reveal signs of enlightening action, swift as lightning
 Ripening full measure of our hopes and wishes!
In brief, always accompany us, the yogis,
 Inseparably, like our body’s shadow,
 Watch over us with your wisdom eye without break;
 Bestow your protective activities, mighty Shugden!


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Re: Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2012, 04:06:33 PM »
What are the advantages of taking DS initiations as oppose to not taking the initiation but still keeping your faith in DS?


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I talked with a monk today who was at this event.

He said that monks from 45 different monasteries in the Kham/Amdo border region attended this event!! 45 different monsteries that support the practice of Dorje Shugden, and this is just one area of Tibet!!!! WOW!!!

Without the Chinese Government's green light, having this huge congregation receive initiation would not have been possible. It is a clear example that the Chinese Government is willing to make exceptions to the rule when they hear from HHDL that practising Dorje Shugden will shorten his life span. As orchestrated by HHDL, the so called ex-communicated monks who practise Dorje Shugden will promote the practice in China. I'm sure the Chinese government will also fund the event and ensure that more people attend and practise.

This is a photo of Lama Jampa Ngodrup Rinpoche doing a Dorje Shugden puja with Gangchen Rinpoche in Gonsa Monastery, Kham, Tibet. Tons of people flocked to the opening of the monastery even though these Lamas have been ex-communicated.

Big Uncle

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Wow! I really like what I hear about this Lama. He is inspires me a lot because he is only looking at the Dharma. He doesn't take sides because his only concern is the Dharma and not politics. That makes him a powerful Dorje Shugden Lama because his students and the public can see that he is very pure in his intentions and teachings.

That is the recipe for a true and real Dorje Shugden Lama. I believe that is why he is getting very popular and important. It is through such amazing Lamas that the Chinese masses will learn to respect and understand what Dorje Shugden is all about. I rejoice from the bottom of my heart for this. I pray he lives for centuries to come and his students swell like one of the Chinese rivers during the rainy seasons and his teachings prevail for thousands of years to come.


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Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche is inspiring because He is a true Lama and is so courageous! He follows his Guru all the way no matter what they (CTA) may do or say... His remained True to his practice and Loyal to his Guru and look at him now!

He is known to speak out against people who disparage the teachings and texts of the Gelug great masters like Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Dagom Rinpoche, especially texts related to the Dharmapala Dorje Shugden. We cannot even disparage or put down even one letter of the Dharma, which is consistent with the Lamrim and our refuge vows. If we do, we would have broken our refuge vows. He mentions that if there is any dispute about what is correct conduct, always check back with the Buddhadharma....

Now look... there is NO WAY anyone is gonna tell me that this Lama is doing something Bad and is worshipping some "Evil" spirit! Because the more that is said the more those who said it is going to look ridiculous and off. Certainly this intiation is a clear sign of Dorje Shugden spreading to thousands! I sure do not see it slowing down or far from dying at all. 

May Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche  works multiply and flourish to benefit many throughout the world!

Positive Change

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I talked with a monk today who was at this event.

He said that monks from 45 different monasteries in the Kham/Amdo border region attended this event!! 45 different monsteries that support the practice of Dorje Shugden, and this is just one area of Tibet!!!! WOW!!!

Without the Chinese Government's green light, having this huge congregation receive initiation would not have been possible. It is a clear example that the Chinese Government is willing to make exceptions to the rule when they hear from HHDL that practising Dorje Shugden will shorten his life span. As orchestrated by HHDL, the so called ex-communicated monks who practise Dorje Shugden will promote the practice in China. I'm sure the Chinese government will also fund the event and ensure that more people attend and practise.

This is a photo of Lama Jampa Ngodrup Rinpoche doing a Dorje Shugden puja with Gangchen Rinpoche in Gonsa Monastery, Kham, Tibet. Tons of people flocked to the opening of the monastery even though these Lamas have been ex-communicated.

Indeed what you have said here makes a lot of sense Klien. If not for the ban, such large religious gatherings within China would not be possible. But because it is with relation to Dorje Shugden which the Chinese Government have somewhat embraced because it is supposedly detrimental to HHDL life many have been blessed and seeds planted.

I cannot wait till the day when there will be stadium filled Dorje Shugden initiation events countrywide! Could this be possible? I have no doubt because not only is the Chinese Government pushing and encouraging this... the people themselves would know and start benefiting from the practice, hence the word of mouth spread will be exponential...

And when the ban is lifted or dissolves to a point where it does not make any sense anymore, the practice would have reached a stage where it would become the "norm" and that is when we will realise the true brilliance and far sightedness of HHDL. I prayer for HHDL long life and may he continue to turn the wheel of Dharma!