Author Topic: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?  (Read 23394 times)


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Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« on: December 19, 2011, 10:37:13 PM »
THE TRUTH behind who saved the Dalai Lama’s life

An incredible revelation has come to light about the H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama’s perilous escape from Tibet, and the truth about who really saved his life during those most dangerous times.
Some very courageous monks from both Gaden and Sera Monasteries have revealed many very interesting facts as below, which contradict what has been popularized. The truth has been covered up and denied by the Tibetan Government since the escape of the Dalai Lama and his people in 1959.

-- First, it was under H.H. Trijang Rinpoche’s advice that the Dalai Lama sought the counsel of the enlightened Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden through the most famous oracle in the land, Panglung Oracle.

-- By following Dorje Shugden’s instructions, the Dalai Lama escaped many terrible fates. For example, once, when the Chinese invaded the Norbulingka Palace (Dalai Lama’s summer home), they literally could not see the Dalai Lama and so he was not harmed. At that time, the Dalai Lama was carrying a Dorje Shugden thangka.

-- Through the Panglung Oracle, Dorje Shugden advised the Dalai Lama to leave Tibet immediately and advised him which route to take. Dorje Shugden assured that he would protect the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama followed this instruction and left immediately. The day after, the Dalai Lama’s palace, the Potala, was completely shelled and bombed. He and his entourage were protected throughout the escape and arrived in India safely.

-- The Gaden monks explained that the Dalai Lama had made an offering of THIS THANGKA PAINTING to his Guru Trijang Rinpoche. However, when he needed to escape Tibet, the Dalai Lama requested Trijang Rinpoche to borrow this thangka as protection. Knowing the tremendous benefit that the Dalai Lama would bring to the world through teachings and the Tibetan Buddhist lineage, Trijang Rinpoche immediately lent him the thangka.

-- The Dalai Lama carried this thangka on his back throughout his escape towards India.

-- All this points clearly to the fact that Dorje Shugden saved the Dalai Lama’s life and helped him escape unscathed from the dangers in Tibet.

-- This thangka still exists and is currently preserved by the monks of Trijang Ladrang in Gaden Monastery.

-- As the Dalai Lama escaped, he was accompanied by an entourage of 30 monks from Sera Monastery. To this day, these Sera monks remember that the Dalai Lama had consulted Dorje Shugden and been advised to leave Tibet when he did. They also remember that the Dalai Lama carried this particular Dorje Shugden thangka. See how deeply saddened this Sera monk is as he recalls that journey and reflects on the Dalai Lama’s current ban on Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden saved the Dalai Lama's Life Small | Large

Now, the Dalai Lama has instituted a ban against Dorje Shugden, claiming that he is an evil spirit and will harm the Dalai Lama’s life. This is totally illogical! Why would Dorje Shugden help the Dalai Lama escape Tibet safely, and now be a threat to his life? Because of the ban, Dorje Shugden devotees have been attacked and families have been separated; monks are denied welfare and even expelled from their monasteries, which is unheard of in Buddhist history.

The thangka that His Holiness the Dalai Lama carried with him. Borrowed from His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche, this thangka assured the Dalai Lama's safe escape from Tibet. Upon his safe arrival in India, this thangka was returned to Trijang Rinpoche by the Dalai Lama and until this very day, this thangka is enshrined in a very honoured, special place in Trijang Rinpoche's personal house in Gaden. This is the actual thangka that the Dalai Lama carried in a container on his back throughout the whole 1959 exodus


Gen Jampa, Jangchub Norbu, Gen Dawa spoke passionately about the ban and how people had attempted to harm His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche. These monks are seniors and leaders in the monastery, and very devoted students of the late previous Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. These are the monks who revealed the information about the Dorje Shugden thangka and are now the guardians of this thangka in Trijang Ladrang

The Tibetan exiled Government in India makes defamatory reports to the police about Dorje Shugden practitioners. They spread rumours that these practitioners are Chinese spies and even try to stop Dorje Shugden practitioners from entering India!
Because the current young incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche continues to practice Dorje Shugden, there have been attacks on his life. Monks have revealed that masked men charged into Trijang Ladrang in Gaden Monastery carrying sticks and wanting to kill Trijang Rinpoche. Fortunately, many monks protected him. In 1995, because of the many threats on his life, the 15-year-old Trijang Rinpoche left India to America. The main reason he left the monastery was the many threats on his life due to this ban on Dorje Shugden.
There is now talk among monks that the Dalai Lama wants to be the spiritual leader of all schools of Buddhism in the world, like a pope of Buddhism. He is achieving this by breaking apart smaller schools of Buddhism – such as by instituting this ban and creating splits within lineages so as to weaken them. It is his hope that when these schools are weakened and have no strong leader, he will be able to step in as supreme head to all Buddhist sects everywhere. (This is not what we at endorse or agree with, but is what many monks are now led to think).

A close-up of His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche's thangka that guided His Holiness the Dalai Lama to safety. It was carried by the Dalai Lama on his back until he reached safety


This is the 1959 exodus in which His Holiness the Dalai Lama carried with him the Dorje Shugden thangka that brought him safely into India

However, the revelation about the truth of this Dorje Shugden thangka now creates shockwaves in the Buddhist world. Underlying the ban, all its twisted “reasoning” and the misery it has created for Dorje Shugden devotees, THIS THANGKA reveals a whole different story. It proves that the Dalai Lama’s success today, and the success of all Tibetan Buddhist teachers, lineages and centers in the world, actually began first with the blessings and protection of Dorje Shugden as he led the Dalai Lama to safety. All the claims about Dorje Shugden being an evil, harmful spirit are completely unfounded and untrue.
In sharing this, it is our hope that we can show the world the truth about Dorje Shugden, and that the ban can be lifted to allow more religious freedom and peace, tolerance and understanding everywhere.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 10:41:22 PM by Mana »


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 12:03:33 AM »
My friends who have recently visited the monasteries in India told me their heart wrenching experiences on seeing hardships & frustrations faced by all the monks in places where DS is still not forsaken. Life is unbelievably tough for them but their spirits are high. Exactly like the saying - when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

What DL & CTA did really defied normal reasoning and logic. Only buddhas know what's behind the policy and actions.

However, if we take side with one against the other  we are like cutting up the limbs of the Buddha. The DL did bring Tibetan Buddhism to an international platform. At times it is really against my sense of justice to follow the "bigger picture" theory but it is true that through the policy of banning the DS practice, the practice has actually flourished in leaps and bounds!

May the ban be lifted soon and everything become clear and smooth. Om benza wiki bitana soha !


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 12:45:10 AM »
Thats incredible!!! Jesus and so the plot thickens!

Now there are more than a few things Im wandering about...

1) the CTA had to go to such great lengths to wipe out Dorje Shugdens role in Tibetan independence. THey had to go way way back to try and wipe out the truth. I mean, not only was Dorje Shugden the reason WHY the Dalai Lama left Tibet (esp after Nechung made a dogs dinner of his predictions) but now we find out Dorje Shugden protected the Dalai Lama in this way?

Come on - thats a lot of effort and if Dorje Shugden wanted to kill the Dalai Lama, why go through all this effort of saving him to begin with???

2) Dorje Shugden is 100% the reason why His Holiness is still alive today, and therefore 100% the reason why Tibet has any remote shot at independence and why Tibetan Buddhism has gone all around the world. Because lets face it - if you say 'Buddhist' everyone thinks Dalai Lama. They dont think Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, Domo Geshe Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe, Geshe-la...

3) no matter what they did they couldnt totally erase his name because guru devotion and practicing what your lama gives you transcends everything

4) therefore their effort was a total waste and couldve been put to better use

5) Dorje Shugden single-handedly kept Buddhism alive (totally an uncommon protector!) but still he doesnt drum it into peoples heads whenever he gets the chance. No ego mate.

I was watching this video earlier today (
CIA in Tibet - Escape of The Dalai Lama - Part 3/3
). Its about the CIAs involvement in His Holiness escape into exile. Mikel Dunhams a bit..odd but this video had some interesting things that I think fit quite well with this revelation. Now that we know His Holiness was carrying Dorje Shugdens thangka with him all the way to India, it suddenly makes sense why:

a) over 50,000 Communist troops scouring the Himalayas could not find the Dalai Lama

b) the Chi Comm planes video'd apparently following the Dalai Lama's group did not spot him (because they did not catch him!)

c) the Dalai Lama made it from Tibet to India in 14 days, with relatively few hardships

Sorry but if thats not fulfilling the promise he made to Nechung to protect Nagarjuna's middle view, not sure what is!


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2011, 01:01:13 AM »
Thank you for sharing this information. Personally I was first rather shocked and a little outraged. I mean - all well and good that the Dalai Lama 'changed' his mind and decided that Dorje Shugden was not a Buddha after all, but for him to have said that the thangka he took out from Tibet was of Palden Lhamo is an outright lie.

See the reference to the thangka as Palden Lhamo in this article which ironically condemns Dorje Shugden.

On further reflection however, if we swap the name Palden Lhamo for Dorje Shugden in this article, the Dalai Lama speaks very reverentially of this thangka and thus Dorje Shugden. I really do pray that the Dalai Lama will be able to speak up about the real truth about Dorje Shugden one day - and unravel the ban as well as all the intricacies surrounding it.

The thangka is breathtakingly beautiful. I think it's one of my favourites to date! Thank you again for sharing - the image as well as the story.

Good points Dharma Defender btw! I particularly liked that the Dalai Lama appeared invisible... very Harry Potter!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2011, 01:39:18 AM »
This is a very beautiful thangka, love it.

It is really sad that DS practice and practitioners are suppressed and discriminated so badly when they are not doing any harm to the society or the world at all. I do not know why HHDL or CTA put this ban and make certain negative remarks to this great protector but by looking at the fact that DS helped HHDL escaped from Tibet, the achievements of the great masters / lamas who are the practitioners of DS, I believe DS brings only benefits to us. If DS really affect people negatively, brings harm to people and the practitioners, why would the current incarnation of Pabongkha Rinpoche, Trijiang Rinpoche, Song Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpcohe, etc keep in silence?

I cannot comprehend why HHDL do this to DS practitioners, I choose to believe he is doing it for the bigger picture. Putting aside the DS controversy, HHDL has been promoting Buddhism and values of Buddhism to everyone in the world, he travels around the world to give teachings despite his age. Is he a bad person?

I totally agree with what the team is doing, the team does not focus on the negative things HHDL or CTA is doing but instead they are very loyal, firm and strong in their DS practise. They focus on telling and revealing the truth about DS to the world and encourage people to look at things in a different perspective, we all can see they work very hard towards the lifting of the ban. Instead of wasting time and energy condemning how bad the other person is, it is more constructive to use this energy to study the benefits of DS and to do whatever we can to lift the ban.


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2011, 01:57:27 AM »
Thank you Mana for sharing this story and this sacred DS thangka that the DL carried with him during his escape from Tibet to India. Even a glimpse of it gives me goose bumps.........

In a way, everyone can see that there are so much lies and contradictions in this ban, in fact, the more DL and CTA wants to cover or twist the facts, the better it is for DS as the truth is being revealed.

I still believe people are not blind, the more we present the facts to the world, the clearer the picture it is that DS is not an evil spirit. So thank you for the hard work of the admin for DS.COM that keep updating this website with precious infomation, testimonials, interviews with monks and high lamas, and we as DS practitioners, should do our best in spreading these truth.

It is still sad and disheartening though to see this old monk Lobsang Yeshe talking about how he went to consult the oracle and was advised by DS to escort DL to leave Tibet immediately. I can see saddness in his eyes.

Hard times for DS practitioners will soon be over, I hope, as we all put in our efforts in whichever way we can to create the merits for this ban to be lifted soon. Every effort counts.

May the suffering of the monks and DS practitioners not be in vain, may the truth always prevail!


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2011, 02:38:29 AM »
The 30 monks would not have lied and narrated their harrowing experiences of escape consistently. Why would 30 monks say what they saw, heard and experienced and all these pointed to the thangka of Dorje Shugden and how Dorje Shugden and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche assisted the Dalai Lama in the escape? It could only be the truth. I do not care what the Tibetan govt in exile say, these 30 monks would not lie.


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 11:16:12 AM »
The 30 monks would not have lied and narrated their harrowing experiences of escape consistently. Why would 30 monks say what they saw, heard and experienced and all these pointed to the thangka of Dorje Shugden and how Dorje Shugden and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche assisted the Dalai Lama in the escape? It could only be the truth. I do not care what the Tibetan govt in exile say, these 30 monks would not lie.

Either the 3o monks and Trijang Rinpoche are speaking falsely or HH the Dalai Lama is speaking words of untruth for whatever reasons good.

I highly doubt any of these senior sangha members would speak untruth and what gains could they possible derive. They are the ones that safely escorted HH 14th Dalai Lama out of Tibet in 1959 risking their lives. They were actual eye witnesses to the whole event.

This thangka only confirms what many of the senior lamas in Gaden, Sera and Drepung spoke of for years. No doubt HH Dalai Lama in 1959 was propititating a plethora of Guardians such as Mahakala, Pelden Hlamo, Nechung, Dorje Shugden and Kalarupa. His country was falling apart, he was young, he had very little experience in state affairs and he would have to escape into exile. He relied heavily on the advice and thoughts of his tutors Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpche. Naturally Trijang Rinpoche would have given his disciple Dalai Lama the best protection he can think of -Dorje Shugden. And surely the Dalai Lama would have gladly taken the thangka of Shugden as protection and blessings from his teacher on his arduous 14 day exodus out of Tibet into the safety of India. The Dalai Lama only stopped propititating Shugden in the mid 70's.

Remember Dalai Lama through Trijang Rinpoche consulted the Panglung oracle for advice in 1959 (see here: ). Shugden took trance of the Panglung oracle and told Dalai Lama to leave Tibet immediately and he would guide and protect him. With this advice the Dalai Lama immediately prepared to leave and never set foot in his homeland again till today. It was Dorje Shugden's decisive advice that saved Dalai Lama's life. And indirectly the fate of Tibetan Buddhism. There are many things CTA, Dalai Lama and practicing Tibetan Buddhists have Dorje Shugden to be grateful for.


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 11:26:27 AM »
Wow! What a rare and sacred beautiful thangka!  Thank you Mana for sharing this news breaking. 

Having the 30 monks to speak about how HHDL escape Tibet safely and carried the said sacred DS thangka with him is something one should not dismiss or take it lightly.  Why would the monks lie?  They suffered and has to face all the discrimination and abuse from others whom has outcast them yet they are still going strong and devote faithfully to DS. 

Dorje Shugden has definitely helped HHDL to safety!  Whatever HH's reason to ban the practice...I could not comprehend either.  Anyway, look at how the ban has done now.  People got curious wanted to know more!..that's how human's mind works.  The bigger the wider it will grow.  More so Buddhism will spread much much further and wider too.  Isn't this great?  Come on let the truth prevail at all times and the ban be lifted soon enough for it to grow exponentially!


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2011, 12:16:56 PM »
Does anyone know whether there was also Dorje Shugden's sword which the Dalai Lama took when he went into exile? I vaguely remember someone telling me that story. I wonder where that sword is.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2011, 04:24:10 PM »
The thangka is magnificent. Powerfully beautiful!

Thank you Mana for posting this image together with details of HHDL’s escape story with Dorje Shugden’s protection. I visualize how this thangka acted like a literal shield on HH's back throughout the life threatening escape journey. It reveals, once again, how prevailing the protection of Dorje Shugden is.

It is heart wrenching to see the pain on the faces of the sangha who knows with certainty the falsity of HH's claim about Dorje Shugden. The immediate question is: Why?! Why do good people like them suffer?!

Upon reflection, perhaps it is the collective karma of our time. For us, we have the negative karma that causes difficulty to meet with this sacred practice as it is not directly promoted by the ‘icon’ of Buddhism of the 21st century – the 14th Dalai Lama. For the sangha (no disrespect intended and advanced apologies if my sharing of thought is offensive and rude), although superficially they are in a “bad” place, I read in ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’ that the opportunity to suffer for others is actually a blessing as it cleans up our negative karma. So, perhaps, because they are such good people, these sangha have the opportunity to suffer for others in their practice of Dorje Shugden.

It is not possible to erase the suffering they endured. However, what can be done is to act on the constant commitment to create a huge collection of merits so that the ban will soon be lifted empowering 1) the truth about Dorje Shugden to become known and 2) these sanghas to enjoy the liberty of practicing Dorje Shugden proudly and openly this lifetime.


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2011, 05:07:58 PM »
Imagine the world without the Dalai Lama, Buddhism would not be as famous as it is now. Dalai Lama has made Buddhism famous and accesible for the people from all corners of the world. What country's residence especially those who have heard or read Dalai Lama's teachings would not  want to invite the Dalai Lama.

If Dorje Shugden was truly harmful/evil, he would have seen the benefit Dalai Lama would have brought to the world, and would have revealed to the Chinese the Location of Dala Lama.


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2011, 07:37:59 AM »
It was around this time, or perhaps a few years before the exodus, that Dorje Shugden, through the Panglung Oracle insisted that the Tibetans formed an elite protective, warrior group which would become the ChuShi GangTruk. There had been some resistance to forming this group at first, until finally Dorje Shugden became very wrathful and said that if they do not form this group, then they should stop coming to consult him.

The ChuShi GangTruk (Six Rivers, Four Mountains) was formed - something like a guerilla group, made up of strong khampa warriors. It was this group that escorted the Dalai Lama out of Tibet when he left in 1959. Amazing foresight of the Protector to foresee the urgent need for a properly trained, capable group to accompany the Dalai Lama on this very dangerous journey. This was way ahead of time, before there was even any hint of danger or trouble with Chinese, or any hint that the Dalai Lama would have to leave.

There were also around 30 monks from Sera Monastery that formed part of the entourage. These monks are still alive and they still remember the stories. The link within that article, of the Sera monk talking about their escape is very poignant. here it is again: There is no way these monks would be lying - all their stories correlate, and anyway, what would they gain from lying?

It fits perfectly with this recent news about the thangka (thank you for sharing - revolutionary and amazing, blows the truth out of the water!)


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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2011, 09:58:35 AM »
Isn't it ironic that more and more proof to support who helped HHDL escape are being uncovered in such a short time after HHDL "resigned" and after TGIE became CTA. These undeniable truths are vital to be made known to all. The time of our Protector has come?!!

The information about this thangka sure is an incredible continuation of the historical facts of how Chushi Gangdruk successfully escorted the Dalai Lama out of Tibet in 1959, as advised by Panglung Oracle

I was just thinking,..does HHDL need to carry the thangka of Dorje Shugden to keep him safe? I find it easier to continue believing that  HHDL is an emanation of Arya Avalokiteswara and no harm will come to him. While keeping in mind that Dorje Shugden "masterminded" the entire escape way ahead of time and thus, will surely see through completion.

SO WHY did HHDL went to the extent to borrow an offering made to his Guru Trijang Rinpoche, and to carry the thangka on his own back throughout the escape? Wouldn't he know that the 30 monks would live to tell the world of this unforgettable journey?
To consider --> Trijang Rinpoche, HHDL and the many illustrious master's only wish is to benefit. However, at times, methods which may seem contradictory to us needs to be used, referring to the ban. However, due to their immense compassion for us not to be disheartened, they do leave us clues to understand their works.

HHDL carrying the thangka of Dorje Shugden to exile to me is the truth and proof of HHDL and Dorje Shugden's working relation to bring benefit to countless at this time.

Methods change as our karma and times change. Information is made available. We can read and find out for ourselves historical facts, who Dorje Shugden is. The ban was a method perhaps...but from the bottom of my heart, i really do not think it serves its purpose anymore. The ban must be lifted.

To all our online readers all over the world, my wish is that the facts you gathered here will help you along your spiritual path, be at peace and have strong faith that there is no contradiction in the 3 jewels. Share the truths!

The following is an extract from Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors (pg 125 onwards)
- a masterpiece of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and downloadable from this site.

There is something I must mention at this point.  As stated above, the Great Fifth
Dalai Lama and Omniscient Panchen Rinpoche were like Lords of the Teachings. In
actuality they are, respectively, Arya Avalokiteswara and Buddha Amitabha
emanating in the human form of special holy beings. Yet this Lord of Dharma
Protectors exhibited an ability to harm or destroy them, and such events as the
Great Fifth, having been able to summon this Dharmapala to be burned with
intense samadhi but not accomplish it, also shows that the enlightening activities
of these great masters and those of this Dharmapala are each as mutually
universal and pervasive as the other. But some who are narrow minded, not
understanding this point, consider this Dharmapala to be like an ordinary worldly
being and, with supposed faith in the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama,
disparage him; or else they indeed admire this great Dharmapala but criticize the
Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama. Using either one as a reason not to admire the other
and speaking badly about either in any way is the conduct of an ordinary being
who, under the influence of attachment and hatred, just tries to help friends and
hurt enemies;
it obscures the increase of these great holy Aryas' deeds and
creates the karmic cause to experience unbearable suffering in the future. Why is
this true? Because it is utterly impossible that such great beings, who are special
emanations of Arya Avalokiteswara and Buddha Amitabha, could lack the power
to overcome the harmful force of any sort of magical spell, harmful demon, or
spirit. This is because they are both powerful Lords who have overcome external
and internal maras without exception.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 10:05:24 AM by DSFriend »

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Re: Do you know the mind-blowing history behind this thangka?
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2011, 01:29:47 PM »
I was just thinking,..does HHDL need to carry the thangka of Dorje Shugden to keep him safe?
I find it easier to continue believing that  HHDL is an emanation of Arya Avalokiteswara and no harm will come to him.
While keeping in mind that Dorje Shugden "masterminded" the entire escape way ahead of time and thus, will surely see through completion.

SO WHY did HHDL went to the extent to borrow an offering made to his Guru Trijang Rinpoche, and to carry the thangka on his own back throughout the escape?
Wouldn't he know that the 30 monks would live to tell the world of this unforgettable journey?

Dear DS Friend,
What an interesting observation indeed. I did not think of that...
This sounds like someone leaving clues behind...
The next step in the plot is to hear of a denial of that story to make it even more widespread...  oops...