when you put your life into the hands of the monastery and become a monk, your preceptor, abbot and the entire Sangha is the refuge, companion and source of spiritual apirations and attainments. What we see in this video are lay people who obviously know nothing but to create havoc in this holy institution of learning.
Take time off to watch this video slowly and observe every single expression of the monk's faces and you can tell how much impatient they were to get it over with. Some of them just fiddling with their robes and stuff just to wait for time pass.
I'm just thinking to myself how the glorious abbots and Kensurs of this illustrious monastery was put down in order to get this swearing out done. I mean, how can u demean such an institution with your idealogy of getting monks to swaer out a sacred practice whom they've received from their Gurus.
With this event, other centres and institutions around the world who have given themselves the power or are too free to sit in their own centres copy this trade and become spiritual polices going around every Gelug Buddhist institution to tell u what u can and cannot do. How disgusting the CTA is as an example!
This is the first time I get to see it for myself and THANK?ALL MY GURUS i dont have to go through this ordeal!
We need to work harder and come together to co end all this. The old monks who had nothing else but to rely on the monastery were confused at what the CTA was doing. You could see how their hands shook while swearing their heart practice out.
I'm sure the protector Setrap must be rolling all his three eyes and thinking to himself why bring this mess into my palace?
U guys are staying in my mandala and so is Dorje Shugden!