Would you marry someone that is of another religion?
I picked the answer: YES, WHY NOT?
But I would have preferred this answer: YES, ABSOLUTELY!
I think that inter-religious marriages of two practicing persons can do wonders to our world in serious need for inter-faith harmony!
So, I think that these types of marriages could contribute to world peace!
Also, it can bridge communities, especially in places where different faiths must live together, such as India or the Middle-East.
Often in such places, we find that religion keeps people apart instead of bringing people together, that is very saddening...
If faiths cannot live harmoniously within a couple, how can they live harmoniously in the world?
This vote reminds me of this true story that happened in India shortly after the independence when the country was torn apart by the separation into Hindu and Muslim states. There had been violent struggles and many people were killed.
One Hindu man came to the Mahatma Gandhi and confessed that he had killed Muslims, and was sincerely regretting his action.
The Mahatma advised him and his wife to adopt a Muslim child and raise him in his Muslim faith.
As a Buddhist, this should even be more appropriate, for the Buddhist faith embraces all faiths without contradictions.
So what is the problem with inter-faith marriages really? What a wonderful spiritual practice this can be!