Marrying a person of another faith has its challenges. Those who thought of marrying must set a correct motivation right at the outset. Marriage is a union of two complete different personalities; living and staying together till death do them apart. There are a lot of responsibilities involved. The qualities expected of a marriage include: Integrity, love, compassion, selflessness, honesty, accepting the uniqueness of the spouse, patience, tolerance, harmony, giving, transforming oneself for the other and not changing other for oneself, protection, respect, responsibility, effort in making the marriage work, doing more for the other etc. With the correct motivation, a person can marry a person of any faith.
Without a proper motivation of why a person wants to marry, the marriage may not be successful. We don’t even have to go further into inter-faith marriage. Inter-faith marriage brings more challenges into the married couples’ lives. Sentient beings are full of delusions. The scenarios before the marriage and after the marriage are completely different. Most marrying couples put up their best front to woo the other partner prior to their marriage. Once they are married, they let their guards down and become their original self. That’s when the problem starts. Each spouse has different perception or opinion of how things should be done. This difference can cause a major argument to arise! Eventually these differences become unmanageable and then form one of the main reasons why marriages had failed. Statistics have shown there are more failed marriages than successful marriages.
Spiritual practitioners are advised to think carefully before embarking on the married life. Can the practitioner handle more responsibilities and thus distractions in the married life? Can the practitioner deal with attachment especially at the last moment of their life? If the practitioner can, marriage is an opportunity to put Dharma into practice.
Despite all the above, Inter-faith marriage is a wonderful way to encourage harmony and understanding of the people from different racial, cultural and religious backgrounds. The World needs peace, stability and harmony badly today.
To conclude, be it interfaith marriage or otherwise, it is important to understand why we want to get married.