Author Topic: Who is this protector?  (Read 6396 times)


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Who is this protector?
« on: January 15, 2012, 09:59:18 AM »
Does anyone know who this protector is in English and what is his qualities? It seems to be quite widely practiced in China but not in the western world (at least not in Gelugpa).

In Chinese it is called Huiji Jingang, and is said to be the emanation of Shakyamuni's heart.

Any more details? thanks.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 10:24:01 AM by Mana »


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Re: Who is this protector?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 06:41:59 PM »
Huiji Jingang ???? or Ucchusma is considered a vidyaraja (wisdom king) in the Vajrayana sect of Buddhism.

He is very popular in some Chinese communities for its talismanic seals, if swallowed by those with strong faith or applied to the body, will have the effect of chasing off demonic emanations, diseases, natural calamities and conferring long life. This is from "The Rites of the Vajra-Being of Impure Traces (Ucchusma) for Exorvising the Hundred Weirds " or in Chinese, ?????????.

His common Tibetan names are Khro bo sMe brtzegs, mNol ba med pa, and sMe ba brtsegs pa.

From the Surangama Sutra:
Ucchusma Vajrapala is an accomplished spiritual-practitioner during Shakyamuni Buddha’s time. At the Dharma assembly whereby the Surangama Sutra was first delivered, the Ucchusma Vajrapala recounted His own experience at spiritual cultivation to Shakyamuni Buddha, “I remember that many aeons ago, when I was a lecherous mundane being, there lived a Buddha by the name of the ‘Emptiness King’.

The Buddha preached that persons with strong sexual desire are like pathetic souls engulfed in great flames. Meanwhile, He taught me to be mindful of the cold and heated inner energies circulating throughout my body and limbs. Practising thus, I managed to gather and consolidate the Divine Brilliance within me, eventually enabling the transformation of my lust into the Fire of Wisdom.

From then onwards, all Buddhas began to call me the ‘Fire Head’. “Utilizing the power generated by the Fire Brilliance Samadhi, I finally attained Arahathood. I made the great vow that I would become a Guardian Deity to protect the teachings of the Buddhas, and to personally subdue all demonic obstacles.” Due to His distinct method of attaining spiritual enlightenment, the Ucchusma Deity is also known as the ‘Fire Head Vajrapala'????.

From the Ucchusma Vajrapala Sutra:
The Ucchusma Deity is actually the Vajra manifestation of Shakyamuni Buddha. Legend has it that when Shakyamuni Buddha was about to enter into Nirvana, all heavenly beings, with the exception of the ‘Spiral Hair-knot Brahma King’, came to pay their respect to Buddha. The Brahman King was in fact enjoying himself with the heavenly maidens in his own celestial palace.

The heavenly gods, being unhappy with the arrogance of the Brahma King, went to his abode and try to persuade him to attend the Dharma assembly. Upon reaching his palace however, the gods found themselves trapped in the defiled energy cast by the supernatural powers of the king. Even some of the Vajra Deities who were later sent to apprehend the Brahman King were imprisoned by the foul forces as well.
When Shakyamuni Buddha came to learn of this, He employed His Origin Wisdom, and the Light of Perpetual Joy and Pliancy was emitted from His heart. The Ucchusma Vajrapala soon appeared from amidst the revolving radiance of the Buddha’s heart, and ascended to the celestial palace of the Brahma King. Despite the defiled energy hurled at Him by the Brahman King, the Ucchusma Deity was unharmed as He immediately turned these forces of contamination into ordinary soil. In no time, the Brahma King was subdued and brought to the feet of Shakyamuni Buddha. For this reason, the Ucchusma Deity is also known as the ‘Filth-eliminating Vajrapala’ ????.

It is said that the Ucchusma Vajrapala Sutra contains advanced teachings for self-purification, spiritual healing, controlling the forces of Nature, and spiritual self-defense, through use of mantra, yantra, mudra, and visualization.


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Re: Who is this protector?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 07:02:55 PM »
Some info here, may not be much, but hope it helps...

???? = Vajra Krodha Mah?bala Ucchu?ma

Most of the articles are in Chinese, but manage to find one in English:


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Re: Who is this protector?
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2012, 12:06:14 PM »
Perhaps we should move the post to "General Buddhism" as it is not directly related to dorje Shugden.