If I see my Guru do wrong, it is not my Guru, it is my projection.
The "wrong" comes from my mind. The Guru is like a mirror as Khedrup Gyatso said:
Chogyam Trungpa stated that the Guru is like a mirror which reflects all phenomena. Hence he is the supreme teacher. How we interact , respond and engage with the Guru is how we engage the world. The Guru fast forward all the possible encounters we have with others in order we have opportunity to experience the emotions and thoughts which arise in us , to learn how to control and deal with them to give positive and beneficial results to ourselves and others.
When we perceive our Guru as doing "wrong", he ceases to be our Guru (a Spiritual Teacher cannot be a Spiritual Teacher if we still see Him as doing "wrong" actions, these two projections cannot be experienced simultaneously).
And when we see our Guru doing "wrong", we develop doubts and we have triggered a thought process which disables our Guru to be of assistance to us.
When we catch ourselves having the beginning of a thought such as "
ohh, this is wrong", it is best that we can recall the faith in our Guru, how the faith is validated, then recall what our Guru's motivation/intention is, recall his Bodhicitta, recall our lineage and catch our mind before it goes further in a bias view.
Then we see what is to be learned from this experience so that we can improve ourselves and get completely free of any ill thought, inadvertently disparaging our Guru.
In fact, we should rejoice when we are being challenged by our Guru, and when our faith vacillate a little, because when we gain back stability in our faith after an experience of vacillation every new bit of foundation will strengthen it to a point of unwavering, natural and spontaneously arising faith.
And this is THE foundation for our spiritual path, this is our BEST tool!
We need to think about this very carefully.
If my Guru could do wrong, would he have qualified to be my Guru? No
Has my Guru's bodhicitta been validated by his own Gurus? Yes
Are my Guru's Gurus from an established and verified lineage? Yes
Is my Guru from an established lineage? Yes
Have I properly checked on my Guru's qualifications, actions and results before I established a relationship Guru-student with my Guru? Yes
Because my Guru has bodhicitta, is it possible that He would mean harm to others? No
Therefore are all the actions of my Guru to benefit others? Yes
To benefit others selflessly, purely, with equanimity and with altruisme? Yes
Thus, does my Guru care for all sentient beings equally? Yes
Is there any being that could be neglected from his love and compassion? No
Then could my Guru do any wrong? No