Author Topic: How the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet  (Read 3391 times)


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How the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet
« on: January 22, 2012, 06:54:46 PM »
I know weve heard that the Dalai Lama consulted the Panglung Oracle in escaping Tibet, and he carried Trijang Rinpoches thangka. And I also know weve heard from former members of the Chushi Gangdrug that it was really Dorje Shugden who protected the Dalai Lama on his flight into exile...

But lest we forget, the Dalai Lamas own chamberlain Kungo Phala also acknowledged it was Dorje Shugden who helped the Dalai Lama. I quote and bold bits I find particularly noteworthy:

Another, particularly impressive figure of old Tibet was the DalaiLama's Chamberlain, Kungo Phala, whom you may vividly remember seeing in the movie Kundun. He was a guest in my home in Feldkirch on several occasions. It was he who in 1959 organized His Holiness' escape from the Norbulingka summer palace. He sometimes spoke to me about it, perhaps because he was pleased with the progress I was making in my Tibetan language studies. The preparations for the escape were made in absolute secrecy and strictly followed instructions received from Dorje Shugden. I asked him what thoughts were on his mind when he had to make his way through the crowds surrounding the Norbulingka with the Dalai Lama, disguised as a servant, just behind him. He said that everything happened exactly as the Dorje Shugden oracle from Panglung Monastery had predicted. (Panglung Rinpoche now lives in Munich.) In particularly dangerous situations, he felt he was moving within a protected space, his feet seemingly not even touching the ground. I later heard many more accounts about the escape from other people who were personally involved in it, like Trijang Rinpoche's attendants and monks of Pomra Khamtsen of Sera Mey Monastery, who had been chosen as the Dalai Lama's personal bodyguards.

(source is

Totally matches up to what weve recently heard about the way in which the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet. When you consider how devoted this person mustve been to risk his life and organise the escape, I really dont think hed lie about who helped the Dalai Lama. I mean if you want to talk about currying favour, why lie and say it was Dorje Shugden who helped the Dalai Lama? Why not go along and say it was Nechung? Surely as someone so close and as the chamberlain, if he was out to benefit from telling tall tales, he would tell a story that the Tibetan government wanted to hear, not something they deny.

Sorry but if all these people were lying about the escape, then itd be a pretty elaborate lie to make sure everyones stories corroborate.


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Re: How the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 06:33:23 AM »
Another evidence that Dorje Shugden helped Dalai Lama escape from Tibet. Like what DharmaDefender said, there is no reason for the old monk to lie about it. As the chamberlain himself is the one who organised the escape, he knows what went on during that time. There's nothing in it for him to lie, better speak the truth and let the world know.

It's amazing when he says that in times of danger, he seems to be in a protected space and moving above ground. This shows how powerful and committed Dorje Shugden is in protecting the Dalai Lama after his advise of leaving TIbet.

I wonder if there are so much evidence that Dorje Shugden is the one who helped the Dalai Lama escape from Tibet, how would the credibility of the Dalai Lama fare? He is still as popular as ever.