Author Topic: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche  (Read 12283 times)

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Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« on: January 25, 2012, 11:51:16 AM »
I have just come across a recent picture posting on DS website about a High Lama from Chatreng now established in Canada, see this link:

Here is more biographical information:


extracted from

The previous incarnation of Zawa Rinpoche was born in the Province of Kham in the region of Chating.
He became a monk at the Ganden Shartse Monastery in Tibet and was guided by his Root Gurus, the previous Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.
There, he achieved his Geshe Lharampa Degree.
This entailed countless hours of study and debate, passing through the various levels of increasing profundity of Buddhist philosophy and practice.
After he had accomplished this superior training, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche sent him back to the Chating area in order to care for the spiritual needs of that community.

Using the meditation house of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and with his blessings, he began many years of rigorous retreat practice.
Having engaged in Nyung-nye and Chabtrul purification countless times over months and years, he developed the power of healing others.
Never sleeping very much, only eating meditation pills and devoting himself to the Bodhisattva practices, he helped many recover from various illnesses merely by blowing on them and giving them blessing pills.
Much loved and respected by those who lived in Chating and elsewhere, he stayed within this region of Tibet until he showed impermance at the age of 73.
At that time, he entered into meditation on the clear light of death and remained in this state for days, the body retaining heat and showing certain signs of accomplishment.
At the time of his cremation, many ribus (sacred relics) were discovered.
His devoted community, torn by their loss, wished to quickly find his rebirth.
But due to conditions in Tibet, this was very difficult.

The people of Chating contacted Ganden Shartse Monastery in India for help.
His reincarnation was discovered in India, born of his Mother, Lhamo and his Father, Ngawang.
Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche instructed his father to send his young son to Ganden Shartse monastery where he gave him the name Tsering Dorje.
He received his ordination as a gesul (novice ordained monk) from the illustrious teacher Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche, and he was given the name Jangchub Ngawang by Venerable Lati Rinpoche.
This was in 1982, and having been recognized by various Yogis and high Lamas as the incarnation of the previous Geshe Zawa Rinpoche, he started intensely his monastic studies.
In 1997 during an elaborate and large ceremony at Ganden Shartse Monastery, he was enthroned and the title bestowed upon him was Zawa Tulku Lobsang Dorje Chokye Gyaltsen Rinpoche.
He had achieved the highest levels of oral philosophical debate during his final examinations.

Then, in 2001, because of frequent requests from the people of Chating and the monks from Chating monastery, he visited his old  homeland in Tibet.
There again an enthronement ceremony was performed by his devoted community of monks and laypeople.
He also met the members of his family and the family of his previous incarnation that had remained in Tibet. The people of the region renewed their devotion to Zawa Tulku, and he performed many pujas and prayers for them both at the monastery and in their homes.
He visited Chinghai province and met the Ven. Dema Gonsar Rinpoche and took the bhikshu (full ordination) vows.
He also made pilgrimage to many holy sites, such as the Kumbum monastery of Je Tsongkhapa, the five mountains of Mañju?r? at Otéshan, and the four great monasteries of Central Tibet (Ganden, Drepung, Sera, and Tashi Lhunpo).
This was both a happy and melancholy visit for Rinpoche: happy because of the great love and good fortune of the community, but also melancholy because of history of the recent past where conditions in Tibet which had changed so much and the old community of friends and students were now separated so often.
Many of the people of Chating were quite sad also when Rinpoche left them to travel and teach the Buddha dharma throughout the world.
They made many heart-felt requests that he return to his monastery, and Rinpoche keeps these requests close to his heart and plans to return as soon as it is auspicious.

Returning to the world outside of Tibet, at the request of many Dharma centers he has traveled extensively giving teachings, empowerments and constructing sacred sand mandalas.
Following the advice of his root Guru Geshe Tsultrim, in 2003 Rinpoche together with his assistant, Gen Lobsang Tashi came to teach Je Tsongkhapa’s pure lineage to students in Montreal.
While Rinpoche has been living at TBT we have received visits from several high lamas of our tradition: Lama Gangchen Rinpoche and Lama Michel, Kyabje Dragom Rinpoche, Dagpo Rinpoche, the Dorje Shugden oracle from Taiwan, Geshe Tsultrim several times, and many other geshes and monks residing in Canada, the United States, and Europe who have given teachings on sutra, tantra, and ritual.

Since taking up residence in Montreal Rinpoche has also cultivated close relations with Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche and the Trijang Buddhist Institute in Vermont USA.
He and Trijang Rinpoche together received tantric commentaries from Kyabje Yonggyel Rinpoche in Los Angeles in 2009.
Rinpoche has regularly attended teachings, empowerments, and retreats with Trijang Rinpoche, and there are close ties between the communities in Montreal and Northfield.

In 2006, Rinpoche received a request from Prof Dinh of University of Moncton to establish a Buddhist centre and undertake the care of the Buddhist education of people in the Moncton.
Seeing their devotion in August 2009 the Moncton Buddhist Centre was inaugurated as a place for Rinpoche to give teachings.
The inauguration was attended by many monks and geshes including Rinpoche’s own guru Geshe Tsultrim, and also by the Mayor of Moncton and the Senator from New Brunswick.

In 2010 Rinpoche was elected a member of Shar Ganden monastery in South India and has undertaken the project of establishing a tantric college for the certification of Tibetan geshes when they have completed their studies of sutra and enter into tantric studies.

The same year Rinpoche worked with members of the Tibetan communities of the United States and Canada on the establishment of the North American Geluk Buddhist Association which has as aim the development and protection of a pure lineage of Geluk Buddhism that is preserved in Tibet, and the development of virtuous actions throughout the world.
At its inauguration in February 2011 he was elected to the administration of the Association, and happily undertakes this responsibility.

He has now become a Canadian citizen.
As Resident Teacher at Tibetan Buddhist Temple in Montreal he has taken in hand responsibility for Temple affairs and advising its members.
Due to his presence and active participation many dharma activites are now being offered: teachings, initiations, ritual ceremonies, and the publication of Buddhist practice texts (sadhanas) which are available for all.
Rinpoche is very happy to see that there are now many senior students at the temple who are sincere practitioners, and who have worked hard to become able to show others the beginnings of the Buddhist path.

Rinpoche’s heart advice to his students is that we should always devote ourselves to learning and practising the stages of the path to enlightenment as explained by the great lineage Lama Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche in “Liberation in the Palm of our Hand.”
We should receive teachings on sutra and tantra many times, to rejoice in the kindness of the Lama, in our good fortune, and in the kindness of sentient beings.
We should respect the teachings of all schools of Buddhism and particularly our lineage of practice from Je Tsongkhapa through the lineage lamas to Trijang Dorjechang, and to always make sure our practice is harmonious with Atisa’s Kadam instruction.
We must always remember the kindness of Geshe Khenrab, founder of TBT, and pray that his wish that this temple benefit all beings by means of meritorious practice of Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings is perfectly fulfilled.
This is an aspect of our Guru commitment, and so, respectful of one another, we must practice to mutually develop the temple in accordance with his wishes.
By practising like this our small merits will be harmoniously combined with the merits of our Lamas, and our practice will develop without any obstacles.

Rinpoche wishes to say that it is his good fortune to be able to share the Buddhadharma with his students, and that these merits are not for the purposes of this life, but dedicated to the perfect attainment of great enlightenment.


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 05:09:22 PM »
I had the good fortune to be in the presence of this young lama, he was very gentle and very alert :)
He seems to be all over the world promoting dorje Shugden in NAGBA, going for the opening of Shar Gaden, ordination of Domo Geshe he is everywhere :)


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2012, 02:14:03 PM »
Thanks for the details information about Zawa Tulku Rinpoche.

The Chating people are very kind and religious, they did a good move to urge and discover the incarnation of this great Rinpoche.

Sometimes I think, even the Tibetan Buddhism is in the dilemma of Shugden practice now, they still come back no matter what happen as long as samsara yet to end.

I pay my highest respect to all the tulkus Rinpoche, for me, you all are Buddhas, serve others in any ways you can. May all Rinpoches live long, may all sentient beings practice Buddhadharma!!


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 03:41:03 PM »
Thank you for providing information about Zawa Rinpoche. Wow, at a young age of 30 years, Rinpoche’s vision for His work reflects the deep wisdom He possess. It is joyful to know that this (relatively) young, recognized and respected Guru is actively and opening spreading Dorje Shugden practice in various parts of the world. It is also intriguing to know that Zawa Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche are in close contact and support. I believe more and more key players and events are manifesting with increased intensity and momentum as the time for Dorje Shguden to return to mainstream Dharma practice is approaching.

In recent threads, we are getting more news about renowned Lamas joining the “wanted” list for practicing Dorje Shugden. May these occurrences of events lay the groundwork for the ultimate Dorje Shugden High Lamas to eventually come out in the open to practice, teach and spread DS to the world (like what The 14th Dalai Lama did for Buddhadharma).

From the strategic point of view, the current work is aimed to spread the information and practice of Dorje Shugden far and wide: May our Lord touch as many mind streams as possible and may many Dharma seeds be planted and imprints of Dharma be opened. This groundwork will, thus, lay the path for historical Dorje Shugden masters like Trijang Rinpoche to return to main stage and develop DEPTH in the practice amongst those who have been initially “superficially” touched.

It is always exciting to consider what will happen next. However, besides waiting excitingly in anticipation of how powerful Dorje Shugden practice will become, we must take real actions to contribute to the manifestation of this “fantasy”. What we can do include 1) sharing this sacred and beneficial practice with the people around us, 2) practicing sincerely ourselves to set a good example to people around us so that they have a positive experience of our Protector, etc. We must believe that every action, however minute, will contribute to the bigger cause. Nothing we can do is unimportant; this includes our sincere participation in this forum.

With this, let’s make the commitment to take constructive actions whenever possible to create the cause for the ban to be lifted as soon as possible!


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2013, 10:21:58 AM »
Zawa Tulku Rinpoche is indeed a very highly attained Lama despite his age. The achievements from his previous life should highlight that. It is not easy at all for a young Lama to run a center in a western country and to give talks and the like to people who may not be that readily accepting of the Dharma and who already have their own concepts of how the Dharma should be. We should all really commend his bravery. And best of all, he is a Dorje Shugden Lama who does not make it too obvious, as he focuses more on the Dharma rather than on Dorje Shugden himself which is more viable.


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2013, 05:23:52 AM »
It is inspirational to to hear about what this young lama is doing and he is already making waves in the West he is proving to be a prolific supporter of Shar Gaden and a key person in the Dorje Shugden movement and he has his own twitter too @ZawaTulku too. His devotion to Dorje Shugden and his root gurus is exceptional. He seems to be wherever the 'action' in in terms of the spread of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition and its preservation. So much to look forward to about this young lama. 

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2013, 06:42:41 AM »
He sounds nice, but nobody knows him. So he will have very little following. If he continues to practice Shugden, his future is sure to be a doom because everyone is aware of how negative Shugden is.



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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2013, 05:56:33 PM »
Thank you for sharing about Zawa Rinpoche. It is very good to know that Zawa Rinpoche having mastered Dharma knowledge and promoting Dorje Shugden practice at the golden age of 30. Zawa Rinpoche will surely be very beneficial to whoever attending His teachings and listening to His Dharma talks. Having close contact with Trijang Rinpoche also is a solid proof that Zawa Rinpoche is real and working very hard to spread Dorje Shugden to the every part of the world. May the practice of Dorje Shugden spread far and wide and the ban to be lifted very soon!


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2013, 08:10:33 AM »
He sounds nice, but nobody knows him. So he will have very little following. If he continues to practice Shugden, his future is sure to be a doom because everyone is aware of how negative Shugden is.


Well, the same can be said for the lesser known non Dorje Shugden Lamas such as Lelung Rinpoche and the abbot of Ganden Shartse, who is also not very well known and has a small following. Zawa Tulku Rinpoche runs a center in Canada that was opened by his Guru and he is there to take care of the monastery there. If he continues to practice Shugden, he will only succeed over time. He is still young and as usual, everything needs time to blossom and mature, like with every other lama.


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2013, 12:21:53 PM »
I must say reading about what this Dorje Shugden monk is doing is very inspirational. What had we achieved by the time we were in our 30s? Probably not very much for most of us. Yet here he is, with dharma centers and all he has done to lift the ban by raising awareness about the Dorje Shugden ban. I must say I am still not crazy about the idea of protesting against the Dalai Lama but i do admire the passion and the action that young monks like Zawa Rinpoche is taking. May we support all our Dorje Shugden brethren so that we can lift the ban asap.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2013, 03:13:49 PM »
Indeed it is refreshingly inspiring to read of this young and attained Zawa Rinpoche. He and other Tulkus are working tirelessly, teaching and spreading dharma and the practice of Dorje Shugden. It is illogical to say that venerable Zawa Rinpoche's future will be doomed just because he is practicing Dorje Shugden. After all, he is a Tulku, recognized by many great masters. Unless all those great masters were wrong.


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2013, 05:26:45 AM »
I must say reading about what this Dorje Shugden monk is doing is very inspirational. What had we achieved by the time we were in our 30s? Probably not very much for most of us. Yet here he is, with dharma centers and all he has done to lift the ban by raising awareness about the Dorje Shugden ban. I must say I am still not crazy about the idea of protesting against the Dalai Lama but i do admire the passion and the action that young monks like Zawa Rinpoche is taking. May we support all our Dorje Shugden brethren so that we can lift the ban asap.

You're right. He is very brave indeed to have to go to a foreign country just for the sake of spreading the Dharma, outside of his own comfort zones.  And he is doing very well. At least his center did not fold or close down, but is still going strong. I believe that his students will be of a high quality due to his sincerity, compassion, humility and dedication to the Dharma. After all, how many people can do what he did at the age of 30? I am very impressed by Zawa Tulku actually.


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2013, 06:50:02 AM »
I know.. can you imagine going to a new country with a new language... Zawa Rinpoche would have had to learn English and French to communicate with the people there. He would have had to face all the accusations about Dorje Shugden, and yet he is so strong and committed. I would think that we need to go further than to just be impressed by someone like Zawa Rinpoche. What else can we do to support Dorje Shugden practitioners? I was thinking that maybe this weekend, I will get together some friends and perhaps print out some letters and send them to our MP and ask for support. After all, the letters are already here on this website, I don't have to do much aside from maybe draft a cover letter, print out the letters and pop them in the post! Or maybe even just email them. Hmm I will think about it.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2013, 06:25:13 AM »
I know.. can you imagine going to a new country with a new language... Zawa Rinpoche would have had to learn English and French to communicate with the people there. He would have had to face all the accusations about Dorje Shugden, and yet he is so strong and committed. I would think that we need to go further than to just be impressed by someone like Zawa Rinpoche. What else can we do to support Dorje Shugden practitioners? I was thinking that maybe this weekend, I will get together some friends and perhaps print out some letters and send them to our MP and ask for support. After all, the letters are already here on this website, I don't have to do much aside from maybe draft a cover letter, print out the letters and pop them in the post! Or maybe even just email them. Hmm I will think about it.

Well, the CTA has their friends of Tibet movement, so why cant Dorje Shugdenites have the friends of Dorje Shugden movement where people support each other? Im not in favor of protests because its not productive in the long run, but forming a strong, intricate network between Dorje Shugden practitioners and helping each other would surely bring down the CTA and their ban one day. Because they cannot suppress those which are not within Dharamsala and who know better than them. If we are strong, they cannot harm Dorje Shugden practitioners anymore.


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Re: Zawa Tulku Rinpoche
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2013, 01:09:24 PM »
I rejoice that, while there are Lamas, who have stayed behind in Tibet, China, to spread and preserve the precious lineage teachings of Je Tsongkhapa, on home ground, there are other brave young Lamas , who are spreading and preserving Je Tsongkhapa's teachings everywhere else in the world, beginning with the West. Zawa Rinpoche belongs to the new breed of Lamas, well versed in the sacred teachings of both sutra and tantra, having studied in the great Gelug Monasteries, who have taken Je Tsongkhapa's precious teachings and spread them to the four corners of the world.

Zawa Rinpoche is now currently based in the Tibetan Buddhist Temple in Montreal where he teaches the pure teachings of Je Tsongkhapa to the students there. He teaches his students to be respectful of the different schools of Buddhism, and, at the same time, to respect in particular the lineage teachings and practices of Tsongkhapa that have been passed down through Trijang Dorje Chang.

He has also set up a center in Moncton, upon request , to undertake the care of Buddhist education..
In 2010, he was elected as a member of Shar Gaden Monastery and was tasked to establish a tantric college for certification of Geshes. In the same year, he helped establish the North American Buddhist Geluk Buddhist Association, to protect the pure lineage of Geluk Buddhism(of Je Tsongkhapa). he partiicpates very actively in it.

Zawa Rinpoche has established close ties with Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, who is also in North America. He had returned to Chatreng from where he (and Trijang Rinpoche ) hailed, because of the many requests of the people of Chatreng.  However, he left it again because he had an urgent need and mission to spread Dharma to the world.

A Lama of many accomplishments and with a strong sense of mission, like so many great Lamas spreading Dharma and the Lineage of Je Tsongkhapa everywhere, he is also, like many other great lamas, a strong DS practitioner. He thus travels the world to  bring Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden, the Protector of je Tsongkhapa's teachings to the world.