Author Topic: Oh the irony  (Read 7499 times)


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Oh the irony
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:46:26 PM »
The Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay has spoken out against the shooting of Tibetans. He urges the Tibetans NOT to celebrate Losar this year, and says that violence against Tibetans is unacceptable. Ah yes, that it is - how about violence by Tibetans against other Tibetans?

Will the Kalon Tripa speak up for Dorje Shugden practitioners, who are experiencing violence from their OWN people?

Here's part of the transcript of his speech, Ive highlighted bits I find a bit ironical and added my comments in blue...

I urge the Chinese leadership to heed the cries of the Tibetan protestors and those who have committed self-immolation. You will never address the genuine grievances of Tibetans and restore stability in Tibet through violence and killing. The only way to resolve the Tibet issue and bring about lasting peace is by respecting the rights of the Tibetan people and through dialogue. As someone deeply committed to peaceful dialogue, the use of violence against Tibetans is unacceptable and must be strongly condemned by all people in China and around the world.

Does that give the Chinese people the right to criticise the CTA for their treatment of Dorje Shugden practitioners?

Does that mean the CTA are now open to dialogue with Dorje Shugden practitioners, to discuss the ban and its impact on DS practitioners?

I call on the international community to show solidarity and to raise your voices in support of the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people at this critical time. I request that the international community and the United Nations send a fact-finding delegation to Tibet and that the world media be given access to the region as well. The leaders in Beijing must know that killing its own "family members" is in clear violation of international and Chinese laws, and such actions will cast further doubts on China's moral legitimacy and their standing in world affairs.

Well, if the Chinese killing Tibetans is considered killing its own family members, what about Tibetans persecuting and ostracising Tibetans? And witholding medical treatment from Dorje Shugden practitioners, thereby  indirectly leading to some deaths? Which is worse?

I want to tell my dear brothers and sisters inside Tibet that we hear your cries loud and clear. We urge you not to despair and refrain from extreme measures. We feel your pain and will not allow the sacrifices you have made go in vain. You all are in our heart and prayers each and every day.

To my fellow Tibetans, I request you not to celebrate Losar (Tibetan New Year), which falls on February 22 this year. However, please observe the basic customary religious rituals such as burning incense, going to temple and making traditional offerings.

Fortunately those who follow the CTAs stance on Dorje Shugden will be able to go to any temple quite freely to make offerings and burn incense. Spare a thought for all of the Dorje Shugden practitioners for whom day to day living must still be a struggle...

You can check out the video here for yourself...

English: Statement by Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay on the recent killings of Tibetans Small | Large


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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 09:20:10 AM »
Such hypocrisy. Why tell the world you care for the Tibetans in Tibet when you do a very bad job caring for the welfare of the Tibetans in Dharamsala? Also, they would address and give sweet talk on issues that they can barely do anything against but remain quiet on immediate issues on how to handle the ban in a more matured and systematic manner. The ban is creating all the karmic causes for CTA to never take over Tibet ever again, by re-enacting all of the barbaric ways of the old Tibetan government for the world to see. The stubbornness, lies and trickery they feed to their people combined with suppression and oppression of those that they perceive as a threat to their government just reaffirms all the Chinese propaganda that has been used by China that Tibet was a feudalistic country who have no respect for human rights, and they still are.

It wont be long before the entire world sees this, and by that time, they will lose ALL of their free Tibet supporters who have woken up to the actions of CTA, and nobody even cares about Tibet anymore unless they buck up and be a REAL government.

hope rainbow

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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 03:33:39 PM »
Actually, I believe that the great majority of the Tibetans, practicing or not practicing Dorje Shugden would respect the CTA much more if it dissociated its actions from the ban and regarded every Tibetan as equal in rights regardless of their practice.
When the CTA does that, then they start creating the karma to be heard when they speak against persecution and ostracism. Otherwise, who is listening? What credit do they have inside and outside the Tibetan community?


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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2012, 04:59:17 PM »
It is not convincing though when Dr Lobsang Sangay delivered this speech of appeal to the world about the violation of fundamental rights of Tibetans people in China now. I can see a bit of awkardness in his face and expression too.

What he said in his speech was totally right and patriotic, the only thing that I found awkard is that he did not look convincing enough as he probably  knows very well that the anti-shugden issue is prevailing and that anti-shugden Tibetans are still ostricising and discriminating the Tibetan Shugden practitioners.

It is always hard and awkard when we say one thing and do another. I really hope he will start to address the issue of anti-shugden ban within his juridiction, becasue the sooner he does that, the more trust and unification he will get from his own Tibetan people. Only then, when he speaks again of violation of fundamental human rights, his voice will be loud and clear and be heard and supported.


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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2012, 11:50:58 PM »
Dear All,

An EVIL thought just crossed my mind when reading Dharmadefender's post. Let's just stop arguing about what the CTA and Kalon Tripa is saying. THEY'RE ALL VALID!!! (In every Tibetan cabinet's sense)

So what's this EVIL plan about?

The CTA is creating such a big Hoo-hah with all the self immolations in Tibet and else where. But are they doing anything to stop it or are they just provoking the Chinese by making more news out of it? I think it is the latter. (Then again, as Buddhist leaders, don't you think you need to educate your people not to burn themselves?)

Anyways, my plan is to send these videos and links to our friends and contacts in China and aggravate them in a gentle way. We should highlight how the CTA is treating the monks and Tibetans in exile who are suffering from suppression of the Shugden ban and relate it to the karma of self-immolation.

When you deprive someone who holds the Vinaya from their commitments and practice, it is as good as taking away their lives! There's no difference in pulling a dagger down their hearts and let their bodies drip dry of their blood. What karma do they collect? For a disharmonious and unstable mind to manifest within their community to kill themselves in public, such a grave offence would have caused it.

If this news gets to the Chinese in a good way, we bring two-folds benefits to the Tibetans:

For Dorje Shugden practitioners: a voice which they would like to be heard of their sufferings.

For the Tibetans in exile; a wake up call on how ignorrant their "Administrators" are.

Harry Nephew

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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2012, 10:42:18 AM »
The only way to resolve the Tibet issue and bring about lasting peace is by respecting the rights of the Tibetan people and through dialogue. As someone deeply committed to peaceful dialogue, the use of violence against Tibetans is unacceptable and must be strongly condemned by all people in China and around the world.

Will the rights of DS practitioners be heard? Are they allowed to raise their voice to support their rights to practice? If the use of violence is unacceptable why are DS practitioners still abused and do not have the freedom to practice. Why are they still ostracized? Who will hear the cries and pains  and  their sufferings?

The leaders in Beijing must know that killing its own "family members" is in clear violation of international and Chinese laws,

What about Tibetans killing and abusing their own people? Their own people who practiced Dorje Shugden. Is it not a clear violation of international laws too?

Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay tried to sound convincing in his appeal for non violence but can he commend that trust and respect unless the anti shugden issue and the welfare of DS practitioners  are taken care of.

Big Uncle

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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2012, 10:55:41 AM »
I think we should remind CTA to exercise what the Dalai Lama has been telling them all along. The Dalai Lama wants CTA to practice democracy and have elections and even the Dalai Lama resigned and had a lay Kalon Tripa elected democratically to take over power. Isn't the Dalai Lama's message very clear?

CTA should practice what they have been taught. Everywhere else in the world, they are electing their leaders and the leaders are putting into place policies that they had promised their people. It is these policies that shape people's opinion on whether or not to vote for the aforementioned leaders into power. The very fact that the Dalai Lama resigned, he has already placed the power back into the people's hands.

If the CTA really wants to have control of Tibet again, they should start by uniting its own people. This ban has fragmented Tibetan society to its core. Monasteries have split, a sizable segment of society is ostracized and people are living in fear of who they are associating with. All this is happening because of their religious views? That is such a violation of basic human rights! How is CTA going to get Tibet back when it is running an imaginary state in India with such divided people? If I was China and I wanted to hand Tibet back to the CTA, I would take a hard look at CTA, laugh and change my mind.

Therefore, archaic policies like this ban (no offense to the Dalai Lama) that divide Tibetan society, they should chuck out quickly and enforce newer policies that foster harmony and religious tolerance. We want a united Tibetan people so the real dream of CTA can be realized.


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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 02:16:50 PM »
Has Lobsang Sangay Spoken anything about the Dorje Shugden issue yet? Lets all help him to  ;D

Tibet Jan 25, 2012 Statement by Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay on recent Killings of Tibetans Small | Large

Anyways I commented this on the video

"Lobsang Sangay what is CTA and your stand on the Dorje Shugden issue. This issue is splitting the strength of your country and people and its resources. Dividing families and friends. How do you even envision a free tibet, when there is no religious freedom accorded to your own people? If we look at karma, CTA is simply not creating the causes for a Free Tibet. "

I wonder how fast they will delete my comment :)


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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2012, 09:39:32 PM »
If the Tibetans follow the leaders' advice to celebrate Losar by visiting temples with their families and making offerings to Buddha and Sangha, then they of course still adhere to the guidelines of being a good citizen by not associating with family or closed ones who are Dorje Shugden practitioners, not selling items to the practitioners, not accepting nor giving offerings to practitioners (some of them monks and nuns), and continue to despise the practitioners.

The best part is those who are "killing their own family members" are allowed to attend teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, make offerings in temples, but monks and nuns who hold vows are ostracised because they do not want to give up the teachings and commitment they made with their teachers.

Is this not Kaliyuga? 


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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2012, 11:39:49 PM »
Dalai lama is still defacto leader, There cant be any sort of democratic choice against the Dalai lamas wishes its not possible.


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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2012, 08:06:29 AM »
Dalai lama is still defacto leader, There cant be any sort of democratic choice against the Dalai lamas wishes its not possible.

I cannot agree more with you on this. No matter how convincing the Dalai Lama says that he has given all temporal power to the Kalon Tripa, HHDL will still be the de-facto leader of the Tibetans. This has been rooted in the nation for many centuries.
Harry Nephew

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Re: Oh the irony
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2012, 02:38:17 PM »
They have blocked my id from posting further comments, but my original comment is still there.

Care to make them more uncomfortable? Some of them are still saying there is no BAN but the information is all over the world. That is some denial syndrome.