Author Topic: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.  (Read 7597 times)

Big Uncle

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CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« on: January 28, 2012, 10:59:30 AM »
I think we should remind CTA to exercise what the Dalai Lama has been telling them all along. The Dalai Lama wants CTA to practice democracy and have elections and even the Dalai Lama resigned and had a lay Kalon Tripa elected democratically to take over power. Isn't the Dalai Lama's message very clear?

CTA should practice what they have been taught. Everywhere else in the world, they are electing their leaders and the leaders are putting into place policies that they had promised their people. It is these policies that shape people's opinion on whether or not to vote for the aforementioned leaders into power. The very fact that the Dalai Lama resigned, he has already placed the power back into the people's hands.

If the CTA really wants to have control of Tibet again, they should start by uniting its own people. This ban has fragmented Tibetan society to its core. Monasteries have split, a sizable segment of society is ostracized and people are living in fear of who they are associating with. All this is happening because of their religious views? That is such a violation of basic human rights! How is CTA going to get Tibet back when it is running an imaginary state in India with such divided people? If I was China and I wanted to hand Tibet back to the CTA, I would take a hard look at CTA, laugh and change my mind.

Therefore, archaic policies like this ban (no offense to the Dalai Lama) that divide Tibetan society, they should chuck out quickly and enforce newer policies that foster harmony and religious tolerance. We want a united Tibetan people so the real dream of CTA can be realized.


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 02:36:31 PM »
I have a question.  Recently, HHDL has resigned as his post as political leader of Tibetan Government in exile.  Thus, this should creates separation between spirituality and secular matters.  I am under the impression that CTA is only responsible for secular matters such as people's welfare and actually should promote democracy, while DS ban is purely a religious matters and faith.

Since the resignation of HHDL, what is the roles or responsibilities that CTA has with regard to DS ban? How is this separation between so called "church and State" work since the resignation of HHDL?


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 01:07:07 AM »
I have a question.  Recently, HHDL has resigned as his post as political leader of Tibetan Government in exile.  Thus, this should creates separation between spirituality and secular matters.  I am under the impression that CTA is only responsible for secular matters such as people's welfare and actually should promote democracy, while DS ban is purely a religious matters and faith.

Since the resignation of HHDL, what is the roles or responsibilities that CTA has with regard to DS ban? How is this separation between so called "church and State" work since the resignation of HHDL?

Good question michaela, the CTA hasn't outlined their jobscope to the public as yet. As it still stands, it seems like they're running around like the TGIE.

HHDL still remains as the spiritual head of the Tibetans but it has been centuries of politics and religion intertwined, it'll take some time to siphon these two.

I wonder if the CTA would make a clarification on this matter
Harry Nephew

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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2012, 10:06:16 PM »
Right from the beginning I have not understood the purpose of HHDL in implementing the DS ban and TGIE/CTA in enforcing the ban. Clearly one very important way of winning global support for the return of Tibet to its own people, is for the CTA to demonstrate that it is capable of running the country for the good of all Tibetans. Instead the CTA has done what China could not do even by force, that is, to create a divide amongst the Tibetan people. Essentially the CTA has divided and conquered itself, when it should have united and conquered the enemy.

The Chinese government took the Tibetan people's country but it was the TGIE/CTA that destroyed Tibetan solidarity.

Lifting the DS ban would be the most effective way to unite a Nation and its people. I hope there is a political master stroke set in process by HHDL, and invisible to the rest of the world, that will be revealed soon. I cannot believe that HHDL does not love all Tibetans regardless of whether they practice DS or not. I cannot understand how HHDL has take a more terse stance against DS practitioners, claiming that the practice harms Him, and yet seem so open and forgiving towards a foreign power that was not so long ago shelling HHDL's palace, I guess without good intentions.


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 11:41:02 AM »
I heard CTA talking about educating their own people which I thought it is a step in the right direction.

Creating a divide amongst the tibetan is one of CTA's achievements, how can they win back their country when Tibetans are disunited. Why would the Chinese take CTA seriously? Well CTA has the power to unite the people once gain through lifting the DS ban. Lift the ban! and CTA will get tremendous support from the many huge Gelugpa institutions all around the world.  How can Trijang Dorjechang be wrong? 

DS Star

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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2012, 01:33:51 AM »
I heard CTA talking about educating their own people which I thought it is a step in the right direction.

Creating a divide amongst the tibetan is one of CTA's achievements, how can they win back their country when Tibetans are disunited. Why would the Chinese take CTA seriously? Well CTA has the power to unite the people once gain through lifting the DS ban. Lift the ban! and CTA will get tremendous support from the many huge Gelugpa institutions all around the world.  How can Trijang Dorjechang be wrong?

Totally agree with Dharma Space; how CTA can win back their country when it keeps on dividing Tibetans?

I wonder how CTA will educate the people... can the people trust CTA since they have been so atrociously discriminate Dorje Shugden practitioners?

HH 14th Dalai Lama could have a higher reason to ban DS but I believe he didn't order CTA to act so harshly and so cruel especially to the old monks who have serve dharma, their gurus and monasteries all their lives  :(

All of us here should put pressure to CTA and lifting the ban should be the only choice they have to hold on to their 'power'.

HHDL had pave the way by resigning, now it's CTA turn to resign???

Tibetans deserve a new democratic and harmonious government.


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2012, 10:03:04 AM »
It is more like CTA should realize by now what a government's focus is and what they should be doing instead of clinging on to tradition and not progressing. Tradition is wonderful but using it as an excuse to not progress and not to do the standard duties of a normal government like taking care of the people's welfare instead of governing excessively on the religious affairs of the people. Its not really "bad" to do that, but to do that and abandon the normal duties of a government makes the entire world lose respect for them. If the world does not even respect them, how can they even hope to gain a glimpse of China's trust in them to not mess things up when they go for talks?


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2012, 01:10:52 PM »
I think we should remind CTA to exercise what the Dalai Lama has been telling them all along.

They are doing exactly what the Dalai Lama told them to do: to enforce a ban on Dorje Shugden, causing a schism in the Sangha and Tibetan society in general.

Please don't blame the CTA for blindly following the Dalai Lama's edicts, they're only doing what they're told.  Talk to the puppet master, not the puppet.


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2012, 02:07:59 PM »
 I think that HHDL has his reasons to ban Dorje Shugden but the puppets have no brains but to follow blindly and lost their country.  I think CTA shouldn't focus so much on the ban of Dorje Shudgen,  but to think of how to help and unite their people and win back their country.

The people will be united when the ban is lifted. Let's work together for the ban to be lifted soon so that the sacrifices and sufferings of the high lamas will not be in vain.

Big Uncle

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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2012, 04:32:18 AM »
I think we should remind CTA to exercise what the Dalai Lama has been telling them all along.

They are doing exactly what the Dalai Lama told them to do: to enforce a ban on Dorje Shugden, causing a schism in the Sangha and Tibetan society in general.

Please don't blame the CTA for blindly following the Dalai Lama's edicts, they're only doing what they're told.  Talk to the puppet master, not the puppet.

Don't be short sighted, Lineageholder. The Dalai Lama wants CTA to be a democracy and wants them to form their own government along those lines. They can't do this without unifying the people by having older and less effective policies like the ban on Dorje Shugden which is contrary to the bigger purpose of CTA and so it has to go. If they don't go along those lines, they are contradicting themselves and they really don't want Democracy, freedom and ultimately, the independence of Tibet. 


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2012, 06:02:56 AM »
I think we should remind CTA to exercise what the Dalai Lama has been telling them all along.

They are doing exactly what the Dalai Lama told them to do: to enforce a ban on Dorje Shugden, causing a schism in the Sangha and Tibetan society in general.

Please don't blame the CTA for blindly following the Dalai Lama's edicts, they're only doing what they're told.  Talk to the puppet master, not the puppet.

Don't be short sighted, Lineageholder. The Dalai Lama wants CTA to be a democracy and wants them to form their own government along those lines. They can't do this without unifying the people by having older and less effective policies like the ban on Dorje Shugden which is contrary to the bigger purpose of CTA and so it has to go. If they don't go along those lines, they are contradicting themselves and they really don't want Democracy, freedom and ultimately, the independence of Tibet.

I agree with Big Uncle that democracy will have to be on the way in CTA. And lineageholder,you are also right in the sense that schism has been created in the sangha and Tibetan community as a result of this ban. But things keep evolving.......the decision that the Dalai Lama retired as the head of CTA and a new layman kolan Tripa, Dr Lobsang Sange had been succressfully elected means some kind of democratic procedure has been put in place.

Lobsang Sange, a Harvard law graduate, gave Tibetans a fresh new look, his recent message on TV on Jan 26 against the Chinese governement on firing discriminately at Tibetans as violation of human rights is another sign that he is moving into the right direction. At least his stand point was clear and we all hope he would sincerely apply the same to the DS practitioners, his own people who have been ostracized and discriminated by his own government. Whatever it is, I see this as a good sign also and given time, events will manifest further in the right direction.

Even the Dalai Lama in his recent teachings in Bodhgaya also said in a light hearted fashion, saying that there are more and more people taking Dorje Shugden as their refuge in China,Hong Kong, Singapore. His stand also soften by saying that it is up to you to practice Shugden or not, isn't all these good signs????

And I believe, and I do, that with time as more events unfold themselves, CTA will instill democracy for its own people, there is no other way to go actually except by uniting your own people and let go of the spiritual ban which only divide people.

Unity is the only way to go, everywhere in the world we talk about bring people together, irrespecitve of their race, colors, gender or religion. So DS or non-DS practitioners are all people whom should be treated the same with respect, love and care.

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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2012, 04:08:27 PM »
Even the Dalai Lama in his recent teachings in Bodhgaya also said in a light hearted fashion, saying that there are more and more people taking Dorje Shugden as their refuge in China,Hong Kong, Singapore. His stand also soften by saying that it is up to you to practice Shugden or not, isn't all these good signs????

And I believe, and I do, that with time as more events unfold themselves, CTA will instill democracy for its own people, there is no other way to go actually except by uniting your own people and let go of the spiritual ban which only divide people.

Unity is the only way to go, everywhere in the world we talk about bring people together, irrespecitve of their race, colors, gender or religion. So DS or non-DS practitioners are all people whom should be treated the same with respect, love and care.

Indeed, UNITY is the only to go if CTA wish to gain support from ALL Tibetans and thus pave the way for good relationship with Chinese government to return them the governing power in Tibet.

It is impossible for the mighty China to give them full independent but as long as Tibetans show them the peaceful method, I'm sure Chinese government will give them the governing power so that China can get good reputation among leading nations on international stage. China authorities wanted so much to change the international views on its poor human rights issue... so surely by giving limited but peaceful governing power to Tibetan local people, China will gain international respects.

We learnt from interviews with some Gelug Lamas in Tibet that lately Chinese government is very supportive to their monasteries in term of giving permits and financial supports to build and repair monasteries. In some, Chinese government also promote the monasteries as tourist attraction to help generate income for them. These are monasteries that practising Dorje Shugden.

So, there is only one way to unite Tibetans = CTA should lift the ban and make peace with DS practitioners.

Gabby Potter

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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2015, 04:51:36 PM »
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been promoting making peace and here they are, ruining His Holiness's reputation. They are just very good at talking and they never took actions to "prove" that they are really His Holiness's followers, they don't act like Buddhist practitioners. And here they are, acting all holy and discriminating Dorje Shugden practitioners.


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2015, 10:17:31 PM »
CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.

What a ludicrous sentence. Your obvious, politically motivated purpose is to shift the evil dalie's blame for his crimes against humanity to the convenient bunch of acolytes collectively labeled as “CTA”.

What disturbs you is not the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the evil dalie, but merely the fact that you are not among his privileged bunch of acolytes.


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Re: CTA, Practice what the Dalai Lama Told You.
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2015, 08:58:47 PM »
The CTA can't practice what the Dalie Lama told them because he keeps telling them to do the opposite as well,  leaving them totally confused as to what the hell he wants them to do!

He doesn't even know what he's supposed to do, Dorje Shugden on one shoulder nagging at him to be nice and listen to his Gurus, while Devaputra sits on the other sweetly telling him "it's ok to hurt as many people as you like, you're a Buddha and even if people disagree with you they will still think your actions are pure; you are a Buddha, your word is the law, your Gurus are wrong, yes yes, that's it, persecute them Buddha of Compassion, go ahead, lie, lie, yesss my preciousss, you're not destroying the reputation of the Three Jewels, you are the supreme Leader of all the lineages and set a perfect example of loving kindness, preciousss, yesssss, you embody the Three Jewels, my preciousss, oh yesss"