Author Topic: The "famous" Voting  (Read 6413 times)


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The "famous" Voting
« on: February 29, 2008, 08:31:38 AM »

It's the "famous voting", now in a very well mannered poll among the European Sangha, in this case it's the Spanish one.  can someone please translate?


Questions Relating to Dholgyal (Shugden) Practice 
 Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 
 Estimada Sangha del IMI,

Durante sus recientes enseñanzas en el monasterio de Drepung, Su Santidad el Dalai Lama mencionó el asunto de Shugden en varias ocasiones, y esta vez hubo mucho más inquietud en relación a este asunto.

Su Santidad el Dalai Lama dijo (Geshe Doje Damdrul tradujo):
"EL gobierno Chino está apoyando a algunos lamas para que apoyen el asunto de Shugden para crear dificultades, en especial (el gobierno chino) da apoyo financiero a estos lamas si se comprometen a mantener la práctica de Shugden. China ha lanzado críticas muy fuertes hacia mi y está presionando al gobierno de la India para que afirmen que el Dalai Lama está restringiendo la libertad religiosa al solicitar que no se realice la práctica de Shugden. Es mi tarea informar y prevenir a las personas, sin embargo al individuo es a quien le corresponde decidir, así que no estoy restringiendo la libertad religiosa".
 Su Santidad habló bastante sobre el asunto y como en el pasado explicó las razones por las cuales ha tomado esta postura.

Su Santidad ha enviado un comunicado con 2 preguntas.

El IMI está solicitando a sus miembros -monjes y monjas- participar en este comunicado. Los resultados serán incorporados y un reusmen será enviado a Su Santidad.
 Hemos subido a la página web de la información relacionada con este asunto en: en
*¿Deseas practicar Shugden?
 Si No
*¿Deseas ser parte de una comunidad en la que se compartan espacios comunes, materiales y actividades de Dharma en la que haya un grupo de practicantes de Shugden? (Este es un punto importante en especial en los monasterios en los que todavía hay monjes que hacen esta práctica)?
 Si No


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Re: The "famous" Voting
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 11:44:05 PM »
Questions Relating to Dholgyal (Shugden) Practice 
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
(Originial text a bit unclear at times)
 Dear IMI Sangha,
During his recent teachings at Drepung Monastery, His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentioned the Shugden issue in different occasions, and this time there was a lot of restlessness about it.

His Holiness the Dalai lama said that (Geshe Doje Damdrul translated):´The Chinese government is supporting some lamas to support the Shugden issue by creating difficulties, in particular (the Chinese government) offers financial support to these lamas if they make the commitment to maintain the practice of Shugden. China has sent strong criticisms towards me and is putting pressure on the Indian government to declare that the Dalai Lama is restricting the religious freedom asking no to do the practice of Shugden. It is my duty to inform you and warn you, but every person has to decide, so I am not restricting the religious freedom.´
His Holiness spoke at length about this issue and, as he did in the past, he explained the reasons why he has taken this posture.

His Holiness has sent a communiqué with two questions:
The IMI is requesting its members, monks and nuns, to participate. The results will be collected and a summary will be sent to His Holiness.

(Unclear sentence in Spanish:) We have placed in the website the information related to this issue in at

*Do you wish to practice Shugden?

* Do you wish to be part of a community that shares common spaces, material things and Dharma activities with a group of Dorje Shugden practitioners? (This is an important point, especially at the monasteries in which still there are monks who do this practice)?



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Re: The "famous" Voting
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 11:56:16 PM »
The IMI is the International Mahayana Institute, the monks and nuns of the FPMT.