Author Topic: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective  (Read 11628 times)


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This is an old letter but i wanted to post it here because the Shamarpa says that when Dorje Shugden practitioners protested against the Dalai Lama, the then Tibetan-Government-In-Exile were 'silenced'. The Shamarpa doesn't comment about the Dorje Shugden issue itself though. Does anyone know what Shamar Rinpoche thinks of the Dorje Shugden issue?
Reply by Shamar Rinpoche to question from Tseten              

Date: 15.04.01

Your Eminence Shamar Rinpoche, With the utmost respect, I want to ask you: Why are you and your "clique" of a few Buddhist teachers unknown to most Tibetans fighting very aggressively for the recognition of your "Karmapa" ( You believe that you had the responsibility for searching him and you think that you have found the right Lama. Then why don't you pray and be happy with him? If you have nothing to hide, why do you still indict other institutions? If you truthfully claim that no Dalai Lama ever had had a say in the internal affairs of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, then why do you fight so violently for the Dalai Lama's recognition? On one side you claim that you fight for the survival of an old institution and on the other side you accuse and allege other old Buddhist institutions and high teachers, who should be working for the survival of their old Buddhist traditions, too. What is so problematic about letting Situ's group ( follow their own Lama who they have found. If you are right, they can't be a problem for you. Tolerance and respect is asked from both sides. Who is right and who is wrong, who knows. It is especially weird for a fellow Tibetan to hear from you and various members of your group all kinds of accusations against our Government in Exile. As a Tibetan you should know that Tibet was lost partly due to its rejection of modern technology and science that the thirteenth Dalai Lama had already introduced to the country. We are in the process of building a good democratic future government of Tibet. This is important for all Tibetans, not just for a small group. It would be good if you had a second thought on the consequences of your actions before you made them an object for criticism from outsiders. The Tibetans in exile have made mistakes, and we have learned from them. Democracy is nothing that comes out of the blue sky and can be installed instantly when we return to Tibet. It needs long term practice and experience. We have a golden opportunity to perform it now in exile, while our government resides in the biggest democratic country of the world. It is known to all intellectual Tibetans and Tibet experts in Tibet and outside Tibet that the future of the Tibet will be decided by the Tibetans and not any religious institutions. Tibet was lost because too many people from nobility and religious groups clang to their little field of interest rather than working together for the general good. These mistakes should be avoided in the future. I sincerely wish you a good health.
Most respectfully, Dr. Tseten Trinley
Cc: Tibetan Association Germany; German-Tibetan Cultural Society

Dear Mr. Tseten Trinley, I would like to respond point by point to your letter.

1. You write: "…a few Buddhist teachers unknown to most Tibetans fighting very aggressively..." The Buddhist teachers you refer to as "unknown", may be unknown to you, however they are quite prominent to many others-- Tibetans and Himalayans alike. In any case, these Rinpoches are known throughout the world to actively serve the Karma Kagyu, and are definitely committed to opposing those who betrayed the lineage. We have never fought aggressively. It is well known in India and the rest of the world, that the traitors within the Karma Kagyu have initiated the fighting and have on three separate occasions physically fought against the spiritual teachers and monks who wish to preserve the authenticity of the Karma Kagyu. During the second and third of these aggressive actions, 'Dotod' people in the Tibetan Exile Government's organization, joined the attack against the Karmapas monasteries in Rumtek and New Delhi. We have videocassettes of these attacks, but we have not circulated these publicly in U.S. and Europe, in order to protect the reputation of Tibet. Would you rather these cassettes were circulated to clear up the confusion of people like you? If you are certain that we have been the aggressors, please show your proof. We have suffered beatings and attacks patiently. Our response has always been to clarify the false accusations, allegations, misrepresentations of history, and lies that those who betrayed and their collaborators have disseminated.

2. You write: "You believe that you had the responsibility for searching him and you think that you have found the right Lama. Then why don't you pray and be happy with him?"
If I were simply a follower of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, I could do as you suggest, be a devotee, pray, and not have to look for the reincarnation of Karmapa. But, I am ShaMarpa and I have the responsibility of protecting the lineage. The situation is not just a matter of finding the reincarnation, but now involves protecting the monasteries and the rights of lineage from those who wish to sell it out. I am a man of principle. If you don't know who ShaMarpa is, go to Bonn University where you will find the complete historical record of my past and my responsibilities.

3. You write: "If you have nothing to hide, why do you still indict other institutions?" Where and when have I indicted other institutions? If I have done this you should be able to prove two points:
a. That I said something about another school that is baseless and untrue.
b. That when I did say something critical about another school, it was said for reasons other than those specifically related to our current Karma Kagyu problems.

4. You write: "If you truthfully claim that no Dalai Lama ever had had a say in the internal affairs of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, they why do you fight so violently for the Dalai Lama's recognition?" I have never requested the Dalai Lama's recognition for Karmapa Thaye Dorje. From the beginning to the present, my stand has been consistent: the Dalai Lama has no authority in the recognition of a Karmapa. Secondly, the world is witness to the fact that I have never acted violently. If you can prove otherwise, please do so.

5. You write: "On one side you claim that you fight for the survival of an old institution and on the other side you accuse and allege other old Buddhist institution and high teachers, who should be working for the survival of the old Buddhist traditions, too." The procedure by which the boy Ogen Trinley was recognized and enthroned as Karmapa was highly irregular and not in accordance with Karma Kagyu tradition. In late 1991, Situ Rinpoche secretly collaborated with the Chinese government in Beijing where they jointly decided to select Ogen Trinley as Karmapa. When Situ came back to India, he produced the so called prediction letter of the 16th Karmapa from around his neck-a letter for which we all had been searching for the last 11 years. How amazing! When I, ShaMarpa, and the 16th Karmapa's monks demanded the letter be submitted to forensic testing because it was obviously written in Situ's handwriting, Situ's collaborators attacked Rumtek Monastery to prevent this from happening. At the same time the Chinese government enthroned Ogen Trinley in Tibet. H. H. Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile fully supported the aggressive physical attack on Rumtek Monastery, Situ's collaboration with China, and the Chinese government's authority to recognize and enthrone Karmapa. Please show me that this is as you say, the authentic procedure of an old Buddhist institution, and I will surrender. My goal is to defend and protect my school, the Karma Kagyu, from those who wish to destroy it. I did not object to Ogen Trinley taking the name of Karmapa, but I do object to him taking over Rumtek Monastery as the Dalai Lama wishes. I will defend against this for these reasons:
a. Rumtek Monastery was both the seat and the most important monastery built by H.H. 16th Karmapa. I, from my position as ShaMarpa, do not want this to fall into the hands of a political puppet.
b. Legally, Rumtek Monastery belongs to 16th Karmapa, not to the Dalai Lama. My brother and I are 16th Karmapa's direct nephews and wish to protect his property from those who want to illegally take it over.
c. I am one of the Trustees of the Karmapa Charitable Trust, the legal caretakers of the monastery. All of the Trustees except one, Situ Rinpoche, as well as Karmapa's legitimate monks, support my view in this matter. Please tell me on what grounds, either spiritually or legally, the Dalai Lama has the right to make decisions over the use and ownership of the monastery that belongs to the 16th Karmapa, which is on land given to him by the Sikkimese king in 1960.

6. You write: "What is so problematic about letting Situ's group follow their own Lama who they have found…" We have never objected to Situ following his own Lama.

7. You write: "It is especially weird for a fellow Tibetan to hear from you and various members of your group all kinds of accusations against our Government in Exile." We never made accusations against the Tibetan Government in Exile until we were forced to defend ourselves against the Government in Exile's involvement in the internal affairs of the Karma Kagyu. The shocking behavior of the Exile Government in taking the side of one faction while trying to destroy the other, made the internal problem infinitely worse. Their actions made it necessary to expose their treachery. But how did we do this? As always we did it in a nonviolent, responsible manner by respectfully explaining the events and historical context of the problem. I find it interesting that when the Dorje Shugden organization violently protested, accused and attacked the Dalai Lama, you were frightened into silence. But when we respond to the Exile Government's dishonest interference in our internal affairs in a respectful manner, you are fearless and make bold accusations that we are being violent. This is wrong.

8. You write: "We are in the process of building a good democratic future government of Tibet. This is important for all Tibetans, not just a small group. It would be good if you had a second thought on the consequences of your actions before you made them an object for criticism from outsiders."
This is exactly what we have been saying to the Exile Government of Tibet. You should direct this comment to them, not to us..

9. You write: "The Tibetans in exile have made mistakes, and we have learned from them. Democracy is nothing that comes out of the blue shy and can be installed instantly when we return to Tibet. It needs long term practice and experience. We have a golden opportunity to perform it now in exile, while our government resides in the biggest democratic country of the world. It is known to all intellectual Tibetans and Tibet experts in Tibet and outside Tibet that the future of the Tibet will be decided by the Tibetans and not any religious institutions."
I congratulate you on your view.

10. You write: "Tibet was lost because too many people from nobility and religious groups clang to their little field of interest rather than working together for the general good. These mistakes should be avoided in the future." I do not agree that Tibet was lost because of nobility and religious groups. I think it was lost because religious institutions and lamas took over the government. In 1988 in front of H.H. Dalai Lama and many Tibetan religious leaders in Varanasi, from my position as a spiritual leader, I suggested that government and religion should be separated. Lay people should run the government in a democratic manner. I also specifically emphasized that H.H. Dalai Lama is the only one who can institute this change. Thank you for you interest.

My best wishes for you. ShaMarpa
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 07:35:28 PM »
We werent violent, Just loud  ;D


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 08:51:43 PM »
We werent violent, Just loud  ;D

None of the protests to bring the ban down were ever violent. They were organized, polite and very civil in fact. Can see the hundreds of videos on youtube. Geshe Kelsang's group did a good job and worked very hard through the protests to bring awareness to the whole world. We are grateful for all the work Geshe-la and group did and continue to do.  :)

It was the anti Shugden people who were rude, loud and vulgar in fact-again see the youtube. :(


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2012, 09:00:53 PM »
We werent violent, Just loud  ;D

The Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world owe quite alot to Ven Geshe Kelsang. He with a good motivation spent so much to have organized international protests to let the Dalai Lama know the ban is not correct. Geshe-la and his people were very organized, committed and worked tremendously hard to help the world realize the rights of religious practice were removed from Shugden practitioners. Geshe-la recieved so much flack, bad press, accusations and bad reputation for the sake of Shugden practitioners which he did not care being a true Kadampa Geshe like Langri Thangpa. We were all inspired by Geshe-la's guru devotion and genuine hard work to propagate the sacred Buddhadharma all over the world.

We at this website sincerely rejoice in Geshe Kelsang's deeds and we offer our prayers for his long life, continued good works and his wishes may be fulfilled. We have always had profound respect for Geshe Kelsang.



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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2012, 09:18:14 PM »
And on the contrary Tibetans whom had just come from the Dalai lama's teachings in New York were Violent. Something to consider it's an example of people with blind faith who support apartheid within their own community shameful.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 09:23:05 PM by Mana »


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 09:02:58 AM »
I find it intriquing that Sharmapa, who has important roles in provoking debate as to which Karmapa is the real 17th Karmapa, actually use DS protests as analogy.

Is this because he admired DS protesters effort, or because we are against the ban that have been instituted by Dalai Lama, the very Lama that that recognized the other Karmapa that is not chosen by Sharmapa? 


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2012, 01:30:49 PM »
The Holy Karmapa was the first recognised tulku in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. If he is so realised and also prophesised to be a future Buddha surely he can have many emanations? So he can be technically all the various candidates of the Karmapa right?

Having said that if the Dalai Lama can determine the next Karmapa, which is unprecedented, can the Dalai Lama also determine the head of the Sakyas and the Nyingmas? If the Dalai Lama wants to preserve power over many lifetimes why engage in such coarse actions that everyone can see it is clearly out of bounds?


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2012, 03:30:58 PM »
All I can say is that the then-TGIE (currently known as CTA) stuck their fingers into too many pies, got engaged in too many offensive acts AND THEN tried to turn everything around against the party they have wronged. To top this sundae with a cherry, the accusations the CTA made were based on flimsy and, in some cases, ridiculous arguments.

Conclusion, they did a good job in making themselves look bad and, sadly, their poor actions spilled over and reflected poorly on HH.

It is pretty cool that ShaMarpa made a brief comment about Dorje Shugden. This shows that this matter in the forefront on many distinguished Dharma leader’s mind. From the tone and reference in which the subject was mentioned, ShaMarpa feels that this matter was poorly handled by the CTA and it was good that the protests were heard and the CTA silenced.

I pray that very soon, the CTA will be silenced permanently on matters that are harmful to sentient beings.


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2012, 05:47:30 PM »
I have never heard that Shamar Rinpoche gave any statement or stand towards the issue of Dorje Shugden, but (not surprised  8) !) that previously, this was published on CTA's website, which the old link doesn't work now ( :

The current Shamar Rinpoche, in his letter to Ladakh Lama Chime Rinpoche's monastery, said: "We Kagyud and Nyingma followers believe that even our bad dreams are caused by Shugden. Years ago, I visited Dharamsala with the late Karmapa. At that time, I stayed at Gangchen Kyishong guest house. There I dreamed that Shugden was trying to harm me. Later, I performed Padmasambhava's wrathful riruals to counter Shugden's attempts."

Not sure how true this is though  :P


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 09:39:40 AM »
The Sharmapa's incarnation was banned, again due to flimsy reasons to hide the tibetan govt's intent on taking on his ladrang and property, and also to surpress his political power. the Dalai Lama has no need to make such decisions and such decisions could only have been forcibly made by some greedy, corrupt officials.

It is very powerful for the Sharmapa to make such a statement, especially if he promotes Dorje Shugden openly, he will be able to overcome the current political situation that he is currently facing at the moment with the Kamarpas as well as internal discords will clear up.

I wonder why the Sharmapa would say something like that, that statement was made before anyone knew who the Shamarpa is. CTA never really recognized the Shamarpa, only the current incarnation was unbanned and allowed to carry back his old title and obviously not consulted at all regarding the Karmapa recognition. It is clear that many historical facts were distorted to make it look like Dorje Shugden is bad on the Dalai Lama's website, so I am not surprised that the "testimonial" was forged, and now removed after the Sharmapa chose his own Kamarpa.


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2012, 06:51:50 PM »
I find it intriquing that Sharmapa, who has important roles in provoking debate as to which Karmapa is the real 17th Karmapa, actually use DS protests as analogy.

Is this because he admired DS protesters effort, or because we are against the ban that have been instituted by Dalai Lama, the very Lama that that recognized the other Karmapa that is not chosen by Sharmapa?

I believe he uses the protests as an analogy not just for the protests themselves but for making a point about the way in which the Tibetan exiled government (now CTA) has responded. He is pointed out in his statement the clear double standards that are being maintained by the CTA - that they would accuse one group of something and not another, and deal with a similar action of protest in very different ways.

The point made here is very valid though. Technically, the Dalai Lama has no right to intrude in the affairs of the Kagyu. They decide on their own heads of sect, just as is practiced in all the other three sects. This is a clear example of how boundaries are well overridden by the Dalai Lama and his people - from sect to sect, and from spiritual to secular, there seems to be no getting away from the exclusive edicts of the Dalai Lama.

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 08:26:12 PM »
The Sharmapa's incarnation was banned, again due to flimsy reasons to hide the tibetan govt's intent on taking on his ladrang and property, and also to surpress his political power. the Dalai Lama has no need to make such decisions and such decisions could only have been forcibly made by some greedy, corrupt officials.

It is very powerful for the Sharmapa to make such a statement, especially if he promotes Dorje Shugden openly, he will be able to overcome the current political situation that he is currently facing at the moment with the Kamarpas as well as internal discords will clear up.

I wonder why the Sharmapa would say something like that, that statement was made before anyone knew who the Shamarpa is. CTA never really recognized the Shamarpa, only the current incarnation was unbanned and allowed to carry back his old title and obviously not consulted at all regarding the Karmapa recognition. It is clear that many historical facts were distorted to make it look like Dorje Shugden is bad on the Dalai Lama's website, so I am not surprised that the "testimonial" was forged, and now removed after the Sharmapa chose his own Kamarpa.

Sharmapa should apologize to HHDL and accept the recognition of Orgyen Trinley.

Sharmapa has made the kagyus look very bad. Who is going to listen to him over Tai Situ and HHDL?


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2012, 08:30:50 PM »
The Sharmapa's incarnation was banned, again due to flimsy reasons to hide the tibetan govt's intent on taking on his ladrang and property, and also to surpress his political power. the Dalai Lama has no need to make such decisions and such decisions could only have been forcibly made by some greedy, corrupt officials.

It is very powerful for the Sharmapa to make such a statement, especially if he promotes Dorje Shugden openly, he will be able to overcome the current political situation that he is currently facing at the moment with the Kamarpas as well as internal discords will clear up.

I wonder why the Sharmapa would say something like that, that statement was made before anyone knew who the Shamarpa is. CTA never really recognized the Shamarpa, only the current incarnation was unbanned and allowed to carry back his old title and obviously not consulted at all regarding the Karmapa recognition. It is clear that many historical facts were distorted to make it look like Dorje Shugden is bad on the Dalai Lama's website, so I am not surprised that the "testimonial" was forged, and now removed after the Sharmapa chose his own Kamarpa.

Sharmapa should apologize to HHDL and accept the recognition of Orgyen Trinley.

Sharmapa has made the kagyus look very bad. Who is going to listen to him over Tai Situ and HHDL?

Woah there...Its none of His Holiness buisness in backing the candidates according to the information Ogyen Trinley was already recognised as another incarnation before being selected as Karmapa. I would rather listen to my own lineages school then that of others.


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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2012, 10:42:16 PM »

I believe he uses the protests as an analogy not just for the protests themselves but for making a point about the way in which the Tibetan exiled government (now CTA) has responded. He is pointed out in his statement the clear double standards that are being maintained by the CTA - that they would accuse one group of something and not another, and deal with a similar action of protest in very different ways.

The point made here is very valid though. Technically, the Dalai Lama has no right to intrude in the affairs of the Kagyu. They decide on their own heads of sect, just as is practiced in all the other three sects. This is a clear example of how boundaries are well overridden by the Dalai Lama and his people - from sect to sect, and from spiritual to secular, there seems to be no getting away from the exclusive edicts of the Dalai Lama.

Just to add to this, Dorje Shugden is a Gelugpa protector. The head of the Gelugpa lineage is the Gaden Tripa, not – with respect – HH the Dalai Lama. HH the 101st Gaden Tripa is now an open Dorje Shugden practitioner with his ladrang in Shar Gaden – what does that say about whether the Dorje Shugden practice is a sacred practice or not?

The majority of the great Gelugpa masters are Dorje Shugden practitioners, previously if not currently. What does that say about the legitimacy of Dorje Shugden practice?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Shamar Rinpoche says that DS practitioners' protests are effective
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2012, 10:54:54 PM »
The Sharmapa's incarnation was banned, again due to flimsy reasons to hide the tibetan govt's intent on taking on his ladrang and property, and also to surpress his political power. the Dalai Lama has no need to make such decisions and such decisions could only have been forcibly made by some greedy, corrupt officials.

It is very powerful for the Sharmapa to make such a statement, especially if he promotes Dorje Shugden openly, he will be able to overcome the current political situation that he is currently facing at the moment with the Kamarpas as well as internal discords will clear up.

I wonder why the Sharmapa would say something like that, that statement was made before anyone knew who the Shamarpa is. CTA never really recognized the Shamarpa, only the current incarnation was unbanned and allowed to carry back his old title and obviously not consulted at all regarding the Karmapa recognition. It is clear that many historical facts were distorted to make it look like Dorje Shugden is bad on the Dalai Lama's website, so I am not surprised that the "testimonial" was forged, and now removed after the Sharmapa chose his own Kamarpa.

Sharmapa should apologize to HHDL and accept the recognition of Orgyen Trinley.

Sharmapa has made the kagyus look very bad. Who is going to listen to him over Tai Situ and HHDL?

Woah there...Its none of His Holiness buisness in backing the candidates according to the information Ogyen Trinley was already recognised as another incarnation before being selected as Karmapa. I would rather listen to my own lineages school then that of others.

HHDL was approached by Rumtek, Tsurphu and Tai Situpa. HHDL did not 'interfere'. They asked HHDL to use his superior psychic methods to check for the authenticity of this incarnation. HHDL used dreams and divinations to divine the true incarnation.

HHDL being highly attained naturally accepted their request and affirmed what they have chosen to be Karmapa already.

His Holiness Dalai Lama assisted them very kindly not interfered. How can assisting in finding an incarnation as requested be interfering.

If you were to choose Sharmapa's candidate then you would have to choose Beijing's candidate of Panchen Lama also.