Author Topic: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama  (Read 20023 times)


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2012, 05:32:43 AM »
This picture speaks thousand words! And the report says it all...

Talking to the Panchen Lama, the premier pledged that ethnic autonomy will continue in the region and that greater efforts will be made to improve the lives of Tibetan compatriots, as well as protect the environment, the region's cultural traditions and the religious freedom of the Tibetan people.
Wen asked the Panchen Lama to deepen his research on academic works on Buddhist doctrines in an effort to ascertain positive thoughts from Tibetan Buddhist doctrines.
He also asked the Panchen Lama to lead Buddhist lamas and followers in loving the country, abiding by laws and abiding by Buddhist commandments.
He also called on the Panchen Lama to play an even greater role in safeguarding national unification and the unity of all ethnic groups.

The Chinese PM - Wen Jiabao meeting the Panchen Lama shows that the Chinese Govt supports spirituality and FREEDOM of Religion :)  I believe this a huge mark that tells us the PRC is making great effort for harmony amongst their people/nation, and especially the Tibetans. Most monasteries i.e Tashi Lungpo as mentioned by thaimonk in China's Tibet are allowed to go on their marry way with their own lineage and practices. Dorje Shugden practice is still happening there - there is no problems there. No ban and no disharmony there. Seems like there is more Freedom in China's Tibet now then in Dharamsala for Tibetan in exile.

If the CTA have 1/3 of some wisdom, they would realise what a totally nonsensical ban and problems they have self created that causes disunity amongst their own people whom they wish for support. Secular wise and political wise it does not serve them. So the banning Dorje Shugden just creates more confusion and seperation amongst their own people. Very sad indeed.

Big Uncle

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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2012, 06:11:10 AM »
Wow! This pictures says a lot about who this monk is. I am talking in the sense that this monk who claims to be the incarnation of Panchen Lama is taking on his predecessors footsteps. Even in such a young age, he is already meeting with leaders and obviously trying to secure the spiritual freedom of the Tibetan people. He is doing a lot within China and his work will grow and grow.

I don't know if he is the real incarnation but his every move seem to increase the Dharma within China. Even if he is denounced as a fake Panchen Lama incarnation but his Dharmic works are increasing, that show his level of commitment to the Dharma. I think he understands it is crucial that he hobnobs more and more with the Chinese leaders as this will ensure the continued success of the resurgence of Buddhism within Tibet/China. Thanks to the Dalai Lama's efforts, the effort will be concentrated mainly on Dorje Shugden.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2012, 12:20:19 PM »
Quote from Tenzin Gyatso -
"This is the false Panchen Lama. How can a non-Buddhist, non believer of religon such as the Chinese govt find a Tulku. They don't even believe in higher states of mind, reincarnation and the power of Tulkus to choose their rebirth."

A lot of people can't understand why Dalai Lama aka Chenrizig inflicted so much pain and suffering to DS practitioners of his own lineage when he preaches universal compassion and promotes interfaith harmony. Some people think he is fake, some lose faith in the religion because of what he's done to DS followers.

I choose to see the results of his actions. After all these years, no one can deny that HHDL has done more for Buddhism than any other Buddhist leaders. Therefore, I respect him and sincerely pray for his long life.

If the 11th Panchen Lama can bring spirituality to 1.3billion people in China , I don't care who recognized him. To me, he is the real Mc Coy.
After all ,Buddha Shakyamuni didn't have any high lama to recognize him  ;)


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2012, 04:34:23 PM »
Seeing this picture, I feel a sense of relief. Reasons, the purpose of of these High Lamas/Monks taking ordination to be a Sangha member is to benefit others.

If there are so many restrictions of who they can't meet, how they should speak, their ways of transmitting the Dharma, HOW ARE THEY GOING TO BENEFIT OTHERS?

This picture shows the 11th Panchen Lama with the Premier of China, Wen Jiabao. For many years now, people have been criticizing Tibetans and especially Tibetan Lamas of working with the Chinese for reasons only they themselves can understand (ie silly/selfish reasons). In my opinion, these Lama ONLY want to do work to benefit others. They do not care about politics or any other selfish reasons. But for most people, they can't even understand this simple point.

China has more than 1 billion citizens. It is such a huge potential for the Panchen Lama to reach out to spread peace, unity, compassion besides spreading Buddhism. This picture will give confidence to many people out there to speak out, stand up to do good.

Also, People will think, the Panchen Lama is willing to do anything even to meet China leaders, putting his reputation at risk. So this will inspire more people to do the same. They will put their egos down, put aside their attachments and get down dirty to do work that benefit others. Only this way, we will improve, we will care more for others.

This picture really speaks a thousand words.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2012, 04:42:02 PM »
I believe either the 11th Panchen Lama real or fake it really doesn't matter.  What matters is the monk robes, the study behind, the vows, the intelligence, the understanding of sutra and tantra, and most important the lineage and the practices.  I personally don't think China is that stupid, the fact they have selected this particular Panchen Lama must have a deeper reason behind.

Now, when Wen Jiabao personally meeting Panchen Lama and recognized his work, brought a new light into the scene.  Not only the Chinese has shown respect to the practice of Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetans, indirectly the Chinese has recognized the practice of Tibetan Buddhism in China and would like to gain more information on the subject.  China is not stupid, they must have done years of study and research to take this very step.  What is the motive?  I don't know.  All I can guess is they "want" to have full control over Tibet in every aspect.

By doing that, in fact China is getting all the benefits.  But soon, China will be a powerful country and it has always been the most important country for Buddhism.  How Tibetan Buddhism grows in China is accelerating the dharma to many intelligent, powerful chinese.  From there, it will unite the nation with core Buddhism practice.  I believe this is what every country is seeking for, unity, peace and harmony.  It may all seem politically incorrect now, but soon it'll be faded.  That is why all these high lamas worked tirelessly all these while to bring dharma to others, no doubt.

This is the beginning of the light, the truth will be revealed soon.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2012, 06:25:42 PM »
Ironically, like HH the 14th Dalai Lama, the 11th Panchen Lama is scrutinized and criticized for political issues. When will we stop letting politics seep into the spiritual arena? We keep saying HH is combining Dharma with politics but do we not know that we, the lay followers are also culprits to the same “crime”? Are we not the pot calling the kettle black? Enough already!

Like Big Uncle says, let’s focus constructively on the tangible benefits these great beings have created through their effort. HH brought Buddhadharma to the world when he left Tibet 50 years ago. In the past 5 decades, Buddhadharma has graced many nations but one: The People’s Republic of China. Why? It is due to HH’s political status with China.

50 years ago, it was not significantly urgent for Buddhadharma to bless the nation of China. However, in the past 20 years, as China rose and revealed its potential to become the world powerhouse, it became clear that it was time for Buddhadharma to return to motherland China. I believe that this was the time when HH started to cook up the controversy in the form of the Dorje Shugden ban.

Why create a controversy? The drama is needed because HH can never spread Dharma to China consequent to His political relations with China. If HH cannot bring Dharma to China directly, maybe He can through reverse psychology: by discouraging it…by banning it! This goes back to explaining and reinforcing the debate argument that the ban is a part of a bigger picture that will bring ultimate benefit.

Besides creating the ban, HH has to pass the spiritual baton to someone (as he has already done so for His secular work). So, who would China accept? Certainly not someone picked by the Dalai Lama! How about someone the Dalai Lama does NOT recognize? A possibility arises. How can this someone be created? By creating a diversion of a “fake” Panchen Lama.

Panchen Lama, Dalai Lama, Dorje Shugden...these are just names that are created to make sense to our unattained minds. The importance and ultimate goal is for Buddhadharma to flourish to bless and benefit all sentient beings. If it takes a “fake” Panchen Lama that is recognized, endorsed and supported by the Chinese government to achieve this goal, then so be it.

So, with this controversial setting of a “fake” Panchen Lama , Buddhadharma finds its way back to China.

As China continue to rise and influence the world economically, politically and socially, Buddhadharma will flourish to more parts of the world…maybe even Africa as China is developing a strong presence there. Is this not our aspiration?: “May the precious Boddhi-mind, where it is not born arise and grow; May that born have no decline but increase forever more”.

Thus, in summary, if our motivation as Buddhists is to have Dharma bless more people, this seems like the way to go. After all, we are in the 21st century where achieving the desired end result, which is for Buddhadharma to flourish, is of vital importance. Conclusion, I rejoice to see Premier Wen Jia Bao meet with Panchen Lama.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2012, 07:18:48 PM »
Dear Tenzin Gyatso,

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche met this Panchen lama a few years ago, Gangchen Rinpoche is well-known for his clairvoyance, why would he even bother to meet a fake Panchen Lama??? Why?

Dear Tenzin Gyatso,


If you want more information, please read this


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2012, 10:19:10 PM »

This is the false Panchen Lama. How can a non-Buddhist, non believer of religon such as the Chinese govt find a Tulku. They don't even believe in higher states of mind, reincarnation and the power of Tulkus to choose their rebirth.

How can you choose a candidate of a reincarnated Panchen Lama when you don't even believe there is reincarnation? Does it make sense??

Then once this 'Panchen Lama' is installed by a Communist atheistic govt, the Shugden followers all lavish praises on this Panchen and go and meet him, and further the propaganda. How does it make you look?

Why would you believe in this Panchen hand picked by the Chinese govt? By what spiritual powers authorizes the Chinese govt to select the genuine Panchen Rinpoche?

Why would I believe this Panchen Lama who was selected by the Chinese govt?

  • I have no clue whether this Panchen Lama is real or not, but like Hope Rainbow, i believe in HE Gangchen Rinpoche and since Gangchen Rinpoche is endorsing this Panchen Lama, it is not a great leap of faith to also believe in this Panchen Lama.
  • I also believe that the Panchen Lama can emanate in many forms. There are other controversial examples of Lamas who may have two or more emanations, such as the Karmapa, Dromo Geshe Rinpoche, and even Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. The Panchen Lama is no different. Who is to say that the one selected by China is NOT an emanation of the Panchen Lama?
  • The China recognised Panchen Lama, who is now publicly endorsed by Premier Wen Jia bao, will have freedom to share Dharma with China. What a powerful position. And this Panchen Lama is not restricted by the Dalai Lama on Dorje Shugden practice. See the fantastic Shugden chapel in Tashi Lhunpo! Instead of criticising this Panchen Lama, why not support and see what he will achieve?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2012, 03:02:39 AM »
This is great news ever since HHDL announced the ban!

We all can see china became the key country now and future in the world, many countries is following china footstep. So such as top important person Wen jiabao meets with panchen lama is consider official accepted and welcome vajrayana buddhism flourish in china. On top of that panchen lama did practise DS.  ;D

The number is not only 1.2billions china people , how about westerner ? These days many westerner learning mandarin and get to know china history and cultures. This will also lead people to buddhism practises regarding lama tsongkapa and DS. All is inter connection.



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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2012, 03:27:16 AM »
I do not think it is important if the picture is a forgery or not but I am sure whoever did it would have good motivation, the motivation of fighting for free religious rights, the motivation to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice, the motivation that Tibetans who are practicing Dorje Shugden to be not further persecuted and treated as pariahs among their own people. So, I would not debate about a teeny weeny picture when the real issue is still unresolved.

If HE Lama Gangchen Rinpoche met with this Panchen Lama, then I do not need to think or debate anymore.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2012, 08:30:36 AM »
What matters is that this 11th Panchen Lama has been 'endorsed' by 2 great Masters of the Gelug Lineage, Gangchen Rinpoche and Gaden Trisur. As Panchen Lama, he is second only to the Dalai Lama as Spiritual Leader of Tibetan Buddhism. His main role is to preserve and spread the Buddhadharma. If he also has the endorsement of China's political leaders(and in this instance, it is Wen Jiabao, China's Premier), then it makes his work in spreading the Dharma  in populous China, the great powerhouse of the much easier.

This picture speaks a million words and augurs well for the spread of Shugden practice and for the spread of  Dharma in China.  (It has already been verified in another thread that the Panchen Lama does practice Dorje Shugden and to spread Shugden is to spread the lineage teachings of Je Tsongkapa ).


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2012, 01:23:01 PM »
Wow! A revolutionary photo, showing the penetration and acceptance of Tibetan Buddhism into China! The prime minister of China meeting the 11th Panchen Lama shows that he respects and recognizes the works of the Panchen Lama in spreading and upholding the Buddhist doctrine. It is so important, to have the prime minister meet such a high lama of the Gelug lineage, creating the causes in widespread acceptance of Tibetan Buddhism in the future within China. From there, it will spread to the world.

Whether the Panchen Lama in discussion here is fake or not, doesn't matter. What matters is the result it has, and it is acknowledged here, by the Prime Minister of China.

I would also like to quote from the article:

"Talking to the Panchen Lama, the premier pledged that ethnic autonomy will continue in the region and that greater efforts will be made to improve the lives of Tibetan compatriots, as well as protect the environment, the region's cultural traditions and the religious freedom of the Tibetan people."

Even China is pledging for the religious freedom of the Tibetan people. What is the CTA doing for its people?

negra orquida

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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2012, 01:49:01 PM »
After reading this article, i felt very heartened... that although the China have been pushing forward very hard and fast for economic progress and the country is growing in leaps and bounds, its leader has not forgotten that spiritual wealth is just as important as material wealth.

PM Wen Jiabao establishing connections with the 11th Panchen Lama at the almost-height of China's success is a strong indication that yes, we want progress, we want development, we want wealth and prosperity... but we also want Buddhism! We have not forgotten the religion practised and passed down by our forefathers and which survived the Cultural Revolution!

It is really important that the people of China remains grounded with Buddhism.. because they might just take over the world one day  :P

Tenzin K

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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2012, 02:54:39 PM »
Reading the article and looking at the pic shows the open door of Tibetan Buddhism to spread in China. With the huge amount of people, there are so many to be benefited! is a WOW!

This also show the acknowledgment of the China government accepting Tibetan Buddhism. Premier Wen had mentioned their concern of toward the country and I believe he is giving hint on the direction or angle of how the Buddhist teaching should be benefitted for the government & the people.

China very particular in harmony of the country, their fabulous and ancient culture as well as the unity of the country.

Personally I have no question whether 11th Pachen Lama is the fake one, I believe in the great master.
The pic of Gangchen Rinpoche acknowledge the 11th Panchen Lama said everything. No question for this High Lama with so much of his great work.

I strongly believe of the blessing from Lord Shugden that make this happen and for Pachen Lama will open this door of China for more opportunity for the Great Lord Shugden practice to benefit the Chinese.   

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2012, 03:26:47 PM »
WoW, the Premier of China meeting with the 11th Panchen Lama in the grounds of Zhongnanhai, Beijing, the highest ground of authority in China.

The second most powerful man in China requesting research and study into Tibetan Buddhism is such a great affirmation to the logical and authentic doctrine of Lama Tsongkapa. I am blessed to have the opportunity to follow this doctrine.

With China's growth as a world super power, may China once again take ownership of this very powerful religious doctrine and let her population of 1.3 billion have a better life spiritually.

Imagine with one sixth of the world population practising Gelup tradition, what will happen to the Ban of Protector Dorje Shugden?  Disappear!