Author Topic: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama  (Read 20020 times)

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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2012, 04:47:18 PM »
As China continue to rise and influence the world economically, politically and socially, Buddhadharma will flourish to more parts of the world…maybe even Africa as China is developing a strong presence there.

I had never thought of this, but it is a reality, China's presence is very strong in Africa and going stronger!
Through Chinese influence, the Buddha Dharma finds a way to connect to Africans. And there will be practitioners taking rebirth as African to assist in the growth of the Buddha's teachings in Africa and making the Dharma African just like it has been westernized by some lamas of the Tibetan diaspora...
Interesting perspective indeed!
And who do we thank for this? HHDL and his entourage for the ban in the first place, Dorje Shugden and his entourage for creating the causes for the ban to be lifted, and yes indeed, the 11th Panchen Lama also, however un-recognized He is by some. Results show and will show more.

Thank you for pointing this out SP, and for widening my perspectives.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2012, 08:25:28 PM »

Whether the Panchen Lama is chosen by Tibetans or Chinese may be relevant from the perspective of tradition but not so relevant from a religious perspective. I read some of the post comments and I could not help but wonder whether those disputing the "authenticity" of the Panchen Lama are also claiming that the Buddhism that is spreading in China is not authentic. Are these critics saying that the Buddha's teachings that will spread even more as the result of good relations between the Panchen Lama and China, is not real?

And what is more important? To adhere to tradition or to see to the spread of dharma through whatever skillful means are required to achieve that purpose?

So often we get caught up in the details and lose sight of what is important. What is truly important here is the fact that the Buddha's teachings is spreading fast to the most populous country in the world and a country that is fast gaining strong political and social influence throughout the world.

Look at the influence of China. Look at the Euro Debt Crisis and the rest of the world economy. Isn't it a good thing that the Buddha's Teaching is finding a tremendously powerful sponsor?

And what does this also mean for the spread of the great practice of Dorje Shugden?


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2012, 03:57:54 AM »
After reading this post, I went on and did a search on Panchen Lama, From Wikipedia, it says that initially HHDL has recognized Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as the re-incarnated 11th Panchen Lama but China denied this statement and they selected Gyaincain Norbu (aka Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu) as the 11th Panchen Lama.

My point of mentioning this issue is, whether or not he is the real Panchen Lama is not important, but it clearly shows that China will promote all the way for whatever HHDL is against it. So it means When HHDL ban for Dorje Shugden, vice versa, Dorje Shugden is very well promoting in China, the government even support the monastery of DS practitioner.

Whether this 11th Panchen Lama is real or fake, I don’t think this is so important because for the facts that he has done a lot for spreading Tibetan Buddhism in China, he is definitely a wonderful Lama that China is having now.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2012, 05:12:31 AM »
Wow! It's good to know the the Prime Minister encouraging the Panchen Lama to continue spreading and safeguarding Tibetan Buddhism. Personally, it doesn't matter if this Panchen Lama is fake or not.  He is a monk, holds His vows, spreading the teachings of Buddha and now China's PM is acknowledging His work and in a way promoting Buddhism in a communist country. Isn't that something to be proud of? Don't you think that with this ban, China went all the way against it, proved that more people actually got to know Lord DS? Whatever it is, our main objective is for CTA and HHDL to lift the ban ASAP! Not contemplating on a picture on whether it is fake or not, whether the Panchen Lama is fake or not. There is also a book on which the author wrote that even HHDL is fake. Our motivation is solely for the ban to be lifted!


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2012, 06:56:20 PM »
This news article is great as it shows that the China government is endorsing the works of the Panchen Lama. And that the China Government is supporting Tibetan Buddhism.

When the China Government supports the Panchen Lama, then the Chinese people will follow what their government says. With this the practice of Dorje Shugden will grow also. This is because the Panchen Lama practices Dorje Shugden. It is also China's history and heritage that the Emperor Sun Ji is a practitioner of Dorje Shugden, so it is not something new. The acceptance of Dorje Shugden by the Chinese people would be easier.

With China supporting the Panchen Lama, i think they hope that the Panchen Lama would reciprocate also and start to influence Tibetans to be peaceful and stay united with China.

May this meeting speed up the lift of the ban!

This is the false Panchen Lama. How can a non-Buddhist, non believer of religon such as the Chinese govt find a Tulku. They don't even believe in higher states of mind, reincarnation and the power of Tulkus to choose their rebirth.

How can you choose a candidate of a reincarnated Panchen Lama when you don't even believe there is reincarnation? Does it make sense??

Then once this 'Panchen Lama' is installed by a Communist atheistic govt, the Shugden followers all lavish praises on this Panchen and go and meet him, and further the propaganda. How does it make you look?

Why would you believe in this Panchen hand picked by the Chinese govt? By what spiritual powers authorizes the Chinese govt to select the genuine Panchen Rinpoche?

We understand your concern on whether the Panchen Lama is genuine or not as he is selected by the Chinese Government.

However, I choose to look at it this way. Whether the Panchen Lama is real or not, he is spreading Buddhism to the world and he is doing it in the most populous country in the world and a place where Buddhism once flourish. And now, that he has the backing of the Chinese government, his world will be come fruitful. I, as a Buddhist, would love to see Buddhism grow to all parts of the world.

The Panchen Lama is wearing monk robes and is bound by his Bodhisattva vows! So, he is a genuine monk. He is teaching the real Buddhadharma to people.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #35 on: February 22, 2012, 06:04:37 PM »
Wow! These picture speaks a thousand words and open a thousand doors for Shugden practitioners like me. It has been a constant uphill battle for us but we are starting to see more results of sticking through thick and thin with what our practice. To me, this picture tells the whole world ESPECIALLY CTA that

1. China supports Tibetan Buddhism as it is part of the Chinese Culture

2. China supports Panchen Lama, his work & his practices ie SHUGDEN & it will continue to GROW more

3. China recognised that Tibetan Buddhism definitely has values which will create UNITY & HARMONY for the Chinese people

The Chinese GOVERNMENT IS NOT STUPID, they are extremely intelligent. Definitely, they have checked Panchen Lama out thoroughly before they even allow their Prime Minister to meet Panchen Lama. That is common sense. LOOK AT CHINA RESULTS IN THE LAST 10 YEARS. Whatever the government endorses, the people will follow and support.

Someone should send this picture to the CTA with a caption :-


Even if 5% of CHINA population (650,000) follows Panchen Lama, it is BIGGER THAN the Tibetan outside China. And they choose to ignore this. They are barking at the WRONG TREE.

I agree with shugden promoter. The Chinese Government is highly intelligent. I'm not surprised they are reading this website and are also taking part in this forum.  Endorsing the Panchen Lama is a positive sign for the growth of Buddhism in China. As shugden promoter stated, "Whatever the government endorses, the people will follow and support."

There are debates that this Panchen Lama is fake and is China's puppet. If this is true, then this Panchen Lama will still have to fake it and continue what the previous Panchen Lama was practicising. Since the previous Panchen Lama practised Dorje Shugden, then this "fake" Panchen Lama will have to practise the same.

So if this "fake" Panchen Lama is currently practising Dorje Shugden and China endorses him, then millions of Chinese will follow what this "fake" Panchen Lama practises!!! Shugden still wins!:-)


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2012, 04:17:45 PM »
For me the picture of Chinese PM meeting Panchen Lama speaks a thousand words.  I am not interested in whether this 11th Panchen Lama is the real incarnation of Panchen Lama or not.  As has been stated in many Buddhist books, enlightened beings can many incarnations for the purpose of benefiting others.

For me, what this person, incarnation or not, has done to bring benefits to others, that command respects.

I think the picture has the following significance:
-  The Chinese government acknowledge that Buddhist doctrines are very important in winning over Tibetans.  Looking at the history of red army, the cultural revolution, and materialsm, their communist beliefs, it is very amazing form PM Wen to acknowledge that Buddhist doctrines are important and worth a deeper look.
-  It represents a huge opportunity for Buddhism to be spread in China
-  As the Chinese give a deeper look to Buddhist doctrines and could not find faults in it, the bigger chance for them to embrace it.  1.3 billion people in China will be impacted and they respected their government.



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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2012, 06:06:53 PM »
This article truly reinforces the "greater picture" purpose of the ban - to promote Tibetan Buddhism and to help spread the Shugden practice in China. Before the ban, the Chinese were only interested in annihilating any desidents calling for freedom. Remember Tiananmen Square? Hundreds were killed by the Chinese soldiers. And they wouldn't blink an eye to destroy Tibet if the Tibetans continued to fight for their automony from China. But when the ban came into play, Tibetans became divided and fought among themselves, and this took their focus away from their cause for freedom. Though on the surface this split created a lot of hardships and pain for the Tibetans, but it ironically saved them from being massacred by the Chinese.

Today we see a completely different picture. The growth and spread of Tibetan Buddhism in China and in turn the increasing popularity of the Shugden practice. China today is actually trying to forge better relations with Tibetans and promoting better living conditions for them.

Some of us mentioned the "bigger picture" theory of HHDL's ban of Shugden practice. For me, this is the bigger picture - HHDL wanted to save the Tibetans from total annihilation and instead spread the Shugden practice to 1.3 billion people on this planet.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2012, 11:15:42 AM »
Dear Tenzin Gyatso,

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche met this Panchen lama a few years ago, Gangchen Rinpoche is well-known for his clairvoyance, why would he even bother to meet a fake Panchen Lama??? Why?

Dear Tenzin Gyatso,


If you want more information, please read this

This is so true why would Lama Gangchen and Trisur Rinpoche or anyone wants to visit a fake Panchen Lama.  They have better things to do than to pay respect to a fake Panchen Lama.  China is intelligent, has a large population and is world influential.  China command respect from every country in the world.  What can Tibetan do now?  They only divide  and cause suffering to their own people by banning Dorje Shugden practice.

Tibetans can never have independence as they are not united.  They should lift the dorje shugden ban and win all the Tibetans to fight a common goal.


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Re: China Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao meets 11th Panchen Lama
« Reply #39 on: December 07, 2012, 04:23:42 AM »

This is so true why would Lama Gangchen and Trisur Rinpoche or anyone wants to visit a fake Panchen Lama.  They have better things to do than to pay respect to a fake Panchen Lama.  China is intelligent, has a large population and is world influential.  China command respect from every country in the world.  What can Tibetan do now?  They only divide  and cause suffering to their own people by banning Dorje Shugden practice.

Tibetans can never have independence as they are not united.  They should lift the dorje shugden ban and win all the Tibetans to fight a common goal.

So we can say here that there is a lot of proof that China's Panchen Lama is the real one and the one that HHDL has chosen is just a distraction of sorts for the Chinese? If I remember correctly, real tulkus will find a way to teach no matter what happens and for the Dalai Lama's candidate to sink into silence with no news at all is rather odd and unusual. China may be powerful, but they cannot stop enlightened beings from manifesting.