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« on: February 13, 2012, 07:08:29 PM »

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to you to draw your attention to a most important issue within the Tibetan Buddhist community. This is not about any Free Tibet issues. This is something even more important about the freedom of people within the Tibetan community and among each other.

1. It is well known that His Holiness the Dalai Lamas throughout their incarnations over the centuries have been both secular and spiritual heads of the Tibetans. This may have worked in the past, in a country that was isolated from the rest of the world. However, many countries throughout the modern world understand that the mixing of secular and religious affairs cannot work. This system has failed time and time again, throughout history, in all the largest nations in the world.

But this is not so in the exiled Tibetan community living in India. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, up until very recently, held both secular and spiritual leadership of his people. Decisions and policies made for the country encompassed both secular and religious edicts at the same time. This has become very pronounced during the Dalai Lama’s ban on the religious worship of the Buddha Dorje Shugden.

2. As a spiritual leader of his people, it may be the prerogative of the Dalai Lama to proclaim a ban on a particular religious practice. In fact, he has even banned all Dorje Shugden devotees from attending his sermons, rituals and special religious ceremonies. Within a spiritual sphere, perhaps this is still permissible, since he is their religious authority. Also, any Lama has the right to determine which students are permitted to attend their ceremonies.

However, as the secular leader of his people, the Dalai Lama should maintain an unbiased concern for all citizens of the nation under him, no matter what their religious choices are. He should NOT exclude people from coming to see him as their political, secular leader during his non-religious activities, talks or appearances. Unfortunately however, this is what is happening: Dorje Shugden devotees are not permitted to have anything to do with the Dalai Lama or his people, solely because of his religious beliefs.   

At the same time, although this is a spiritual matter, the secular institution of the Central Tibetan Administration (formerly known as the Tibetan Government-in-Exile) has also become deeply involved. They actively search for Dorje Shugden people to create obvious segregation and undemocratic bias. When they find them, the CTA ostracizes, attacks and ridicules Dorje Shugden practitioners. They deny them any of the welfare, voting rights or privileges that all citizens of a country should be equally entitled to.

Through the ban, Tibetans are forced to make an exclusive decision – choose to follow the Dalai Lama or Dorje Shugden. However, if they choose to continue with Dorje Shugden, they do not only lose connections to the Dalai Lama. They are also severed from all voting rights, education, social welfare, medical aid or even social interaction with their fellow Tibetan citizens. This is because the Dalai Lama has said clearly that Tibetans must completely sever all social, working and religious ties with Dorje Shugden practitioners.

This is NOT RIGHT. The Dalai Lama may have supreme spiritual authority over his people, as their religious leader. However, as he is also their secular leader, he should still have equal care and concern for his people as citizens of his nation. This goes beyond one’s religious orientation, which is every individual’s freedom to choose. Even if someone is not allowed to associate with the Dalai Lama for religious reasons, they should still have the right to associate with their secular, political leader. After all, they are still citizens of the community – shouldn’t all citizens be granted equal liberties and civil rights, regardless of their religious choices? Shouldn’t every secular leader have equal concern for the people under his leadership and take care of their welfare irregardless of their religious beliefs and orientation?

There are also Tibetans who are not Buddhists, but are Muslims, Bonpos and the likes. They are allowed to attend all the Dalai Lama’s religious ceremonies and secular gatherings. Basically, all citizens of Tibet are allowed to interact with the Dalai Lama, whether on a religious and/or secular level EXCEPT Dorje Shugden practitioners. How does the Tibetan leadership address this when every other democratic country in the 21st Century will not tolerate this kind of blatant discrimination.
3. Lastly, in more recent times, the Dalai Lama has retired as the secular head of the Tibetan exiled community. In 2011, the respected Dr. Lobsang Sangye has stepped into the position as the Tibetans’ new prime minister, overseeing all secular affairs of the state.

However, Dorje Shugden devotees are still not permitted to associate with him, only because of their religious orientation. Why is this so? There is now a clear distinction between the spiritual leader (Dalai Lama) and the secular leader (Lobsang Sangye). But it seems that religious edicts have also overlapped onto the secular affairs of the Tibetan community. The spiritual dictates from the spiritual leader are also being upheld by the secular leaders of the community. Why is this so? Why have spiritual affairs become a part of the political affairs of a country; and vice versa?

So, we would like to post the following important questions, which need to be asked and addressed:    

- As a religious leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama does not allow people to come to his talks. We respect and understand that. It is his prerogative as their spiritual leader. However, on a secular level, as the leader of all six million Tibetans, why does he not allow these same Tibetans to join in his secular activities, talks, rallies and events? If not, why not? After all, His Holiness is still their leader.

- Now that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has passed his secular power to the first Prime minister of Tibetans, Dr. Lobsang Sangye, what do all the Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners do? Are they allowed to talk to and interact with their new secular leader? Or are they restricted from doing so purely because of their religious choices? What are they expected to do?
- Dr. Lobsang Sangye (Prime Minister) is a secular leader, a layman who was newly and democratically elected who is not a Spiritual Guru or Dharma teacher; only strictly a worldly leader for the benefit of all Tibetan citizens. How do Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners relate to him? How should they relate to him? How should Dr. Lobsang Sangye, as their Prime Minister, relate to them? Can they even consider him their leader although they are Tibetans who still practice Dorje Shugden? They certainly do not have any spiritual bond (samaya) with him and their religious practices would not have any bearing on their relationship with him, as it might with the Dalai Lama.

- In future, how do Dorje Shugden practitioners relate to the next prime minister after Dr. Lobsang Sangye? And the one after that? And after that? How should all these future prime ministers relate to the people?

We do not mean disrespect to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, or to Dr Lobsang Sangye, the CTA or any Tibetans. However, we need to ask these questions. They are logical and necessary at a time when the world does not operate solely by religious edicts. It is unfair, undemocratic and a travesty of human freedoms. We call for reconsideration of this ban and how it is being conducted and wish that all have the freedoms to make their own religious and worldly choices.

With respect,

(This is a letter we will be sending to all CTA depts, Prime Minister Dr Lobsang Sangye and over 2,000 Tibetan related centres. It will be sent by email and physical mailings.)

« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 08:39:53 PM by Admin »


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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2012, 07:25:00 AM »
Oh i just commented on the website section but I will add my comment here as well:

This is certainly food for thought. Not being a Tibetan, I can only give an external point of view. With regard to #1, I believe that there must be a reason why HH the Dalai Lama is ostracising Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Anyone with half a brain would realise that what HH is doing is a PR nightmare – especially for someone known worldwide for proclaiming peace on earth and love to all with equanimity. Yes, love for all sentient beings must include Dorje Shugden practitioners, right? However, here he is, presenting the case that Dorje Shugden is a demon (which has been easily and logically disproved elsewhere on this website) and all Dorje Shugden practitioners should be treated as lepers.

Why the Dalai Lama would do this is the 64 million dollar question. As I find most negative reasons unpalatable, the most acceptable reason for me is that he must have a particular strategy in mind; which is in order to promote Dorje Shugden, he has to appear to be against it.

People may say why does he make so many suffer? Perhaps it is their karma to suffer.. surely nobody can create suffering for others unless they created the causes themselves? Also, there may be a number of people suffering, but the majority of people who would hear Dorje Shugden’s name or see his holy image far outweighs the number who are being ostracised so perhaps it is a numbers game. Another possibility is that the Dalai Lama is expediting the fruitioning of the negative karma of DS practitioners so that they can clear their negativities in order to continue on their spiritual journey.

As for the remaining 3 questions, well, the Dalai Lama has asked all Tibetans not to associate or share material things with Dorje Shugden practitioners, so it looks like Dorje Shugden practitioners have been completely excommunicated.

If Dorje Shugden practitioners are excommunicated, they will not be allowed to participate in any secular events because of this strange overlap of the sacred and the secular, with the Dalai Lama being such a strong influence in the Tibetan exile community, even though he has said that he is 'retired' as the secular head of the Tibetan government in exile, now known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).

If the question is should they be allowed to interact with Dr. Lobsang Sangye and the CTA, the answer would of course be YES. For the first time since the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, spiritual and secular leadership of Tibetan society has separated. The Tibetan diaspora is scattered throughout the world, the culture of its lay people becoming increasingly diluted as they slowly assimilate into the different cultures of their host nations. If the CTA doesn't get their act together, there will be NO Tibetan community to administer over.

For over 50 years, the Tibetans who left their motherland have been homeless, waiting for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan-Government-in-exile (and of course, Nechung!) to gain independence. For half a century, there has been no progress for Tibetan independence. I feel that the CTA are using Dorje Shugden as a scapegoat for their lack of progress in this direction. And Dorje Shugden is selfless enough to absorb it.

What are Dorje Shugden practitioners expected to do? Depends on from whose perspective. From the Dalai Lama’s perspective, DS practitioners should just quit DS or fade quietly into the background. From CTA’s perspective, DS practitioners are to blame for all their failures so they expect the DS practitioners to just accept the blame. From the DS practitioners’ perspective, the Kalon Tripa/CTA should treat them equally as any other Tibetan. The Kalon Tripa/CTA should represent all Tibetans equally, regardless of religious affiliation. After all, they would represent Bon practitioners, Muslims etc. so why not Dorje Shugden practitioners?

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2012, 07:28:09 AM »

Dalai Lama has always been seen as the “Figure Head” in both secular and the spiritual matters in Tibet. Even upon his resignation as the secular head in CTA, Tibetans are still looking over his shoulders from time to time.

It’sbsoultely human only if Dalai Lama, as seen as the head of Tibet, to allow ALL Tibetans, irrespective of gender, religion and age to come to consult him on matters relating to the welfare of the people. However, he is not allowing this, and I could only have this as my answer. He is definitely Chenrezig, for him to act in such a illogically manner, there is only one purpose. By not allowing Dorje shugden practitioners to some to him, he is continueing his propaganda to talk about the ban and hence “indirectly” promoting Dorje Shugden in his own way.

The fact that Dalai Lama has stepped down as a secular head of TGIE (now CTA) is already a sign to all the Tibetans that they should operate the government like any other countries in this 21st century. Spiritual and secular matters should not be mixed.

It is a “subtle” hint that people are free to choose their religion and that should not be mixed with the welfare of the people.It is really up to this new prime minister, Dr Lobsang Sangey to take the courage as the secular leader of the Tibetan people to implement changes.

When it comes to secular matters, ALL Tibetans, irrespective of their gender, age, and religious believes, should be free to approach the minister to discuss issues of their concerns. So Dorje Shugden practitioners, who have been discriminated and ostracized for so long should speak up.

Dr Lobsang Sangey recently had made a public speech on TV addressed to the Chinese government around the Tibetan new year in January 2012, on their brutal attack on peaceful demonstrators of Tibetans in China, and calling for International pressure against the Chinese as they have violated basic human rights issues.

If Dr Lobsang Sangey could speak with such passion for his people, then he should continue along this path to speak for Dorje Shugden practitioners in Tibet, as these are his people too. The power is in the hands of DS practitioners and Dr Lobsang Sangey, what would be a better choice for all the Tibetans when they are reunited as one? I am sure, the new PM, being a harvard law graduate knows the answer well.

I do hope new face brings new changes as we are not living in the caveman era, as leaders, I believe they DO have moral responsibility to his people. I would like to quote what US President Obama has once said ” Change we can!”


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« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2012, 10:28:50 AM »
From Facebook post on Dorje Shugden's wall by Blue Garuda:

Blue Garuda

The Dalai Lama is not the polititcal head of anything, much less a 'Government' now downgraded to an 'Administration'. He is in India as a refugee and any action by him which breaches India's laws (with regard to religious freedom) should result in action by that Government to stop him. In the UK we currently have Moslem preachers who incite violence against others on religious grounds. and should be repatriated to their homelands, as long as they are safe there. Thurman was right - there is a Tibetan Taliban - but it's not the Shugdenpas.


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« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2012, 10:54:03 AM »
excellent points, and such a clear and logical perspective. Very impressive. This separation between church and state has been long established by every other country in the modern world. It has become very clear in modern history that mixing the two doesn't not make a progressive, stable, fair, democratic nation. The Tibetan exiled community would be no exception, especially as they're living within one of the largest democracies in the world - India. Almost ironic enough to make me smile.

I think this is the most pressing point: that secular affairs have intruded into the most basic human freedoms and rights, so that Tibetans dorje shugden practitioners are not granted even the most basic things like medical aid, education, jobs, or even friends. Where else in the world are people not allowed to befriend each other based purely on their religious choices. In this case, what role does the prime minister (now, Dr Lobsang Sangye) have in this community? In this case, can there / should there be two prime ministers? Should Tibetan Dorje Shugden devotees create their own exile community under their own leadership with their own constitution?

Why is it that Tibetan Dorje Shugden devotees have to abide by some rules of the Tibetan exiled government constitution but don't get the corresponding rights? So part of their citizenship applies and part of it doesn't? How can this be fair?


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« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2012, 01:26:01 PM »
Religious and secular matters do not mix in true democracy. In short what is rightfully Tibetan in secular rights does not apply whether they are DS practitioners or not. Why call it democratic when it is not? Democracy should be applied all the way without discrimination on whichever religion or faith. The purpose of a democratic government is to practise the spirit of social equality.

The prime minister , Dr Lobsang Sangye, who forms the government in which the sovereign power resides in the people of Tibet and is exercised by Tibetans who elect him to represent them. What else are all Tibetans expected to do whether they are DS practioners or non-DS practioners is extremely obvious and clear.


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« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2012, 07:08:16 PM »
I wonder how some Buddhist could give lame remarks like them be and settle their own issues if there is any. Gosh you have got to blind or deaf if u cannot see the huge discrimination of this century! It
 is like a country is being hit by tsunami or earthquake and u say let them settle their own issues.

These are real good questions that requires real answers. The Tibetans suffering due to religious discrimination is real. The holy sangha, senior sangha and younger sanghas suffering are real. And all just because they have a different practice.

So now with a newly appointed 1st time ever in the Tibetan history, the Tibetans have a new Prime Minister or is it only for Tibetans who follow HHDL and who don’t practise Dorje Shugden??? So where does the Tibetans who practise Dorje Shugden go to for answers and secular affairs, welfare and support??? Are they not considered Tibetans just cause the have a different practice? That is so weird, does not make any sense and totally unacceptable in a democratic nation. No way will we see this in any democratic nation today.

CTA, Dr Lobsang talk about unity, harmony and freedom for Tibetans… but there is simply none for Tibetans’ “Dorje Shugden” practitioners. Hence where is the democracy in this? Hence they should not be any cry for a Free Tibet because it simply is not free from within. And is the nations’ Prime Minister Dr. Lobsang Sangye just a puppet for the CTA, just an act, a mask to hide away the real issues Tibetan in exile are facing?
What good is a Prime Minister if he cannot protect his own people without bias? What’s the point of having a PM then, makes no difference.

However we justify and look at it, in all sense in makes no sense and why should the world put up with such hypocritical act?

Sad that Tibetans escape from Tibet to be imprisoned by their own Tibetan community. They make themselves a laughing stock esp to the PRC.


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« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2012, 02:42:38 AM »
The situation prior to HHDL’s resignation as the secular leader of the Tibetan people and the current situation after HHDL’s resignation as the secular leader among to the same. No changes. In both situations Tibetan people who practice Dorje Shugden are basically treated as persona non grata. The is a censure of the more severe kind. Sort of a Tibetan “Cultural Revolution”.

Because I respect the HHDL a lot, I will think of logical reasons why this is happening.

Q1: We have to go all the way back to basic problem that is facing the Tibetan people and that is of Tibet itself. The problem that is rooted in the China/Tibet issue is secular and not spiritual while the HHDL is still alive. Any public events whether it is of spiritual or secular is public and is more secular in nature as it can be viewed by the world at large. So the HHDL is very cautious that he strongly implement the ban publicly. In my opionin, the ban itself is more secular than spiritual ie for others to see.

Q2: Yes, strictly speaking since the HHDL passed the secular leadership to the new PM, ANY Tibetan regardless of belief should have equal rights and access to the PM. I urge all DS practitioner to regard this as an olive branch and take up their right of access to the PM in all ways despite any obstacles. It may take time for over enthusiastic members of the CTA to mellow down. Just attend any events by the PM without fuss. Even show support. That would be nice.

Q3: A famous person in China who practice Tibetan Buddhism once said that the HHDL is the spiritual leader. Obviously, in this case, his secular leaders would be the Chinese leaders. Similarly, whoever the Tibetan regard as their spiritual leader; they should regard the PM as their secular leader and the PM should regard all Tibetan as his people. DS practitioner should just regard the PM as their secular leader and vice versa from the PM. Again without fuss. I see this as a possible step for the ban to be lifted. Perhaps, first for secular matters and finally for the spiritual ban itself.

Q4: The same as Q3. Regard all future secular leaders as their leader. Exercise your right as Tibetan. May not be easy but keep going at it positively like Gandhi. After all, Buddhist are suppose to be peaceful. Show the world how good DS practitioners are and we will win.



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« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2012, 05:19:05 AM »
A holy being like HHDL will manifest compassion in the best ways to get the most benefits out of it. As lay people, we are confused by his actions. To quote from Poonlarp: “This is so confusing as the country which promotes world peace doesn’t have peace within their people. How could a person who promotes compassion and love to the world don’t have compassion and love towards his own people? How could this be?” Yes, why is HHDL discouraging DS practice and why DS practitioners are not allowed to attend his teachings or any religious ceremonies? On secular affairs, isn’t he unfair and bias as not to allow people from coming to see him as their political, secular leader?  The logical reason I can think of is there is a bigger picture behind this. Needless to say, indirectly HHDL has already created so much awareness by the ban. Or it could be that it is the karma of DS practitioners to suffer now so that they can purify their negative karma faster and propel them to higher teachings when the ban is lifted.

Dr. Lobsang Sangye, as a secular leader, should only be responsible for the welfare of the Tibetans and not get involved in religious affairs. He is not a spiritual leader like HHDL. Now that HHDL has stepped down as secular head, this is the right time and opportunity for Dr. Lobsang Sangye to prove that his interest lies in the welfare of his people whether they are anti or pro DS. DS practitioners should have equal rights as non DS practitioners as they are still Tibetans. As the Prime Minster, he should unite them and take care of them as they are the citizens of Tibet.


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« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2012, 12:49:56 PM »
Dear Mana,

Thank you for bringing to light these issues. My answers to your questions are as follow:

1.  -“ As a religious leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama does not allow people to come to his talks. We respect and understand that. It is his prerogative as their spiritual leader. However, on a secular level, as the leader of all six million Tibetans, why does he not allow these same Tibetans to join in his secular activities, talks, rallies and events? If not, why not? After all, His Holiness is still their leader.”

I believe the Dalai Lama is trying to be consistent with his stand of banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. Why allow the people who shorten his life by doing the practice get close to him?

2. - "Now that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has passed his secular power to the first Prime minister of Tibetans, Dr. Lobsang Sangye, what do all the Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners do? Are they allowed to talk to and interact with their new secular leader? Or are they restricted from doing so purely because of their religious choices? What are they expected to do?"

I think the reason for HH to ban Tibetans from associating with the Prime Minister is also out of consistency. Another reason I suspect is to force the Tibetans to wean themselves away from the Tibetan Government.  When HHDL passes on one day, the Tibetan Government will fall apart. So HH is preparing the Tibetans to assimilate with the country of their residence.

3. - "Dr. Lobsang Sangye (Prime Minister) is a secular leader, a layman who was newly and democratically elected who is not a Spiritual Guru or Dharma teacher; only strictly a worldly leader for the benefit of all Tibetan citizens. How do Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners relate to him? How should they relate to him? How should Dr. Lobsang Sangye, as their Prime Minister, relate to them? Can they even consider him their leader although they are Tibetans who still practice Dorje Shugden? They certainly do not have any spiritual bond (samaya) with him and their religious practices would not have any bearing on their relationship with him, as it might with the Dalai Lama."

The point is having a relationship with the Tibetan Government does not have much benefits. Tibet is lost to the Chinese. Sorry to say, the Tibetans are better off supporting the Government of the country they are residing in because they HAVE a country and they have benefits for their citizens and residence. The Tibetan Government not only loss their country, they are not providing much security to the Tibetans but more hardship. So what’s the loss?

Of course Tibetans should be patriotic of their culture and land but the people who manage their so called Government in Exile is really not worth maintaining a relationship with.

4. - "In future, how do Dorje Shugden practitioners relate to the next prime minister after Dr. Lobsang Sangye? And the one after that? And after that? How should all these future prime ministers relate to the people?"

I don’t think there will be many more Prime Ministers in the future after HH the Dalai Lama is gone.  It's time to be loyal to the country who generously accepts the Tibetans into their country.


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« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2012, 07:43:09 PM »
Much as I do respect and like (very much) this article and perspective, I think the point is not to literally answer the four questions. The point is that these rhetorical questions CANNOT BE ANSWERED by their nature of being so contradictory and almost ironic.

this is the point, I think: the way that the Tibetan government have operated have led to such restrictive and backward ways of handling their own people, that a modern spiritual edict becomes so much a part of secular living. The way the ban itself was handled is incredibly muddled, overlapping between both spiritual and secular spheres. Boundaries have disappeared and one's religious choice necessarily implicates their social, civil standing within their community. One's spiritual choices can mean complete exclusion from any basic necessities right down to food and medical aid. how is this fair? You can't answer that question because blatantly, it ISN'T fair.

Hundreds of many other questions come up as to this dichotomy, contradiction and inconsistency in policy. You can't answer those questions and I dare say that the Tibetan government who are upholding this ridiculous religious ban (of which they actually have no control over since they are not the spiritual leaders of the people!) also can't.


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« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2012, 07:48:45 PM »
Dr. Lobsang Sangye (Prime Minister) is a secular leader, a layman who was newly and democratically elected who is not a Spiritual Guru or Dharma teacher; only strictly a worldly leader for the benefit of all Tibetan citizens. How do Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners relate to him? How should they relate to him? How should Dr. Lobsang Sangye, as their Prime Minister, relate to them? Can they even consider him their leader although they are Tibetans who still practice Dorje Shugden? They certainly do not have any spiritual bond (samaya) with him and their religious practices would not have any bearing on their relationship with him, as it might with the Dalai Lama.

An small extension to this point:

As secular leaders of the people, why is it that they are upholding a religious / spiritual ban? Fine, if Dalai Lama wants to impose a ban then, that's his prerogative as their spiritual head. This is already clear. But why isn't it the people of his monastery or his religious assistants and students who are overseeing the implementation of the ban? Why is it his secular government that is doing this? Why is is that the Dalai Lama issues a religious order but the secular leaders of the community that issues and maintains the enforcement of the ban and metes out the "punishments" for those who don't follow the religious instructions?

doesn't it sound like there's something very wrong in that?

64 million dollar prizes to anyone who can answer these questions in a logical, reasonable way.


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« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2012, 07:53:08 PM »
It saddens to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama (HHDL), a Nobel Prize Winner for World Peace, a world famous Buddhist spiritual leader who is believed to be the emanation of Buddha of Compassion – Chenrezig, who propagates the teachings of compassion around the World; could institute a ban on Dorje Shugden practitioners.

As a result of this ban, Tibetans who are Dorje Shugden practitioners suffered tremendously and lost completely their basic human rights as Tibetans.  There is no freedom of religion.  There is no privilege as a citizen of the Tibetan in exile community. 
Till this day, HHDL still maintain the ban.  Despite HHDL’s retirement from the secular politics, his successor - Dr Lobsang Sangye still pursue this ban diligently!
This blatant discrimination is simply against the very constitution of the Tibetans in Exile.  This constitution (refer to is based on the spirit of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Charter guarantees to all Tibetans equality before the law and enjoyment of rights and freedom without discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, language and social origin.

HHDL, Dr Lobsang & Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) must come forward with the answers to these four questions.  Justice must be brought to the Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners.  The ban must be lifted immediately.  Otherwise HHDL, Dr Lobsang & CTA are violating the Constitution of the Tibetan Community!

Shouldn’t Dr Lobsang serve and protect the very people who had elected him into office? 

Shouldn’t HHDL display the compassion, love and care that is expected of a Buddhist and more so as an emanation of Buddha of Compassion towards the Dorje Shugden practitioners?


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« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2012, 08:39:26 PM »
The ban by the Dalai Lama has created a split in the Tibetan Community and has created a lot of grief to DS practitioners because they could not exercise their freedom of rights. This has been unfair to these practitioners. The Dalai Lama has mixed politics with religion and created a fold of people who has no leader because the Dalai Lama does not recognise them.

The Dalai Lama being the Leader of Tibet should take care of the welfare of his people rather than creating disharmony. As it is, they do not have their country anymore, and now they cant interact with their peers because of difference in religious beliefs?

Now that the Dalai Lama has retired from politics, shouldn’t the DS practitioners be allowed back into the community? They should have all the rights back cos they are citizens of Tibet. They should not be discriminated solely because of their religious belief. The New Prime Minister should lead the people and allow them back into the community. Or is he still being controlled by the Dalai Lama?

This does not happen in other countries and it should not happen in Tibet also!In the future, Tibet should practice democracy for all people without discriminating it’s people on religious beliefs.

Tenzin Gyatso

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« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2012, 09:38:37 PM »
The ban by the Dalai Lama has created a split in the Tibetan Community and has created a lot of grief to DS practitioners because they could not exercise their freedom of rights. This has been unfair to these practitioners. The Dalai Lama has mixed politics with religion and created a fold of people who has no leader because the Dalai Lama does not recognise them.

The Dalai Lama being the Leader of Tibet should take care of the welfare of his people rather than creating disharmony. As it is, they do not have their country anymore, and now they cant interact with their peers because of difference in religious beliefs?

Now that the Dalai Lama has retired from politics, shouldn’t the DS practitioners be allowed back into the community? They should have all the rights back cos they are citizens of Tibet. They should not be discriminated solely because of their religious belief. The New Prime Minister should lead the people and allow them back into the community. Or is he still being controlled by the Dalai Lama?

This does not happen in other countries and it should not happen in Tibet also!In the future, Tibet should practice democracy for all people without discriminating it’s people on religious beliefs.

Unity and harmony will be achieved if Tibetans follow HHDL completely. HHDL is their only hope. To contradict HHDL is to threaten your own future well being as HHDL's policies are to protect you. If you do not wish to be protected, then you are on your own. When problems come to you, then don't blame HHDL or his policies. Tibet has the great fortune to be lead by a pure Buddhist monk of the highest calibre. Who operates purely from spiritual principles.

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