Dolce Vita

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« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2012, 12:40:02 AM »
Dalai Lama always says he is a simple Buddhist monk, he promotes very strongly on respect, harmony and peace. But ironically, while he was ‘ruling’ Tibet, he issued a ban on Dorje Shugden practice that has caused disharmony and separation among the Tibetan community. What he was doing seem to be in conflict with what he was saying. He is believed to be Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion, how can a Buddha of Compassion be harming people? I personally think he is a Buddha. Thus, he must have his reasons to issue the ban. And one thing for sure, because of his ban on Dorje Shugden practice, news on Dorje Shugden were all over the media in Western worlds, including 2 of the very influential countries, United States and Germany. As a result, Tibetan Buddhism is known all over the world. Could it be his skillful way of spreading the Dharma and to put an imprint onto people? Those people who are killed or suffered in this whole Dorje Shugden episode must have been due to their Karmas or they might have made some very strong prayers in their past lives to protect and spread Dharma even if it means sacrificing their lives.

As for the current political situation, since the new leader is not a religious figure anymore, he should run the administration office the secular way. If Tibetan demands independence and democracy, the new political leader should treat Dorje Shugden equally as the rest of the Tibetan. If they want other countries to support their ‘free tibet’ campaign, shouldn’t the Central Tibetan Administration free the Shugden practitioner first? While they are claiming Chinese Government does not respect their human right, they themselves are not respecting the human right of the Shugden practitioners either. If democracy is what CTA is asking for, then lift the ban first.


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« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2012, 03:37:40 AM »
I sometimes think people judge His Holiness a little harshly. For gods sake, the man lost his country. On top of that, he has done so much else for people all over the world but hes judged on this one so-called error? I say so-called because actions are judged by their results arent they? What we can see at the moment is the short term result but what about ultimately? Can we judge that? Anyway TBH when I hear what his schedule is like, Jesus...he HAS to be Chenrezig because unless you have so much compassion, how can you work so tirelessly for people day in and day out, for so many decades?

I just hope Dr Lobsang Sangay has the same tenacity as His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This post points out some interesting loopholes about the Tibetan way of thinking. Yes, as Dorje Shugden practitioners perhaps we shouldnt attend the Dalai Lamas teachings or speak to him because of supposedly broken samaya (even though, realistically speaking, my samaya is with my teacher and not with him). But what about Lobsang Sangay? I havent got any samaya with him, nor have millions of Tibetans. If living standards dont improve under Lobsang Sangay then you know what the CTAs real motivations are...and it isnt to help their people!

What I find slightly amusing is how damn backwards Tibetan society is. Tibetans create pariahs for no reason other than what they believe in... then you have countries like India who are actually working towards abolishing such ostracism in their societies (EG/ trying to educate people on how the untouchables arent really untouchables). You have people like Mother Teresa teaching her followers how to love the unloved. Tibetans need to buck up and realise how theyre moving backwards compared to everyone else because entangled theyve become in their own web of self-deception and ignorance.


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« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2012, 04:06:11 AM »
I cannot find a good reason why HH the Dalai Lama forbids Dorje Shugden’s practitioners to attend his talks when Tibetans of other religious faiths are allowed. This disparity is a stark truth that HH is unfair and prejudiced to Dorje Shugden practitioners, be they lay practitioners or sangha members.

Yes, HH is the spiritual leader of the Tibetans and may have his reasons in doing so but in enforcing the ban, the CTA has stepped up gear to enforce the ban aggressively. Along the way many innocent Dorje Shugden’s practitioners suffer. Down with CTA! No wonder they lost their country. Shameful.

Since Dr. Lobsang Sangye is the PM elect of Tibetans and has the say over secular matters, he should allow Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden to meet him/talk to him on secular matters.

In my opinion, Dr. Lobsang Sangye should lead ALL Tibetans regardless of their religious practices for all secular affairs and leave the religious matters to others. If he does that, Tibetans would recognize him as a true leader and not a puppet.
If Dr. Lobsang Sangye, being the current PM elect, would do the correct thing, as mentioned above, his successors would follow their predecessor.

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« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2012, 07:21:21 AM »
These very questions have been the very core reason why this website was born and why this forum has so many active members participating and many more members that are silently reading these posts in search of news and solace. I think the only reason why many of us have not lost faith in the Dalai Lama completely is because of the wise and prophetic words of the late Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche in personal advice and in his written works such as this:- 

"But some who are narrow minded, not understanding this point, consider this Dharmapala to be like an ordinary worldly being and, with supposed faith in the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, disparage him; or else they indeed admire this great Dharmapala but criticize the Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama. Using either one as a reason not to admire the other and speaking badly about either in any way is the conduct of an ordinary being who, under the influence of attachment and hatred, just tries to help friends and hurt enemies; it obscures the increase of these great holy Aryas' deeds and creates the karmic cause to experience unbearable suffering in the future."

- Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's advice in Music Delighting The Ocean Of Protectors, 1967

I think his advice is pretty clear and is somewhat difficult for us to fathom its depths right now but it brings a new perspective that what the Dalai Lama is doing is perhaps for a greater purpose. We have to realize that the Dalai Lama had renounced secular power in favor of a democratic elections, which places the power of the government into the people's hands. This is not an easy transition from absolute rule of a theocratic leader to a democracy but it is happening already. The first ever elected secular prime minister (Kalon Tripa) was elected, Dr Lobsang Sangye. This has far-reaching consequences if the Tibetan leaders take matters into their own hands.

Hence, it is the Kalon Tripa's prerogative along with his elected ministers or Kalons as the Tibetans calls them, to ensure that the constitution separates secular and religious policies. The state should only endorse and enforce secular authority and nothing else. Like I mentioned in other posts, religious policies, particularly those the segregate and separate segments of society like the Dorje Shugden ban should be discarded as soon as possible.

At the very least, religious edicts like the ban on Dorje Shugden should be left to monastic leaders of individual great monasteries. Their jurisdiction only applies to those within the walls of the monastery. Therefore, the appearance of a weak and fragmented Tibetan society due to this ban is detrimental to the Tibetan cause. When there's no unity, how can the Tibetans reclaim Tibet proper and call for independence?

So, what do you expect the thousands of Dorje Shugden worshippers to do? Due to the segregation and inevitable abuse they received, many have fled Tibetan circles and prefer to reside within the safety and confines of Indian society or those with financial capability, they will flee overseas. This will erode Tibetan society and it will mean that many more within Tibetan settlements will do the same. Does the Central Tibetan Administration want to see that happen? Do these Tibetan leaders want to see the last remnants of the proud Tibetan nation collapse and get watered down in foreign lands due to this ban? That is the more important question I feel.

Tenzin Malgyur

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« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2012, 07:49:19 AM »
Dear Admin of,
This letter that you have written gives a very detailed and clear summary on the situation Shugden practitioners are going through in India. Instead of having demostrations and protests which serves to bring the bad situation worse, hopefully it will affect the decisions of policy makers now that  HHDL is  no longer the leader of all secular affairs of the Tibetans. Please send it to more leaders and people all over the world. May the Shugden practitioners be able to continue with their practice and still be able to live in their community without being ostracised soon.


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« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2012, 10:12:01 AM »
When you talk about religious persecutions, countries like Rwanda and Eritrea come to mind, NOT Tibet, a country that is most associated with the preservation and practice of the Buddha’s teachings which advocates tolerance and avoidance of harm to others.

And when you talk about people involved in religious persecutions, the last person you would imagine to have instigated such acts would be the winner of a Peace Price and an emanation of a Buddha of Compassion, the Dalai Lama himself, against his won people.

Yet, persecutions and denial of basic rights based on a religious belief is what Dorje Shugden practitioners have been experiencing, and not by any foreign power but by a leader and a government that they had hoped would protect them.

The CTA often criticizes the Beijing Administration and calls for more religious and cultural freedom but by comparison, the Chinese Government have provided for more freedom in religious expressions than HHDL and the CTA have.

From the perspective of being able to continue in their religious belief, Dorje Shugden practitioners seem to be better off with the Chinese Administration than they are with the CTA.

In my opinion, when HHDL resigned and relinquished his secular powers, he provided Dr Lobsang Sangye with a  golden opportunity to establish political credibility with the international community from whom he had sought support for the return of the country to Tibetan rule. It was an opportunity that Dr. Lobsang Sangye did not seize and by this failure he and the CTA:

(i)   demonstrated conclusively that the CTA  does not have the political wherewithal to unite the Tibetan people who have been divided by the Shugden ban imposed undemocratically and unilaterally by 1 person;
(ii)   will continue to participate in persecutions based on religious beliefs;
(iii)   cannot protect the rights and freedom of its own people;
(iv)   and therefore is unfit to govern now.

This begs some relevant questions e.g. what kind of precedent has ben set and is the CTA under the leadership of HHDL obsolete in so far as being the guardian of the interests of all Tibetans?


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« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2012, 03:27:29 PM »
Just posted this on the article section of this question, but i think the same applies. Please read:

The Dalai Lama has his own plan, and his own tactic of bringing dharma to the world. It has worked for a very long time, so who are we to say that what he is doing is wrong. Yes we may perceive it as wrong because we don’t fully understand what he is trying to accomplish with the Dorje Shugden Ban. He may create suffering for some, unfairness for others, it may seem as if he is making the wrong decisions. But lets ask ourselves for a moment is he? Hasn’t Dorje Shugden practice grown tremendously since the introduction of the ban. Is the Dalai Lama really harming people by not letting him attend his talks, or is he really giving them a blessing in disguise? Maybe by Dorje Shugden practitioners not being able to attend the Dalai Lama’s talks or being suppressed it is actually benefitting them and strengthening their religious practice. The fact of the matter is we do not know, we do not know enough to understand. What we can do is speculate and guess, but more often than not the Dalai Lama, will not make it his aim to bring more harm, but to bring benefit to people. Thus sometimes we must think that whatever the Dalai Lama is doing will bring benefit, maybe it is not apparent in the short term, but we don’t know what the long term holds. We must remain faithful, we cannot be against the Dalai Lama, who are we to question an enlightened being?

Regarding the new leader of Tibet, what is there to say? The Dalai Lama has chosen for it to be this way. The Tibetan people can choose to follow, they can also choose to not follow. The Dalai Lama is making things difficult for Tibetans, and all buddhist practitioners of Dorje Shugden. Isn’t this a great teaching of impermanence. If all is good, and everything is okay all the time, it is easy to practice. Maybe this is a true test of our faith to the Dalai Lama, to Dorje Shugden. These difficult times could really separate the real practitioners from the ones that are just there for the good times. We should try to take away a teaching from every action the Dalai Lama makes, as after all, whatever he is doing, is only to bring us closer to enlightenment.

These are just ramblings of a one mere insignificant practitioner, but please read, and please think. Sometimes we should not look at what is happening now, how it is affecting us, but at the bigger picture.


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« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2012, 03:42:37 PM »
This is excellent, thanks Mr G:

If all is good, and everything is okay all the time, it is easy to practice. Maybe this is a true test of our faith to the Dalai Lama, to Dorje Shugden. These difficult times could really separate the real practitioners from the ones that are just there for the good times.

Sure enough, I think so much of the ban has highlighted not the ban itself but how people have acted and reacted from the ban. This applies to both side - the Dalai Lama supporters who act in very unkind ways to put down dorje shugden practitioners and cause them even more grief and the Dorje Shugden devotees who have launched hate campaigns against the Dalai Lama. Either way, it has involved disparaging either a high lama or a Buddha. Even sadder, it brings unhappiness, uncertainty, doubt and sadness to fellow Sangha and Dharma practitioners around the world - for once we speak badly either the Dalai Lama or Dorje Shugden, we inevitably hurt their devotees too.

Trijang Rinpoche had predicted very clearly just before he passed away that there would come a time when it may appear that there is conflict between Dorje Shugden and Dalai Lama; and that it would be more important than ever to not take sides at the time and to remain patient.

Like you've said Jeremy, this conflict shows very clearly who's really practicing or not in these difficult times. Sorts the men from the boys, I say!


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« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2012, 04:08:00 PM »
Dear Admin of,
This letter that you have written gives a very detailed and clear summary on the situation Shugden practitioners are going through in India. Instead of having demostrations and protests which serves to bring the bad situation worse, hopefully it will affect the decisions of policy makers now that  HHDL is  no longer the leader of all secular affairs of the Tibetans. Please send it to more leaders and people all over the world. May the Shugden practitioners be able to continue with their practice and still be able to live in their community without being ostracised soon.

Dear Admin,
I like the point you have made about the Dalai Lama being both the secular and spiritual leader of Tibet. And how the secular affairs of Tibet have been muddied by the waters of spirituality through the ban.

This is akin to President Obama not allowing Buddhist or Moslems to attend his election speeches or David Cameron not allowing Hindus kids into government schools. Or as simple as going down the corner shop to get the newspaper and the shopkeeper refuses to serve you just because of your religion. World War II anyone? Holocaust?

Imagine the uproar should this example with Obama or Cameron come to pass, should the White House, or 10 Downing Street or the Cabinet making such proclamations. There would be rioting in the streets! Utter chaos and I am not trying to be dramatic. It just really goes against the grain of modern government, equality for all, freedom of choice and so on.

Another example and parallel to modern society:
The letter talks about how Shugdenites should relate to Lobsang Sangay and whether Dalai Lama's policies will be upheld by the new leader of the CTA. Lobsang Sangay is sticking to the plan for now, and not even a hint of opposing the ban on Shugden. Why not? Is he afraid of the public reaction, who have been brainwashed by Dalai Lama and the previous CTA against Shugden? Is he afraid of Dalai Lama himself? Or does he truly believe that the Dalai Lama's life is in danger? But surely, with a new leader, Dorje Shugden will be going after Lobsang Sangay instead of the Dalai Lama? Surely the new leader of the CTA would be the obvious target for a demon, rather than the previous leader? Why is Dorje Shugden against Tibet or the CTA or the Dalai Lama in the first place?

We do not expect new political parties or new leaders to uphold the policies of the previous ruling party or previous leader. Each to their own. So why isnt that the case in Tibet? Are they afraid of the public backlash? Of proving Dalai Lama wrong? 

Perhaps Lobsang Sangay is just waiting for the right time to drop the ban on Shugden just because IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE.

I hope so.

And I sure hope that the CTA is reading this thread. Take a good read and realise by logic and debate, the pillars of Buddhism (at least Gelugpa) that this ban is illogical. Then do something about it.

Dondrup Shugden

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« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2012, 04:14:36 PM »
Tibetans never knew about democracy nor human rights nor freedom of speech nor religious freedom, except for spiritual freedom. This spiritual freedom is very dear to all Tibetans (being mostly Buddhists) as it is in their mind stream to achieve. With the BAN on the worship of the protector, Dorje Shugden, whom they have known for 350 years is unthinkable and to be punished for it is utterly inhuman. Many Tibetans inherited this practice from their Root Gurus, and in the Vajrayana practice, obeying your Guru is of utmost importance. So the dilemma now occurs.

My comment above is based on the fact that the Dalai Lama had always been Tibet’s spiritual and secular head of state and there had never been any election until recently. Another fact is that there was no controversy nor disagreement as all Tibetans lived in sync with an isolated and protected society, practising a harmonious religion.

Personally I have very high respect and gratitude for HH Dalai Lama, for if not for HH having left Tibet and suffered so much, we would never have had the chance of studying and learning Tibetan Buddhism. Whatever negative feelings and opinions I may have over the BAN, within the depth of my heart I know it is for a bigger picture.

No one with study and knowledge can refute the fact that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha of great compassion and is not a demon as proclaimed by HH. Dorje Shugden has a recorded and traceable history.

Question (1)
By not permitting Dorje Shugden worshippers to attend both spiritual and secular talks and gatherings by HH is like making matters worse,(especially the secular ones) so that non spiritual groups will take notice and create more objections to the BAN.
Human rights groups can also take this up as an issue.

Questions (2) to (3)
Now that HH has given up his secular powers to a non Spiritual and non Dharma Teacher successor, Dr. Lobsang Sangye, all Tibetans have the right to approach Dr. Lobsang Sangye for their privileges as citizens and it is the duty of an elected officer of state to look after all Tibetans and be given access to school, medical attention etc. etc.

Now is also the time for all other groups of “human rights” organization to make appeals to Dr. Lobsang Sangye to stop refraining Tibetans of their civil rights.

At this point, I may also add that civil rights when granted would also encompass human rights of freedom of religious beliefs.

As a practitioner, I pray and wish that such groups will arise and lift the BAN.


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« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2012, 04:22:37 PM »
That is the reason why TIBETANS LOST THEIR COUNTRY. And now they (TGIE) have been demoted to being an administration (CTA) …..HELLO??? Don’t they see that they are losing the grip and control over Tibetans. And it will be worst if they don’t wake up. Not many respect them at this moment. HH is being used as a political tool by the Indian government. If you ask around outside their small Tibetan community, nobody know who this Lobsang Sangye is? and etc. What has he done since he step into the office?

CTA can escape with this type of dictatorship is because HH is still around. Many Tibetan respect HH still but once HH is not around anymore….who do they have? Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Panchen Lama, Trijang Rinpoche, WHO? Who will be their asset this time round?

I have heard and seen how Shugden practitioners are being treated by their OWN government, it really disgust me. Now the situation has been better as more Shugden practitioners are coming out and there are more around. But previously, it was so ridiculously unfair and if this happened in other countries, either they would have been overthrown, assassinated or they would be brought to the international amnesty court. No country or human right organisation will take this.

I will not comment much about HH as I still respect him very much and I do believe that HH has a BIGGER picture with his action. BUT I cannot bring myself to respect CTA as I strongly believe they are not there to benefit the Tibetans but themselves. Very sad.


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« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2012, 04:24:53 PM »
We have seen the transfer of political powers by the Dalai Lama to Dr. Lobsang Sangye but certainly have not seen it taking effect on the people of Tibet. Though the Dalai Lama has resigned from his political powers, but his spiritual position over the people takes precedence still. So what’s the big deal for Dalai Lama to resign politically when he knows that he can still use his spiritual authorities over the people and even affect political decisions.

Yes, politically Dr Lobsang Sangye only has jurisdiction over 1/3 of Tibetans. The other 2/3 which is 4 million are Dorje Shugden practitioners. These Dorje Shugden practitioners have been labeled as pariah of the country and are not entitled to benefits of any sort from CTA. How will Dr Lobsang Sangye protect these Tibetans? If you are a leader, would you appreciate anyone splitting your people when the power has been given to you to lead? Why would Dalai Lama, a Spiritual Leader deprive his people of even the most basic benefits such as education, social welfare, medical aid etc.. just because they are Dorje Shugden practitioners? Seriously, what’s the point of putting Dr Lobsang Sangye in power when his hands are pretty much tied up?

Dr. Lobsang Sangye is a well-educated scholar, a graduate from the elite school of Harvard. I would like to think a man who has been exposed to human rights in the West would have little to zero tolerance for inequality and persecutions of any sort.I would like to think that if this ban was not put in place to start with, Dr. Lobsang Sangye would never have created it himself! Wouldn’t any modern, 21st century leader want to be known for promoting what is popular… which are human rights, equality, great benefits for the citizens etc?

From a secular side, Dr. Lobsang Sangye certainly is equipped to run the country. But will he be “allowed” by the Dalai Lama to do his job? Should Tibetans answer to Dalai Lama or their new political leader?

I think the success and the future of Tibetans now lies in the hands of Tibetans themselves. Tibetans have voted for their leader. Why not let him do his job. It is time for Tibetans to do their own research to dispel any myths where this ban draw powers from. This ban has no valid basis and must be lifted.


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« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2012, 04:44:03 PM »
As a citizen, it is something very sad as because they have live in their country for so many years, they are suppose to have every right to enjoy the whatever facilities that the country provided, but because of choosing a religion that they believe in, they immediately been withdrawn from the right as a citizen, where is the religion freedom?

1.   As a spirituality country, the citizen should have all the freedom to practice what they believe in or like.
2.   But in secular, where it does not focus in spirituality, then whatever religion / deity the citizen practice, seems like it should not matter.

So if either one of this option comply, discrimination should not happen here.


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« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2012, 04:48:59 PM »
Question #3 has really made me think. I doubt Dorje Shugden practitioners were allowed to vote since they don't even get basic rights to things like medication. So does that make Dr. Lobsang Sangye's election into office REALLY democratic? I have nothing against him but if not everyone in the population was allowed to vote, then is he REALLY the people's choice? How is it Dorje Shugden practitioners automatically forfeited their right to vote when they decided to stick with the practices their teachers gave them? What democratic nation implements that kind of ruling? So many strange things to think about.


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« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2012, 04:57:16 PM »
This make me think about whats Dalai lama’s intention to proclaim a ban on practicing dorje shugden and not allow these same Tibetans to join in his secular activities, talks ect….it will only makes those practitioner have less faith on him as a emanation of Chenrezig. These millions of tibetans been practicing dorje shugden for years and they are not allowed to attend Dalai lama’s talks? i don’t think he will get support from most of the tibetans as a spiritual leader ~no doubt that he is a emanation of chenrezig but the action of his was unreasonable ,would it be that Dalai lama wants dorje shugden supporter to grow more ? is it the other method to promote dorje shugden ? even though he has passed his secular power to the first Prime minister of Tibetans, Dr. Lobsang Sangye, Dorje Shugden practitioners still not allowed to talk to and interact with their new secular leader.If CTA doesn’t accept/allow tibetans to practice dorje shugden ,tibet will fall apart as most of the tibetans are practicing dorje shugden .IF the four question are for Dalai Lama , Dr Lobsang Sangye, the CTA, theres no way that they can answer all the four question above . i am really sad to see tibetans does not have the freedoms to make their own religious and worldly choices.If theres more suppression on dorje shugden practice in tibet , dorje shugden will arise in other place such as china,europe , ect …