Author Topic: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden  (Read 6124 times)


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How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:37:09 AM »
See how official China media Xinhua and People's Daily portray Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden, then we can get some signs of things to come...

How a layman sees the Dalai Lama XIV

2011-Nov-22 Tue


As one leading figure of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, believed an incarnation of Chenrezig, stands as deity of compassion and a visible embodiment of Tibetan Buddhists' faith.

Only three of the 14 reincarnations meaningfully ruled Tibetans, and the throne of the Dalai Lama was historically bolstered by China's central governments of various dynasties. The reincarnation conducted by Rinpoches and the accreditation from the imperial authority are inseparable parts of the whole system ensuring legitimacy of the Dalai Lama and his ruling in Tibet. An angry Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) once decreed to stop reincarnation of a rebellious Tibetan Buddhist lama, which left his sect dying out.

Gradually rising as a regional spiritual and political leader, the Dalai Lama sweated for his long journey to the world stage, with his first trip outside China and India to two Buddhist countries of Japan and Thailand in 1967, the first European trip in 1973 and the first US one in 1979, the year in which the United States and the People's Republic of China established diplomatic relations.

Going into exile subsequently made him a star. In all the 104 awards or honorary doctorates he has collected from around the world, 103 were granted after he fled China. Rubbing elbows with him somewhat became a fad or a manifestation of moral dignity.

The "simple Buddhist monk," who was said to wake up usually at 3:30 a.m. and spend his first four hours every day in meditation, frequently indulged his secular enjoyment in being interviewed by world top media outlets.

An online US Department of Justice document recorded the Dalai Lama's visit to the United States from April 10 to 24 in 2008. During the two-week trip, the monk, often with his brand big smile and deep laugh, talked politics and China's "crackdown" on the March 14 Lhasa riot in NBC, CBS and NPR, to just name a few. He also met with US Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula J. Dobriansky, who contributed to an op-ed piece to the Washington Post the day after their rendezvous.

The spiritual leader's "sideline" activities supplemented his full-time job, prayer offerings and religious teachings which were mainly arranged by the New York-based Office of Tibet and beefed up by lobbying of pro-independence groups.

Such efforts paid off. The Dalai Lama said in his latest statement on March 10, "The fact that the Tibet issue is alive and the international community is taking growing interest in it is indeed an achievement."

Influenced by his highly politicized inner circle and interest groups, the Dalai Lama, willingly or not, interwove both religious and political faces. Before his fleeing half century ago, he consulted the Nechung Oracle for the Buddha's advice. Before teachings in recent years, the self-claimed tolerant spiritual leader usually asked Dorje Shugden worshippers not to attend his ceremonies. Those who propitiated the particular Tibetan deity protested against the Dalai Lama's discrimination, which was similar to political partisanship and runs against his announced commitment to "promoting religious harmony."
Liability:Catherine Liu


Dalai Cilque's 'democratic' lies

2010-Jun-12 Sat

The chief secretary elected by the "democratic election" was just a puppet of the Dalai Lama. Jiangyang Nuobu, a Tibetan expert, once criticized: "The 'chief secretary' never freely expressed himself like other democratically elected leaders. He only made announcement after guessing the Dalai Lama's idea. Samdhong Rinpoche admitted himself that he executed the Dalai Lama's idea." Moreover, in the system of the "Tibetan Government in Exile", the "Tibetan monks in exile" enjoyed a privilege. Monks could vote twice in the election, as a result, the monks who supported the Dalai Lama controlled the key departments of the "Tibetan Government in Exile".

No democratic government would identify with witch-hunting and political assassination; however, these means were commonly seen in the Dalai Clique. Of all the witch-hunting and political assassinations that the Dalai Clique played, the witch-hunting of Dorje Shugden was just an example of international impact. The Dalai Clique resorted to every conceivable means to attack their political opponents. For example, a scholar who resided in Japan once criticized the Dalai Lama in his piece of work, and he was immediately revenged by pouring inks and spitting at his face. His daughter, who worked in the "Tibetan Government in Exile", was then kept as a hostage.

The foundation of any democratically elected government was mass voters with high passion of political participation and democratic consciousness. According to the Dalai Lama, his followers had lived in a "free world" for 50 years. Normally, his followers would be nurtured to be democratic, however, the Dalai Clique never taught his followers any kind of democratic consciousness.
Source:People's Daily


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 04:46:07 AM »
Influenced by his highly politicized inner circle and interest groups, the Dalai Lama, willingly or not, interwove both religious and political faces. Before his fleeing half century ago, he consulted the Nechung Oracle for the Buddha's advice. Before teachings in recent years, the self-claimed tolerant spiritual leader usually asked Dorje Shugden worshippers not to attend his ceremonies. Those who propitiated the particular Tibetan deity protested against the Dalai Lama's discrimination, which was similar to political partisanship and runs against his announced commitment to "promoting religious harmony."

The truth is that it is Dorje Shugden who protected HHDL while he was fleeing Tibet.


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 05:22:40 AM »
Thanks for these articles. As expected, these articles from China are deliberately skewed against the Dalai Lama but there are a few truths in there that the public at large should consider. Please note that this is not out of disrespect to the Dalai Lama but I would just like to point out a few hard truths.

  • The Dalai Lama is supposed to be democratic. One of the examples of democracy was the yellow/red stick referendum regarding Dorje Shugden in the monasteries. This referendum was far from democratic as it was an open ballot and those who voted against the Dalai Lama’s decree against Dorje Shugden had to leave their monastery and essentially become homeless without any kind of support.
  • The Dalai Lama has consistently proclaimed interfaith harmony and has become a globally recognised icon of peace and tolerance. However, his ban on Dorje Shugden practice and its subsequent ostracisation of Dorje Shugden practitioners is far from this representation.
    It is borderline acceptable that the Dalai Lama asks Dorje Shugden practitioners not to attend his teachings, though any other person including satanic worshippers are allowed which is rather contradictory. However, it is not acceptable that he asks Tibetans to not associate nor share material goods with Dorje Shugden practitioners, because this means that this group of people are not allowed access to the basic necessities of food, schooling and even travel documents. This contravenes basic human rights.
  • The Dalai Lama has stepped down as the secular leader of the exiled Tibetan community. However, Dr Lobsang Sangye, the new Kalon Tripa, seems to be maintaining the Dalai Lama’s hardline stance on Dorje Shugden practitioners. If Dr Lobsang Sangye is really the secular head of the Tibetan community, he should see the injustice done to Dorje Shugden practitioners and right that wrong immediately by removing all discrimination to them.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 02:15:48 AM »
The only explanation for HH's actions that appear to be contradictory to what he teaches & promotes is -
The Bigger Picture Theory. This could be HH's skillful means to spread the Dharma -  HHDL is a world renown spiritual leader, Dorje Shugden is one of the most talked about protectors from the East to the West !

We can't read others' minds ,let alone  the mind of a high lama. Yes, we can also view this as a test of the students' faith in the guru depending who you consider as your guru.

It can also be a teaching on overcoming ordinary appearances, how to keep an open mind, equanimity, samsara has no perfection, ... there are so many different things we can learn from this "controversy ".

Yes, instead of getting all passionate about taking a fixed stand , it will be good if we can contemplate on the lessons we can learn from the HHDL & DS issue.


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 03:42:46 AM »
Ah the irony of the Chinese media recognising the human rights abuses of the CTA, when the CTA are always banging on about Chinese human rights abuses. I tell you, if you want to cast stones, make sure you dont live in a glass house...

At least you know the Chinese government will be supportive of Dorje Shugden practice, if only because the CTA dont support it and the Chinese government want to do everything thats opposite of what t???????????????


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 03:48:30 AM »
Ah the irony of the Chinese media recognising the human rights abuses of the CTA, when the CTA are always banging on about Chinese human rights abuses. I tell you, if you want to cast stones, make sure you dont live in a glass house...

At least you know the Chinese government will be supportive of Dorje Shugden practice, if only because the CTA dont support it and the Chinese government want to do everything thats opposite of what t???????????????

Sorry my last post shouldve read that the Chinese government want to do everything thats opposite of what the CTA support / do not support.


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 08:22:55 AM »
It is amusing that the Chinese media, from their skewed point of view, should criticize the Dalai Lama over his 'controversial' and puzzling treatment of Shugden practitioners. Interesting indeed that the Chinese should point out that the Dalai Lama is not practicing what he preaches, that is, religious harmony, when He imposed the ban on Shugden practice and caused Shugden practitioners to be ostracized. Interesting too is their pointing out and criticizing His "undemocratic treatment" of Shugden practitioners(and this coming from the Chinese!) and the CTA's witchhunting of Shugdenpas.

Yes, we await with great anxiety, for the ban to be lifted as the "bigger picture" unfolds.



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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 10:18:31 AM »
No democratic government would identify with witch-hunting and political assassination; however, these means were commonly seen in the Dalai Clique. Of all the witch-hunting and political assassinations that the Dalai Clique played, the witch-hunting of Dorje Shugden was just an example of international impact. The Dalai Clique resorted to every conceivable means to attack their political opponents. For example, a scholar who resided in Japan once criticized the Dalai Lama in his piece of work, and he was immediately revenged by pouring inks and spitting at his face. His daughter, who worked in the "Tibetan Government in Exile", was then kept as a hostage.

I notice a recurring theme: the mentality of the Tibetan people who defies any form of spirituality or even common sense. Holding the daughter of a man who criticized the Dalai Lama hostage is barely Buddhist at all. As usual, the CTA will cover it up and deny of something like that as usual. China has lots of people, and they will scrutinize CTA's every moves very closely if they do anything that is unusual, so CTA better not do anything funny at all or they will be exposed.

The ban is merely something that exposed the mentality of these people in Dorje Shugden's name, although seeing the collateral damage from it breaks my heart but all of us need to be strong to hold on and carry on Dorje Shugden and Trijang Rinpoche's instructions to still respect the Dalai Lama but not give up Dorje Shugden no matter how hard it gets.


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2012, 12:21:43 AM »
I like the article written by Xinhua News agency. No doubt that it may be skewed to be anti-Dalai Lama, but all that was stated are factual and logical. The Dalai Lama does mix politics with religion and that is how he controls the CTA and the people of Tibet in Exile.

Yes, the Dalai Lama has benefited a lot of people around the world with his teachings and has a lot of following. But he failed to unite his people. In fact, he created a crack in the unity and a discrimination among friends and family. The Dalai Lama also cause hardship with his people where they could not even buy their daily necessities at their local shops!

The Dalai Lama's actions are inconsistent with his commitment of "Promoting Religious Harmony" because the ban that he enforced against Dorje Shugden Practitioners is a violation of that commitment.


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2012, 02:30:51 AM »
It is interesting to read the comments. The shift seems to be against HH the Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice than HH championing the right for Tibet’s autonomy.

I wonder if the PM elect would really do his job, to lead by caring and looking after ALL Tibetans regardless of their religious belief. Or is he a puppet put into this position by the CTA?  The CTA is a bunch of has-been who lost their country and now working so hard to ban Dorje Shugden’s practice instead of looking into the welfare of all Tibetans.
I thank Admin and team again for their continuous hard work towards the lifting of the ban.


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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2012, 05:27:33 PM »
It is amusing that the Chinese media, from their skewed point of view, should criticize the Dalai Lama over his 'controversial' and puzzling treatment of Shugden practitioners. Interesting indeed that the Chinese should point out that the Dalai Lama is not practicing what he preaches, that is, religious harmony, when He imposed the ban on Shugden practice and caused Shugden practitioners to be ostracized. Interesting too is their pointing out and criticizing His "undemocratic treatment" of Shugden practitioners(and this coming from the Chinese!) and the CTA's witchhunting of Shugdenpas.

Yes, we await with great anxiety, for the ban to be lifted as the "bigger picture" unfolds.

I agree with vajrastorm. HHDL's strategy is working. The Chinese media is highlighting in China what HHDL is NOT supporting. As such, the Chinese Government is promoting Dorje Shugden by rebuilding all Dorje Shugden temples and monasteries in Tibet. Millions of Chinese are encouraged to pray to Dorje Shugden.  The bigger picture is unfolding and there will be more to come. I rejoice!



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Re: How Official China media portrays Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 10:11:56 AM »
No democratic government would identify with witch-hunting and political assassination; however, these means were commonly seen in the Dalai Clique. Of all the witch-hunting and political assassinations that the Dalai Clique played, the witch-hunting of Dorje Shugden was just an example of international impact. The Dalai Clique resorted to every conceivable means to attack their political opponents. For example, a scholar who resided in Japan once criticized the Dalai Lama in his piece of work, and he was immediately revenged by pouring inks and spitting at his face. His daughter, who worked in the "Tibetan Government in Exile", was then kept as a hostage.

I notice a recurring theme: the mentality of the Tibetan people who defies any form of spirituality or even common sense. Holding the daughter of a man who criticized the Dalai Lama hostage is barely Buddhist at all. As usual, the CTA will cover it up and deny of something like that as usual. China has lots of people, and they will scrutinize CTA's every moves very closely if they do anything that is unusual, so CTA better not do anything funny at all or they will be exposed.

The ban is merely something that exposed the mentality of these people in Dorje Shugden's name, although seeing the collateral damage from it breaks my heart but all of us need to be strong to hold on and carry on Dorje Shugden and Trijang Rinpoche's instructions to still respect the Dalai Lama but not give up Dorje Shugden no matter how hard it gets.

I would reckon these types of media coverage have been meditated and well thought of by the Dalai Lama...if we believe in the "Bigger Picture" theory.

Dalai Lama purposedly or non-purposedy mixed religion with politic, (whichever way you believe in),the reaction from China is pretty obvious, as we can read from the 2 articles posted. Dalai Lama is being portrayed as having sideline activities besides his offical prayers and offerings, he is also portrayed as perhaps a hyprocrite as he ordered the witch hunt for DS practitioners within the Tibetan community, causing much sufferings.

Dorje Shugden was mentioned in both articles because DS is such a controversial subject and journalists could use this easily to write against the Dalai Lama.

Once again, Dorje Shugden became the focal point in China as the Nobel Price Winner, HH the 14th Dalai Lama, set himself up to be caught in this "hot gossip" whirlpool.

I just want to say I am in agreement with what Ensapa wrote, even though it tears my heart to see such publicity damage to a holy being, we should "Uphold Trijang Rinpoche's instruction that we should not loose faith in both Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama"