Author Topic: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!  (Read 55723 times)


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #60 on: February 18, 2012, 02:33:50 AM »
This is a very very great news for many who really hoping the BAN can remove fast!!! Sorry I want to say I not really know what was CTA had done in previous years to dorje shudgen practitioner. But I believed that is will be many ugly things had done by them to "torture" the dorje shugden practitioner. Now, under this new Tibetan government, they started to change their trend.....I think, if not they won't bother to remove those links.

I not sure what is the real motivation from Tibetan government side....suddenly changed the trend. but I believe the new Tibetan government start think about the BAN issue seriously nowadays. They seem like try to separate spiritual and politic which had conceptualized over 10 years ago by Dalai Lama.   

The BAN issue no right or wrong....however because the ban then someone be hurt then I think  this should be considering....why? Because at least 90% of Tibatan ds practitioner practice ds only stand in pure motivation, they didn't deserve this kind of"punishment". I think for this reason, as a new Tibetan government should be consider...the BANNN issue. 


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2012, 06:23:05 AM »
Hi HS,

The tibetan government in exile real motivation for toning down DS talk and overt things on their website?

My thinking is that their focus will be more and more towards actually secular affairs as already stated by HHDL.

Tibetans running their affairs on their own without HHDL in the equation and in the long run one would also assume without the substantial financial contributions from HHDL worldwide teaching tours and associated brand Dalai Lama.

Presently, funding is made up of worldwide relief organizations, western governments, private charitable trusts, private individuals, independence tax (green book) and recently (blue book) donations solicited by any pro HHDL individuals in the west.

A large proportion is contributed from HHDL teachings abroad (not sure of the exact percentage but think its around 30%). So what happens to CTA if they cannot count on HHDL funding when he is not around in the future?

Will large donors be as forthcoming with financial support and aide when no Dalai Lama?

How will the CTA handle PR situations when Dalai Lama not around? Presently no media or reporters do not report negatively about Dalai Lama because he is big News around the world, and the world cannot get enough of him (sells papers, tv ratings, national, international news) not hard to see why.

The real question is not what is the motivation behind the CTA/TGIE but is their actually a clear separation of Spiritual and Secular affairs.

Who is taking leadership of this from the CTA/TGIE side?

Newly Elected Prime Minister Dr Lobsang Sangye could issue a statement with these subtle changes on their website that the MAIN FOCUS OF THE CTA IS TO FOCUS ON SECULAR AFFAIRS TO BRING BENEFIT TO ALL TIBETANS IRREGARDLESS OF THE DS AFFAIR AND BRING PEACE OF MIND TO ALL TIBETANS.

Hope this helps HS? if anyone can add to the trail of the Phantom Understated Finances within the CTA? (not very transparent in my humble oppinion).

Please excuse me a bit off topic but will post more on the 4question thread soon ;D

I think we need to collectively keep up the pressure and focus the spotlight onto the CTA representatives and what they are doing in relation to what they stand for, which we all know they have not done in equal measure for DS practitioners worldwide and in India.

CTA your words of honour should match what you stand for! Actions and words should be one and the same. You want to be respected by the International Community (as a progressive Buddhist Country) FOCUS ONLY ON SECULAR MATTERS would be a good start.

When the Dalai Lama is not around I don't think the world will be as forgiving for indiscretions against its own people examples of change around the world? examples Egypt / Middle East / Syria etc...I am not comparing CTA to these places? some might say Yes? But you can see how the media treats these issues because BAD NEWS also is BIG NEWS...just food for thought.



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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #62 on: February 18, 2012, 06:52:22 AM »
Namdrol! This is incredible news - totally brightened my day. THANK YOU! I rejoice in your efforts to have found this out.

I rejoice also in all the work that this website and its people have done to put pressure (nicely!) on the government over these few years. We may think, in the short term, that a few letters couldn't change anything, that maybe they might just be thrown away or whatever. A few people have said this to me and scoffed at the idea. I disagree. whether or not the CTA and their people actually read letters is not the point (perhaps some of them don't even speak english well!). But surely, just receiving the letters alerts them to the fact that there are people who are watching the situation and who are QUESTIONING in very logical, clear ways. The letters become an embarrassment to them. It shows them that the ban isn't just affecting the few hundred thousand Tibetans in exile in India but THE WORLD IS WATCHING.

IF they want to compete on a global scale as an internationally recognised people, they they had better get their act together and act in accordance with the global standards of human rights and governance of the people.

Karmically, also, the very effort of preparing these letters - from writing to sending to discussing them online - definitely contributes to something beyond what we can see. Karmically, we are creating the causes for the truth of Dorje Shugden's practice to grow in the world, unfettered. By doing all we can to draw attention to the silliness of the ban and its illogic, we create the cause for the ban to be diluted. It is logical after all - the more knowledge, education and awareness there is in the world about the truth of Dorje Shugden's nature, the more difficult it becomes to quash the practice by that silly illogic upheld by anti-shugdenpas.

Karmically, all these acts add up to become a huge lake of water. Whatever puny efforts by the CTA to denounce the practice become only like a small pot of ink that they may try to tip into the lake - it becomes barely noticeable.

Congratulations again to I think you deserve it. A great reward for all your hard work.

Next mission: to remove all the shugden references from the Dalai lama's website also!??


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #63 on: February 18, 2012, 07:47:07 AM »
The next step is CTA change their name to CSA
And their site changed to

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2012, 08:44:07 AM »
Wow, this is surprising, indeed, when I click on the link, it shows page not found, further to check on whether is the website error or not, I have click on other link and all got no problem except Dorje Shugden issue.

After the tone down comment re Shugden by HHDL and now shugden link in CTA page is gone, this is a clear sign that the ban of Dorje Shugden is slowly faded away. I have also tried to log in to several times, but it says page is not loading, not sure is my PC problem or the site is down.

From the consistency and spread of Dorje Shugden, I guess the CTA now has reconsidered the statement of Dorje Shugden. The fact is, regardless of what deity they believe / worship, the citizen is still the citizen, a country is depend on the people, projects, money contributions, investments, everything that the government wanted to do will depend on the people, but if the government is splitting up the people, how foolish it will be.

If the CTA is really removing this state of discrimination, Tibet will definitely grow and become a much better country. Can’t wait for Tibet to become a spiritually freedom for Buddhism.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2012, 08:44:37 AM »
This is a very positive news that topics on Shugden have been removed from CTA website. All of you who did this website should be commended for a job well done. There is so much contents here and I am sure has provided the much needed information to the CTA. Perhaps many on the decision makers board in CTA do not even know much about who Shugden really is and they just went along with the decision. I say this with conviction because when I first heard about the ban years ago, I was confused myself. I have been following this website and has provided me and my colleagues with a clear picture on this matter.

This new CTA administration has made a wise decision in correcting their misconception. Or so it seems. How can they be campaigning around the world to free tibet on grounds of freedom and democracy when they themselves do not walk the talk and surpress their own people on freedom of choice of spiritual practice????? Does not make one bit of sense to me!

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2012, 09:21:34 AM »
Dear Nagaseeker... Let me start by saying, very cute the way you have "created" this visual of the CTA website. Who is to say this wont happen in the future!!! ;)

Anyway, on the topic at hand, I believe there is cause to rejoice... however, CTA's stance is still rather "unclear". They may have removed "incriminating evidence" towards their discriminatory positions and written stance on their website but that can be seen as purely a self defence game plan.

Having said that, it is very good that they are even considering taking this step. So perhaps the splilt between secular and spiritual can be attained even within the CTA? We will have to keep a close watch on this and perhaps some encouragement to CTA with this regard could be good (e.g. send them messages on their website or write in to let them know).

It is a positive step for sure and I know with the spread of Dorje Shudgen around the planet, the ban will indeed become a thing of the past... in fact, the ban would have "served its purpose" so to speak.

Keep up the good work the team behind as I am sure all the rattling is indeed creating quite a ruckus now and it is just a matter of time... Thank you and I am sure everyone here in the forum will continue to contribute and share.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #67 on: February 18, 2012, 09:30:56 AM »
This is incredible news. Thank you Namdrol for bringing this ray of light into my life which is looking so bleak at this moment. I would say that all the prayers and hopes of all the Shugden practitioners all over the world are being answered. To all the people everywhere who are working very hard to get the ban lifted, please carry on with your cause. This is proof all your hard work are bearing fruits. May the ban be lifted soon. Very soon.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #68 on: February 18, 2012, 11:55:12 AM »
Hopefully this is a sign for Lobsang Sangays step in the right direction. If theyre doing this quietly, or making a fanfare of it, I dont really care...just get rid of the ban!

I mean, COME ON. What kind of democratic government devotes an ENTIRE section of their website on suppression? Most governments dedicate sections on their website to the eradication of suppression and segregation, not the other way around. Yet another sign of the CTAs backward thinking...or should I say, gradually-former backwards thinking. I guess now their ready to throw off the shackles and move into the 22nd century!

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #69 on: February 18, 2012, 04:12:41 PM »
I think this is the best news that I had so far. I really happy to know that. How nice that the CTA together with the Prime Minister are taking the right step doing the right thing.  This shows that they are making an effort to play their part correctly for sake for their people. I hope the welfare of Dorje Shudgen practitioners could be improved from today on. So such of suffering they have been accountered ever since the ban started.

Dorje Shugden practioners should have the right just like any other Tibetan. Their children should allowed go to school, they can get a job, to have the respect as normal human being deserved to have. 

This is such a relief when I read about it. Thank you for sharing this with us. I do hope this is the first step to the lift of the ban.

Rejoice that the PM and CTA have started to act something right. I really appreciate their effort very much. Thank you.

Peter J

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #70 on: February 18, 2012, 04:51:32 PM »
There are 2 possibilities of pages disappear in website, 1 is hacked, another one is deleted by it's own admin.

In this case, the chance for the second possibility is higher. Because if it's done by hacker, it will not be these little amount of content be deleted.

Seems like the Dalai group started to open more space for Dorje Shugden practice.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #71 on: February 18, 2012, 08:16:19 PM »
Tashi Delek to All, If We check properly the website of CTA, Under Kashag the Executive of CTA, the Office of kalons, there is a section called "Political and Public Affairs" Under this section, it is still there as one of their work to be "Dolgyal Affairs Scrutiny Section".
So nothing is changed.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #72 on: February 18, 2012, 08:44:44 PM »
CTA removed all anti dorje shugden site is wise decision. Now even china government accepted panchen lama whom practise ds , which mean future will have more and more ds practitioner manifest. At the same time will have more people hate HHDL and CTA if CTA keep promote to ban ds.

Very simple choice here,
1) CTA love and protect HHDL, should support more to lift the ban now.
2) CTA and HHDL in future will become the most ugly unit or people in vajrayana buddhism.

May DS win in this battle !

Reena Searl

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #73 on: February 19, 2012, 08:08:27 AM »
What a great news to DS practitioners !

From the recents news of
1)HHDL hand over his secular power to prime minister, 2) China government met Panchen Lama whom practice DS  to 3) CTA removed DS topics from website

Logically, if CTA remains those DS articles may create some negative effect to them, so they choose to removed the articles from website.

The voices of against DS is reduced shown the indication that DS's ban is will be lifted soon

DS.COM team, thanks for the effort, all these good news mean very much to me.



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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #74 on: February 19, 2012, 02:55:20 PM »
Thank you Namdrol for this great piece of news!!! Finally the CTA is acknowledging that they are being discriminatory and decided to bring down the pages that has anything to do with the ban of Dorje Shugden. Have they come to their senses that they should represent all the people of Tibet and not just a part of the society.

Congratulations to Mr. Lobsang Sangay, the Kalon Tripa, for making such a stand. It is a beginning of a new era for Tibetans. And we hope that there will be more good news to come. We shall wait and see.

This also means that the Dalai Lama has loosened his grip on this ban. If not, do you think the pages could be so easily taken down? This is because all this years the Dalai Lama has combined politics and religion together because he was the head of Tibet. And no one can say anything about it but to follow.

Since the Dalai Lama has stepped down from politics, the CTA has a chance to step up and start to represent the people and be more like a democratic country.

Great job, Mr. Lobsang Sangay!