Author Topic: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!  (Read 59861 times)


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2012, 09:49:59 AM »
Whether a person is Bon, Muslim, Dorje Shugden adherents if they are Tibetans, the CTA should take care of them nonetheless and must make sure their welfare is taken into consideration. The ban against Dorje Shugden is similar to the apartheid and thank goodness the Tibetan Geluga lamas have settled themselves in every part of the world. Hence many 'Nelson Mandela' are working all over the world to overturn this ban, down with the BAN!

I also think the pages have been left out and taken down, as this is the practise with most people if this is a relatively static site they wont do much maintenance on them hence I would think the article is taken down also. Unless they are adding content which is unlikely there are much better ways to update content without affecting the current posting. 

Lawrence L

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2012, 09:50:32 AM »
wow! what an exciting news for today! Thank you Namdrol.
I went to the website as you said, and yes, it shows to me Page Not Found when I click 'His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Advice Concerning Dolgyal (Shugden)' and 'Statement by the CTA on Shugden/Dholgyal followers from Tibet' and also 'The Central Tibetan Administration’s position on the Shugden/Dholgyal followers from Tibet'.

Even now when the Dalai Lama talks about Dorje Shugden, His tune is softer compared to 10 and  5 years ago. CTA should do the same, at least show their respect to others by not harming the freedom of religious. I guess CTA has learnt to be 'smart'. Attacking Dorje Shugden's practitioners openly is really not a good idea as they don't have the ground to prove what they said and prove their stand!

To me this is a kind of big progress to those who tirelessly write on the website to clarify, make explanation and help the other Dorje Shugden practitioners to have a clear vision and knowledge to distinguish things.

Hope the ban be lifted ASAP! Hope the DS practitioners all in well.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2012, 09:53:21 AM »
Does anyone recall the last scene from the 'Return of the Jedi', when all the people in the galaxy were celebrating the fall of the evil EMPIRE i kind of have that feeling now :) , just thought I share something light as it is a Friday.

hope rainbow

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2012, 10:06:39 AM »
Now, I say, this is a step forward, definitive step forward.
I am very happy to read this post.

I thought this would be what the Dalai Lama expected to happen with the separation of spiritual/secular.

It means that Tibetans who follow Dorje Shugden now have a representative to talk to that they can go to in trust.

It means that the ban is loosing force, by loosing its secular arm.

News to rejoice. May we have more like this!


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2012, 10:11:05 AM »
AT LAST!  And i believed Dr. Lobsang Sangye had a meeting with HHDL regarding this issue separating secular & spiritual world.

With 'New' CTA doing that, people around the world will be wondering why are the articles regarding Dorje Shugden been removed? Perhaps the ban is half way been lifted?

To all Dorje Shugden practitioners out there, i wish to congratulate for not giving up our believes towards our Gurus and Lamas. How can DS practises consider a crime? How can HH Trijang Rinpoche be wrong?

Lets rejoice this movement!! Let's unite the Tibetan people and let's unite Buddhism as it started from one source.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2012, 10:14:43 AM »
There can be other causes to the website being down but you know what? It is good that even for a while that the articles cannot be accessed. This would mean those who went to read the articles could not access the false news and hopefully when they did another search on Dorje Shugden, it directed them to! But if the CTA has really taken down the articles, LET'S REJOICE! The works of is shaking them up!

CTA is being really childish not taking care of their citizens. Seriously, so what if they're Dorje Shugden practitioners? NO MATTER WHAT, THEY ARE STILL TIBETAN IN BLOOD AND SWEAT. That will never change. Isn't the CTA silly for driving out their own citizens hence making their community smaller? I find that rather weird.

They always say they want to regain their independence of Tibet but don't they know they can do it better with a larger, smarter, brighter community? LOOK out there, so many High Lamas of Dorje Shugden have a NAME out there in the world. They can be of much help to the country and people.


I wanted to gently say the website IS NOT DOWN, but the articles removed. There's a difference. If it is removed, this means the CTA realizes it is bad for their PR to ban a sector of their own people due to religious beliefs.

This is an excellent post by Namdrol. I thank Namdrol for his vigilance. It has really made my week. I feel extremely happy to see this 'trend' I dare hope.

CTA is the secular 'leaders' of the Tibetans in exile at least. And if they still require the millions ($) in donations they are recieving to survive and operate their activities, they need to have good PR. Good PR means no ban, no suppression of their own people, no bias and religious injustices. Otherwise they sound like medieval England, Spain or witch hunts 200 years ago in the Americas.

The chronic problem with majority of CTA people is that they are highly backwards, uneducated, unexposed, very sedentary, always looking for handouts, have never travelled the world, have zero background in democratic modern governance. Their only source of information is BBC and Dalai Lama. With Phd Harvard graduate Lobsang Sangye coming in, there might be a difference. But we must do our part. We must write in, do E-protests (forum writings, Facebook, social medias) to continuously create an embarrassing situation for CTA. We are embarrassing them with their own silly and outdated ban, policies against a sector of people who's only crime is practicing Shugden. How can Dalai Lama say "choose him or Shugden?" It's not as simple as that, to choose Shugden means you can't vote, get medical assistance from Tibetan doctors, attend Tibetan schools, take part in decisions of the exile Tibetans, expelled from Monasteries. It's not freedom of choice but blackmail and pure dictatorial imposition.

We must continue to create more awareness and keep up the pressure. All Shugden practitioners must continue to group together and not stay apart or argue on idealogical/philosophical differences. That can be continued (if necessary) when the ban is released or forgotten.  The ban is just like apartheid. We must group together to remove this unfair, undemocratic and outdated apartheid. Religious freedom should be enjoyed by all citizens of Tibet and the world.

Down with Tibetan apartheid.


TK has pointed out a key point here! The current Prime Minister, Dr Lobsang Sangye is a highly intelligent PhD holder. Perhaps with his leadership, and Dorje Shugden practitioners valid points and pressure there will be a change!

If Dr Lobsang sets the right momentum, we will see a long term positive change. All the future Prime Ministers and leaders will follow suit because of the positive results shown by this current Prime Minister. I highly believe that if CTA stops their suppression against Dorje Shugden practitioners, financially they will be sound, they will have great support internationally and all Tibetans will no longer be separated.

For years now, even kids understand that if we unite, many more things can be achieved!

Down with CTA's ignorance! CTA cannot win!

Big Uncle

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2012, 10:15:37 AM »
OMG!!!!! Wow! This is great news!  :) ;) :D ;D :o 8) ::)The CTA is certainly watching our little friendly web forum. The hours spent discussing and analyzing why and how the CTA should abandon the ban is bearing a little bit of fruit. This is great! CTA, you are doing the right thing! Please don't stop with just the DS content on your website. Please gradually remove all traces of the ban from the Tibetan psyche.

Please remove the signs that outlaw Dorje Shugden practitioners at all your institutions. Please disseminate this info to all your governmental departments and continue by requesting the great monasteries to stop the swearing monks as the swearing and segregation of Shugden practitioners does not help the Tibetan cause. The monks should be provided with constitutional rights to choose whether to practice or not. Please disseminate this information to all Tibetans to accept and live with each other harmoniously. Please ensure that all Tibetans know that there must be unity and harmony which in turn will contribute to the Tibetan cause. The power is in the hands of the Tibetan people now as was the intention of the Dalai Lama all along. So wield it wisely.

Bottom line, the Tibetan cause is achieved when there's harmony and when all traces of old policies like the ban is eradicated. This will be beneficial for the Tibetan cause - No more ban!


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2012, 10:16:01 AM »
Thank you, Namdrol, for sharing such wonderful news with us!  I went into CTA website as per those topics you click; it shows “unable to connect”. I feel this is sometime good to rejoice. Why are those topics removed? Is Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay doing something right now? Is he trying not to mix secular matters with religious ones? If so, will he be able to reunite the Tibetans as one instead of segregate them due to religious matters. I sincerely hope that Lobsang Sangay will be fair to treat all his citizens equally and if he does he gains my deepest respect.

As DS practitioners, we must create more awareness and together with the unsung heroes let us put in our effort to the lifting of the ban. May it be soon!!!


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2012, 10:16:26 AM »
To all the open and hidden DS warriors , well done !

This is indeed a good sign for what we have been fighting for - Lifting of the Ban and true Freedom in Spiritual Practice.

Another thing I realize is the power of social media. Thanks to internet and all the related tools , we can influence and help people from different parts of the world swiftly and effectively.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2012, 10:16:52 AM »
Wow! This is exceptionally good news. The CTA has finally removed things that would be considered anti-shugden on their website.  Thank you, Dr. Lobsang Sangye. Lobsang Sangye is separating religion and secular subjects. Good for him. He is creating the causes for the Tibetans to be more united. It feels like the ban is slowly drifting away :D

However, we still need to stay vigilant. We must create more pressure but NOT in a bad way. We must create more awareness about this situation. That way, the ban will be lifted even sooner. 


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2012, 10:24:57 AM »
I am very happy to read the news.  Thank you Namdrol for sharing it with us.  I sincerely wish that CTA will act as a true secular government to Tibetan people.  Tibetan DS practitioners have not gone to exile to be further discriminated for their choice of religion.  As choosing your own religion is one's basic human rights.

I sincerely hope that the ban will be lifted soon.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2012, 10:30:01 AM »
I have checked their website thoroughly and found that the most of the articles regarding Shugden has been removed from their system. There are still a few Shugden related articles, such as:

but most of the more "fierce" articles have been removed. I take that it is a good sign for the Dorje Shugden practitioners.

However, until the official press release for all Dorje Shugden practitioners to enjoy the same benefits as others is released, I will not celebrate yet. Instead, if has done his part in causing the articles to be removed, I felt the team should work even harder for the ban to be lifted SOONER. cannot relax and wait for it to happen, and must continue to find new ways to make the CTA's ears itchy so that they know they, as human to human, cannot let the practitioners suffer anymore.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2012, 10:41:28 AM »
THis is definitely good news. I supposed it is a hint for the ban to be removed eventually. Negative links about Dorje Shugden removed and is down is a clear sign. I hope CTA will bring about positive changes for their citizens by creating unity and upholding religious freedom and harmony.

Tenzin K

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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2012, 10:42:42 AM »
Thank you Namdrol,
I have checked, it's really showed "page not found".
This is really a great news.
Kalon Tripa does making some action for a change for GOOD.

Realizing the important of unity of the people is important to make them strong. Not sure how far Kalon Tripa as a leader of the cabinet will move on from here but it definitely a good start. No doubt it's like a silent move but is good move. It should continue to remove all the unnecessary that will not bring benefit to the people as a whole.

CTA want to restore freedom and happiness in Tibet. Gather the people in, Lord Shugden partitioners are part of the people. Unity will make them strong.

Agree with Wisdom Being, CTA should be praise for such work, this is also to show them that they will get support for standing for human right.


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Re: Dolgyal (Shugden) topics removed from CTA website???!!!!
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2012, 10:51:26 AM »
This a very good news for all the Dorje Shugden practitioners.
CTA is taking actions by removing controversial articles. They are moving towards harmony now.
That is the right way to go. Since the state is to after their people's right this should be continue.

Really rejoice for the moved and a good sign from CTA. Bright future for the ban to be lifted.

Down with the BAN!!!