Author Topic: Did you know Shugden was enthroned during the time of 11th Dalai Lama?  (Read 10974 times)


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I would like to share the thought that came to mind in respond to triesa’s question about “…Why would the Emperor Dhakong award pandit hat to both Dorje Shugden and Nechung at the same time?” I believe it is out of respect because Nechung created the cause for Dorje Shugden to arise during the lifetime of Dultzin Dragpa (by requesting him to arise as the Protector of the doctrine of Lama Tsongkapa). Thus, it would seem appropriate to offer Nechung acknowledgement and respect for “giving” us the perfect Protector of our time.

How Dorje Shugden manifest was because Nechung has requested Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen to promise that he will do anything to protect Tsongkhapa teachings, that was at the beginning. Therefore, I am not surprise at all with the above.

Even till today, what HH has said about Shugden is for a bigger picture. I am SURE.

It looks like HH is putting Shugden on a Guerilla Marketing Campaign. Since HH has banned Shugden, many thoughts/actions and etc has been provoked within the Tibetans and it has spread to NON Tibetans. The coverage Shugden has with this "campaign" is far more outreaching then anything the Tibetan's or Buddhist community has done.

Shugden is FAMOUS because of the ban.
Shugden is being practice more because of the ban.
Shugden temples are being restored because of the ban

Plus on top of this, Shugden is and already has make his way back to the motherland of CHINA because of the ban. Who is making friends with the China officials? - Lamas who practices Shugden ie Panchen Lama, Gangchen Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche and etc.

Out of respect, HH will go one day and he already has said before that he will not be back. There are many other ways HH can can come back as. HH has control over death and birth as proven in all his incarnation. But I wonder whether the CTA official has that "control"?. Maybe they should all read "The Wheel of Sharp Weapon" as a group to realise where they will be going after death.


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This is a very crucial piece of news. Modern scholars who are on the Dalai Lama's side these days often claim that Dorje Shugden is a minor protector and that his popularity only surged after Pabongkha Rinpoche promoted him. This piece of evidence contradicts that very claim in a huge way. It shows that Dorje Shugden does have a huge and important role in Gelug and that he is enlightened because if he was not, the 11th Dalai Lama would not have enthroned him as the principal protector of Tibet at that time. Why is it that these so called scholars such as David Kay and George Dreyfus conveniently miss these details?


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I would sure love to read the book to get to know more about the story behind it.

Since HH Dalai Lama has recognize DS in his previous lifetimes, I still do not understand why he is saying that he was wrong to recognize DS as a protector. It does not make any sense at all.

It is good that DS was previously spread in China, and DS is being spread in China again today. It will definitely be a very good sign if many of the Chinese in China do practice DS now. As China is now one of the more influential countries, with them practicing and spreading DS the ban would definitely be down soon.


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I would sure love to read the book to get to know more about the story behind it.

Since HH Dalai Lama has recognize DS in his previous lifetimes, I still do not understand why he is saying that he was wrong to recognize DS as a protector. It does not make any sense at all.

It is good that DS was previously spread in China, and DS is being spread in China again today. It will definitely be a very good sign if many of the Chinese in China do practice DS now. As China is now one of the more influential countries, with them practicing and spreading DS the ban would definitely be down soon.

It's funny isnt it? That the 5th Dalai Lama initially thought that Dorje Shugden was an evil spirit but failed to exorcise him in every turn, then declared that he is an enlightened Dharma protector. Then. the 11th Dalai Lama enthroned him as the principal Dharma protector of Tibet. Then now the 14th one says he's bad? Why are the Dalai Lamas so inconsistent? It's funny because one would expect consistency and stability from someone so holy as the Dalai Lama but it seems that he is quite unpredictable as well.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Did you know Shugden was enthroned during the time of 11th Dalai Lama?
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2015, 08:14:56 AM »
It is interesting to know that the relationship between Dorje Shugden and the current and previous Dalai Lamas had been controversial.

As attested by Trijang Rinpoche, during the reign of the 11th Dalai Lama, the Chinese emperor enthroned Dorje Shugden and great honour was bestowed. Read more on this interesting article.