Author Topic: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!  (Read 12635 times)


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Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:07:47 PM »
Did you know who the Dalai Lama's own brother is recognized as? And it's been kept secret and quiet. You would be amazed at the irony. TK

Take a read:

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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 01:48:09 PM »
I have heard of this indeed. The article is very interesting and is in complete contradiction to what HHDL says and yes the irony of it all.

I found this very cute picture of Ngari Rinpoche as well and some extra information:

Jetsun Pema, the Dalai Lama's sister recalls her little brother in Tibet My Story, London: Element , 1998 pp.41-2, "At the same time, another reincarnation was living in our house: my youngest brother, Tenzin Choegal, a rinpoche or spiritual master to whom we also paid great respect. He, however, shared our everday life and was sometimes very mischievous. At meal times, he did not think twice about getting down from his chair and joining us to be naughty, much to his tutor's distress. ... Everyone let him do exactly what he wanted, because of his position as a rinpoche."

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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 01:53:17 PM »
To add I also found this very interesting article from The University of San Francisco:


Tenzin Choegyal

A leading political and religious figure, former military officer, reincarnated rinpoche, and brother to the current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Choegyal is a man of many lives.  His thinking on contemporary issues related to Tibet, China, religion, and the search for happiness is fresh, provocative, and guaranteed to stimulate further reflection.  Join us for a discussion facilitated by Associate Professor Vincent Pizzuto, from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Francisco.

Tenzin Choegyal was born in Lhasa in 1946, and at the age of four was recognized as the 15th Ngari Rinpoche.  Tenzin began his monastic education in Lhasa at Drepung Monastery in 1953 at the age of 7 and remained there until he fled Lhasa with the Dalai Lama and his family in 1959. After many years of study in India and abroad, Tenzin joined the Central Tibetan Administration (Tibetan Government in Exile) from 1971-1988, and then was elected to the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, from 1991-1995. Tenzin currently lives in Dharamsala, India with his wife, Rinchen Khandro.


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 01:56:07 PM »
Oh my gosh this is unbelievable!!!

Is this really true how does Tenzin Choegyal feel? And if this is so then the BAN sure is a weird unless it is a manifestation of a much deeper reason for all the chaos.

I'm sure all these questions below (from the link) must have a real good reason otherwise honestly I would think HHDL is a shame (no disrespect!) and if He is then all the Gurus could be a shame too hence it can only mean the other

The evidence is irrefutable but the Tibetan government has downplayed this information until now, for fear that the Dalai Lama’s reputation would be ruined. Why would the Dalai Lama put a ban on his own brother and his line of reincarnations? How can an evil spirit reincarnate as the brother of the Dalai Lama? Why would the Dalai Lama allow his brother to be recognized into a line of incarnations supposedly banned? Why would the Dalai Lama let his brother who is supposedly an evil spirit to live and interact with him? How can an evil spirit have claim to the abbotship of monasteries? So many questions, with such few logical answers. The situation does not make sense. Surely the Dalai Lama, an emanation of Chenrezig himself, will know who his brother is a reincarnation of. Yet the Dalai Lama has said nothing. What would this information mean for the ban? What if one day the Dalai Lama admitted it himself? One thing is for sure – Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has been reincarnating this whole time, and will continue to reincarnate. Now we have some evidence to show who, and where he could be. Given the nature of this information in relation to the Dogyal ban, it should be considered that is big news in Tibetan Buddhism.


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 03:27:06 PM »
For those who wish to know more about Tenzin Choegyal, visit this -

Tenzin said, “For people who are interested in spiritual tradition, study it, and study it in groups, with no leader.”

What do you think of his comment ? Is he implying that politics and spirituality should be separated ?

Perhaps this could be one of the reasons why his elder brother keeps him out of the lime light ....


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2012, 04:04:14 PM »
I think this is another fact that support the idea that the ban has a deeper meaning. The Dalai Lama and Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen being born in the same family is really significant karmically. Two Buddhas working to spread the Dharma together.

It is like the Dalai Lama is protecting TDG, waiting for the right time for the next move.


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2012, 05:36:13 PM »
For many years I have been reading so many historical references, including those of China.  Emperor Kang Xi from Ching Dynasty has been one of my favorites in particular because of his positive influences.  It's really surprising to me to read that he is actually one of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen's emanations.  It seems to me that the dots are connected now.  So many years, I contemplated and compared one ruler againsts the other.  Some could be lousy and mean and the others were very good.  What is the matter?  They all received privilleged education and lifestyle.  Yet some seemed to be successfuls while the others are failures.

But I finally came to the conclusion that it is very easy for us now to look back and fingerpoint who is lousy and who is not, while for the rulers of the past, it was very difficult for them to see the future.  So it was not really fair for me to judge looking back.  But yet, I could not help to wonder, how someone like Emperor Kang Xi seemed to be able to get most of his steps right although as a human being he could not see the future.  Now the dots are connected.

I don't know now what is happening inside the enlightened mind of Dalai Lama.  If his brother is the incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen, so he is also the emanation of DS.  If the fact is published like this, perhaps HHDL will provide few words of explanation about the purpose of the ban?  Hopefully, as we continue dig further into this whole situation, the ban will be lifted soon and so many people will be released from suffering and dilemma.  And in the time not far from now, we can look back and get the clear picture of the situation to know why this whole DS ban is being staged.     

hope rainbow

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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2012, 06:12:42 PM »
This is such an obvious clue, one more, that backs up the reason for this apparently senseless ban.
For Manjushri to emanate within the Ngari tulkus, the same mindstream as Dorje Shugden AND as the Dalai Lama's own brother... one must be blind not to see the giant "wink".

We are at a peak here, we have everything in our hands, all the clues, all the tools, the opportunity, the means, so let's walk the path of a bodhisattva right now!
We will never know what karma we are wasting if we don't and we will definitely know what karma we are creating by looking the other way.... we will know, unfortunately...

Let's be wise and walk the right direction.


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2012, 07:31:13 AM »
Thank you TK and everyone for additonal posts on Tenzin Choegyal (TDG).

We are so lucky on this site to have free access to all things concerning DS...and wonderful contributors sharing their knowledge and information freely. Its truly an inspiration for this DS practitioner and I suspect others around the world.

Interview Key Points:

Pali Cannon:
"We should read more deeply and study more deeply"

Tenzin Choegyal:
"For people who are interested in spiritual tradition, study it, and study it in groups, with No Leader"

Not blind faith.
Non-violence / dialogue.
Believes in Reincarnation.
Follow Creed of Buddha NOT Rituals.
Practice outside Monastic Life is also important.

When questioned how HHDL felt about Tenzin Choegyal views the repsonse.."He accepts".

Interesting and enlightening as always DS.COM

Thank you again!


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2012, 12:31:45 PM »
Wait a minute -- if HH's own brother is the reincarnation and with the ban in place, then it really is an awkward situation for both of them.  Where HH is enforcing the ban, his youngest brother has to keep a low profile.  If he comes out openly with his practise and recognition, where does that put HH?  Did he ban his brother from practicing, personally?

So this "evil spirit" is within the family, how wierd can this be?  Being in the same family as the one who has banned your practice?

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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2012, 06:34:43 PM »
This is interesting. Why would Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen choose to be reborn in HHDL's family? He definitely has control over where he wanted to be reborn in, but why HHDL? Every Tulku when they come back, they come back with a mission, it makes me wonder what is Ngari's Rinpoche's mission in this lifetime? I believe he did no choose to be reborn to have a wife and 2 kids. It will be interesting to know more about his works, what he is doing now and what has he been doing.


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2012, 06:52:12 PM »
Thank you TK for this informative thread.

Lord Dorje Shugden and The Dalai Lama have been closely intertwined for many lifetimes. They have been fellow students, teacher – student and now, blood brothers. It is also no coincidence that both DS and DL always played key roles in the Dharma world in each incarnation.

What does this all mean? The complexity and ingenuity of this entire “production” is beyond our wildest imagination. The planning and orchestration of this entire controversy could have started many lifetimes ago…as early as the days of Panchen Sonam Dragpa!

If Buddha Shakyamuni could foretell the future so much ahead (example: Lord Buddha predicted that the young boy who presented Him with a crystal mala would return as Lama Tsongkapa in the land of snow to revive Buddhadharma), it is not surprise that highly attained beings can (together) coordinate their rebirth so as to cause the manifestation of a situation that will benefit the dharma as advanced as several lifetime beforehand. This may be especially necessary in the Dharma ending period.

Ngari Rinpoche has certainly been sheltered away in a manner similar to the current Trijang Rinpoche: Both living “normal” lay people life, both have important high-profile/role within the Dharma community…both strongly and significantly linked to Dorje Shugden! Something big is surely cooking up here and if we consider the timeliness of how each event take place, we can only conclude that this is the work of a wizard!

My fantasy would be: HH goes into retirement more apparently as He makes less in the public appearance. When the time is right, Ngari Rinpoche will come into the open as TDG (a.k.a Dorje Shugden) reincarnate and endorse Dorje Shugden practice once again as times and conditions have changed (based on the principal of impermanence, so that HH will not have to be made brutally “wrong”). Powerful Dorje Shugden practitioners like Trijang Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche can openly join force and practice Dorje Shugden to sky-rocket this practice as mainstream Buddhadharma that is perfect for the 21st century spiritual practitioner.

May we dig up more information and make it known publicly through the ds website and forum as well as linking to FB, blogs etc. May this, in turn, create the cause for the ban to be lifted earlier and for Dorje Shugden’s practice to flourish with greater momentum and intensity.


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 01:17:39 AM »
Thank you for this great research of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s line of incarnation. This revelation is extremely exciting. I believe in this life Ngari Rinpoche is on vacation as he has to keep on a low profile because of the ban by his own brother, the Dalai Lama. I am curious and wonder if Ngari Rinpoche will remain in this manner much longer when the ban is lifting. However, I do know that there is another incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, undoubtedly the mind incarnation, is actively and tirelessly promoting Dorje Shugden on a large scale as he definitely cannot be silenced! He is the incomparable incarnation. Time will reveal who HE is.


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 06:35:17 AM »
I read from wikipedia that after the death of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, there were orders to stop the search for His incarnation.

But you see, whether or not they stop the search doesn't matter because Tulku Drakpa will still reincarnate for the benefit of all sentient beings. Being in denial and ignorant really serves no purpose. They can stop the search but they cannot stop Him from coming back. That's for sure.

With a heart of compassion, Tulku Drakpa reincarnations will benefit countless of beings with or without official recognition. There are hearsay that Tulku Drakpa is here among us today with not only one emanation but a few or even more. Some even backed with evidence! Like the Dalai Lama's brother, Ngari Rinpoche.

I can't wait for the day when the ban is lifted, all the emanations of Tulku Drakpa will arise publicly to spread the Dharma. I really can't wait for that day to come. For that, I will play my role to help lift the ban...will you?  ;)


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Re: Do you know who Dalai Lama's own brother is?!
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2012, 05:22:39 PM »
This is just quite unbelievable!  I have posted a question like this before on other posts, I have always think that karmically HHDL and Dorje Shugden always seem inseparable.  His Holiness and the famous Drakpas had always been very close whether it was in distance or connection.  Many articles on the website mentioned countlessly how His Holiness connected closely to the Drakpas.  And even Dorje Shugden.

As much as His Holiness would like to avoid talking about him now, and yet he is still talking about him.  They are totally inseparable!  By seeing this thread gives me a relief feeling, like WHAT???  What a MAJOR PLANNED COINCIDENCE???!!!  His Holiness own brother is the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen?  Perfect answer.  I guess we don't have to look further.  So what now the CTA gotta say I wonder?  Looks like the sun is rising on the right side.  Too bad CTA not emanations of Chenrizeg.