I like your initiative, Harry. Thank you for sharing what you've been doing. I was just thinking that if we don't start now, then when shall we start helping others and introducing them to the practise of our Great Protector, who is one with Manjushri. Wait until the ban is lifted then start promoting? Won't that be a bit too late? The efforts would need to be two to threefold more, and much more work must be put in at the expense of time.
It's like for any company, before they launch their product full force, they'd test and promote it in the market first. Like a soft launch. When they gather the support, the favouritism, identity and knowledge of their customers, then when finally they have a big big launch for their product, it is easier for their customers to accept and purchase their product because they already know about it, they have tried it, and have seen the results. Similarly, the same goes for Dorje Shugden, and this website which has given me great hope.
Therefore, we should do the same for our spiritual practice, and our great protector who is swift in granting our worldy wishes, who is so apt for our time, clearing our obstacles whilst connecting and imprinting us with the enlightened mind of Manjushri. If you have benefiited from Dorje Shugden, don't you want to share him with others? I am sure Dorje Shugden would be most pleased if you brought his practise to help others too. As they say...sharing is caring!
Anyways, if you cannot afford the tsa tsas like Harry Nephew, the least you could do is maybe download a brochure, or a wallpaper of Dorje Shugden and forward it to your friends, introduce it to your friends, and lead them to this website. Afterall...it is free... and in time, when you are more capable, you can purchase little things like pendants, tsa tsas, prints to give away to others. An imprint is an imprint. It will help and bless whoever you give the items to, fruitioning at a later part in their lives..or maybe their next lives. Who knows! But if you don't try, you'll never know!
Thanks for giving me the idea on how I can spread DS to my loved ones, Harry!!