Author Topic: It is really taking off!!!  (Read 13518 times)


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2012, 06:39:51 AM »
Wow! The graphic novel of Dorje Shugden is surely one of the most effective ways of promoting and spreading the knowledge about who Dorje Shugden is and why doing his practice is so important and beneficial. The fact that Ven Zawa Rinpoche is shown here sharing the reading of the graphic novel with a young boy shows that this novel is so very popular and has captivated the hearts and minds of Lamas, monks  and ordinary folk worldwide; parallel with this is the widespread impact of this website, as the graphic novel must have spread via this website, by people from far and wide downloading it.

Just the other day, I was watching a young boy grab a Dorje Shugden graphic novel at a book fair and reading it. He sat there so very engrossed for over an hour and was oblivious to the world around him. Yes, young and old are easily drawn to this well-crafted graphic novel.     


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 04:55:27 PM »
The graphic novel on Dorje Shugden is perhaps the most brilliant idea conceptualised and manifested... Thank you for creating this to benefit so many people of all ages! It is an excellent way to educate and give the true story to the world about DS.

I have given this book to many of my non-Buddhist friends and they found it interesting and intriguing. Some even said there should be movie made and that it'll be blast. I hope one day some smart producer/director will pick this comic book up and do a movie from it! I can imagine it being a big hit on the big screen, and even all those silly CTAs would wanna watch it lol!!!


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 05:04:36 PM »
This website has been very inspiring and dedicating. I love the way they promote Dorje Shugden and the brilliant ideas of reaching out this practice to the rest of the world. I guess their marketing team behind is very strong huh? hehe.. Anyways, knowing that ds practitioners especially monks in monastery are "well taken care" of by this team, I feel happy. We know monks hardly get out of monastery, so chances for them to get all sorts of material to practice ds is slim. Now that this website is so kind to send them the necessities and provide convenience to them. Very very kind actions.

Please keep this up and continue to put in more effort to make the ban be lifted! Very kind of you, ds website team.


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2012, 07:01:05 PM »
This website has provided a lot and a lot of information on Dorje Shugden, which other sites have not been able to provide. Perhaps some information here might have been taken from other sites, but this website made it easier to find all the information, all in one place. If previously information was very fragmented everywhere about Dorje Shugden, this website unified all the information and provided even more details and updates, sometimes directly from the monasteries.

This website has also spearheaded the sending of mails and emails to various organizations that are related to CTA around the world to help spread awareness about the ban and how it is affecting people, as well as the historical and logical loopholes that the ban was really based on. Without that effort, I do not think that the Dalai Lama would have eased a little on the Dorje Shugden ban…the latest vide of Dalai Lama speaking proves that point.

The graphical novel is just one of the many resources that we can use to help dispel the misunderstandings that arise due to the ban and show everyone that Dorje Shugden is not as bad as he seems to be. This is on top of the brochure and prayer card that can be distributed to the public to bring more awareness about Dorje Shugden instead of allowing the misinformation to dominate. And then there are so many precious biographies and prayers here that are not on other Dorje Shugden related websites.

Last but not least, this forum helps share and contribute a lot of ideas and generate a lot of buzz and discussion about Dorje Shugden and the clearing of misunderstandings. This website can be said as the main force and the contributor to the overcoming of the ban, if i may say so myself, looking at the amount of work and results that this website has produced. And this website will gain more momentum and will continue to grow.


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2012, 07:15:01 PM »
Cracked me up it did to see the photo on Rinpoches wall...what a joker hahaha well at least now we know clearly who he is affliated with in this ban! ;) did you guys see on his wall, someone asked where they can get the comic from and if Zawa Rinpoche cannot tell them, then theyll ask Gonsar Rinpoche? Hahaha and Zawa Rinpoche says hell send them a copy... funny stuff, nice to know this website has support from all practitioners!

This is very funny! I saw the same posting on Zawa Rinpoche's facebook which made me giggle - more so because of how it must be making the CTA and anti-shugden oppressors squirm in their seats!

I rejoice in seeing the news and am happy to know that 10,000 copies have reached the hands of people everywhere. Did you also send copies to the CTA? I delight in the idea that they are all sitting in a quiet corner in their offices in Dharamsala, secretly reading the books and loving it. (And why not, after all, with Samdhong Rinpoche's little revelation, it wouldn't surprise me if many of them are also Super Secret Shugden Agents). Even if they aren't Shugden practitioners, the books would do them a lot of good - little blessings to soothe their agitated, angry, oppressive minds.

My own dear teacher was very happy to see the comic book online. I hope you know that people are reading, even in the most unlikely places in the world, and it makes them happy to know of the efforts that are put into making this practice survive. He laughed and laughed when we showed him the book online and gave a thumbs up. He cannot read that much English but he knows what it is about, we explained it to him and he laughed again. He looked at all the pictures of the Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden, like he was searching for an old friend. I heard him telling someone about it again later that day. 

I hope that the people who have been beaten down for their practices, ostracised, discriminated against, hurt and abandoned will see this post and know that there are people who are rooting for them, and doing so much to bring up the name of the Dharmapala. I hope they know that this book about Shugden's life, story and powerful practice has reached the hands of 10,000 people, and that for every person who is suffering from the ban, another few hundred are just discovering the magic of Dorje Shugden.

Thank you for your efforts and may Shugden always continue to be in our world.


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2012, 06:19:06 PM »
I like the bliss, calm and happiness radiating from Zawa Tulku Rinpoche! He has an aura of care surrounding him, that is portrayed in the picture where he happily shared with his young student the comic book of Dorje Shugden. It's very nice to see that Zawa Tulku Rinpoche's deep care for his students transpires into him bringing the practice of Dorje Shugden to them and educating them. Lovely to see that the younger generation has spirituality instilled within their lives, as exemplified here by Zawa Rinpoche, to prepare them for all the problems that they will face in living. Dharma is the best form of knowledge that we can pass down to the younger generation, and bringing them the Dharma hows our deep love, care and concern for them.

The illustrated comic of Dorje Shugden is very attractive, eye catching and.. easy to read. Having books that are easy to read are more feasible in today's society where everyone is so caught up and busy with other things, that they are not able to find the time to sit down and read a book that is heavy. So by having this comic book, people are more willing to pick it up to read, thus the seeds of Dorje Shugden will be planted in many more mindstreams. 10,000 copies around the world, is excellent news!! I hope everything that the team behind does will eventually lead to this unfair ban being lifted! Thank you!


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2012, 07:24:21 AM »
It isn't surprising that many people like the comic book. Where else can you find such a simple yet informational comic book on Dorje Shugden?

I personally learned A LOT by reading the comic. The best part is after reading this comic I was yearning for more knowledge. Thankfully, at the back of the comic book was the web address of That was when I started to actively browse the website and forum. I wouldn't say my knowledge on Dorje Shugden is excellent but my knowledge has definitely improved. Personally, the knowledge I've gained has also increased my faith in Dorje Shugden's practice.

I am a person who is not easily convinced. But after doing some research, reading up the comic, websites and other materials on Dorje Shugden, I am sure He is a Buddha! All the evidences are out there..we just have to spend some time to read up.

If you have not, start with the comic! You'll want to find out more after that for sure.


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2012, 03:15:54 PM »
The novel is informative and easy to read. I'm not a comic fan. But the visuals help me understand the biography of Dorje Shugden. It's like watching a movie. The contents appeal to both young and old. I believe it's important for more people to understand the history of Dorje Shugden. This will help more people see that HHDL is working on a bigger goal as his claims on Dorje Shugden's practice are contradictory.

What would be more amazing is someone making a movie from this comic. It can be animated or with real actors. Then more people will know about Dorje Shugden and start the practice. For a start, let's print out the comic and give away to our family and friends.


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2012, 03:41:38 PM »
Now that you mentioned a movie, I remember reading online afew years back that some Westerners were trying to produce a movie on DS. They had a website and people can make donations to support the production. Do you know anything about it; if the movie has been produced? Perhaps production cost would be too high in the best. Hopefully some DS stalwart in China or Thailand can pick up this idea as production cost could be lower in these countries.

The novel is informative and easy to read. I'm not a comic fan. But the visuals help me understand the biography of Dorje Shugden. It's like watching a movie. The contents appeal to both young and old. I believe it's important for more people to understand the history of Dorje Shugden. This will help more people see that HHDL is working on a bigger goal as his claims on Dorje Shugden's practice are contradictory.

What would be more amazing is someone making a movie from this comic. It can be animated or with real actors. Then more people will know about Dorje Shugden and start the practice. For a start, let's print out the comic and give away to our family and friends.


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2012, 05:50:03 PM »
Sadly, there doesnt seem to be good news on the Dorje Shugden Movie front.  Their website ( is no longer available. And their MySpace page is not active. I wonder what happened? Last I heard they were running into some trouble but no more details than that. What a shame.

I wonder if the owners of this website will be interested to produce a Dorje Shugden movie? That would be a wonderful project albeit expensive, but would bring the word of Dorje Shugden to so many (oh dear, do I sound christian?)

In all seriousness, the folks at have done more than most to promote this practice. And a movie or novel would be the next obvious step to take. Webmasters, admins, if you are reading, please please consider doing this.


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2012, 05:59:59 PM »
Congratulations! I must said that your hard work paid off!  Not only you guys have been feeding us the latest information on Dorje Shugden, you have also developed merchandise for the benefits of all.  The brochures and free download materials have always been a hit.  It is inevitable that the comic would be a sell out!  The graphic is so nice and such great quality.  It really worth owning a copy or two, okay, maybe a lot of them!

It is actually a very nice gifts for people to make them understand the lineage and the life story of the precious protector.  Moreover it's a blessing, it's dual benefit!!!  It doesn't just stop there, it helps to create awareness about the ban, for people to find out more and help to life the ban soonest.

I am sure this website has been one of the major portal for many monks, geshes, Rinpoches and scholars.  Seeing Zawa Rinpoche compassionately gave the comic novel to a young girl, we know Dorje Shugden's practice is not stopping.  In fact, there are many who is doing so much to help life the ban.  Klein has mentioned about the movie.  Maybe it's time?

Any takers?  It's going to a big hit, dharma will spread into ten thousands directions... ...


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2012, 06:15:00 PM »
Hopefully some DS stalwart in China or Thailand can pick up this idea as production cost could be lower in these countries.

Hong Kong would be even better.  :)


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2012, 06:18:29 PM »
I look forward to the movie.
Thank you for your dedication!


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2012, 03:49:57 AM »
This colourful graphic DS comic is very informative and educational. It is really heart warming to see these comics being shared by attained masters with the younger generations for their benefit. Bless and start them young with a powerful Protector to watch over and protect them. Gives them the correct info and set them on the right path to share the knowledge they learn with their friends.

This colourful graphic DS comic is available on DS online shop in both Mandarin and English version. Enjoy and share!


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Re: It is really taking off!!!
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2012, 03:59:44 AM »
I am so happy Dorje Shugden comic book is gaining great popularity across the globe.  It is easy to read and understand.  It definitely appeals to the young people around the world and they will be educated and have strong faith towards Dorje Shugden teaching.   This comic book will create the causes for more Shugdenpas to arise and surely counter all the bad rumours created to put down Dorje Shugden.  It will contribute to lifting the ban of Dorje Shugden practice.