Author Topic: Panchen & Shugden  (Read 18403 times)


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Panchen & Shugden
« on: March 05, 2008, 05:07:57 PM »
China sanctioned Panchen Lama is 19 years old now. He is taking on his role of Tibet ’s Highest Lama within Tibet/China more and more. The Chinese Government although saying they are Socialist and do not believe in any religion, still backs up the highest ranking lama within Tibet . Panchen Lama is endorsed by the Central Government of Beijing and all his expenses borne by them also. He has State ranking.

Whether we accept this as the authentic Panchen Lama or not is not the issue here. The Panchen Lama may have many emanations of we are to follow the scriptures. If he grows up to serve the proliferation of BuddhaDharma, then it will bring many people to Buddhism in China itself. China is supporting the practice and spread of Dorje Shugden’s lineage within China and Tibet itself. No one can stop that. Not the Dalai Lama, not his exile government, not the various scattered Dharma centers of the four schools of Buddhism throughout the world. Eventually their protests of Dorje Shugden will be tantamount to protesting against one of the policies of the Chinese Government. They will not take lightly to that.

Ironically the more the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Government in exile suppresses Dorje Shugden, it increases the Chinese government’s promotion of the practice. The Dalai Lama and Tibetan government cannot override, overwhelm, outspeak, have more influence in the world or have more influence over the Chinese government ever. If he can, Tibet would have been free already. He is already in his mid seventies and China is growing stronger. Whatever Nechung oracle has said through the Dalai Lama regarding independence has had zero effect. Zero results. NO INDEPENDENCE . NECHUNG HAS BEEN WRONG.

No matter how prestigious, well known the Dalai Lama is, he cannot court the world’s governments and people against China except for pockets of protests from time to time which are getting less and barely reported in the news.  If the crackdown and brutality in Burma recently can be so easily forgotten, what is the Tibet issue in the eyes of the world? After all economics is the main concern.

So wouldn’t it be better that Dalai Lama/Tibetan government does not speak against Dorje Shugden anymore to further antagonize the Chinese government and their policies for the sake of the remaining 6 million Tibetans within Tibet?  If he continues to speak, then with China ’s backing, Dorje Shugden will first spread in China ’s 1.2 billion populations. The Chinese will 100% believe that Dorje Shugden is beneficial. After all, who will they choose to believe? Their own Government who is opening the doors to economic free trade and creating wealthy citizens or the Dalai Lama? 

Then from China , Dorje Shugden’s practice will spread to the multitudes of Chinese speaking areas of Asia , then the world. Everyone respects China either for monetary, business or cultural reasons. It is after all one of the greatest cultures known to man past and present. It will be the number one culture in the world as it has been in ancient times in the near future due to economic growth. Everything Chinese will be respected and proliferated in the world. Just like now Mcdonald is popular in China because the USA is powerful and influential therefore the Chinese for now are interested in the American cultural identities. In the near future, the tide will turn towards the east and that is China . Everything Chinese will be sought after, praised and valued. Even today, many governments do not wish to offend the Chinese government in hopes of securing lucrative deals. After all, isn’t bring prosperity one of the main functions of any governments whether Democratic or Socialist? The Dalai Lama is his own capacity is making Dorje Shugden bigger, more well known, more heard of and very high profile. Does he not know or understand he is doing that? Highly unlikely. He is indirectly making Dorje Shugden the most popularly known Buddhist deity next to Kuan Yin in China at this time. The practice will take off in China and all the small dharma centers around the world whatever sect they are will not be able to do a thing. Their protests will die with time and unfortunately with the death of Dalai Lama, the last protests against Dorje Shugden’s practice will also be laid to rest.  Why? Because the Dalai Lama himself has said three main points regarding Shugden practice and why it should be banned that spurs the Chinese Government to promote it. The statements being true or false are BESIDES THE POINT.

Shugden harms Tibetan Independence Movement
Shugden harms Dalai lama’s well being
Shugden confers money easily as he is a ‘worldly’ spirit jeopardizing spiritual goals
Would not the above three points be the very political factors that China would promote Shugden?

China has taken Tibet and it is an inalienable part now. They will not tolerate any schism or splittist elements. So if Shugden harms this movement of independence and therefore splitting China , Shugden would be ‘helpful’ in their cause.

The Dalai Lama has made himself into a splittist within China . So if Shugden ‘harms’ him, wouldn’t the Chinese Government find that convenient and a removal of a thorn in their side. After all, they didn’t say anything or make any policies regarding Shugden as Anti-Dalai Lama, but this came from the Dalai Lama himself. China knew nothing of Shugden prior to the Dalai Lama Making Shugden so famous.

The Chinese Government probably would not believe in a deity such as Dorje Shugden anyhow on its own, but if the psychology of practicing him encourages the growth of economics within their individual citizens, then it would be welcomed. After all, Dorje Shugden is scorned as not protecting the dharma but is excellent in conferring material needs on his devotees according to the Dalai Lama. Whether he actually exists or does confer material needs is irrelevant to the Chinese Government as psychological belief is strong to motivate people. 

Do we actually wish to believe Dalai Lama is unknowingly self condemning or in another view PROMOTING THE PRACTICE OF GYELCHEN DORJE SHUGDEN TO CHINA AND THE WORLD. It will grow bigger and stronger with the wealthy backing of the Chinese Government now. After the unfortunate demise of the Dalai Lama, it will only grow bigger and eventually become mainstream. Because the momentum has already started.

The world who knows nothing of the Dorje Shugden controversy numbers MUCH MORE than the population who knows anything. It would most likely be less than 1% of the world population who are in the know if even that many. So the point is, the few hundreds of Dharma centers in the world who have next to nothing in political clout within their respective countries cannot compare to the political clout Dorje Shugden has in china and it is still growing. In the future, denigrating the Gyelchen Dorje Shugden practice, it’s lamas, its centers and anything to do with them will be indirectly protesting or against the Chinese Government policy. NO Government in the world would want to offend them. So it will eventually become politically unsound to oppose the Dorje Shugden practice. After all, it is in just the last 10 years that Dalai Lama has  brought the Dorje Shugden name down in the eyes of many Tibetan Buddhists very strongly. That is just short term. But within ten years again, his name can go up, up and higher with the Chinese Government backing. After all, who will the world listen to in the end, the Dalai Lama (moral view) or the Chinese Government ( economic benefits)? Again, if moral view was the mainstay of the people in power in this world, TIBET WOULD HAVE BEEN FREE LONG AGO.

This picture of the China backed Panchen Lama with the Dorje Shugden thangka hanging behind him speaks volumes on it’s own.  On a quick glance the Tibetan Buddhists throughout the world will have a field day. Why?? The Shugdenites are supporting the false Panchen backed by the Chinese Government. Here is the definitive proof they have ‘found.’ Hence the Shugden followers will be further implicated that they are on the payroll of the Government of China and what the Dalai Lama is saying is true. That the Shugdenites are basically traitors to the Tibetan independence movement and hence automatically against the Dalai Lama. Therefore worship of Shugden is tantamount to harming the Dalai Lama’s welfare and Tibetan Independence. Isn’t that the basic reasons the Dalai Lama has purported as a sound basis of banning the practice? Wouldn’t this piece of ‘evidence’ have the anti-Shugden elements confident they are in the right?  For now perhaps, but in reality it would be the contrary. They are in fact promoting the Dorje Shugden practice to the population of 1.2 billion Chinese via their government. Dorje Shugden’s practice has penetrated into the halls of the Chinese Ruling Party and furthermore sanctioned by them. Whether the Panchen Lama in this picture is the real or the false one, is really besides the point of this article. The issue is Dorje Shugden is growing and getting bigger and the Dalai Lama’s speeches against him are turning the fire into a blaze.  Why does the Dalai Lama wish to do that? Unless he is knowingly doing it.

But if we look deeper. It is not the Shugdenites who promoted  Dorje Shugden to the Chinese Government  who is backing the practice now.  It is the Dalai Lama and his government who did so and continuing. Painfully obvious, the big question is why does the Dalai Lama continue banning when the repercussions are clear . Because of this the Chinese are stepping up on the promotion of this deity. If the Dalai Lama could not win Tibet back from China , why can he win against China in the Dorje Shugden tug of war. Wouldn’t it benefit the Dalai Lama to stop speaking about Dorje Shugden immediately in order to cut off the fuel to China ’s promotion of this practice?  Instead of  demonizing the many great tulkus, abbots, geshes, lamas and monks regarding their steadfast practice of Dorje Shugden, and accusing them of being on China’s payroll, if he would stop the ban, China would relent. The so called payroll would cease.  Then Dorje Shugden would not get even bigger on the global scale. All the ostracized clergy would again be on the ‘side’ of the Dalai Lama if they were even against him in the first place. Therefore creating at least religious peace and semblance of unity outside of Tibet under the Dalai Lama. After all the clergy of Tibet cannot make Dorje Shugden mainstream, but the Chinese Government can.

Chinese are pragmatic. They would not fund and promote this practice in their country if it has no economic and political value. China is not a democracy but socialist. They do not believe nor endorse in religious practice whatsoever. In fact, they believe religion is poison to the mind. So why are they contradicting themselves in the Panchen-Shugden issue by promoting what they themselves have called poison? Simple. Due to the kindness of H.H. the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama IS PROMOTING DORJE SHUGDEN. EVERY TIME HE BANS, SPEAKS OUT AGAINST, OR CRITICIZES THE PRACTICE, IT FURTHER FUELS THE GROWTH OF THIS PRACTICE. The more he speaks, the more China will promote Dorje Shugden. Simple mathematics.

Before 1959 or more recently in the last ten year ban, Shugden practice and Tibetan Independence had zero relationship with each other. Why suddenly after 300 years of mainstream  Shugden practice within Tibet , it is suddenly the main cause of danger to the Dalai Lama’s person and independence movement?  The Shugden practice has pervaded to all parts of Tibet and especially permeated Sera, Drepung, Gaden Tashilunpo, Gyume, Gyuto, and thousand of smaller Gelug and Sakya monasteries. The practice prior to 1959 was strictly religious and only for religious purposes. It had nothing to do with politics, the Tibetan Government and Tibetan Sovereignty.  Why is Shugden suddenly the cause for Tibet not to gain it’s independence? And we must ban it’s practice for Dalai Lama’s welfare and the non-existent Tibetan independence?  Why is he the scapegoat? Why is Tibet ’s independence in relations to any deities of the Buddhist pantheon?

On another note, it was not Shugden’s fault that Tibet was lost in the first place. After all prior to 1959 all state and religious affairs of the  Tibetan government was presented to the state oracle Nechung.  As it is still done so in exile. Wouldn’t  it be the ‘responsibility’ of Nechung to have safeguarded the sovereignty of Tibet in the first place? So why was Nechung consulted to prevent the loss of Tibet prior to 1959 and now that the country is lost it is ALL DORJE SHUGDEN’S FAULT???  He was never consulted before or after in regards to Tibetan sovereignty.  There seems to be no logic, rhyme or reason, nor philosophical scriptural support of this according the laws of cause and effect. Why consult Nechung prior, then when Tibet was lost, Shugden is blamed. Think. Is the Dalai Lama that mistaken to not see that point or he is promoting Dorje Shugden to Global fame knowingly? Again think, why is the state oracle Nechung, not responsible for the initial loss of Tibet ? Is the state oracle not more powerful than Dorje Shugden? Can’t Dorje Shugden be subdued by both the Dalai Lama and  Nechung since he is purported to be a wandering spirit?  Why didn’t Nechung give correct accurate prophecies to have safeguarded sovereignty in the first place?  If Nechung was not reliable in the first place, why listen to his prophecies banning Shugden now? The Dalai Lama should just subdue Dorje Shugden and stop talking about him. After subjugation, whoever wishes to worship him, let them as he has been subdued. Solution is simple with the Dorje Shugden issue. The Dalai Lama, high lamas and Nechung should just outright perform  rituals to subdue Dorje Shugden. Aren’t the Dalai lamas and other high ranking lamas more powerful than Shugden?

So therefore the picture of Panchen Lama with Dorje Shugden behind him speaks voluminously. All we need to do is to think deeper and harder. Any pictures of Panchen Lama, what he is wearing, who he is with, what is hanging behind him or whatever surroundings he is in MUST BE SANCTIONED BY THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT.  After all his expenses are covered by the central Chinese Federal Government in Beijing as he is the highest ranking lama within Tibet and for many incarnations have had close relations with the Chinese people. Unlike the current Karmapa whose expenses prior to his escape to India was taken care of by the Lhasa Municipal government. Tai Situpa tried his very best to get Karmapa the same ranking as Panchen Lama and therefore the financial backing of the Central Chinese Government but failed. As Municipal sponsorship cannot match the rank of Central Government sponsorship. Hence the escape. Karmapa simply did not have the same rank/status and closeness the line of Panchen incarnations has had with both the people and Government of China to invite such support within Tibet .

Hence, the China sanctioned Panchen Lama pictured with Dorje Shugden as his backdrop is the direct result of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s ban and therefore fulfilling the prophecies that Dorje Shugden will become the overlord of all dharma protectors during this kaliyuga period. He will replace Nechung as the king of the emanated worldly protectors.  While Nechung will ‘retire’ to a Buddha field due to his services. The Dalai Lama is creating the causes for all of this to manifest.

Dorje Shugden Administration

Disclaimer: This website is not endorsing the China backed Panchen Lama, but simply using the example to form the basis that the Dalai Lama is making Dorje Shugden global. Who is the real Panchen will be decided by the activities of the person who holds the name of Panchen Lama.


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 09:09:35 PM »
Wow! :o What a great and clear explanation that sheds light on all the confusing controversies that surrounding His Holiness actions. It is written in such a non-biased way and builds its points based on believable facts and logical explanations. It is one of the best article written yet on the Protector issue without being biased towards either side!!!

The writer obviously a Buddhist because he knows about the terminology but the writing does not play on belief but instead plays upon excellent journalistic skills via strong facts. He/she may not be excellent writer but excellent thinker and what was written should be propagated to dispel people's ignorance and lost of faith in the Tibetan Buddhism with regards to the Gyalchen Shugden controversy especially for the newbies.

BRAVO!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READ TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE SHUGDAN ISSUE FROM A NON-BIASED VIEW!!! THANK YOU ADMIN or whoever who wrote this. Please write more to shed more light for people to see the truth!!!


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 10:26:00 PM »

This article puts everything into perspective. It shows how we shouldnt feel down or sad, as the Dorje Shugden practice is growing contrary to outward appearances. That China is making Dorje Shugden very high profile. The most famous Tibetan deity in China now is Dorje Shugden. HH Dalai Lama is making that happen. Without HH speaking on the ban or banning Dorje Shugden, not many would take notice. It would not grow this fast or become so well known.

According to the write up, even the many Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Centres around the world will not be able to block the growth of Dorje Shugden's practice as it is backed up by the Chinese Government in the long run. That seems very true. It has gone Government level in China. So the small Tibetan Government in exile with Prime Minister Samdong Rinpoche banning the practice has very little significance. No effects long term. No offence to Samdong Rinpoche, but who in the world recognizes him as prime minister anyways? What power or sway does he have in the world of real politics and real decision makers. 

The Tibetan Govt in exile was set up to be a model running govt to be transferred to a Free Tibet. Looks like that is not going to happen. After the death of HH the Dalai lama, it should just sink into obscurity. Then what happens to all the Tibetans in India will be precarious. They will really need Dorje Shugden's help at that time. So utimately, Samdong Rinpoche, Tibetan Government in exile, and their 'yes' men dharma centres around the world will not be able to block the spread, growth and global practice of Dorje Shugden's practice. Ironically, the only real way to attempt to minimize the spread of Dorje Shugden's practice is for the HH Dalai Lama to lift the ban now. If HH really wants to stop the practice, he'll have to lift the ban, because if he keeps speaking about it, China will just promote it more.  Keep in mind though, lifting the ban will not stop the practice but just slow it down.

One interesting point is that the Chinese view Panchen Lama as much more influential and higher ranking in Tibet to have him sponsored by the Chinese Central Government in Beijing as to Karmapa being sponsored by the Lhasa Govt which is much smaller almost miniscule. That the Panchen Lama is definitely number two in Tibet. Then number two in Tibet fully practices Dorje Shugden in his former incarnations and now in the current incarnations again. So when the current incarnation of the China sanctioned Panchen lama reaches maturity, he will again promote Dorje Shugden. Then what will the Tibetan Government in exile do then, if they are still around at that time. For time for them is short. Surely the world will listen to the one who holds the name of Panchen Lama not the small Tibetan Government in exile.

A worthwile write up to read to put things in greater perspective. Thank you very much again Admininstration.


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« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 10:34:10 PM »

Dear members,

What is your opinion. When the China sanctioned Panchen Lama reaches maturity and perhaps travel the world to teach, will he be accepted?

Will he be considered the Panchen Lama? Will people attend his teachings, intitiations, commentaries? I am speaking of outside China?

What is your opinion on this everyone please?

jeff Ryan

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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 02:19:29 AM »
The Chinese backed Panchen was chosen by qualified masters using authentic lineage method of golden urn. The child was said to have the Tibetan letter AH on his tounge. The Chinese backed Panchen was a disciple of the Great Domo Gonsar Rinpoche. Ya you betcha! I hope I get the opportunity to be in His presence. Long Live H.H. Panchen Rinpoche!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2008, 03:37:58 AM by jeff Ryan »


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 09:31:34 AM »
Dear Jeff,

so glad to hear what you wrote re that he is disciple of Dema Gonsa Rinpoche and he had ah appear on his tongue. That is very reassuring.


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2008, 09:12:17 PM »
Dear members,

What is your opinion. When the China sanctioned Panchen Lama reaches maturity and perhaps travel the world to teach, will he be accepted?

Will he be considered the Panchen Lama? Will people attend his teachings, intitiations, commentaries? I am speaking of outside China?

What is your opinion on this everyone please?

a friend

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Rinpoche's answer
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2008, 09:52:07 PM »

The Dalai Lama is his own capacity is making Dorje Shugden bigger, more well known, more heard of and very high profile. Does he not know or understand he is doing that? Highly unlikely.

The issue is Dorje Shugden is growing and getting bigger and the Dalai Lama’s speeches against him are turning the fire into a blaze.  Why does the Dalai Lama wish to do that? Unless he is knowingly doing it.

So why are they (the Chinese) contradicting themselves in the Panchen-Shugden issue by promoting what they themselves have called poison? Simple. Due to the kindness of H.H. the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama IS PROMOTING DORJE SHUGDEN. EVERY TIME HE BANS, SPEAKS OUT AGAINST, OR CRITICIZES THE PRACTICE, IT FURTHER FUELS THE GROWTH OF THIS PRACTICE. The more he speaks, the more China will promote Dorje Shugden. Simple mathematics.

So why was Nechung consulted to prevent the loss of Tibet prior to 1959 and now that the country is lost it is ALL DORJE SHUGDEN’S FAULT???  He was never consulted before or after in regards to Tibetan sovereignty.  There seems to be no logic, rhyme or reason, nor philosophical scriptural support of this according the laws of cause and effect. Why consult Nechung prior, then when Tibet was lost, Shugden is blamed. Think. Is the Dalai Lama that mistaken to not see that point or he is promoting Dorje Shugden to Global fame knowingly?

the China sanctioned Panchen Lama pictured with Dorje Shugden as his backdrop is the direct result of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s ban and therefore fulfilling the prophecies that Dorje Shugden will become the overlord of all dharma protectors during this kaliyuga period. He will replace Nechung as the king of the emanated worldly protectors.  While Nechung will ‘retire’ to a Buddha field due to his services. The Dalai Lama is creating the causes for all of this to manifest.

The whole article about His Holiness the Panchen Rinpoche is trying to prove the original thesis of this website, very well condensed in the website's subtitle "Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama spreading Dharma together".
In my first message to this website I requested the owner or Administrator to please abandon such wrong view. I don't need to repeat the reasons I stated --among many others-- to maintain that it is a wrong view to say that the extreme bad deeds of the Dalai Lama are some kind of skillful means, the message has been kindly posted by the Administration and is still there.

What I am going to tell you now, friends, it's not my opinion. You need to have another opinion before taking or rejecting the thesis of Administration about the "good intentions" of the Dalai Lama.

One of the few Rinpoches that openly practice the Protector was asked, some weeks ago, the following question:
Is it OK to say that may be the Dalai Lama is doing this persecution against our Protector and his followers, and all the terrible actions, as a means to obtain some higher good or benefit in the future?
Rinpoche's answer was:
"No, it is not right to say such thing. If you were a realized being seeing directly the events of the future and you were seeing that benefit in the future, then you would have the right to say it. But if you are not, then you don't have the right to say something like that.
And it is OK to say that what the Dalai Lama is doing is WRONG"

Dearest Administrator, I still think it's a very serious thing to uphold that view, and I beg you to please leave it aside, in a corner of the website, just to prove how kind practitioners can be. But please, do not go on doing this. It is not good for sentient beings. It is not good for our lineage. It is not good for the future.

I do not wish to receive any answer, since this is not my opinion but a high Lama's of our lineage's opinion. I do not wish to engage in debate. This should be the last time I talk about this issue.

Thank you, Beggar, for the wonderful website. Even if I maintain that your view is wrong, I think it comes out of your good, good heart. Continue being good hearted. And thank you for the website


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2008, 11:10:03 PM »
Dear A Friend,

HH Trijang Rinpoche already said in the late 70's in relations to composing his book on Shugden, that in the future the Dalai lama and Dorje Shugden will appear as if they are working against eachother. Do not lose faith in both. We should remember his advice. Dorje Shugden's practice will go global.

Secondly, Dorje Shugden taking trance in the medium Choyang Dulzin Kuten (passed away now) has mentioned on numerous occasions not to say negative things against HH the Dalai lama. So perhaps this website is taking that stance? So If we rudely criticize HH, that would contradict Dulzin's advice.

No offence to you intended please.


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2008, 11:24:05 PM »

Dear A Friend,

Who is this High Lama of our lineage whom you are quoting please? Sorry to ask you. But it would be helpful to know if it is possible.

a friend

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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2008, 04:27:32 AM »
Dearest Mountains,

I cannot tell you who this Lama is. He's in the gallery of this website, though, among our holy Lamas, and he was a disciple of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. I can assure you he is a true Vajradhara.
I am not going to name him, we are all hiding identities here for obvious reasons.

Just ponder his words. Whenever did he say that we have to be rude, please?
Anyway, as I said, I am not going to debate defending his view. I just share it, completely, that's all. Happy me, he has infinitely more authority than I have to say what he is saying.

Be well.

a friend


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2008, 07:49:52 PM »
 When we read over this article re Panchen and Shugden, it has many strong implications for the future of Dorje Shugden practice. However you think about it, the practice cannot be stamped out. It can only grow in time. I have emailed this article to many friends, they after contemplation found it very helpful also.

Now the Tibetan Govt wishes to give aid (what that means, not sure) to the monks who have continued to practice Dorje Shugden and are seperating from the Monasteries of Sera and Gaden. I feel that pressure from perhaps the Indian Govt and abroad have embarrassed them into making this statement. Of course, it will be a mini plus point for the Tibetan Govt but when the monks actually go for 'help' or 'aid', I sincerely doubt they will actually assist a segment of their society that they have work so hard to segregate on the basis of their religious convictions. How can you go all the way and demand the monasteries to have nothing to do with the monks that are practicing Dorje Shugden. Then when these monks refuse to comply and seperate from the Monasteries, the Tibetan Govt then turns around and tells them we will give them aid??? Why not in the first place just leave them alone. Leave the Monasteries alone. Leave the Monasteries and religious affairs of the Great Seats of learning to Gaden Tri Rinpoche, and the abbots. The lay ministers of the Tibetan Govt have no learning in the dharma to run the affairs of the Sangha.

For the first time since Tibet's exodus, the Exile Tibetan Govt has created such incredible schism among the Monastics. To the point of having hundreds of monks leave the monasteries of which many of them are very poor simply for their religious convictions handed down unbroken for 350 years. What a great shame it is for the Tibetan Govt to be doing this at this critical juncture when Tibetans in Exile are in need of being in harmonious unification irregardless of province, and religious faith. The purpose of any government is to unite the people of their nation not seperate on basis of religion, social background, race, beliefs, or economics. It is truly a sign of a govt that is run by backwards, uneducated and unexposed ministers. It is like the Tibetan Govt use methods from 18th century but living in the 21st. Their methods of religious discrimination are backwards, very dated, harmful, and segregates their own people into factions. Why even focus on relgious issues. The Tibetan Govt should not meddle in the affairs of religion. Leave it to the Monastics.

What a terrible tragedy and loss of face for Tibetan Buddhists in general on the world front. It is too bad, that the last chance during the twilight years of HH the Dalai Lama, they engage in such actions. After HH has passed away, the Tibetan ppl will sink into slow oblivion just as the article mentions.

a friend

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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2008, 05:29:05 AM »

This is a note about His Holiness our most precious Panchen Rinpoche.

It is said that he is #2 in the Tibetan hierarchy. Who understands Tibetan hierarchy?
The Holy Panchen Lama has traditionally been THE SPIRITUAL LEADER of the Tibetans. The Panchen Rinpoche holds thus a higher rank ... actually, the highest, as witnessed by travelers and foreign officials of old like Nikolas Roerich, Sir Alexander Bell, and others. Bell described the Panchen Lama --the one persecuted by the 13th DL-- as "pure love". May his heroic pure love reign forever and save the holy Dharma for the Tibetan people and all nations.

Long live His Holiness the Panchen Lama!


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2008, 01:16:40 AM »

China endorsed Panchen Lama is coming of age, and is being seen more and more in China's public life.


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Re: Panchen & Shugden
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2008, 01:45:04 AM »

Does anyone have any news on HH Panchen Rinpoche??