Author Topic: The Dalai Lama's contradictory statements  (Read 5082 times)


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The Dalai Lama's contradictory statements
« on: March 15, 2012, 09:26:23 AM »

The Dalai Lama did not give a speech this year, which is a break with tradition. However, his speeches in the past years have come back to haunt him as seen in the article below.

I am posting this up not to criticise the Dalai Lama but to show that the Dalai Lama does give contradictory messages about Tibet’s independence, which Dorje Shugden is supposed to be an obstacle to.

Seven major lies in Dalai Lama's "3•10" statements

03-14-2012 13:02

Editor's note: Every March 10, the 14th Dalai Lama summons up his strength and opens his mouth to repeat what he has argued for several decades. Although he racks his brains every year, there is nothing "new" in his statement. Apart from nothing "new", there are also many contradictions. China Tibet Online will make an inventory of his statements and share his doubtful points.

Lie I: "Build a new Tibetan Nation" & "I am not seeking independence"

March 10, 1961: "The Tibetan people reasserted their Tibetan independence... I appeal to the sponsors and to the Assembly to get the Chinese to vacate their aggression and to help restore the independence of Tibet."
March 10, 1963: "I, therefore, earnestly appeal for the complete withdrawal of the Chinese from Tibet."
March 10, 1971: "I say with confidence that the time will come when my people will fling away the yoke of Communist China's oppression and rise up to build a new Tibetan Nation."
March 10, 1994: "Every one of us must be alert and renew our commitment to the just cause of our country."
March 10, 1998: "With regard to a mutually acceptable solution to the issue of Tibet, my position is very straightforward. I am not seeking independence."
March 10, 2003: "As far back as the early seventies in consultation with senior Tibetan officials I made a decision to seek a solution to the Tibetan problem through a "Middle Way Approach". This framework does not call for independence and separation of Tibet."
March 10, 2005: "I once again want to reassure the Chinese authorities that as long as I am responsible for the affairs of Tibet we remain fully committed to the Middle Way Approach of not seeking independence for Tibet."
March 10, 2006: "This being the case, I have stated time and again that I do not wish to seek Tibet's separation from China, but that I will seek its future within the framework of the Chinese constitution."
March 10, 2009: "The Chinese insistence that we accept Tibet as having been a part of China since ancient times is not only inaccurate but also unreasonable."

The topic is the 14th Dalai Lama's advantage. It's pity that he made contradictory statements. When the situation was at his advantage, he called for "independence"; when he was at disadvantage, he denied "independence". What on earth can believe his statements?

Lie II: Does Tibet used to be an "independent nation"?

March 10, 1964: "Before the Chinese invasion, the Tibetans had remained free and independent for decades."
March 10, 1968: "Tibetan children, whom I look upon as the future foundation of a free and independent Tibet...Many countries have supported our cause in the United Nations and have condemned Chinese aggression in Tibet."
March 10, 1969: "about the facts of Tibet being an independent nation and the armed violations of Tibetan sovereignty by the Chinese Communists."
March 10, 1984: "Tibet was an independent country with a recorded history of more than a thousand years."
March 10, 1981: "It (Tibet) is a nation rich in culture and having a history of more than two thousand years."

The word "independence" routinely exists in the Dalai Lama's annual "3.10" speech. Dalai adapts himself to the changing circumstances with no regard of any principle. Therefore it is unnecessary to discuss the same trick he played as the first one.

Lie III: violence and peace–two hands of Dalai

March 10, 1963: "The only solution to the Tibetan problem is a peaceful settlement consistent with the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Tibetan people."
March 10, 1964?"But the barbarous atrocities, even to the extent of exterminating the race and religious belief of the Tibetans, still continue, and the struggle of the people still goes on."
March 10, 1968?"It now remains for those of us who have been fortunate to escape from the Chinese Communists to take up the noble task for which so many of our patriots have laid down their lives on this memorable day."
March 10, 1969: "Increasing number of Tibetan youth trained and indoctrinated in China are publicly denouncing the very presence of the alien rulers, and participating in acts of sabotage and other anti-Chinese activities."
March 10,1970?"In 1969 alone, we learnt of ambushes and raids by Tibetans on Chinese military camps and ammunition dumps in the area of Chamdo, Poh, Lhoka, Tolung, Nyemo and Shang. There were also incidents where many Chinese officers were killed and many were held prisoners by the Tibetans during meetings organized by the Chinese."
March 10,1971?"A thousand more uprisings may take place and a thousand times the Chinese may crush them, but they will never be able to break the spirit of liberty that resides in each one of us."
March 10,1976?"With courage that knows no frontier of defeat, and sacrifice of their very life-breath, our people are continuing to create a situation of desperate tension and crisis for the Chinese."
March 10,1981?"What is more relevant is that in the future there actually must be real peace and happiness through developing a friendly and meaningful relation between China and Tibet."
March 10,1985?"So, at this time, I feel the most important thing for us is to keep in close contact, to express our views frankly and to make sincere efforts to understand each other."
March 10,1989?"I am deeply saddened to learn that there has been further bloodshed in Lhasa only days before making this statement. Ours is a non-violent struggle, and it must remain so."
March 10,1990?"To bring about a peaceful and reasonable solution to the question of Tibet, I proposed the Five Point Peace Plan and the Strasbourg Proposal."
March 10,1998?"While I understand their predicament, I wish to firmly reiterate once again the importance of abiding by the non-violent course of our freedom struggle. The path of non-violence must remain a matter of principle in our long and difficult quest for freedom."
March 10,2004?"As in 1954, so also today, I am determined to leave no stone unturned for seeking a mutually beneficial solution that will address both Chinese concerns as well as achieve for the Tibetan people a life in freedom, peace and dignity."
March 10,2009?"However, the fact that they were driven by a firm conviction to serve the cause of Tibet that has continued from generation to generation is indeed a matter of pride."

As imperialism's "the carrot and the stick" policy, for decades, the Dalai Lama has been waving the flag with violence and peace. Unfortunately, he performs year after year without any new ideas and the common people begin to get sick of his tricks.

Lie ??So-called "Tibet issue" raised by the Dalai Lama

March 10, 1985: "The basic issue of Tibet is both complicated and deeply rooted in history. So, there can be no immediate and simple solution to our problems. Nevertheless, factors like truth and human determination are important."
March 10, 1993: "The Tibetan people continue to resist subjugation and colonisation with courage and determination….and I call upon every Tibetan to renew our dedication until we have regained our rights and freedom. These are clear indications that the issue of Tibet has moved from the political fringe and is gaining greater international attention."
March 10, 1998: "Moreover, the growing empathy, support and solidarity…. for my 'Middle-Way Approach' are of particular inspiration and a source of great encouragement for us Tibetans."
March 10, 1999: "The root cause of the Tibetan problem is not the difference in ideology, social system or issues resulting from clashes between tradition and modernity. Neither is it just the issue of human rights violations alone. The root of the Tibetan issue lies in Tibet's long, separate history, its distinct and ancient culture, and its unique identity."

In Dalai's statements, the so-called "Tibet issue" is quite flexible and changeable in accordance with certain situations, but his intention is so obvious that nobody will be fooled.

Lie ??The intervention from the West and the Dalai Lama's Appreciation

March 10, 1966: "On behalf of those of our people who have given up their lives for freedom, those who heroically continue to resist the Chinese in Tibet and those in exile, I would like to thank the governments of El Salvador, Ireland, Malaysia, Malta, Nicaragua, the Philippines and Thailand for sponsoring the resolution calling for the immediate cessation of oppression and the restoration of fundamental freedom in Tibet at the General Assembly of the United Nations. I would also like to thank the governments who supported the resolution."
March 10, 1970: "I also appeal to all those nations who cherish freedom to give us their firm and strong support in the just cause of Tibet's independence."
March 10, 1971: "In conclusion, I take this opportunity to thank again all the countries and individuals who are continuing to give us moral and material support in our hour of need."
March 10, 1979: "But the Chinese declared that it was fomented and led by external opponents who were the paper tiger American imperialists and the expansionist Indians, and the internal enemies who were a few reactionaries. "
March 10, 1985: "In our case alone this is evident from the interest, sympathy and assistance that we have received from the government and people of India, from various international voluntary organizations, religious groups and the large number of individuals. I would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to express once again our deep appreciation and to say that their help and kindness will always be remembered with gratitude."
March 10, 2004: "I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude for this consistent support that we have been receiving throughout the world."
March 10, 2008: "I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Government and people of India, in particular, for their continuing and unparalleled support for Tibetan refugees and the cause of Tibet, as well as express my gratitude to all those governments and peoples for their continued concern for the Tibetan cause. With my prayers for the well-being of all sentient beings."
March 10, 2009: "I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the leaders and people of India, as well as its Central and State Governments, who despite whatever problems and obstacles they face, have provided invaluable support and assistance over the past 50 years to Tibetans in exile. Their kindness and generosity are immeasurable."

One of the permanent topics of the Dalai Lama's annual statements is appealing for international support and making the "Tibet issue" an international problem. His real and hideous intention is fairly evident.

Lie ?: Representation about the "3•10 rebellion"

March 10, 1963: "……on this memorable day to mark the spontaneous upsurge of the peace-loving and devout people of Tibet against the ruthless and insensate conquerors."
March 10, 1965: "Once again we solemnly remember the day when the innocent and unarmed people of Tibet rose in spontaneous revolt against the Chinese (Imperialists) conquerors."
March 10, 1970: "it was on that day when the brave people of Tibet rose……calling for the restoration of Tibet's independence."
March 10, 1976:"Seventeen years have passed since the Tibetans began their just struggle for their inherent rights of Tibetan national independence."
March 10, 1980: "Every year on this day, the anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising……"
March 10, 1985: "The 10th March this year marks the 26th anniversary of our National Uprising."
March 10, 1993: "Today, as we commemorate the thirty-fourth anniversary of the Tibetan people's National Uprising of 1959……"
March 10, 1996: "As we commemorate today the thirty-seventh anniversary of the Tibetan People's uprising……"
March 10, 2000: "……the 41st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day of 1959."
March 10, 2003: "……on the occasion of the 44 th anniversary of the Tibetan People's Uprising of 1959."
March 10, 2005: "On the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the Tibetan People's Uprising……"
March 10, 2011: "Today marks the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan people's peaceful uprising in 1959 against Communist China's repression in Tibet, as well as the second anniversary of the peaceful protests that erupted across Tibet in March 2008."

Every year, the Dalai Lama would always remark differently on the March 10 armed rebellion in 1959. However, he has never changed in calling the rebellion seeking of "independence", "resisting against conquerors" and an "uprising". This shows his bigotry in fighting against the new Tibet and millions of serfs who have been emancipated.

Lie ?: the word "history" has been mentioned for 95 times in the Dalai Lama's speeches, but what's "history" in his eyes?

March 10, 1973: "Looking at any period of Tibetan history, we know that Tibet existed as an independent nation."
March 10, 1984: "Tibet was an independent country with a recorded history of more than a thousand years."
March 10, 1995: "The true nature of the historical relationship of Tibet and China is best left for Tibetan and Chinese historians to study objectively."

Although "history" is played by the Dalai Lama at will, history cannot be changed randomly.

In conclusion, there are some differences and changes in Dalai Lama's "3•10" speech every year, but his intention to seek "Tibet independence" and to split Tibet from China has never changed.

Editor:Zhang Jianfeng |Source: China Tibet Online

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: The Dalai Lama's contradictory statements
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 08:07:52 PM »
In conclusion, there are some differences and changes in Dalai Lama's "3•10" speech every year, but his intention to seek "Tibet independence" and to split Tibet from China has never changed.

WB I think this last statement is what the the Chinese Govt fear most and bring about the whole paranoia that causes tighter and stricter laws for Tibetans living in Tibet. What China really do not want and need is another monk/nun burning himself/herself. They are the super power nation today and the last thing they need is an uprising that causes disharmony.

What I do not get is that whatever they (CTA) are saying and doing is really making them dig a bigger whole for their Tibetan ppl in Tibet now... they are the ones suffering.

Now the Dalai Lama says he is handing over all secular decisions to the new PM that was democratically elected. He is in-fact breaking the Dalai Lama office/administration and being authority for the Tibet. So does this mean the new "democratic" Tibetans...

Therefore I wonder if any of HHDL's contradictory stories would still apply now. And yes in a democratic society, anyone can practice as they like, as that has nothing to do with being a Tibetan in exile plus what ppl practice is their own private affair! That is democracy


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Re: The Dalai Lama's contradictory statements
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2012, 10:04:18 AM »
In conclusion, there are some differences and changes in Dalai Lama's "3•10" speech every year, but his intention to seek "Tibet independence" and to split Tibet from China has never changed.

WB I think this last statement is what the the Chinese Govt fear most and bring about the whole paranoia that causes tighter and stricter laws for Tibetans living in Tibet. What China really do not want and need is another monk/nun burning himself/herself. They are the super power nation today and the last thing they need is an uprising that causes disharmony.

What I do not get is that whatever they (CTA) are saying and doing is really making them dig a bigger whole for their Tibetan ppl in Tibet now... they are the ones suffering.

Now the Dalai Lama says he is handing over all secular decisions to the new PM that was democratically elected. He is in-fact breaking the Dalai Lama office/administration and being authority for the Tibet. So does this mean the new "democratic" Tibetans...

Therefore I wonder if any of HHDL's contradictory stories would still apply now. And yes in a democratic society, anyone can practice as they like, as that has nothing to do with being a Tibetan in exile plus what ppl practice is their own private affair! That is democracy

China will not bow to any aggression, history shows that. So for Tibet to gain independence eventually, I think it is a very very far fetched idea, even under the leadership of the new Prime Minister, Lobsang Sangay.

What is important is that Buddhism has spread far and wide. Religion is strongly related to Tibet or its people, so the infusion of Tibetan buddhism all over the world is far better than obtaining independence. As everywhere we go, we will see Tibet.

Afterall, I believe the Tibetans are getting better welfare under the Chinese rule, living standards have improved. The ultimate liberation is not so much of having Tibet back, but for the Tibetans to live a life with harmony, peace and much less suffering for now.


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Re: The Dalai Lama's contradictory statements
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2012, 09:16:18 AM »
I think despite the Dalai Lama being the leader of the Tibetans and whatnot, he still has a role to play and he is still expected to represent the Tibetans in any way, shape or form. There is really no way for him to go around that, although his actions will anger china, unless of course that is his real intention anyway and he really does not want Tibet to have independence at all.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: The Dalai Lama's contradictory statements
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2015, 09:41:38 AM »
From what have been recorded of the Dalai Lama's speeches and public talks, there seem to be a lot of contradiction in what is being conveyed to the audience at those instances.

In this article the contradiction is about Tibet as a nation and country.  Is this the reason why the disciplined Chinese authorities are unable to grasp what can be done with or can be discussed with CTA in order to have an amicable solution for the Tibetan people in exile and in China.

Same can also be experienced when the Dalai Lama talks about the Ban on Shugden.  Let this stalemate of affairs last so long.  Let the leadership of Dalai Lama and CTA prevail for the benefit of Tibetans and Shugdenpas.