Author Topic: Political Survival?  (Read 9525 times)

Positive Change

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Political Survival?
« on: March 18, 2012, 12:54:49 PM »
Just came across this article and thought it would be interesting to share as it once again shows how with Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay's leadership, the "government" is fast becoming a more structured entity focusing on the people and staying away from spiritual "mind fields". Perhaps creating an identity apart from what it had previously in order to move forward?

Whatever the case is, time will tell if CTA, as it is known now, will indeed be for the betterment of the people and not the cause for suppression...
Tibetan govt-in-exile to follow IAS pattern

DHARAMSHALA: After adopting a democratic setup, the Tibetan government-in-exile is going mark a new beginning by making changes to its recruitment process for ensuring that best minds are made a part of the administration. The administration shall now follow the Indian Administrative services (IAS) pattern of recruitment.

This information was given by the chairman of Tibetan civil services Jampel Choesang, who said the steps were taken on the advice of Harvard scholar. Jampel Choesang said, "The aim of such changes is to make the administration more efficient so we reach our basic goal of wining freedom." The Tibetans have accepted the ongoing changes and have passed the credit to prime minister Lobsang Sangay.

"These developments are being made by our prime minster who is ensuring effectiveness in the administration so we win our freedom struggle," said a Tibetan, Lhadon Tsering. Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) told TOI that around 50 posts fell vacant as most employees were shifted to other places. Sources said the Tibetans could be allowed to work in departments of their choice if they felt that could perform better, and could apply for transfers.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 03:34:49 PM »
Thanks for sharing this article to update us all , Positive CHange. Well it certainly sounds positive ! In a way it is not at all suprising as your title to this article suggest .. Political survival ? Most certainly , the CTA does indeed have a good head now , now that it is restructuring and adopting the Indian way of administrating .

Good choice CTA , the Indians must be doing something right huh ? To be able to administer the entire Indian sub continent with one of the worlds largest populations and not to mention the most religiously diverse nation in the world ! Hinduism , Jainism , Islam , Christianity , Buddhism and you name it , they have it religion . Yet their government is able to govern successfully and harmoniously. The IAS , approach is the way to go !

Yes CTA ! Hire the right people for the right job, based on their qualifications and abilities now in this life , NOT based on the social class , caste , who is father is or was , who he was in the previous life and etc .

Hopefully , the new blood in the CTA will realise the "folly" of their predesessors in mixing politics with religion. They had better be on their toes if they wish to succeed. Religious dissent is a very potent element in political upheavals . Not that the whole world doesn't Tibet's "open" secret , that half it's citizen and ex citizen are secretly and openly practising the Protector of our time; Dorje Shugden ! They had better lift the ban soon , before it is too late to make amends .


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 07:44:33 AM »
Positive Change....thank you for sharing, you seem to be following the news of the CTA pretty closely lately!

I rejoice with such move from Lobsang Sangey, it is indeed some positive change here in the very tired CTA. This move is surely showing that Lobsang Sangey wants to show Tibetans that he will lead the change, to put the right people in the right place and no cronyism should exist. It is indirectly hinting that whatever the old CTA was doing, under his current leadership, change will happen. So who knows, in a few months time, the DS ban may be revoked.

What's more, the CTA is adopting the IAS (Indian Administrative Services) recruitment policy, one more way to win the heart of the Indian government and its people as CTA is operating on the Indian soil. Smart move!

Whatever you call it, political survival or.....................I support this move as this will lead to change for the betterment of all Tibetans!


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 01:59:12 PM »
Well I am glad that CTA is doing something right. Embracing positive changes that have been tried and tested by other nations is a good way of going forward, rather than being stuck with old systems that do not work anymore. they may have been the best methods that work in the past, but that time is gone and they should not cling to them and learn and adapt to other systems that are more beneficial.

There is no use holding on to something that does not work. CTA has used the same system it did 350 years ago which worked wonderfully back then but it will not work any longer due to globalization. Tibet is no longer isolated from the rest of the world and people are no longer as naive or uneducated like they were in the past. The conditions changed and so should their methods.

The Dalai Lama was very kind to have pulled himself out of Tibetan administration to push them to succeed in getting their independence. If the country is not independent, how can they even hope for China to see them as a real government if they still needed the Dalai Lama to babysit them? They are taking their first steps to regaining real independence by adopting modern systems of administration.

Their next step should be to provide secular needs and ensure that every Tibetan is treated the same, even to those who practice Dorje Shugden as this is the duty of the government. The government should not discriminate people by their race, religion or what they practice, they should take care of everybody as a whole. They must fulfill this duty in order to proceed to the next step.

Positive Change

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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2012, 04:46:19 PM »
Yet another article report on the similar move. Certainly interesting times ahead as CTA takes steps to move on. It will be a government of the people for the people finally. At least we hope it will be as crony-ism is a thing of the past.

I do hope this will be legislation soon as at the moment it is merely "talk". Lets move ahead CTA for the betterment of the Tibetan people. Losing one's country is one thing but losing your countrymen is another ball game altogether!

Article below:

DHARAMSHALA, March 17: A long awaited overhaul in the selection process and recruitment of bureaucrats for the exile Tibetan administration was announced earlier today at a press conference in Dharamshala.

Jamphel Choesang, the chairman of the Public Service Commission under the Central Tibetan Administration announced that from now on, the recruitment of bureaucrats will be based on their “area of specialisation and interest.”

“Under the leadership of our new Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay, the selection of civil servants of the Central Tibetan Administration will now be based on one’s area of specialisation and interest,” Choesang said.

The present recruitment process involves two language tests and an interview session.

In order to build a recruitment pool, the Commission announced the formation of a Special Recruitment Training Academy (RTA), an “in House” training cum capacity building initiative to enable CTA and Tibetan civil societies to recruit “committed and bright Tibetans” who are “interested in becoming outstanding public administrators in various fields.”

“This academy is built on the expertise and experiences of over fifty years of democratic governance and public administration of worldwide Tibetan communities in exile,” the Commission said in a release.

“RTA provides a full spectrum of basic and specialised recruitment trainings encompassing CTA regulatory competencies, required administrative and management skills, so that CTA becomes an effective and efficient democratic public institution in this rapidly changing world,” the Commission added.

The Commission has already invited applicants with Post graduate and Undergraduate degrees for the Academy’s 2012 summer session to be held from July thru November at the College for higher Tibetan Studies, Sarah. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2012.

“Selected individuals will undergo training based on their area of profession and interest during the five-month pre-exam special recruitment training,” Choesang said.

Each individual interested in attending the pre-exam trainings will have to submit a refundable deposit of Rs 10,000.00, besides going through interviews, the Commission announced.

Choesang said that a waiver of the deposit amount for applicants with financial problems will also be considered.

Currently, more than 70 seats are lying vacant with the CTA, including posts of Senior Secretaries.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2012, 03:13:34 PM »
Way to go Dr. Lobsang Sangey!!! You have provided some light to Tibetans for a more structured government where the people can rely on and have confidence in. Instead of a government who solely depends on one person. That is more like Dictatorship. Good changes are happening in the government.

Maybe this move will show the Chinese that the new Tibetan goverment is become more democratic and that may help in discussions of Tibet gaining more autonomy from the Chinese. Cannot always fight them with violence as done in the past. This may ease the way in discussions with the Chinese government. The CTA has to show that they are now not relying on HHDL to make decisions as HHDL is the most hated man in China.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2012, 03:27:19 PM »
Finally there are some positive news! It is indeed some positive change here and I hope Dr. Lobsang Sangey will lead the change, give hope to his people, govern without discrimination and not to mix politics with religion. Please treat DS practitioners equally. Every Tibetans should be treated the same. They must be granted religious freedom.

By adopting the IAS recruitment policy,  it will create the cause for them to achieve freedom.  Now is the time of Dr. Lobsang Sangey to prove that he is the modern, educated, democratic leader who will lead his people to freedom.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2012, 10:18:27 AM »
As Dr. Lobsang Sangey is democratically elected to lead the people of Tibet, then he should do his job and take care of ALL Tibetans regardless of their spiritual practice. ALL Tibetans should enjoy the same benefits regardless of their spiritual practices. I would choose to believe it is what a conscious leader should do, instead of just "political survival".

Of course, we welcome the international human rights organization to "check" on them on a regular basis to make sure the government is doing their job :)

I personally glad to see more and more "secular" people into the the government so that the Shugden matter does not affect the policies of a government.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2012, 11:48:25 AM »
It is good to know about this improvement in CTA with the appointment of Dr Lobsang Sangay as the Prime Minister.

It would be great that all DS practitioners who are facing the 'resentment' of non DS practitioners could have a change for the better. They deserve to lead a better life and not 'caught' in the current situation due to their strong Guru devotion and not giving up the practice that was given to them by their Guru.

I pray that they are able to enjoy the same benefits as the rest of the Tibetans.

Big Uncle

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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2012, 07:41:49 PM »
I am sorry but I only see superficial changes in the political scene of the CTA. Yes, the Dalai Lama is no longer in power and the new face of CTA is the lay Harvard graduate, Dr Lobsang Sangye. But hey! He is only Tibetan and he is not revolutionary enough to make any changes.

Nothing else has changed and some people say we have to give him some time to consolidate his power before he makes a departure from the Dalai Lama-sque style of rulership with archaic religious bans. So, how much more time does the people have to wait? How much more does the Shuden practitioners have to suffer and every moment lost creates a bigger chasm in Tibetan society. This superficial change will backfire on CTA really badly one day. That is unless CTA does something to remedy the situation quickly.

The quick reappearance of the Shugden articles on their website shows that everything remains status quo and no change is anywhere near the horizon. Such blatant disregard for human and religious freedoms will leave a bigger setback  to the Tibetan cause. Once the chasm grows too big, the rift will be irreparable. That will be the end of CTA and Tibetan Independence as we know it.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 02:30:08 AM by Big Uncle »


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2012, 05:54:44 PM »
Sadly, the articles on their website against Dorje Shugden is back up on their website!! talk about change! If they change should they not change completely and throw away old ways that does not work…even if they adapt india's system they are not doing it properly: the indian government does not ban any sort of religious practice or a particular deity at all..unlike the CTA.

If CTA really wishes to improve and change, they should really, really, really forget about the stupid ban and also remove anti Dorje Shugden articles on their website to show that they are serious about adopting india's system and institution. If they cannot even let go of something that has nothing to do with governmental policies, and that it does not even affect the way that the government is being ran, how can they be trusted to do bigger things?

CTA cannot even take care of such a small piece of land that is Dharamsala. Pilgrims, tourists and even their very own exiled tibetans are complaining about the lack of maintenance and care of their roads and that there is not even a proper sewage system. If they cannot take care of Dharamsala properly, how can they even hope to take care of such a wide piece of land called Tibet?

If CTA does not let go of the ban, it will only create more suffering as they are technically, no longer under the Dalai Lama's orders. They should act independently and not out of fear for anyone or anything. If they do might as well that they be prepared to be downgraded yet again.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2012, 03:19:04 PM »
Well if the CTA's brings in new blood that are educated and professional to the government that seems to be progressive move in the right direction. Intellectuals will not put up forever with an archaic ban that is baseless as and does not bring about any independence for Tibet. How can banning a deity be a cause for the freedom for Tibet.

I applaud the courage of the CTA to bring about changes and if it is American style, lets hope some form of democracy like the US emerges, which means there will be two parties eventually in the political system, who knows perhaps a party can emerge to champion the rights of Dorje Shugden cause.

I know many Tibetans young and old do support the government of Lobsang Sangay as he seems to be able to bring fresh perpectives to the situation only time will tell if he carries on the draconian policies like Dorje Shudgen ban or he is a true reformist at heart.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2012, 11:45:43 PM »
This is really good news.

As time changes, politics should evolve with the environment and situation. What was applied many many years ago may not work now. Before spiritual mixed with politics may be the best way to go for Tibetans because Tibetans are spiritual. Life was simple in Tibet. All they require is a spiritual leader to guide them to a better life. The requirements are more now that Tibet is no more. Tibetans now need a spiritual teacher and also a leader for secular welfare. One to assist the mind and one to assist physical needs and welfare.

This new methods to recruit qualified, trained people who are expert in these areas are very much needed for a government to run the way it should. Hope this works out well.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2012, 08:39:48 AM »
Just came across this article and thought it would be interesting to share as it once again shows how with Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay's leadership, the "government" is fast becoming a more structured entity focusing on the people and staying away from spiritual "mind fields". Perhaps creating an identity apart from what it had previously in order to move forward?

Whatever the case is, time will tell if CTA, as it is known now, will indeed be for the betterment of the people and not the cause for suppression...
Tibetan govt-in-exile to follow IAS pattern

DHARAMSHALA: After adopting a democratic setup, the Tibetan government-in-exile is going mark a new beginning by making changes to its recruitment process for ensuring that best minds are made a part of the administration. The administration shall now follow the Indian Administrative services (IAS) pattern of recruitment.

This information was given by the chairman of Tibetan civil services Jampel Choesang, who said the steps were taken on the advice of Harvard scholar. Jampel Choesang said, "The aim of such changes is to make the administration more efficient so we reach our basic goal of wining freedom." The Tibetans have accepted the ongoing changes and have passed the credit to prime minister Lobsang Sangay.

"These developments are being made by our prime minster who is ensuring effectiveness in the administration so we win our freedom struggle," said a Tibetan, Lhadon Tsering. Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) told TOI that around 50 posts fell vacant as most employees were shifted to other places. Sources said the Tibetans could be allowed to work in departments of their choice if they felt that could perform better, and could apply for transfers.

Ra-ra-ra...whatever. First of, its a little late for the CTA to be training new leaders. Come on people - youve been in exile since 1959 and your only NOW training people up? What have you been doing for the rest of the time? Spending donors money on suppressing religion? Withholding medical treatment from people who practice something you dont agree with? Kicking monks out of monasteries?

And how long do you lot think itll take Lobsang Sangye to kick out the old guard from the CTA and install new leaders? And how much effort do you think that the old guard will put into clinging onto their positions? And those new leaders will be just as bad as the old ones, because theyve all been indoctrinated to think Dorje Shugden is negative.

Until His Holiness the Dalai Lama unfortunately passes away into clear light, I dont see much hope for a new brand of government amongst the Tibetans in exile.


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Re: Political Survival?
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2012, 09:13:31 AM »
Just came across this article and thought it would be interesting to share as it once again shows how with Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay's leadership, the "government" is fast becoming a more structured entity focusing on the people and staying away from spiritual "mind fields". Perhaps creating an identity apart from what it had previously in order to move forward?

Whatever the case is, time will tell if CTA, as it is known now, will indeed be for the betterment of the people and not the cause for suppression...
Tibetan govt-in-exile to follow IAS pattern

DHARAMSHALA: After adopting a democratic setup, the Tibetan government-in-exile is going mark a new beginning by making changes to its recruitment process for ensuring that best minds are made a part of the administration. The administration shall now follow the Indian Administrative services (IAS) pattern of recruitment.

This information was given by the chairman of Tibetan civil services Jampel Choesang, who said the steps were taken on the advice of Harvard scholar. Jampel Choesang said, "The aim of such changes is to make the administration more efficient so we reach our basic goal of wining freedom." The Tibetans have accepted the ongoing changes and have passed the credit to prime minister Lobsang Sangay.

"These developments are being made by our prime minster who is ensuring effectiveness in the administration so we win our freedom struggle," said a Tibetan, Lhadon Tsering. Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) told TOI that around 50 posts fell vacant as most employees were shifted to other places. Sources said the Tibetans could be allowed to work in departments of their choice if they felt that could perform better, and could apply for transfers.

Ra-ra-ra...whatever. First of, its a little late for the CTA to be training new leaders. Come on people - youve been in exile since 1959 and your only NOW training people up? What have you been doing for the rest of the time? Spending donors money on suppressing religion? Withholding medical treatment from people who practice something you dont agree with? Kicking monks out of monasteries?

And how long do you lot think itll take Lobsang Sangye to kick out the old guard from the CTA and install new leaders? And how much effort do you think that the old guard will put into clinging onto their positions? And those new leaders will be just as bad as the old ones, because theyve all been indoctrinated to think Dorje Shugden is negative.

Until His Holiness the Dalai Lama unfortunately passes away into clear light, I dont see much hope for a new brand of government amongst the Tibetans in exile.

It is true that it took a very very long time for some change to happen. But do remember that the CTA was ruled with an iron fist by HHDL in exile. And with the lost of their country, they only have the HHDL to depend on and look up to to save their fallen country.

Now, there is a ray of hope with a new leader. And let's hope that he sticks to his end of the bargain. No doubt we have to wait for major change to happen only after HHDL passes on to clear light. In the mean time, let Dr. Lobsang Sangey set the groundwork right for new guards to take over the administration.