Author Topic: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa  (Read 10515 times)


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How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« on: March 18, 2012, 03:04:11 PM »
This is the story of two great lamas, one with the highest recognition in the land and one without any ranks, titles or positions. It is also a story about Guru devotion, humility, bodhicitta, and the power of our Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden, combined with the very samsaric elements of selfishness and betrayal. It is a story known only to very few people and has never been made public before.

In the late 1980s, His Holiness the 98th Ganden Tripa Jampel Shenpen Rinpoche of Gaden Jangtse Monastery was very ill. High lamas and senior geshes were constantly doing pujas for him, praying for his swift recovery and good health, but to no avail. No rituals, medicines or treatment seemed to have any effect. His Holiness continued to be in pain and suffer respiratory problems.
Before he was incapacitated by his illness, His Holiness was often seen circumambulating the whole monastery. Even in his old age, he would make the nearly-daily effort to complete the 45-minute lingkor path that circled both Ganden Jangtse and Shartse – accompanied by two attendants, one of whom was carrying a chair, His Holiness would take a few steps and then sit to catch his breath. In this way and many others, His Holiness inspired countless Sangha and laypeople to continue with their practices, no matter the obstacles.
A soft-spoken man who was noted for his dedication to the Dharma, His Holiness’s illness worried the entire monastic community. This episode took place before the ban on Dorje Shugden so there were no distinctions between practitioners of any sort – the whole of Ganden, as well as Drepung and Sera, were united in their worry for His Holiness’ declining health.....Continue reading this very interesting article:

(Picture below: His Holiness the 98th Ganden Tripa Jampel Shenpen Rinpoche )


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 04:38:07 PM »
when u read this story, it feels like history keeps repeating itself over and again. It all starts with some bits of jealousy which is dramatically put into a perspective of an orchestrated 'prayer' (they even have phurpas too!). And it slowly evolves into someone getting chronically sick and turns into bad shape.

Sorry for all the rants but I just feel this entire Tibetan Buddhist thingy with their rituals is just them petty when motivated by jealousy. two things that got my attention was:

1. Gen Nyima - highly evolved master, totally non-sectarian and superbly compassionate. I wouldn't have thought that attaining enlightenment outside of the curriculum is possible until I read this article. I have heard about him from my monk friends before and according to them, all he needed in his room was a small hand drawn tangkha of Je Rinpoche! And we read here about his powers and all. Isn't he awesome in every single sense?

2. Tashi - when we talk about the bottom of the barrel, it really is the bottom of everything else standing next to an enlightened being of the highest stature. Mind u that is Tsongkhapa on earth and he could just stand there to see his master die without being helped at all. and what more HE KNEW of the solution. It is BROAD DAYLIGHT BUDDHA MURDER!

I just wished people could understand that on the secular level, a living being is more valued than being 'right' and on a SPIRITUAL LEVEL, YOUR GURU MATTERS MOST!

Even more so when he represents the entire LINEAGE.

Tashi, may you rise above your ego and realise this before it is too late..... for yourself
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 10:25:01 PM »
It is really amazing to know that only Dorje Shugden's puja can help in such an extreme case of black magic, showing the true nature of Dorje Shugden, no only that he is an enlightened being beyond doubt, but also that he is most efficacious for our times.

If Dorje Shugden is powerful enough to counter the ultimate black magic, definitely he will be most powerful in helping normal cases of difficulties experience by many sentient beings.

Too bad for CTA, they choose politics over the lives of elite masters, and they choose politics over the lives of many sentient beings who would otherwise receive tremendous help from Dorje Shugden if not for the ban.


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 04:20:47 AM »
What type a person this Tashi is to allow his Lama to die just to save his face, I cannot imagine the karma. Such a person puts down the holy sangha by his cruel and evil ways, his selfish motivation, his desire to look good at the expense of his Lama. It is a despicable act.

If only the puja was done, Dorje Shugden would surely have saved His Holiness the 98th Ganden Tripa Jampel Shenpen Rinpoche. Gen Nyingma cannot be wrong.


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2012, 04:33:17 AM »
This story proves one thing - the efficacy of DS practice /pujas.

Gen Nyima himself is not a DS practitioner. He focused on Yamantaka and finally is one with Yamantaka. As an attained Yamantaka practitioner , he had helped many people. However when students of Gaden Tripa approached him to heal H.H., he recommended DS puja. This advice coming from a highly attained lama with no personal involvement in the DS issue... says a lot .

However, Gaden Tripa's PA, Tashi, valued his own position more than his guru's life.

I'm glad this inside story is published now . I pray this knowledge will be a cause to the early lifting of the Ban.


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2012, 07:24:57 AM »
Sometimes you would think this could not be happening in a holy spiritual world especially concerning the life and death of the 98th Gaden Tripa, who was equivalent to Je Tsongkhapa on earth.

There are always good apples and bad apples no matter in a secular world or non-secular world...but only we want to think that chances of having bad apples would be less in a spiritual world. :o

I have heard of Gen Nyima before and his miraculous deeds in healing and controlling weather and I repsect him a lot, a pure and sincere practitioner with no frills, no ego....he is simply the best!

This story is also another proof that Dorje Shugden is indeed the uncommon protector now, even a non DS practitioner like Gen Nyima would prescribe DS puja and not any other pujas for reversing the severe sickness of the 98th Gaden Tripa, that really speaks volume of the efficacy of DS practice and its puja.

This reminds me of the recent DS puja required for Lama Zopa when monk from Kopan Monastery approached the administrator of  Phelygye Ling Monastery to conduct DS puja to improve Lama Zopa's health but was turned down. Luckily the the Kopan monk made request to another DS monastery in Nepal and the puja was done. Lama Zopa is seen recovering well now after the DS puja was performed. Read more regarding this below.


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2012, 09:24:43 PM »
Blasphemy!!! How can anyone do that? How can anyone be this evil? We're talking about a person's life, what more he is your Guru!!! And even if he wasn't, it is still another person's life! Gosh I would not want to imagine the karmic consequences this Tashi will face! I am sure he is "off" by now. This is perhaps the biggest betrayal I've ever heard, and how can anyone live with such conscious?

Wherever you are Tashi, your good life will not last that long especially since you have indirectly killed your own Lama! How do you sleep at night knowing you could have saved your Guru's life? How do you walk around during the day with such a heavy karma??? SO SAD for you Tashi!

It also tells us what a sad, narrow, corrupted govt the CTA is and how they encourage this type of attitude to their people. Isn't saving a person's life supersedes the silly ban? Which is more important saving a Lama's life  or holding on to wrong views?




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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2012, 06:51:45 AM »
This is not the first time we have heard about people who wants to be political correct and sacrifice others to make himself look good. I am sure there will be a lot more case like this will happen in the future IF THE BAN IS NOT LIFTED!

As such, we all should work very hard to make sure the ban is lifted SOONER than LATER!!

I like the story very much. It is very well told. I have one question though.. (I am not trying to be evil here, but just curious).. I am sure Jampel Shenpen Rinpoche is very highly attained, but why is he can still be harmed? I thought highly attained lamas cannot be harmed?


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2012, 07:10:56 AM »
This is not the first time we have heard about people who wants to be political correct and sacrifice others to make himself look good. I am sure there will be a lot more case like this will happen in the future IF THE BAN IS NOT LIFTED!

As such, we all should work very hard to make sure the ban is lifted SOONER than LATER!!

I like the story very much. It is very well told. I have one question though.. (I am not trying to be evil here, but just curious).. I am sure Jampel Shenpen Rinpoche is very highly attained, but why is he can still be harmed? I thought highly attained lamas cannot be harmed?

It is true that highly attained lamas cannot be harmed but i think it is also depends on the relationship between the Guru and disciple . If students/disciple doesn't have clean guru samaya , The Guru won't stay to continue turning the wheel of dharma .for such reason ,  highly attained lamas 'can' be harm........


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2012, 11:57:51 AM »
I cannot really believe that someone would allow their Guru to die for the sake of political correctness, or his own preferences. Isn't Buddhism about not clinging to one's own ego because more beings can benefit? Then why sacrifice the Guru for the sake of being politically correct? Is that not a direct transgression of both the Bodhisattva vows and the Guru devotion commitments? This is indeed sad to hear.

This story is a very clear example of the negative effects of the ban: more high lamas die unnecessarily when they could have been saved. Also, why was the fact that the Bhutanese lamas used black magic to shorten the life of the Ganden Tripa not revealed either? Why did the assistant conspire with the non gelugs for his lama's own death? If he revealed at least that information, something could have been done.

However, what I do not understand is why do some Gelug lamas do not like Dorje Shugden. It is not only in his case, but also in the case of a few other lamas as well who spoke out against Dorje Shugden. It is really because they want to benefit others by saying that or is it based entirely on their on preference and lack of affinity with Dorje Shugden, thus they assume that Dorje Shugden is bad?

Either way, I dread to even think of the amount of negative karma that the particular assistant has incurred for transgressing the advice of a divination, holding on to his own ego and allowing his Lama to die. May he be able to sleep in peace everyday after the things he did.


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2012, 01:43:25 PM »
From my point of view, Tashi is a murderer. It is so disheartening that Tashi can be so cruel and cold. He chose to look good and be seen as politically correct at the expense of his Guru? Too bad he valued his pride more than his Guru’s life. I can’t imagine the amount of negative karma he will collect…killing an enlightened being, a living Tsongkhapa on earth which is equivalent to drawing blood from a Buddha!


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2012, 01:13:10 PM »
If someone who is accomplished in Yamantaka tells me Dorje Shugden is a Buddha I would believe him. Hope the 98th Gaden Tripa's incarnation would come back soon, that is how dharma is destroyed from the inside. Reputation is more important that one's teacher. Tashi betrayed the dharma, the dharma he got from his guru and betrayed the many sentient beings who would have been benefitted by the continued presence of the gaden Tripa. IN this case the karma and obstacles for the Gaden Tripa to live was created by Tashi. OM Mani padme hum.


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2012, 10:34:40 AM »
Its so sad and hard to believe about all these things was happened, especially in the sangha community, shame on you, Tashi. You chose your ego, reputation and politic over your Lama who can bring benefit to countless people. Even nobody know but you knew about it and karma is follow you.

I heard about Gen Nyima before, i believed he has attained in Yamantake practice and yet he so humble and help people without condition. May lineage lamas have a healthy and long life until the ban lifted.



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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2012, 12:15:28 PM »

This is not the first time we have heard about people who wants to be political correct and sacrifice others to make himself look good. I am sure there will be a lot more case like this will happen in the future IF THE BAN IS NOT LIFTED!

Well said Nagaseeker. Tashi, in this case may seem like THE murderer, but it is the broken samaya of the students involved which created the collective karma for them to not receive more teachings from their guru. That was what 'killed' Gaden Tripa. They were all the 'murderers'.

As such, we all should work very hard to make sure the ban is lifted SOONER than LATER!!

I like the story very much. It is very well told. I have one question though.. (I am not trying to be evil here, but just curious).. I am sure Jampel Shenpen Rinpoche is very highly attained, but why is he can still be harmed? I thought highly attained lamas cannot be harmed?

It is true that highly attained lamas cannot be harmed but i think it is also depends on the relationship between the Guru and disciple . If students/disciple doesn't have clean guru samaya , The Guru won't stay to continue turning the wheel of dharma .for such reason ,  highly attained lamas 'can' be harm........


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Re: How Gen Nyima tried to save H.H. Gaden Tripa
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2012, 01:50:50 PM »
Wait a minute, how can black magic harm the world most attained Lama such as Gaden Tripa?  How can black magic penetrate robes and vows?  In any logic of spiritualism this is not possible and definitely is bizzare.  Could it be the huge obstacle that the Gelukpas were to face and Gaden Tripa took upon himself to avert it that is related to the coming of the Dorje Shugden ban?   Having said that if Tashi had followed Gen Nyima's divination to perform DS pujas, and the Gaden Tripa recovers,  would not this be the most stablising effect it would have had on Dorje Shugden and perhaps prevented the on set of the ban.