Author Topic: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again  (Read 16174 times)


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Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« on: March 19, 2012, 04:24:37 PM »
After we congratulate the CTA a few weeks ago for their move on taking down all the articles against Dorje Shugden (, today on a random check, those articles are back up again, it is too much of a coincidence that CTA put back up the articles at this point of time, the reasons are negative of course: out of spite, don't want to lose face, pressured by Dalai Lama etc.

Shame, shame, shame on CTA (again) for going backwards, shame on the Prime Minister Dr Lobsang Sangay (some more a Harvard Law School graduate) for allowing this, which advance government on this world put on their official website statements persecuting practitioners of a certain belief?

Back to the slogan: No wonder you lost your country CTA!!!

see here:

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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2012, 04:52:17 PM »
OH NO... Shameless really!!!! They truly do not deserve their tagline "restoring freedom for tibetans". It should read "Central Tibetan Administration - where we will chain you to submission!"

I am speechless but at the same time I felt it was too good to be true. I would like to see how Lobsang Sangay response to this reverting at a time where they are changing their political policies to include the people!

Shame Shame Shame CTA!!!!


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 05:38:17 PM »
Thank you Namdrol.  This is truly disappointing to know that Dr Lobsang Sangay has fallen back to allowing articles on ban to be back on their website!  Again just weeks ago we have congratulated him for taking the stance for the benefit of all Tibetans and to rally for support towards CTA and now this?!!!  Why the change of stance? 

What ever it is, the ban has to be lifted fast for the benefit of all the monks and high lamas whom has been ostracized and treated unfairly.  They deserve to be treated the same with all other Tibetans and need not be discriminated at all.

May the ban be lifted soon! 


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 05:41:04 PM »
This is unfortunate but at the same time I feel that Dr Lobsang should continue to receive support (for now). The Kalon Tripa faces a Parliament filled with the same old people and it will take some time for him to exert his own influence on the Parliament to effect changes.

The ban has to be lifted by the CTA and the decision for any lift of the ban must be done from the inside and at the moment, I feel that Dr Lobsang is the most likely to move the wheels of change. To attack Dr Lobsang now won't do any good and may even undermine his efforts.

Having said all that, I hope that Dr Lobsang is aware that there are a lot of people within Tibet and in the international community who are watching him and waiting to see of he will make good of the image that he portrays i.e. that of a progressive defender of true democracy and universal human rights.

What has been reinstalled in the CTA are old anti-Shugden articles. What is important to monitor is that there are no fresh ones being put up.


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2012, 05:54:11 PM »
You don't need to wonder why how come Tibetan Govt lost their country in the first place. You don't need to think too hard why they cannot secure it back and it's been 50 years already. Shame.

Since they have nothing to fall back on, they have to target a scapegoat for their failures on a national scale. Of course that is Dorje Shugden. He is the reason according to them for:

Dalai Lama's lack of success in getting Tibet back
Threat to Dalai Lama's life
Monks and nuns disrobing
Obstruction to the independence of Tibet and the talks
obstacles to crops
Lack of Success with the Chinese govt

The above is not what I am saying but what CTA has advertised for years as the reasons to abandon Shugden.

Well in their estimation, many have 'abandoned' Shugden. So if let say 80% have abandoned Shugden, then they should have 80% success in their works and talks by right correct? Since that is not the case, by logic abandoning Shugden 100% would not bring the desired results either. So Shugden is not the cause for any problems they have encountered. Shugden is the scapegoat of a failed nation governed by a outdated archaic group of ministers.

They may put negative remarks on their website against Shugden which shows clearly their lack of democratic freedom for their own people. The sad thing is they are slowly choking themelves  to death with the proverbial Khata as they did to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen 350 years ago.

We will continue with our struggle against the ban.



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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2012, 07:19:45 PM »
Indeed, it is very disappointing on their decision by putting up back article against Dorje Shugden. With this action, it shows how uncertain their mind are, something so simple and yet, they can change again and again. What confident they can give to their citizen that they can bring their country to be better?

With this unprofessional way of managing a country, it is worrying, Tibet is very far behind already, if this type of attitude, aren’t they indirectly pushing their country further to death? A leader of a country should be very sharp and firm with their decision, they should look into the welfare of citizen, the growth of the country.

I understand that everyone does mistake, we are not Buddha, we do make mistake, but as a leader of a country, as a graduate of Harvard, I hope he realize what brings best benefit to their country, I am concern about Dorje Shugden practitioner and I’m concern for Tibet also, there is no war now, no more fighting, it is the time everyone live together and harmony, so please lift the ban.


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2012, 08:58:02 PM »
How very disappointing to read about this news! 

Why put back the articles which do not serve the CTA any good?  Instead of moving forward and be progressive, Dr Lobsang Sangay and CTA are moving backwards! 

Honestly speaking, has Dorje Shugden caused you CTA any harm at all?  Why do you hate Dorje Shugden so much?  Why continue to bring inconvenience and suffering to the pro-Dorje Shugden practitioners?

His Holiness Dalai Lama is no longer at the helm of the ship, why are you CTA afraid to execute a change and to remove the ban?  How to be progressive in the competitive world of today if you still remain closed-minded on spiritual freedom?  Why don’t you just let the religious groups manage the spiritual affairs while you focus on running the country on other pressing issues like raising the standard of living, economy, education, and etc of Tibet in Exile? 


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2012, 09:00:42 PM »
CTA  you are really so ignorant. By putting all the articles on banning Dorje Shugden shows your kind of mind set which is of narrow peasant view that is still so superstitious! Using Dorje Shugden as an excuse of your own failure in getting your independence! So totally not a Buddhist way of thinking/acting and definitely shows there is no democracy and no democratic govt... it is all a fake. No democratic govt in our world today ever talks about another religion let alone banning a religion on their official websire... it is unheard of and definitely a weird govt!

What you CTA just did is a huge slap on your own face, your beliefs, your own religion, your own govt. Last I heard, HHDL is Chenrezig and we all learnt that Buddhas cannot be harmed and that all your pujas are just another sham? Because well... news flash!... all the DS monasteries in China and other parts of the entire world is growing!!! Such a silly thing you have done by just proving to the world how undemocratic you are and everything that is on this website is confirmed true about your actions. I hope the new PM a so called educated person realises how foolish this action and the consequences to come from it.


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2012, 09:15:34 PM »
Shame. They should have taken down any "Dolgyal" related article and stop putting down their own culture & religion. I came across an interesting section about Issues facing Tibet Today ( and thought about the basic teachings of Tibetan Buddhism of cause and effect;

Tibet lost over 6,000 monasteries and countless religious artefacts.
But they are now destroying their own "monasteries" with the ban, what's the difference?

In 2006, it was reported that there were116 known political prisoners (TCHRD, Annual Report 2006) in Chinese prisons and detention centres across the Tibetan plateau. 51 of them, are serving 10 or more years of prison terms on account of their political, religious or nationalistic views.
Many monks and laypeople are serving life-sentence of being separated with their families, being treated as outcasts and in-exile in their own communities. Who do they talk to and appeal to if the highest authorities ignore their plea?

Forced to denounce His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama recognised by him, Tibetans must pledge their allegiance to the Chinese government. Failure to do so can result in imprisonment or other forms of punishment. Possessing an image of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is today illegal in Tibet.
Well, possessing an image of Dorje Shugden is "illegal", and now the Tibetans are forved to pledge their allegiance to the CTA.

In July 2007 a new regulation was introduced, according to which all incarnate lamas or tulkus must have state approval. As well as usurping the power to recognise the Tibetan spiritual figures, Beijing hopes — through the implementation of this regulation — to rule the land and people of Tibet through state-sponsored lamas or tulkus.
Not much difference I see, nowadays the Tibetan Buddhist circle is confused with Tulkus or incarnations that are "recognised by the Dalai Lama", and "the other one" that is not recognised by the Dalai Lama or CTA.

The Central Tibetan Administration solemnly maintains that the Chinese government’s treatment of Tibetans in Tibet is in breach of the rights to life, liberty and security and the freedom of expression, religion, culture and education.
I think the CTA should first stop the breach to the rights to life, liberty and security and the freedom of expression, religion, culture and education in their own community first, before appealing to the world.

Please stop mistreating your own people and stop being hypocrites, then perhaps the causes for real freedom will arise.


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2012, 07:21:38 AM »
By putting back the articles against Dorje Shugden, it is like saying "Restoring Freedom for Tibetans" but only within our terms.  We tell you what is good. What your Guru tells you is wrong! You don't have rights! We fight for your freedom without success for 50 years but this "spirit" is the problem, not us. Well, after so many years of banning the "spirit", how come still no success???
The CTA is a secular government. But is it a people's government, by the people, for the people? I doubt it. It is a puppet government. Worse than dictatorial government. At least, with dictators, we can still blame the dictators. Puppets just do the dirty work.

What a shame! Dr Lobsang, what have you learned about human rights at Harvard? I am human, I am right. You are not human, you are not right? So you basically saying Dorje Shugden practitioners are not human??!!


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2012, 11:31:56 AM »
I really would like to know their motive behind putting the articles back up. Seeing as they has removed them before they must have consciously put them back up, from the orders of someone. I wonder if they got pressure from someone? It is is step backwards, and there obviously must be some explanation behind their actions.

For me the CTA are a gone case, they really have not don't much of purpose. In fact recently all they are doing is blaming China for all the self immolations that seem to be occurring. Maybe they should really look into the root of the problem, rather that blaming. I really hope Lobsang Sangay turns around, and changes something, because he is in the position to make a political stand, and perhaps start one of the most controversial political turnarounds.

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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2012, 01:41:04 PM »
This is bad and disappointed.

Dr Lobsang Sangay has not fully control the situation yet and CTA is still with their old set of mind and action.
We have mistaken the situation but I still believe in Dr Lobsang Sangay. He might still face the problem with the old timer in CTA. By saying so, something still needs to be done. Time just passes.
People still watching for the result. Dr Lobsang Sangay needs to come up with something! There are people still suffering and needed help and hope to continue their lives. Dr Lobsang Sangay needs to push further for a change!


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2012, 01:56:59 PM »
CTA has stil not grown up yet despite everything that the Dalai Lama has done for them and despite whatever changes that they have been implementing to improve or whatsoever, but it seems that they are reverting to their old ways of superstition and mixing state politics with administration and governmental functions. They will not be able to do their work efficiently.

I don't see the indian parliament use superstition from the hindu religion dictate how they control and manage the country. And CTA is supposed to adopt the ways and workings of the indian government? How? they are not even following the first step correctly. They're just adopting parts of the system…but since it is a system, if it is not followed correctly and  one component fails, the system will surely break down and not work as expected.

There is nothing wrong with mixing religion and state politics - provided if it does not affect the state of the people and also that the government is not biased against a certain minority of people that are within the country and persecute them. Governments who this sort of thing do not deserve to even exist because they are making a mockery of their own religion and also inflicting suffering on their own people.

China, by far is so much better than the CTA. First of all, the Chinese do not discriminate against their citizens, but they do have some harsh measures that are implemented to maintain the peace of the nation and everyone receives the same punishment if they are doing the same crime. I think this is fair compared to what the CTA is doing now…persecuting others based on their beliefs..


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2012, 03:03:32 PM »
This is very disappointing news. I had been so encouraged that the CTA were moving on with the times and being progressive and all that. I do recognise the difficult position which Dr Lobsang Sangay is in – I am sure there is internal pressure from the Dalai Lama’s office on this. Giving Dr Lobsang Sangay the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he was trying to be progressive but the Dalai Lama or the Dalai Lama’s office put pressure on him to put the articles back.

Unfortunately, if Dr Lobsang Sangay wants to be taken seriously by the international community, he has to make a stand for the people – for Tibetans and that INCLUDES Dorje Shugden practitioners. How can he be a Kalon Tripa JUST for non-DS practitioners?

Saying that, I am reminded of a fantastic post by TK awhile back, which is called “Why Dorje Shugden has to be the bad guy” – it makes a lot of sense.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Shameless CTA put up articles against Dorje Shugden again
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2012, 02:21:27 PM »
Thank you for this post, Namdrol.  This is disappointing news. What is the reason for putting the articles back? Not too long ago Dr Lobsang Sangay was praised for his stance for the Tibetans and now he allows the articles back.  Why can't he make a firm decision. As a graduate from the Harvard Law School, his actions and thinking are not better than the CTA. Shame on you Dr. Lobsang Sangay, your people are suffering and need help yet you have no control of the situation. How to unite your country if you are such a weak leader?