Author Topic: TYC President "banned entry" into India  (Read 10834 times)


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Re: TYC President "banned entry" into India
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2012, 08:06:58 PM »
Where would the Tibetans be if not for India who received them and gave them a place to stay during their exile from Tibet. They were even given the freedom to practice their own religion.  And now they are creating so much problems and troubles for India with the protest and self-immolation.

Why should India need to be more assertive when dealing with China as asserted by Lhadar.  They don't need to. Sorry to say but I don't think India would want to offend China and I think the Indian Government did  the right thing to ban YTC President from entry in order to please China.

Personally if you ask me, I dont think that India needs to please china. They are a world superpower and they are pretty much same in level when it comes to their power against the chinese, political wise. So they do not need to fear China as they do not depend on China for anything. Definetely the banning is not really directly connected to China but to India itself.

Of late, there seems to be a lot of cracks that is appearing between the CTA and also the indian government as the CTA has not shown that they are grateful to their host country and has not done anything at all to show their appreciation. They dont really invite any indian ministers to their official events or meetings.

HHDL, on the other hand has taken the initiative to visit a hindu temple and very recently, even a sikh temple to help repair the cracks in the already strained ties between india and CTA. All the years of non appreciation and being mistreated will manifest in the wrath of India against the CTA and HHDL is just trying to patch things up while the CTA shoot themselves in the foot.

On a more secular level, if such a person can create such discord in another country it is no surprise that another country would be scared if they would pull the same drama on their soil and cause a lot of damages. the energies of discord will only produce disharmony and the loss of an ally. 


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Re: TYC President "banned entry" into India
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2012, 10:03:21 AM »
Where would the Tibetans be if not for India who received them and gave them a place to stay during their exile from Tibet. They were even given the freedom to practice their own religion.  And now they are creating so much problems and troubles for India with the protest and self-immolation.

Why should India need to be more assertive when dealing with China as asserted by Lhadar.  They don't need to. Sorry to say but I don't think India would want to offend China and I think the Indian Government did  the right thing to ban YTC President from entry in order to please China.

Personally if you ask me, I dont think that India needs to please china. They are a world superpower and they are pretty much same in level when it comes to their power against the chinese, political wise. So they do not need to fear China as they do not depend on China for anything. Definetely the banning is not really directly connected to China but to India itself.

Of late, there seems to be a lot of cracks that is appearing between the CTA and also the indian government as the CTA has not shown that they are grateful to their host country and has not done anything at all to show their appreciation. They dont really invite any indian ministers to their official events or meetings.

HHDL, on the other hand has taken the initiative to visit a hindu temple and very recently, even a sikh temple to help repair the cracks in the already strained ties between india and CTA. All the years of non appreciation and being mistreated will manifest in the wrath of India against the CTA and HHDL is just trying to patch things up while the CTA shoot themselves in the foot.

On a more secular level, if such a person can create such discord in another country it is no surprise that another country would be scared if they would pull the same drama on their soil and cause a lot of damages. the energies of discord will only produce disharmony and the loss of an ally.

Dear ensapa,

You are right.  India doesn't need to "please"China. It's about maintaining good relations for the benefit of their respective countries. Having a friend is better than having a foe. China is the world's number 2 economy and India number 9 based on their Gross Domestic Product. So it is highly beneficial for India to be friends with China.

Tibet is almost insignificant to India in terms of economic gains. Tibet is a charity cause for India. So if India creates negative sentiments with China because Tibetans continue to "misbehave", then India will lose out economically in a big way.   

So CTA and YTC better not put India in a difficult position. If their host country decides to pull out, CTA and YTC better have contingency plans.


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Re: TYC President "banned entry" into India
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2012, 03:13:23 PM »
Dear ensapa,

You are right.  India doesn't need to "please"China. It's about maintaining good relations for the benefit of their respective countries. Having a friend is better than having a foe. China is the world's number 2 economy and India number 9 based on their Gross Domestic Product. So it is highly beneficial for India to be friends with China.

Tibet is almost insignificant to India in terms of economic gains. Tibet is a charity cause for India. So if India creates negative sentiments with China because Tibetans continue to "misbehave", then India will lose out economically in a big way.   

So CTA and YTC better not put India in a difficult position. If their host country decides to pull out, CTA and YTC better have contingency plans.

CTA does not realize that india is doing them a favor. They still think and believe that it is their right that india allows them to stay where they are. This would be another major cause of downfall for CTA. It is hilarious that the CTA follows HHDL's advice to enact the Dorje Shugden ban but does nothing to follow the advice and teachings on how to appreciate or repay the kindness of others.

I have not seen or heard of the CTA doing anything to thank the indian government, nether have I heard of them holding any annual festivals to thank the indian government for offering them the land that they are currently occupying, a place where they can thrive on at least before they get tibet back, which does not seem to be possible at this moment but yet they are not thankful to their host country.

It seems that to the CTA, they are entitled to stay in india for whatever reason they choose to believe even when it was really a kind gesture shown by india to them. This attitude will get them nowhere in the end as they will not be cautious of their actions and be reckless with them instead, for example like this incident of doing protests in another country that will bring political insecurity back home.

So with such ingratitude how will they expect to regain control of tibet and rule effectively? they dont even practice Buddhism even tho they claim to be Buddhist by performing actions that are against the teachings, time and time again. And they claim to be Buddhist? what? I dont understand at all. They have proven themselves to fail at being a buddhist country or a secular country as well. what else is there for them?