Looks like the prophecy in Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's biography is starting to take form and manifest via ONLINE!
After this in the future in the Eastern City,
Disciples of Manjushri’s pureland will increase,
Then in the tribal regions the Dark Land,
Completely light the lamp of dharma,
In short with thoughts of love and compassion,
Perfectly accomplish others’ purpose to greatly benefit beings.
It give much more credibility for a celebrity professor to tweet such positive comments about Dorje Shugden. From this tweet, it sounded like the professor studied the materials sent by the Singaporeans and understood the ban situation. A thinker, someone of deep knowledge agrees that the ban is more than meets the eye. If the Singaporeans keep up the good work in sending this all around the world, eventually more and more celebrities will arise with the same effect. Given this, HHDL is just one celebrity who is against DS.
Just a thought, even though there was no website stated in his tweet, people who retweeted must be curious in the first place of who Dorje Shugden is and searched for Dorje Shugden's information online before retweeting. Hmm … I wonder if there is an increase of visitors to dorjeshugden.com or xiongdeng.com since then?