Author Topic: What the Dalai Lama Should Do Now - we're not the only ones asking this question  (Read 8932 times)


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His Holiness should:

1. Apologize to the Chinese government for all the protests against them in order to soften them up.

2. HH should make a trip to Beijing and meet with the leaders.

3. HH should request the Chinese leaders to live in Tibet and throw the ball back in their courts to see what they will do about it. HH should stop sending his envoys to meet but go himself. 

4. HH should stop all the bans of Gyelchen Dorje Shugden and unite the Tibetans. All activities that divide Tibetans should desist immediately by the failed CTA.

5. HH should be adamant in making relations with the Chinese leaders. Making friends with Western leaders are a total waste of time as they have no power over China. The Western leaders are all scrambling to make China happy themselves. China has risen into a powerful force, a global force to be reckoned with and the West MUST now take notice, make friends and are recognizing this. No Western nation cares what happens to Tibet because if they did, they would have done something already. Look at Iraq. His Holiness Dalai Lama should recognize this already. It's very blatant and clear how decisive US and Britain were against Iraq.

6. HH should make himself and all Tibetans Chinese citizens and also carry Chinese passports immediately.

7. HH should advise the Tibetans to live peacefully in China and stop the self immolations and protests. If HH truly loves his people, then he has to be more concerned about them after his death. They will have no leader with the magnetism and charisma as he does to continue any movements and garner any further false hopes.

If HH engages in these methods there is hope otherwise everything else was a waste of time. China is not afraid of anyone.


I love these suggestions. They make so much sense to apply and it is precisely what HHDL should be doing if he really wants Independence fro Tibet.

If in pujas we are told to make offerings to pacify spirits or more powerful beings, why is the CTA not applying the same approach but instigating and provoking China at every turn to react even more aggressively than before? They keep doing things to anger China when China is a full fledged country with more resources than the CTA will ever funny and silly.

I dont believe China will listen to the envoys. They will only listen to HHDL because he has the power and the only person in CTA to have a track record in backing up what he says (at least, at a samsaric level). Because we have to remember that HHDL's main purpose is to spread Dharma to the world and not pursue something so insignificant as Tibet's independence.

Up to this point, Tibet and Dharamsala should just accept the fact that Tibet is now part of China, and instead of demanding for independence, request and advise them on how to treat the Tibetans better and work hand in hand, like a biological mother advising the surrogate mother on how to care for the baby instead of always fighting head on which only angers China further.

From the start, HHDL was not completely serious with the independence but he is merely putting up a show to satisfy the Tibetans who want independence so much because he would have done so much more to placate the Chinese, and obviously Dharma can grow further from where he is compared to if he was in Lhasa. We need HHDL so that Dharma can grow because he can, but not for petty matters for independence from china who is already taking care of tibet better than CTA can ever manage (they cant even manage Dharamsala. hah!)