Author Topic: What the Dalai Lama Should Do Now - we're not the only ones asking this question  (Read 8933 times)


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Heya folks,

read this latest news about how others view HHDL. This is not a put down article but it makes people think why is HHDL, an emanation of Chenresig treading this path which brings no success to the cause of the nation-in-exile.

When I read this article, it dawned on me that we're not the only people asking HHDL why why why? I think it's time we really ask for some down to earth answers.



The Dalai Lama is now 76 years old and is fast running out of time. The leader of Tibet has repeatedly said that he will return to Lhasa again to walk the streets he knew as a boy. Millions of Tibetans dream of this happening. But every year that passes, there is less and less chance that it will.

By every metric, China has won on the issue of Tibet. They hold complete control over the ancient nation and are remaking the society in their own image. The language, culture and religion of the natives are under severe pressure, its dissidents jailed or in exile. Beijing is riding a wave of prosperity and power that makes it harder and harder to apply even the minimum pressure on Tibet.

With that in mind, I'd like to make a modest proposal. The Dalai Lama and his followers should march to the Tibetan border and demand to cross back into their ancestral homeland. His Holiness should be accompanied by some of the tens of thousands of Tibetans who fled with him after 1959, along with young men and women in their teens and twenties who have never even seen the dun-colored hills and valleys of Kham and Amdo.

They should all walk to the border and present the world with an image that should exist but doesn't: a Chinese soldier born in the provinces outside Tibet confronting the spiritual and secular leader of the country and telling him he can't enter. The Chinese can refuse, in which case His Holiness should then camp out, with the media in tow, and make the cruelty of the Chinese stance abundantly clear.

What would be the good of doing this? What will it produce? At the very least, a photo. Perhaps much more, but the picture itself would be important.

The Dalai Lama is one of the most photographed people on earth, but the images of him leaving the White House (by the back door, shamefully for President Obama) and shaking the hand of this or that leader do little to advance his cause. They may even harm it by giving the world a false jolt of pleasure. The images suggest that something is being done about Tibet at the highest levels of power when in fact nothing at all is being done.

What the Dalai Lama needs to do is engineer a photo that portrays the very real suffering of millions of his own people. Because they are suffering, hidden away in the foothills of Dharamsala and in other parts of their far-flung diaspora.

The Chinese will be furious, of course. But nothing has really worked with the Chinese on Tibet. It's time they confronted in the simplest way possible what they've done in and to that country.

The expedition would not only retrace the route Buddhism took from India to Tibet, it would echo other marches, such as Gandhi's salt campaign and the two Selma marches. In those, oppressed people risked their lives to demand what was due them. The Tibetans' cause is as good and as just as the others.

It wouldn't be an easy journey, physically speaking, for the 76-year-old Dalai Lama, or without its own risks. Last year his nephew, Jigme Norbu, was accidentally killed on a freedom walk in Florida, and other activists approaching the Indian-Tibetan border have been arrested. But the Dalai Lama has shown physical bravery in the past, in his own 1959 escape from Tibet. And when he dies, his people will lose their only global symbol. Who know if his successor will have half his magnetism or force of character?

As a follower of Gandhi, the Dalai Lama inherits a radical tradition as well as a more compassionate one. His Holiness has emulated the Indian leader's pacifist example. But Gandhi also walked a more fiery path – boycotts, mass arrests of his followers, implacable political confrontation. And it was the those things, amid all the gentle wisdom, that finally brought justice to his people.
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Tibet was taken over by China many years ago and the Chinese will never give it back willingly no matter what HHDL do. Yes, they have lost Tibet but look, isn't it much better now? Almost everyone knows Tibet, the mysterious Buddhism ways and HHDL! I believe that the karma for Tibet to be lost will bring BIGGER things in the future! For whatever reasons, Buddhism have soared across the world. Dharma reached out to many people in the world especially the Westerners, to a great height and benefited countless people, don't you agree?  ;D


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It is acknowledged that the Dalai Lama has already long since "surrendered" that they will not get Tibet back. He has long stopped talked about independence, with only vague talk now of autonomy.

Following on from what Harry Nephew has already said though, if the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig, why would he choose to go down this path? But we could also ask this question: If the Dalai Lama is buddha, why did this Buddha allow a whole country to be lost and pillaged by the Chinese, in such a horrible way?

There is karma - individual and collective - involved at so many levels. If the Dalai Lama could change the situation for the Tibetans and it would be for the highest benefit of all, don't you think he would have already done this by now? If any of the Lamas and Buddhas could take away any of our suffering, wouldn't they already have done so? The fact that they can't - and haven't - isn't because they are not compassionate but because we each answer to our own karmas.

Another way of looking at it - as has been often repeated throughout the history of tibetan buddhism - is that if not for what happened in Tibet, none of us would even be here talking about Dharma today. It would have remained very much inside Tibet, as it had done for thousands of years. I am NOT saying that the suffering that millions of Tibetans went through is justified. I am definitely not saying this. But I do feel that there are karmic reasons for what is happening and that while the events are horrific, it has also eventually led to some good result. My own teacher has explained that many of the people practising Buddhism in the world now, may very well have been Tibetans in their past lives, died in defense of their religion and are back now to continue their path. After all, Buddhism is not Tibetan. It belongs to the world and much as the geographical Tibet may be "lost" to China, it is very much being lived on in the hearts of millions around the world, in their practice and daily lives.


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His Holiness should:

1. Apologize to the Chinese government for all the protests against them in order to soften them up.

2. HH should make a trip to Beijing and meet with the leaders.

3. HH should request the Chinese leaders to live in Tibet and throw the ball back in their courts to see what they will do about it. HH should stop sending his envoys to meet but go himself. 

4. HH should stop all the bans of Gyelchen Dorje Shugden and unite the Tibetans. All activities that divide Tibetans should desist immediately by the failed CTA.

5. HH should be adamant in making relations with the Chinese leaders. Making friends with Western leaders are a total waste of time as they have no power over China. The Western leaders are all scrambling to make China happy themselves. China has risen into a powerful force, a global force to be reckoned with and the West MUST now take notice, make friends and are recognizing this. No Western nation cares what happens to Tibet because if they did, they would have done something already. Look at Iraq. His Holiness Dalai Lama should recognize this already. It's very blatant and clear how decisive US and Britain were against Iraq.

6. HH should make himself and all Tibetans Chinese citizens and also carry Chinese passports immediately.

7. HH should advise the Tibetans to live peacefully in China and stop the self immolations and protests. If HH truly loves his people, then he has to be more concerned about them after his death. They will have no leader with the magnetism and charisma as he does to continue any movements and garner any further false hopes.

If HH engages in these methods there is hope otherwise everything else was a waste of time. China is not afraid of anyone.



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I am no expert in the Tibet issue and of international politics. What I do know is that any such dramatic actions may look good, gain some points for the Tibetan cause and certainly will cause embarrassment for the Chinese. This to me is highly negative and will result in even more resistance from the Chinese and certainly will give cause for the hardliners in the Chinese Communist Party to push for even more tough policies on the Tibet issue.
An article in the China Now Magazine today : [url]]

As the Dalai Lama arrives for a three-week lecture and teaching tour of the United States, prospects for reconciliation between his government-in-exile and Beijing appear more hopeful than ever.

China’s new leadership under President Hu Jintao—who previously served as the Communist Party chief of the Tibet Autonomous Region and is known to harbor an affinity for Tibetan culture-—continues to consolidate its control over the vast Chinese bureaucracy. There are increasing signs of moderation in Beijing’s policies on many sensitive issues, including Tibet.

The most noteworthy development has been the resumption of direct contact between Beijing and the Dalai Lama’s government-in-exile, severed after the 1989 Tiananmen Square military crackdown and subsequent ousting of all liberal officials from the Beijing leadership. On the glacial timescale of Chinese politics, it has taken this long for progressive views to regain ascendancy. The result has been two visits by envoys of the Dalai Lama to China and Tibet in the past year, the release of several high-profile Tibetan political prisoners, and a softening of rhetoric regarding the Dalai Lama and the Tibet question in the official Chinese media.

Lodi Gyari, who headed the four-member delegation that visited China in June, said he was “greatly encouraged” by the meetings, and that the Chinese leaders “showed keen interest in continuing the process of dialogue.

“We see our reception despite Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and other political changes in China as an indication of the importance the new Chinese leadership places on resuming serious negotiations,” Gyari told reporters at the government-in-exile’s base in the northern Indian town of Dharamsala.

Gyari declined to specify any differences that emerged on his visit. “With our Chinese counterparts keen to continue with the present process, some details must remain confidential,” he continued. “We conveyed the Dalai Lama’s wish to visit Wutai (Five Peak) Mountain in Shanxi Province,” Gyari continued. The sacred Lama Buddhist learning center, 500 miles northwest of Beijing, is considered far enough away from Tibet to serve as a useful litmus test of all sides’ responses to the visit without jeopardizing the sensitive détente effort.


reported that the hope of reconciliation in more hopeful now. This may not be the first time that this has happen and felled back into limbo but to me this is the only way forward. It takes time. History has shown use, that time and the timing is the most important. Examples are the Berlin Wall, Nelson Mandela and more recently Aung San Suu Kyi's success in Myanmar. All takes effort and time. But never confrontational. Perhaps "face" is important and part of human nature. In Chinese culture this is especially so.

I certainly hope the Dalai Lama has the time and I am sure if chooses to, we will see the day that he walks on the street of Lhasa again.

Big Uncle

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His Holiness should:

1. Apologize to the Chinese government for all the protests against them in order to soften them up.

2. HH should make a trip to Beijing and meet with the leaders.

3. HH should request the Chinese leaders to live in Tibet and throw the ball back in their courts to see what they will do about it. HH should stop sending his envoys to meet but go himself. 

4. HH should stop all the bans of Gyelchen Dorje Shugden and unite the Tibetans. All activities that divide Tibetans should desist immediately by the failed CTA.

5. HH should be adamant in making relations with the Chinese leaders. Making friends with Western leaders are a total waste of time as they have no power over China. The Western leaders are all scrambling to make China happy themselves. China has risen into a powerful force, a global force to be reckoned with and the West MUST now take notice, make friends and are recognizing this. No Western nation cares what happens to Tibet because if they did, they would have done something already. Look at Iraq. His Holiness Dalai Lama should recognize this already. It's very blatant and clear how decisive US and Britain were against Iraq.

6. HH should make himself and all Tibetans Chinese citizens and also carry Chinese passports immediately.

7. HH should advise the Tibetans to live peacefully in China and stop the self immolations and protests. If HH truly loves his people, then he has to be more concerned about them after his death. They will have no leader with the magnetism and charisma as he does to continue any movements and garner any further false hopes.

If HH engages in these methods there is hope otherwise everything else was a waste of time. China is not afraid of anyone.


Wow! I love most of the action plan here but I think there is a reason why His Holiness is not being friendly with the Chinese leaders. I think he is trying to ensure that the Chinese promote Dorje Shugden from their side. He wants to ensure the Chinese embrace Dorje Shugden.

If he becomes friendly with the Chinese, the government will firstly stop to promote Dorje Shugden and may even ban it in favour of the Dalai Lama. You never know what the Chinese are thinking. If it is in their self-interest to ban Dorje Shugden, they will do it but right now, it is in their self-interest to promote it. That's what the Dalai Lama wants, I think. 


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Thankyou for the updates on His Holiness.  Before reading this thread, I have been thinking what happened to His Holiness, everything seems so quiet now.  So what is next?  Thanks for the update Harry Nephew.  I guess it's true, what is next?  Tibetans lost their country, the ban is not lifted, CTA got themselves a new leader but no movement, China is imposing ban on Tibetan Buddhism at parts of China and His Holiness is making friends with Western leader?  How absurd?  Wouldnt the western leaders would have help His Holiness and do not have to wait until this stage?  Whatever His Holiness is doing definitely creates more doubts and questions in our mind.

However, just like the ban.  If we truly believe that His Holiness is the emanation of Avolokiteshvara, wouldn't he know better?  If the ban is for a bigger picture, then whatever every small action that His Holiness does must be for a reason.  In fact, I have more questions for CTA.  Now at least His Holiness has been consistently spreading dharma and Buddhism to the world.  What CTA is going to do now?  It really does not make sense to me if they are still talking about the ban and posting materials of imposing the ban!  Why don't they plan and do something for the Tibetans instead? 


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It is unlikely that Tibetans in exile can regain control of their country.  In terms of the size of population, economy, security forces, weapons, technology, and other resources, China is way too far ahead of Tibet. There is no way Tibet can overcome China. Tibetans can forget about independence from China! 

Had the Tibetans ever realized that their collective karma from the past had caused them the loss of their country?  When the effect of a cause had ripened, there is nothing that Tibetans can do to reverse the process. 

HH Dalai Lama had been working very hard over the years since 1959 to gain freedom for Tibet.  From gaining independence to gaining autonomy, perhaps HH Dalai Lama had realized that it had become impossible for independence?

The World is waiting to see what HH Dalai Lama/CTA’s plans for the future of Tibetans in Exile and Tibet after His Holiness had handed over the control of the government to CTA?

Rather than focusing on the impossibiliy of getting independence or autonomy, and not waste any more valuable time, HH Dalai Lama should advise CTA to focus on improving the welfare of Tibetans in particular the lifting of the ban on Dorje Shugden which had caused so much suffering on Tibetans for such a long time.

hope rainbow

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The way UP for TIBET is within China.

Tibet is not like a person that can "escape", Tibet is where it is, it is a territory.
And it is a fact by now, Tibet is in China, geographically in China and in a much more definite way because Chinese speakers are now majority in the Tibetan cities, as well as Chinese businesses, Chinese language(s), Chinese movies, Chinese goods, Chinese schools...
The person who would want to force this Chinese population out from Tibet would be responsible for a long, very long war and a blood-bath. This is not realistic, nor compassionate.

BECAUSE there is such a large population in the Chinese province of Tibet that comes from other Chinese provinces, the autochtone Tibetan population has an opportunity to demonstrate that the Tibetan culture is complementary with the Chinese culture.

What is there to fear? There is nothing to fear, but only to gain:
1. gain understanding of the Tibetan culture,
2. gain acceptance of the Tibetan culture,
3. gain respect for the Tibetan culture,
4. gain freedom for the Tibetan culture,
5. gain peace,
6. gain harmony,
7. gain growth,
8. gain freedom of religious practices.

Yes, independence is lost, but let's be real, it is lost already, and we can't lose something that we have already lost...

Can we imagine a Tibet that is looked at from all of China as this cool province, this cool culture, this cool language?
Can we imagine teenagers in Beijing and Shanghai learning Tibetan in their free time, because it is HARMLESS, because it is cool, because it is trendy?
Can we imagine how well Tibet would do AT ALL LEVELS if the Chinese government was to fully promote Tibet as a spiritual tourist destination?

All this is only possible if the, by now un-realisitic fight for a "free-Tibet" stops, if the self-immolations stop, if the demonstrations stop.
May autochtone Tibetans give the Chinese government the victory, and the Tibetan will WIN.


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Just 3 days ago, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was at Chime Gatsal Ling in India. Thousands of people came as HHDL was there to give a 3 day teaching and Kagyae initiation.

However, at the beginning of his speech HHDL reiterated that his decision to devolve his political authorities to the elected Tibetan leadership last year is for the benefit of the Tibetan people in the long run.

HHDL is echoing what he said last year in March, where he clearly stated how his intention to devolve political authority is “solely for the benefit of the Tibetan people in the long run.”

If he is to devolve his political authorities, it seems to me that he is taking a step back from engaging with other political leaders. Being part of the political arena is, unfortunately, something necessary for getting Tibet back.

As what dondrup above says, it is unlikely that Tibetans will ever get Tibet back. So, what benefit will Tibetans get in the long run from HHDL relinquishing political leadership?

Perhaps HHDL is stepping out of the political arena and entering back in purely as a spiritual advocate for peace, like Archbishop Tutu. Maybe that would be more effective.


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Many important and relevant points have been made in these posts in reply to harrynephew.
Tibet does seem better off in being part of China instead of opposing the mightier power and bringing more long term suffering and misery upon themselves. Credit must be given to HHDL for first escaping from the Chinese invasion of Tibet to become an icon for Buddhism to spread globally. Then to ban the practice of DS in order to bring attention to the practice and indirectly spreading DS around especially in China. And most importantly, with the ban, Tibetans became disunited and this caused them to focus away from their fight for freedom which could only end in more misery and suffering in the long term. Perhaps HHDL saw the futility in fighting the Chinese and in order to prevent further oppression from the Chinese, he had the foresight to ban the practice of DS in order to spread its practice in China. And once the DS practice is firmly in place in China, the ban will be lifted. What is brilliant plan! Thank you HHDL.


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5. HH should be adamant in making relations with the Chinese leaders. Making friends with Western leaders are a total waste of time as they have no power over China. The Western leaders are all scrambling to make China happy themselves. China has risen into a powerful force, a global force to be reckoned with and the West MUST now take notice, make friends and are recognizing this. No Western nation cares what happens to Tibet because if they did, they would have done something already. Look at Iraq. His Holiness Dalai Lama should recognize this already. It's very blatant and clear how decisive US and Britain were against Iraq.


This is by far the true-est thing I've ever heard on this forum. I think the CTA should have TK be on their board for advise. It is high time that Tibetans(skilled to the minor in politics, should no longer focus their efforts in making ties with the western world now if their agenda is really for freedom. The west is losing power rapidly and there' absolutely no point in talking to this part of the world because at the end of the day, (we have to face this fact) the West will fall into the mercy of China, like the Tibetans now.

So dear CTA, please do take a read on our posts, we have a bit of common sense, you know?

7. HH should advise the Tibetans to live peacefully in China and stop the self immolations and protests. If HH truly loves his people, then he has to be more concerned about them after his death. They will have no leader with the magnetism and charisma as he does to continue any movements and garner any further false hopes.

I echo what TK raised in this point, every Lama's objective and concern is for the benefit of their students whether short or long term. I know for one, my Lama wants me to transform my mind, purify my thoughts and ensure that I am well taken cared of both spiritually and secularly. High practitioners work in this respect. Even the highly praised Chinese masters always reminds us of the impermanence of death and encourages us to work tirelessly in preparation for our last moment of our lives.

But here we see HHDL not doing anything about the future of the Tibetans whether in exile or not. HHDL's focus seems to be getting more 'yes-men' around him to run his CTA. What's the point? Is it going to be like this and at the expense of more lives burned up in flames? Where's the compassion?
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Yes, China has grown into such a power house now, and all western countries want to befriend China for the obvious (economic) reason.

HH Dalai Lama tried to get support from the western countries since decades ago. At that time, China is not strong, and yet there is not much result/support from the western countries. Now China is strong and everyone wants to befriend him, who wants to befriend HH Dalai Lama and offend China?

This strategy worked in decades ago, to get the sympathy of the westerner, but I feel HH Dalai Lama should change his strategy now!!

Another important note is that HH Dalai Lama is already 76 years old, and with due respect, he may not have too many more years to live, and there is no other as charismatic as him who can continue the journey.

If HH Dalai Lama is truly concern about his followers' future lives (where we Buddhist should focus our concern), then He should do something different to calm the people's mind and focus more on the practice to gain enlightenment rather than just fighting for this life.


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HHDL is Chenrizig, surely he is taking advantage of his position outside Tibet to do what he can do best for the world at large i.e. to promote Buddhism and Dorje Shugden world wide.  He has of course created a hate Dorje Shugden propoganda so that China will continue to support and propogate Dorje Shugden in China, a huge country with large population thirsting for spiritualism.  HHDL truly cares about China when he mentioned he has 1.4 billion Chinese at heart.

Timing is the essential key to meeting Chinese leaders to foster a good relationship to work towards the Tibetan goal.  With the present chaos and protest against China by the Tibetans will not do any goodwill at this point of time as karmic force of the people is the underlying factor preventing Dalai Lama and the Tibetans to cross over the border to China.  Of course, the Dorje Shugden issue creating unrest and disunity amongst the Tibetan themselves further prevented the fulfillment of the goal.   

Tenzin Gyatso

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It's selfish to ask HHDL to do more. We should take up the torch and continue. HHDL gave up his whole life for the cause of Tibet and Buddhism. What else do we want from him.

He should be in our daily prayers to live long and continue his blessings throughout the world. We need it.


 O our gurus, and your line of lamas, for whom we have the deepest gratitude,
 You who are the repository of the three: secret powers of body, speech, and mind of innumerable buddhas,
 Who manifest in a miraculous way to each devotee according to his capacity,
 To you, who are the wish-fulfilling gems, the source of all virtues and good qualities,
 We offer our prayers with intense devotion
 That our protector of the great Land of Snows,
 Tenzin Gyatso, upholder of the Dharma, the great ocean,
 May live for a hundred eons.
Pour on him your blessings
That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
The dharmadhatu, the inexpressible reality that pervades all things like the heavens,
 Immaculate, full of great bliss and transcendental wisdom,
 Manifests like a cloud the numberless abodes of the higher divinities,
 The mandalas of the heavenly beings.
 To all the higher forms of the divine ones, the yidams,
 We offer our prayers with intense devotion
 That Tenzin Gyatso, protector of the great Land of Snows,
 May live for a hundred eons.
 Pour on him your blessings
 That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
O you numberless buddhas of the past, present, and future
 Who are the masters of the ten powers and teachers of the gods,
 Whose attributes of perfection, free from defilements and born of realization
 Are the source of the buddha-activity
 That appears for all time in the ocean of the suffering of the world
 For the sake of all sentient beings —
 To you we offer our prayers with intense devotion
 That Tenzin Gyatso, protector of the great Land of Snows,
 May live for a hundred eons.
 Pour on him your blessings
 That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
O sacred Dharmas of the three yanas,
 Which liberate us from the sufferings of the three worlds,
 Supremely calm, the jewel treasure of the fully enlightened ones,
 Without impurities, unchanging, eternally good, the peak of virtues,
 To you we offer our prayers with intense devotion
 That Tenzin Gyatso, protector of the great Land of Snows,
 May live for a hundred eons.
 Pour on him your blessings
 That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
O all you arya Sangha, awakened and unsullied,
 Of highest valour in conquering the suffering of the wheel of life
 With the transcendental wisdom that directly intuits the deeper truth,
 Never departing from the indestructible vajra abode of nirvana -
 To you we offer our prayers with intense devotion
 That Tenzin Gyatso, protector of the great Land of Snows,
 May live for a hundred eons.
 Pour on him your blessings
 That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
O you dakas and dakinis, heavenly beings of the three worlds,
 Who appear in the highest paradises, the sacred places, the cremation grounds,
 Who have innumerable experiences of the bliss of the void,
 Supporting the yogis in their meditation on the excellent path,
 To you all we offer our prayers with intense devotion
 That Tenzin Gyatso, protector of the great Land of Snows,
 May live for a hundred eons.
 Pour on him your blessings
 That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
To the ocean of guardians of the teaching, who possess the eye of transcendental wisdom,
 Carrying on their matted locks the knot
 Symbolic of the vows they made to Vajradhara Buddha,
 The powerful ones who protect the teaching and the upholders of the Dharma -
 We offer you our prayers with intense devotion
 That Tenzin Gyatso, protector of the great Land of Snows,
 May live for a hundred eons.
 Pour on him your blessings
 That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
To all you guileless ones, in whom we take the excellent refuge,
 We pray with intense devotion, humbly, from our very heart,
 That by the strength of these verses
 Ngawang Losang Tenzin Gyatso,
He who has power over speech, the kindly one,
 Upholder of the Dharma, the great ocean,
 He who possesses the three secret powers,
 May be indestructible, eternal, and without end.
 That, seated on the supreme unconquerable throne of the vajra,
 He may live for a hundred eons.
 Pour on him your blessings
 That his aspirations may be fulfilled.
You who bear the burdens of innumerable buddhas,
 With courage carrying on your shoulders the vast activities of the fully enlightened ones,
 Working for the weal of all beings, like the wish-fulfilling gem, the jewel of jewels,
 May your aspiration be perfectly fulfilled.
By virtue of this may the golden era be opened
 Like a gate to the great spaces, liberating all sentient beings,
 Coming as the happiness of spring which comforts our sorrows
 And helps the teaching of the Buddha to spread in all directions and in all ages,
 Making it prosper to the summit of samsara and nirvana.
O you with the lotus in your hand, may the nectar stream of your blessing
Strengthen our mind and bring it to maturity.
 May we be able to please you by practicing the Dharma;
 Through accomplishing at all times the good deeds of the bodhisattvas,
 May we reach nirvana.
By the blessings of the wondrous buddhas and bodhisattvas,
 By the unassailable truth of the spiritual laws of cause and effect,
 By the unstained power of the pure mind,
 May the aim of my prayers soon be accomplished.