Author Topic: Kundeling Rinpoche talks about Dorje Shugden and Dalai Lama, April 2012  (Read 20096 times)

Tenzin Gyatso

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Hey man, I hate to say this but what did Kundeling do for the country of Tibet and it's people? What insitutions of education or spiritual learning has he created? What did he accomplish before the Shugden ban? What is he accomplishing now?

How has he helped the monasteries, Tibetan people, dharma and goal of Tibet? His only accomplishment is speaking out against HHDL? What basis does he speak from? He has done nothing for anyone and yet he can speak so loudly. I find that amazing. It's like a homeless person telling Bill Gates how to make money.  :P :-[ :-\

I admire his courage, but it should be directed to something bigger and much better.

Anyone has the right to express their opinions to the leadership, but it would be more effective and look better for any movement if the person speaking up has a record of accomplishments. Simply to scorn the leadership without concrete plans and successes would get anyone nowhere. Just sounds like 15 mins in the limelight to air out personal vendettas.

If you google Kundeling, you cannot find anything much on him besides a couple of youtubes. There is no website, no information. I find that strange? What has he done to have the basis to speak so strongly against HHDL who has done so much?

Sorry.  :'(


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Hey man, I hate to say this but what did Kundeling do for the country of Tibet and it's people? What insitutions of education or spiritual learning has he created? What did he accomplish before the Shugden ban? What is he accomplishing now?

How has he helped the monasteries, Tibetan people, dharma and goal of Tibet? His only accomplishment is speaking out against HHDL? What basis does he speak from? He has done nothing for anyone and yet he can speak so loudly. I find that amazing. It's like a homeless person telling Bill Gates how to make money.  :P :-[ :-\

I admire his courage, but it should be directed to something bigger and much better.

Anyone has the right to express their opinions to the leadership, but it would be more effective and look better for any movement if the person speaking up has a record of accomplishments. Simply to scorn the leadership without concrete plans and successes would get anyone nowhere. Just sounds like 15 mins in the limelight to air out personal vendettas.

If you google Kundeling, you cannot find anything much on him besides a couple of youtubes. There is no website, no information. I find that strange? What has he done to have the basis to speak so strongly against HHDL who has done so much?

Sorry.  :'(

I'm sorry but it also does not make sense to destroy something which you are nurturing for almost hald a century! Of course there are many things within the Tibetan community which HHDL has been directly or indirectly involved which made the Tibetans what they are today. Look the TGIE, TIPA, CTA etc etc were due to HHDL's kindness.

But kindness does not allow you to deprive your own people from basic needs and spirituality! Yes I do agree when you put HE Kundeling Rinpoche and HHDL together the difference in terms of their contribution towards their own community is monumentally different. But if both these great masters were to be my teachers, it is according to the Buddha's teachings that I would need to meditate them as being the same in attainments and blessings within my mind. Hence they are all BUDDHAS playing different roles and not one higher than the other.

HE Kundeling Rinpoche has done a great deal for both the Indian and Tibetan community and now the Shugden community! I wouldn't be surprised that the CTA is on his back constantly and tapping him on every phone line and e-mail box available within his vicinity that he has so little access to the world via the internet now that basic information of him is unavailable! We're helping to fill that gap because we are practicing compassion and myself is one passionate and ardent fan of HE Kundeling Rinpoche even though he aint my teacher!

Hope this helps :)
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Hey man, I hate to say this but what did Kundeling do for the country of Tibet and it's people? What insitutions of education or spiritual learning has he created? What did he accomplish before the Shugden ban? What is he accomplishing now?

How has he helped the monasteries, Tibetan people, dharma and goal of Tibet? His only accomplishment is speaking out against HHDL? What basis does he speak from? He has done nothing for anyone and yet he can speak so loudly. I find that amazing. It's like a homeless person telling Bill Gates how to make money.  :P :-[ :-\

I admire his courage, but it should be directed to something bigger and much better.

Anyone has the right to express their opinions to the leadership, but it would be more effective and look better for any movement if the person speaking up has a record of accomplishments. Simply to scorn the leadership without concrete plans and successes would get anyone nowhere. Just sounds like 15 mins in the limelight to air out personal vendettas.

If you google Kundeling, you cannot find anything much on him besides a couple of youtubes. There is no website, no information. I find that strange? What has he done to have the basis to speak so strongly against HHDL who has done so much?

Sorry.  :'(

I think Kundeling Rinpoche is so very brave to be doing this and saying what He is saying to the world so that everyone can watch, think and make their own skillful decision. All Kundeling RInpoche is pointing out is logical facts and anyone can see this.

Kundeling and anyone else has the right and freedom to say what they wish to say because it affects them and many others who are experiencing "unfairness" and "unethical" persecutions just because they have a different belief and practice. It is so true how it is Dorje Shugden is the only protector being singled out and made in to a scape goat with the failure or getting Tibet free. All other traditions has their own unique protector that protects their tradition, so why is Dorje SHugden viewed so negatively as sectarian???

Well if anything happens to HE Kundeling RInpoche, we have our no1 suspects... the CTA. It is amazing how a Buddhist society, which is what the world knows of, Tibetans, could actually write, threatened, and perhaps even execute murder towards sangha, monks, and on top of that Lamas. This clearly shows it is not about Buddhism, because they do not have Dharma, it clearly shows Tibetan society has no "compassion" nor "wisdom" and is in fact a huge political power struggle agenda is bigger then human rights.


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I find the justifications presented aimless and without merit to continue to rationalize the activities of this dalia, lama are as insane and pointless as his words are to justify his continued existence as any kind of leader whatsoever. Whilst the Tibetans may continue to cling to his image as meaningful. I find this idea of a Big Picture completely ludicrous and demeaning to any rational thinking person. Buddhism is based upon logic and common sense. Not a juxtaposition for inmates in a lunatic asylum. However, I do think it possible, he is perfect mirror for the corruption of our times and his relationship to one of the most corrupt governments in the world and the admiration he has garnered as a tool for the CIA is actually perfect in it's presentation. I find the Big Picture will be the final and complete comprehension that this dalia lama will be recognized as one of history's better ruses, as the truth is his historical predecessor had the Wisdom Buddha Drakpa Gylatshen murdered in order to seize complete control the Tibetans and maintained the population as a pool for slave labor and treated no better than chattel.This Big Picture idea is ludicrous. My Big Picture is one that has absolute pity for this pawn of the Eight Ruling Families for the last 400 years.
I do feel sorry for this man and wish him all the best in his next lifetime. He as we all do , deserves our pity and hope he recovers from the Three Poisons and emanates loving kindness for all concerned instead of the vile and venom he spews with his lies about Dorje Shugden and his true Devotees.
The Buddha never supported Deception as a method to assist the Sentient Beings on the path to enlightenment~~May Tenzin Gyatso Norbu live a long life to reach clarity for his actions and words
I have withdrawn my energy from this schism, as I believe the more input we give this ruse is as ludicrous as two moons circling the earth.
The only solution is Loving Kindness~~ All the rest is delusion and insanity~~May Love Prevail and the Suffering Cease All Around the World of Sentient Beings!~!


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Hey man, I hate to say this but what did Kundeling do for the country of Tibet and it's people? What insitutions of education or spiritual learning has he created? What did he accomplish before the Shugden ban? What is he accomplishing now?

How has he helped the monasteries, Tibetan people, dharma and goal of Tibet? His only accomplishment is speaking out against HHDL? What basis does he speak from? He has done nothing for anyone and yet he can speak so loudly. I find that amazing. It's like a homeless person telling Bill Gates how to make money.  :P :-[ :-\

I admire his courage, but it should be directed to something bigger and much better.

Anyone has the right to express their opinions to the leadership, but it would be more effective and look better for any movement if the person speaking up has a record of accomplishments. Simply to scorn the leadership without concrete plans and successes would get anyone nowhere. Just sounds like 15 mins in the limelight to air out personal vendettas.

If you google Kundeling, you cannot find anything much on him besides a couple of youtubes. There is no website, no information. I find that strange? What has he done to have the basis to speak so strongly against HHDL who has done so much?

Sorry.  :'(

First of all, I fold my hands at Kundeling Rinpoche for his courage to act and speak out for his beliefs and for doing all he can to alleviate the sufferings of Shugden practitioners in his way. I will leave the arguments and praises to others in this forum.

What I want to ask Tenzin Gyatso is that, do you know what is critical thinking? Judge what is said and not who said it. Examine the facts of what is said and not the "credibility" of who said it.  Even if HHDL who has done a lot said something , it doesn't mean he is correct all the time. Even if we believe he is a Buddha and therefore is correct all the time, does he actually meant it the way you think? Who are you to say so? Others can interpret it the way they think. It is all about perception. It is our karma to have the 5 aggregates which is flawed.

So at least listen and logically examine. You can agree or disagree. Putting someone down and asking "how much has he done for so and so" shows your immaturity. This is the cause all the problems we are having in this world today.

I am sorry. Hope you understand.


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Hey man, I hate to say this but what did Kundeling do for the country of Tibet and it's people? What insitutions of education or spiritual learning has he created? What did he accomplish before the Shugden ban? What is he accomplishing now?

How has he helped the monasteries, Tibetan people, dharma and goal of Tibet? His only accomplishment is speaking out against HHDL? What basis does he speak from? He has done nothing for anyone and yet he can speak so loudly. I find that amazing. It's like a homeless person telling Bill Gates how to make money.  :P :-[ :-\

I admire his courage, but it should be directed to something bigger and much better.

Anyone has the right to express their opinions to the leadership, but it would be more effective and look better for any movement if the person speaking up has a record of accomplishments. Simply to scorn the leadership without concrete plans and successes would get anyone nowhere. Just sounds like 15 mins in the limelight to air out personal vendettas.

If you google Kundeling, you cannot find anything much on him besides a couple of youtubes. There is no website, no information. I find that strange? What has he done to have the basis to speak so strongly against HHDL who has done so much?

Sorry.  :'(

lol somehow i think you're talking about yourself as this is what i read:

Hey man, I hate to say this but what did you do for the country of Tibet and it's people? What insitutions of education or spiritual learning have you created? What did you accomplish in your life? What are you accomplishing now?

How has you helped the monasteries, Tibetan people, dharma and goal of Tibet? Your only accomplishment is speaking out against Dorje Shugden? What basis do you speak from? You has done nothing for anyone and yet you can speak so loudly. I find that amazing. It's like a homeless person telling Bill Gates how to make money.  :P :-[ :-\

I admire your courage, but it should be directed to something bigger and much better.

Anyone has the right to express their opinions to the leadership, but it would be more effective and look better for any movement if the person speaking up has a record of accomplishments. Simply to scorn the leadership without concrete plans and successes would get anyone nowhere. Just sounds like 15 mins in the limelight to air out personal vendettas.

What have you done to have the basis to speak so strongly against Dorje Shugden who has done so much?

Sorry.  :'(


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My Gosh... Kundeling Rinpoche really is a courageous and FEARLESS Lama! I stumbled upon an old interview and glanced through a few Qs & As and I am just so amazed by his statements and humbled by his motivation and thoughts... here's just a snip bit:

Volume 17 - Issue 26, Dec. 23, 2000 - Jan. 05, 2001
India's National Magazine
from the publishers of THE HINDU

What do you see as your role in relation to the Tibetan 'cause'?

I want to clarify my role by stating that I am an Indian and not a Tibetan national. This issue of confrontation with the Dalai Lama with regard to his persecution of me and others is important, but is not my primary agenda. My life's agenda has been to revive the Buddhist heritage in India as an academic or cultural heritage, if not as a religious practice, and to inspire Buddhist monks and Mahayana Vajrayana practitioners to come out of the conservatism of their outlook and contribute towards the soci al projects within the Indian mainstream. Since Buddhism is merely a living relic of past history in India and the holy places related to Buddhist development are now but mere open museums, my intention has been to revive the essential message of altruis m and compassion for all beings by putting it in a language of practical interaction that can be related to the masses in India.

Under what conditions do you think can Tibetans living in exile return to the Tibet Autonomous Region of China?

I think it is most important for the Dalai Lama to engage in a serious and positive dialogue with the Chinese rather than beating around the bush. His insincerity, his strategy of buying time, and not discussing or addressing the two issues that are rele vant to the society of Tibet is evident. If there ought to be a Tibetan nation, as the Dalai Lama desires, then there is the issue of its economic development along with the development of education, science and technology. The second issue is that of th e democratic rights of the society, which can only develop if there is literacy and intellectuals and thinkers are encouraged and developed into true policy-makers. The first set of development markers have been achieved to a great extent by China. This is not only my personal opinion but also that of others and the Dalai Lama himself who in his recent speeches on the question of autonomy for Tibet has been praising the current development of Tibet. He should be joining hands with the Chinese to bring f urther development within Tibet and seriously working towards a solution himself. He should ask his followers to cease all their anti-China activities within Indian soil and that of other countries.

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I liked the way Kundeling Rinpoche answered with conviction and deftness of someone who is so focused with his arguments and reasons. I may not be in agreement with what he says especially with regard to HHDL but I can see the reason behind his debate.

From the interview he surmises that one of the reasons behind the ban is because he claims HHDL feels unity is going to be achieved in bringing about a ban in Dorje Shugden. Apparently Dorje Shugden creates sectarianism!

Which Kundeling vehemently claims that is incorrect.

The reason is because Dorje Shudgen is in no way an obstacle to unity of all the traditions to begin with. There are a lot of lies being said about this he adds. He also mentioned that the different traditions have their own unique protectors. They are uncommon protectors. Why is Dorje Shugden being singled out as the enemy to unity or the as main object of sectarianism?

Kundeling Rinpoche claims the main reason is because Dorje Shudgen has been very popular. Gelugpa’s are a majority in Tibet and also in exile. The popularity may have caused constrain and jealousy in certain practitioners. In the history of Tibet there has always been a tussle and quarrel or disagreement on the basis of fame, popularity, patrons, property and or disciples. These are typical peculiar human failings and human problems. It has nothing to do with sectarianism within the protectors of the Gelugpas or protectors of the other traditions.

Hence in removing Dorje Shugden, could pave the way for HHDL to “unite” the traditions because the problem would be eradicated. However that can never be as we cannot lose the uniqueness of each tradition because it would break the purity of the lineage and that is unthinkable.

So logically this reason, which Kundeling Rinpoche claims is one of the reasons HHDL has in instilling the ban, is utterly baseless. So why does HHDL make it seem to be so?

Another thing that struck out for me was when he said that as a Buddhist we have taken refuge in the 3 jewels sincerely and one of the 8 benefits is that we cannot be harmed by evil spirits or demons.  Hence by logic, if HHDL says an evil spirit (seemingly in this case Dorje Shugden) can harm him, then one can conclude that HHDL has not taken refuge and hence why is HHDL a Buddhist teacher to begin with. Certainly does not make sense and that is one of the major contradictory statements HHDL has highlighted over the years of the ban.

The fact that HHDL seemingly would like us to think he is using the ban to unite the different traditions and that Dorje Shugden can harm him all clearly points to me that HHDL wants us to think deeper and to find out for ourselves the true reason behind the ban and act accordingly with a Dharmic motivation.


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One thing I do admire about Kundeling Rinpoche is his DEVOTION to his lineage gurus. If you check the facts and you see his previous history about Kundeling, his "biggest downfall" (in the mind of a layperson like me) was his devotion which brought him down. But if you look at it carefully, he devotion did not waver and in fact he was very outspoken about it.

I always wonder about Kundeling Rinpoche. I have asked around a couple of times but the monks has informed me that nobody knows his whereabouts as his life is always in danger because he was outspoken and went against HH.

However, I have gather a few information from a few sources. These information was very inspiring for me to work hard so that one day, we create the causes to lift the BAN on Shugden.

1. Kundeling Rinpoche was from Drepung Monastery.
2. He was extremely devoted to all his lineage guru and exceptionally Trijang Rinpoche. Previously, when he was in Drepung, whenever someone ask him about Trijang Rinpoche, he will cry.
3. He was expelled by the monastery because he went against HH on the Shugden issue
4. After that, HH enthroned another Kundeling Rinpoche and built a huge Labrang for this Rinpoche.
5. Even his assets in his previous life were all taken away. He used to have a huge foundation in US which was also taken away.
6. In his previous life he was very wealthy. He was the Regent of Tibet. All abbots of the 3 great Gelugpa pillars ie Gaden, Drepung and Sera had to show respect to him including Zong Rinpoche at that time.

Kundeling Rinpoche fought hard against HH and the rest of the Tibetans, he wanted justice for Shugden. He never did give up even in such harsh condition, he endured the pain and sufferings.

We do need a lot of these type of Shugden warriors. One day when the BAN is lifted, Kundeling will be part of that cause.


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"First of all, I fold my hands at Kundeling Rinpoche for his courage to act and speak out for his beliefs and for doing all he can to alleviate the sufferings of Shugden practitioners in his way. I will leave the arguments and praises to others in this forum.

What I want to ask Tenzin Gyatso is that, do you know what is critical thinking? Judge what is said and not who said it. Examine the facts of what is said and not the "credibility" of who said it.  Even if HHDL who has done a lot said something , it doesn't mean he is correct all the time. Even if we believe he is a Buddha and therefore is correct all the time, does he actually meant it the way you think? Who are you to say so? Others can interpret it the way they think. It is all about perception. It is our karma to have the 5 aggregates which is flawed.

So at least listen and logically examine. You can agree or disagree. Putting someone down and asking "how much has he done for so and so" shows your immaturity. This is the cause all the problems we are having in this world today." quote by Yongten Jamyang.

I cannot agree more with Yongten , this is precisely the type of immature critical thinking that most of HHDL supporters has that leads them to act fanatically towards courageous devotees of Dorje Shugden such as HE Kundeling RInpoche !

I am one of those Western DOrje SHugden practitioners who was initially wondering what all the big fuss was about ! Would there really be religious persecution within BUddhism itself ? I could not believe that fellow buddhist would actually act so fanatically , event to the extent of murdering fellow Buddhist .

Upon watching Kundeling Rinpoche's video I found the "unbelievable" risks that he faces to be real . One can actually see the disappointment and the pain he has to endure due to the ban. He seems to have long accepted his fate and is not regretting it in the slightest bit, for this fact alone he has my utmost respect ! He may not be my guru but he has shown me in his short talk that I have much to learn from this RInpoche , my sincere prayers goes out to him , may he be protected always by our DHarmapala DOrje SHugden .


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watch 9:30 it is so funny... all it takes is pure logic which we have been trained to use in our tradition and practice...

think: if HHDL can be harmed by Dorje Shugden, hence it seems He does not have refuge, then how is it that He can be a Buddhist teacher?? Obviously HHDL is still very much alive and healthy, no?

Kundeling Rinpoche is not only brave His Guru Devotion speaks volumes of who He really is. When Kundeling Rinpoche heard about the Ban, he was shattered and had to make the most difficult decision of his life because he cherishes his Root Guru, the rest as we can see. When Kundleing did not give up his practice... his house was attacked - the Tibetans threw stone on his house...and He was then forced to leave his Ladrang.

Now the CTA actually went to recognise another Kundeling Rinpoche which has caused dispute...

The recognition of the 13th Kundeling Tatsak Rinpoche is presently in dispute.

Lobsang Yeshi Jampal Gyatso (born 1959 in Kolkata), who is not officially recognized by the Dalai Lama.

Tenzin Chokyi Gyaltsen (born 1983 in Lhasa), officially recognized by the Dalai Lama in 1993. Presently he studies at Drepung Gomang Monastery in Mundgod, India.

And because of this interjection of yet 2nd Kundeling Rinpoche, heard that because of this his huge foundation in the US was all transferred to this newly recognised Kundeling, Lobsang Yeshi Jampal Gyatso.

Where in the world does this Tibetan Govt have the nerve to change lineage Lamas?

Bio on Kundeling Rinpoche can be found here...


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My Gosh... Kundeling Rinpoche really is a courageous and FEARLESS Lama! I stumbled upon an old interview and glanced through a few Qs & As and I am just so amazed by his statements and humbled by his motivation and thoughts... here's just a snip bit:

Volume 17 - Issue 26, Dec. 23, 2000 - Jan. 05, 2001
India's National Magazine
from the publishers of THE HINDU

What do you see as your role in relation to the Tibetan 'cause'?

I want to clarify my role by stating that I am an Indian and not a Tibetan national. This issue of confrontation with the Dalai Lama with regard to his persecution of me and others is important, but is not my primary agenda. My life's agenda has been to revive the Buddhist heritage in India as an academic or cultural heritage, if not as a religious practice, and to inspire Buddhist monks and Mahayana Vajrayana practitioners to come out of the conservatism of their outlook and contribute towards the soci al projects within the Indian mainstream. Since Buddhism is merely a living relic of past history in India and the holy places related to Buddhist development are now but mere open museums, my intention has been to revive the essential message of altruis m and compassion for all beings by putting it in a language of practical interaction that can be related to the masses in India.

Under what conditions do you think can Tibetans living in exile return to the Tibet Autonomous Region of China?

I think it is most important for the Dalai Lama to engage in a serious and positive dialogue with the Chinese rather than beating around the bush. His insincerity, his strategy of buying time, and not discussing or addressing the two issues that are rele vant to the society of Tibet is evident. If there ought to be a Tibetan nation, as the Dalai Lama desires, then there is the issue of its economic development along with the development of education, science and technology. The second issue is that of th e democratic rights of the society, which can only develop if there is literacy and intellectuals and thinkers are encouraged and developed into true policy-makers. The first set of development markers have been achieved to a great extent by China. This is not only my personal opinion but also that of others and the Dalai Lama himself who in his recent speeches on the question of autonomy for Tibet has been praising the current development of Tibet. He should be joining hands with the Chinese to bring f urther development within Tibet and seriously working towards a solution himself. He should ask his followers to cease all their anti-China activities within Indian soil and that of other countries.

When I read this piece of information, it gladdens me because HE Kundeling Rinpoche states it clear that he is a monk with the only motivation to benefit regardless his nationality etc. As a Tulku of the Gaden lineage, we can see that Rinpoche's focus on benefiting both the teachings and sentient beings is clear. Whether it is 12 yrs ago or just last April, his speech is eminent in delivering the needed points to put attention on this particular issue. It is true that Rinpoche might not be famous in much sense and his work is not highlighted much by the local or international media. What I wanna point out again is the fluency, confidence and most of all, Rinpoche's courage in speaking openly in a as-a-matter-of fact way to the media about the Shugden issue.

This will definitely raise a red button in the CTA and lift a few more eye brows for people to think deeper into their thoughts.

Here we have an Indian national ousted by Tibetans who are supposedly guests to his native land and ostracised many times by members of his own order for demonic worship. Yet he is so patient and only speak kind words to bring this attention to many so that people  understand really what is happening in today's ignorrant world.

Yes, I do pray that Rinpoche continues to support the cause to lift this ban and may Rinpoche have a long life and great health. May he be protected by mighty Dorje Shugden and the Great Eight forces from all kinds of harm to continue his good work of bringing benefit to others.

Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Kundeling Rinpoche talks about Dorje Shugden and Dalai Lama, April 2012
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2012, 03:06:22 PM »
I personally really admire Kundeling Rinpoche for his courage to stand out and 'challenge' the Dalai Lama. his bravery and fearlessness is something that is something commendable. You dont see much lamas like that around these days! He has some really fiery points of their own. Kundeling Rinpoche, Geshe Keslang Gyatso and Serkong Tritul are presenting many questions to the Dalai Lama over the Dorje Shugden practice but he has chosen to keep quiet, oddly....


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Re: Kundeling Rinpoche talks about Dorje Shugden and Dalai Lama, April 2012
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2012, 04:33:55 PM »
The ban has really caused serious issues of debate between masters, students and teachers. It is shocking to know in the world's most supposedly "peaceful" religion has so much politics and internal conflict. To most people from the outside world it is quite hilarious and a huge shame for "Tibetan Buddhism" in general. What people knew about Buddhism is basically peace but due to the ban we see the opposite. Kundeling Rinpoche's debate and stance against the Ban has brought many attentions around the globe and when no one dares to questions His Holiness... he does and some more brings HHDL to court! Sure shock me alright... but if we hear his arguements and points... it is very logical and it is something to think about cos we certainly would not let anyone/any of our country's leader to get away with such discrimination.

However I do believe that these high Lama manifest in such away to teach us and to bring about a phenomenal change. How can Chenrezig be wrong and how can Heruka be wrong, how can Trijang Rinpiche and Pabongkha Rinpoche be wrong? So to change something drastic as the Tibetan politics and views and their people's expectation... it must require something huge such as this Ban... though to many it may be seen very hypocritical... I see it as a cause for some huge transformation in perhaps spreading the Dharma to those who would probably never embrace it... like China. So in some ways the debate and stance of Kundeling Rinpoche efforts is to create to bring even more awareness of Dorje Shugden practice. HHDL started this publicity.... and the high Lamas continues it in various different methods.


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Re: Kundeling Rinpoche talks about Dorje Shugden and Dalai Lama, April 2012
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2012, 03:40:27 AM »
The ban has really caused serious issues of debate between masters, students and teachers. It is shocking to know in the world's most supposedly "peaceful" religion has so much politics and internal conflict. To most people from the outside world it is quite hilarious and a huge shame for "Tibetan Buddhism" in general. What people knew about Buddhism is basically peace but due to the ban we see the opposite. Kundeling Rinpoche's debate and stance against the Ban has brought many attentions around the globe and when no one dares to questions His Holiness... he does and some more brings HHDL to court! Sure shock me alright... but if we hear his arguements and points... it is very logical and it is something to think about cos we certainly would not let anyone/any of our country's leader to get away with such discrimination.

However I do believe that these high Lama manifest in such away to teach us and to bring about a phenomenal change. How can Chenrezig be wrong and how can Heruka be wrong, how can Trijang Rinpiche and Pabongkha Rinpoche be wrong? So to change something drastic as the Tibetan politics and views and their people's expectation... it must require something huge such as this Ban... though to many it may be seen very hypocritical... I see it as a cause for some huge transformation in perhaps spreading the Dharma to those who would probably never embrace it... like China. So in some ways the debate and stance of Kundeling Rinpoche efforts is to create to bring even more awareness of Dorje Shugden practice. HHDL started this publicity.... and the high Lamas continues it in various different methods.

I really like what Kundeling Rinpoche has did because it shows that he is a fearless lama, especially fearless when it comes to defending the lineage. No matter how anyone wants to put it or say, Dorje Shugden is an integral part of Gelugpa. If Dorje Shugden is not allowed in a Gelugpa center, then that center is not a Gelug center anymore. At this stage and this point of time, we need more Lamas like Kundeling Rinpoche who is presenting debate points to Dalai Lama on the ban and to show the world and everyone how illogical it is, and to actually make people wake up.

The Dalai Lama/CTA's silence on them has been quite interesting because it means that they do not have the answer to the questions, and therefore, the ban is illogical from the start