Author Topic: Hypocrisy much?  (Read 11804 times)


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Hypocrisy much?
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:39:15 AM »
Look at this! FPMTs hypocrisy cant be any more obvious than this... on the one hand, they suppress Dorje Shugden and say that his practices are invalid. On the other, they sell a prayer written by one of his incarnations.

Why are they propagating the practice and writings of someone whom theyve denounced as spirit worship? Making money off something they tell people is evil seems a little bit odd to me.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 12:54:14 PM »
I am not suprised at this at all and nor do i blame them because i can bet very surely that 99% of the people who are against Dorje Shugden dont even know who Dorje Shugden is other than what the Dalai Lama tells them to believe and they have absolutely no idea who he really is or his incarnation lines. If that is not blind faith, what is that? Obviously, nobody cares or bothers.

In fact, Ganden Monastery is still using texts written by Panchen Sonam Dragpa for their Gehse study syllabus and his mural graces the courtyard of Ganden Shartse because his works are just too good and too beneficial for anyone to disregard. I am sure Ganden monastery does it with the full knowledge that he is Dorje Shugden's previous incarnation and that they are still studying them shows that they are not entirely against Dorje Shugden in reality.

Again, Lama Zopa did not suppress Dorje Shugden, but he is merely following HHDL's instructions but it is only certain overzealous disciples who choose to go to the other extreme of spreading nasty stuff against Dorje Shugden and even going to the extent of defaming lamas whom they think spreads Dorje Shugden and discriminating against those who do.

At least, the very least, Ganden did not say nasty things against Dorje Shugden the way FPMT centers did. So it is pretty ironic that FPMT wants to do his prayers, which obviously will not bring any benefit or have any results since they dont really believe in the being that composed them anyway. Perhaps if they realize that he is actually Dorje Shugden's past incarnation, they might even pull it off the eshop!


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2012, 01:44:18 PM »
I would think that they don't see Dorje Shugden as the incarnation of Panchen Sonam Dragpa because they think he's a worldly spirit just as the Dalai Lama says, so for them there's no hypocrisy and no contradiction in having these prayers in their e-shop.

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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2012, 02:46:33 AM »
Absolutely right Ensapa!

Again, Lama Zopa did not suppress Dorje Shugden, but he is merely following HHDL's instructions but it is only certain overzealous disciples who choose to go to the other extreme of spreading nasty stuff against Dorje Shugden and even going to the extent of defaming lamas whom they think spreads Dorje Shugden and discriminating against those who do.

Not only Lama Zopa Rinpoche himself never say any bad things about the lamas and practitioners of Dorje Shugden, he had given advice to his students not to do so.

Clear examples of Lama Zopa's advises from this link:

Lama Zopa Rinpoche's Online Advice Book
Practice Advice : Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden Practice
(Advice given 16 May 1997)

"...Therefore, it becomes very important to support His Holiness and to fulfill His Holiness’ wishes. For that reason, Kopan Monastery stopped doing this practice. This was done for His Holiness. This does not mean that Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo, His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche, and His Holiness Song Rinpoche have made mistakes. It does not mean they are wrong. Nor does one have to look at the protector as evil. For us ordinary people it is difficult to judge, because we cannot see these lamas ’ minds.

Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context...

One time, after I had listened for three days to one person’s teachings, that person told me not to follow him. The bodhisattva Khunu Lama later explained to me that it was acceptable not to follow that person, but important not to criticize, to keep the mind in equanimity regarding him..."

So the conclusion is: despite many advises by their own lama not to criticize or say anything bad, Lama Zopa's students at FPMT centers continue to bash Dorje Shugden's lamas and practitioners; this is a solid proof that they (the students) never practice any form of Guru Devotion. Pity.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2012, 03:21:49 AM »
A lama with enlightened qualities would not say negative words of others. It is the students' wrong deluded perception from their negative karma and lack of merit that made their minds cloudy. These students do not investigate, study and contemplate before they passed judgments. And even after they had, it would be wise not to.

There are certain dharma centers that put up signs that they do not welcome practitioners of Dorje Shugden and some of these centers committee members verbalized it when a new guest wanted to attend a teaching. I wonder, if that guest was a billionaire would they make it an exception? Or would they be so "righteous" and refused entry?


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2012, 03:29:37 PM »
DS star and samayakeeper made a very good point here. Why do the students misinterpret the Lama's instructions although it is very clear that they added their own interpretations and steps to it. Are they really that insecure of their own Dharma practice that they have to reach that stage? I do not understand at all why would people want to do so much to cover up their insecurities.

If they had just quietly practiced the Dharma instead of spending so much time and effort investigating "illegal" centers and defaming them, I am sure their spiritual practice and center will grow many times in size as of compared to now, because doing so brings no benefit for anyone. Witchhunts are always fun but they also generate the causes for their own centers to be stagnant.

To be honest, instead of putting up signs they should have include it in their websites and such that due to the instruction from their lama they do not accept Dorje Shugden practitioners. It is a very rude and unnecessary step to demean others and also creates an air of partisanship which any Dharma community does not need in any country. This shows that they have no respect for others at all.

Sometimes it is pretty scary to see how people react with regards to their insecurity towards their own Dharma practice and how they tend to project negativity towards others due to that. It is scary because we can only imagine the amount of people they turn away from the Dharma and the karmic repercussions of those actions, although every Dharma center has its share of gossipers but it seems that FPMT centers around the world has the most.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2012, 05:23:05 PM »

Fair enough if people think that Panchen Sonam Drakpa is not related to Dorje Shugden. If that is so, then they should also think that Lord Duldzin is not related to Dorje Shugden either. However, it seems like Lord Duldzin has been erased off history. There is no mention of him as the one responsible for building Gaden monastery. At least I have not come across it - if anyone has another perspective on this, please do share it.

I do think it is just sheer ignorance. People simply do not know enough about Dorje Shugden and his history and just take the ban at face value. If FPMT members think that Dorje Shugden is an unenlightened spirit, then they should also think that their founder, Lama Yeshe was wrong. And all the great Lamas who have practised Dorje Shugden also. And of course that HH Trijang Rinpoche is not attained as HH Trijang Rinpoche was the author of “Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors” (  It is simply not logical.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 02:36:19 PM »

Fair enough if people think that Panchen Sonam Drakpa is not related to Dorje Shugden. If that is so, then they should also think that Lord Duldzin is not related to Dorje Shugden either. However, it seems like Lord Duldzin has been erased off history. There is no mention of him as the one responsible for building Gaden monastery. At least I have not come across it - if anyone has another perspective on this, please do share it.

I do think it is just sheer ignorance. People simply do not know enough about Dorje Shugden and his history and just take the ban at face value. If FPMT members think that Dorje Shugden is an unenlightened spirit, then they should also think that their founder, Lama Yeshe was wrong. And all the great Lamas who have practised Dorje Shugden also. And of course that HH Trijang Rinpoche is not attained as HH Trijang Rinpoche was the author of “Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors” (  It is simply not logical.

It is interesting to note that the Nyingmas and Kagyus claim that it is unauspicious to even mention the name Dorje Shugden, and they usually dont even dare to talk about him. Such actions and "bans" effectively cuts off the mind of the superstitious disciple from investigating and prevents even the most inquisitive student from finding out about Dorje Shugden.

Sadly, some Gelugpas who decided to be nonsectarian got infected by this disease and spreaded it around to other Gelugpas, who are famous for examining everything with logic and not taking things just based on face value. So why are they gelugpas again? Shouldnt they be practicing Gelugpa teachings when they got a Gelug teacher instead of following what some other traditions tell them to do?

This is the blight that is plaguing Gelugpas these days. Most of them, especially those from FPMT have this disease and it cannot be cured, it seems. And this leads to them putting words into their Guru's mouth and causing them to misinterpret their Guru's instructions. Ignorance does not mean that they can continue to be that way, it is just that they choose that way because its easier to be politically correct rather than do the right thing.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2012, 02:46:40 PM »
I feel it is sheer ignorance and stupidity that  those who are against Dorje Shugden do not even know who is Dorje Shugden. Out of blind faith, they just follow what the Dalai Lama tells them. They don't even take the initiative to learn and read up on Dorje Shugden. Thus they do not know the connection between Panchen Sonam Drakpa and Dorje Shugden.

Lama Zopa never say any thing bad or suppressed Dorje Shugden practitioners. He was supporting HHDL's
wishes and had many times given advise to his students not to do so, yet FPMT centers continue to bad mouth and bash at Dorje Shugden practitioners. It is such a shame that his students do not practice Guru Devotion and go against him by refusing to listen to his advise. It is not a surprise that FPMT centers are going down.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2012, 03:15:34 PM »
I feel it is sheer ignorance and stupidity that  those who are against Dorje Shugden do not even know who is Dorje Shugden. Out of blind faith, they just follow what the Dalai Lama tells them. They don't even take the initiative to learn and read up on Dorje Shugden. Thus they do not know the connection between Panchen Sonam Drakpa and Dorje Shugden.

Lama Zopa never say any thing bad or suppressed Dorje Shugden practitioners. He was supporting HHDL's
wishes and had many times given advise to his students not to do so, yet FPMT centers continue to bad mouth and bash at Dorje Shugden practitioners. It is such a shame that his students do not practice Guru Devotion and go against him by refusing to listen to his advise. It is not a surprise that FPMT centers are going down.

Its not really out of ignorance per se, but just plain laziness and the crusader complex because it is always more fun to assault and attack others whom we perceive to be wrong rather than to confront our own faults and and shortcomings, and then doing something about them.There is so much resources everywhere about Dorje Shugden but yet they choose to turn a blind eye on them...hmm?

The best way to honor HHDL is to practice his teachings and not add in additional lines to his words and instructions, and not to only practice what we like. It is to practice everything without exception and follow the exact words rather than assume that by putting down Dorje Shugden practitioners we will be more correct and HHDL will love us more....incorrect thinking.

We have the internet now. Even if not, many, many older students of Lama Yeshe would have been able to provide reliable sources on the true nature of Dorje Shugden and quietly follow Lama Zopa and HHDL's advice without making a big song and dance about everything as if it would actually increase their bodhisattva levels by 5 every time they expose or discredit a DS friendly center.

It is rather shameful to see FPMT to have degenerated to such a stage where they need to bad mouth other centers who are way more successful than them in order to be the dominant Vajrayana buddhist authority in the country that they reside in. Dharma practice is not about being authority or being the ultimate center that teaches others....they're places for people to practice Dharma. I just wish that the administrators remember this.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2012, 03:46:33 PM »
I feel it is sheer ignorance and stupidity that  those who are against Dorje Shugden do not even know who is Dorje Shugden. Out of blind faith, they just follow what the Dalai Lama tells them. They don't even take the initiative to learn and read up on Dorje Shugden. Thus they do not know the connection between Panchen Sonam Drakpa and Dorje Shugden.

Lama Zopa never say any thing bad or suppressed Dorje Shugden practitioners. He was supporting HHDL's
wishes and had many times given advise to his students not to do so, yet FPMT centers continue to bad mouth and bash at Dorje Shugden practitioners. It is such a shame that his students do not practice Guru Devotion and go against him by refusing to listen to his advise. It is not a surprise that FPMT centers are going down.

Its not really out of ignorance per se, but just plain laziness and the crusader complex because it is always more fun to assault and attack others whom we perceive to be wrong rather than to confront our own faults and and shortcomings, and then doing something about them.There is so much resources everywhere about Dorje Shugden but yet they choose to turn a blind eye on them...hmm?

The best way to honor HHDL is to practice his teachings and not add in additional lines to his words and instructions, and not to only practice what we like. It is to practice everything without exception and follow the exact words rather than assume that by putting down Dorje Shugden practitioners we will be more correct and HHDL will love us more....incorrect thinking.

We have the internet now. Even if not, many, many older students of Lama Yeshe would have been able to provide reliable sources on the true nature of Dorje Shugden and quietly follow Lama Zopa and HHDL's advice without making a big song and dance about everything as if it would actually increase their bodhisattva levels by 5 every time they expose or discredit a DS friendly center.

It is rather shameful to see FPMT to have degenerated to such a stage where they need to bad mouth other centers who are way more successful than them in order to be the dominant Vajrayana buddhist authority in the country that they reside in. Dharma practice is not about being authority or being the ultimate center that teaches others....they're places for people to practice Dharma. I just wish that the administrators remember this.

Your view is true, Ensapa, that this is not just pure ignorance but rather people's laziness in wanting to find out and learn about the truth on this issue.

If Dorje Shugden is considered as an evil spirit and His practice can harm HHDL's life,  does this mean all His previous incarnations are considered as 'evil spirit' as well?

If yes, why was His previous incarnation, Panchen Sonam Dragpa, appointed as the fifteenth Ganden Tripa or throneholder of Ganden Monastery and His texts form the core curriculum for most Gelugpa monasteries? Why was He taught by the second Dalai Lama, and in turn later became the teacher of the third Dalai Lama?
Why was Panchen Sonam Dragpa the one and only Lama that has served as abbot of the three main Gelug monasteries – Ganden, Sera and Drepung?


Also, why is Panchen Sonam Dragpa's statue placed in the monasteries?

So, if one wants to criticize some one or something, please get all the facts clear. If not, they are just behaving like the ostrich who bury their head in the ground thinking that if they don't see things around them, then these things doesn't exist! How ironic!


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2012, 09:17:30 AM »
Look at this! FPMTs hypocrisy cant be any more obvious than this... on the one hand, they suppress Dorje Shugden and say that his practices are invalid. On the other, they sell a prayer written by one of his incarnations.

Why are they propagating the practice and writings of someone whom theyve denounced as spirit worship? Making money off something they tell people is evil seems a little bit odd to me.

Dear DharmaDefender,

The so called "non-supporters" of Dorje Shugden believe that Panchen Sonam Drakpa has no connection with Dorje Shudgen. That's why they are still using the texts just like the other Gelug monasteries. This is what the monks in the monastery told me.  So that's why it makes sense to see that FPMT is using texts from Panchen Sonam Drakpa.

If we are to examine further, most of the elite Gelug Masters were taught by HH Trijang Rinpoche. Since Trijang Rinpoche is a strong practitioner and promoter of Dorje Shugden, then wouldn't all his teachings be evil as well? If that's the case, then most Gelug teachers must be evil. So why are the non supporters still learning from their teachers? Doesn't make sense to me.


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 10:30:23 AM »
I am not suprised at this at all and nor do i blame them because i can bet very surely that 99% of the people who are against Dorje Shugden dont even know who Dorje Shugden is other than what the Dalai Lama tells them to believe and they have absolutely no idea who he really is or his incarnation lines. If that is not blind faith, what is that? Obviously, nobody cares or bothers.

In fact, Ganden Monastery is still using texts written by Panchen Sonam Dragpa for their Gehse study syllabus and his mural graces the courtyard of Ganden Shartse because his works are just too good and too beneficial for anyone to disregard. I am sure Ganden monastery does it with the full knowledge that he is Dorje Shugden's previous incarnation and that they are still studying them shows that they are not entirely against Dorje Shugden in reality.

Again, Lama Zopa did not suppress Dorje Shugden, but he is merely following HHDL's instructions but it is only certain overzealous disciples who choose to go to the other extreme of spreading nasty stuff against Dorje Shugden and even going to the extent of defaming lamas whom they think spreads Dorje Shugden and discriminating against those who do.

At least, the very least, Ganden did not say nasty things against Dorje Shugden the way FPMT centers did. So it is pretty ironic that FPMT wants to do his prayers, which obviously will not bring any benefit or have any results since they dont really believe in the being that composed them anyway. Perhaps if they realize that he is actually Dorje Shugden's past incarnation, they might even pull it off the eshop!

Many people are not educated about Dorje Shugden once it was declared an illegal practice by the Dalai Lama, FPMT just shut off.  Through ignorance many abandon and become hostile to this practice.   When there is just heresay without investigation and valid or logical study by FPMT group they just follow the leader on the adversity of the practice.  I am so thankful for in helping to educate people on DS so they will have a strong foundation and education.  May they come to know the truth and never waver from powerful Dorje Shugden and its beneficial practice.

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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2012, 12:28:51 PM »
Hmmmm... how do I say this without being bitchy!!! :P No disrespect but hypocrisy only applies if it was intentional and I believe they do not even realise this! I am not the least surprise that something like this would be "overlooked" by FPMT... hehehe. Kinda like monkey see monkey do! :)

If one were to eradicate texts of great masters that practice or whom practiced Dorje Shugden, we would be left with a sad library indeed. It still amazes me how this hurtful and SILLY ban is still managing to persist... Not for longer I believe as the TRUTH shall prevail!


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Re: Hypocrisy much?
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2012, 03:37:29 PM »
I too think and believe they do not see the connection between Dorje Shugden and Panchen Sonam Dragpa. If they do, they wouldn't consider DS to be a spirit already. What I don't understand is this. The line of incarnations of Panchen Sonam Dragpa are very clearly stated and recorded in many reliable sources.

One very clear example is the book titled, "Overview of Buddhist Tantra" by Panchen Sonam Dragpa, which was published by the "Library of Tibetan Works and Archives" founded by HHDL in the times of exile as one of the main instruments of preserving tibetan Buddhism. This institution is also considered very important in preserving the Tibetan culture.

The first page of the foreword states the following lines:-

His first incarnation came in the form of one of the five prestigious disciples of Lord Tsong-kha-pa and became known as Vinaya Holder Dragpa Gyaltsen.

“Then came Panchen Sonam Dragpa, the author of the present text. The next was Ngari Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen. In this way, a line of his incarnations, each with the Dragpa surname, followed successively.”

So if this is not clear enough, I hope FPMT would at least discover this book and connect the dots.