Ummm... i will say this is about our perception which come from our awareness, compassion to observe things happen surround us base on our experience.
A few years ago, i went to Nepal with a group of friend. I was in a car next to one of my friend, the car drove through a small road which we saw local nepalese stay in their house and we saw many of nepalese were sitting and chatting in front of their house. Suddenly my friend said 'Ayoh! poor thing!, they must be very suffer to stay in this condition' i quite surprise as i didn't have any feeling or thought about that as i saw they had a happy face and eyes even they are poor as i feel that not only material that bring us happiness but my friend base on material so since they are poor and don't have money, nice clothes, nice house so they are suffer.
See, 2 persons see same thing but can have different feeling and thought.