This is what His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal said about homosexuality (extracted from
Homosexuality seems to be getting more common in the world these days. Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, are both activities of samsara. Neither seems to be particularly better or worse than the other. Whether a man or woman is straight or gay does not make him or her any particularly better or worse than the other. In general, both are activities of lay people. Not that, however, that there is no karma involved in homosexuality, only that it is just like heterosexuality, another activity of samsara.
If we look at it this way, then yes DSFriend, there isn't much big deal about sexuality. Straight or gay, from the highest point of view, they are the same.
I'm not so sure about homosexuality being more common "these days" tho... I thought it has been common all along just that its more acceptable nowadays. If it is indeed "more common these days" compared to before, why is that so?
I like the way HH Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal put it in that both homosexuality/heterosexuality is just another activity in samsara. Marriage is just another activity in samsara, just like working, purchasing of houses and cars, travelling etc. Why do we get married in the first place? To make sure that the relationship is locked down, black and white? Because that is just what society thinks is normal in life? What makes the signing of 2 people on paper more valid than having a relationship without the signing of papers? The essence of the relationship should not be based on a contract, in hopes that each remains loyal. The foundation of the relationship is based on the relationship itself, between both parties, and the respect they have for each other. The 'marriage' of two people should be based on respect, loyalty, trust, love, care, kindness and forgiveness towards each other. If that is absent, even if the 2 are married, it will not work. So then, why the need for papers?
Same-sex or not, it doesn't matter. The physicality of one is perceived by our senses, judged by our minds with influence from society and years of deluded thoughts. Same-sex relationships are just as strong as relationships between opposite genders - who are we to say that same-sex relationships are invalid, when it is all based on the one common thing - love.
I am pretty sure it is more common these days because more people are coming out, more people are accepting it. It may be a culture fad, but I'm pretty sure it is more of a shift in society's progression towards open-mindedness these days and the many across the world who courageously fought over the years for their rights. Human Rights.