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Beautiful High Quality Videos
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:50:39 AM »
Very nice set of clear and high quality videos. There are 12 videos in total. Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche really is a great being. The Indian Govt really supported the opening of this Shugden Monastery. I wonder what is the reaction of CTA?
I enjoyed very much watching all of the videos. I have downloaded the one Shugden takes trance into my I-pad to carry around with me and watch occasionally. It's a great blessing.


See all 12 videos here:


Just Shugden taking trance:

Serpom Monastery Opening (4 of 11) - The Invocations of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden

« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 12:55:06 AM by Mana »


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 11:53:09 AM »
Thank you TK for these rare footage of our King bestowing blessings and helping people to remove obstacles from their spiritual paths.

From the video, it is evident that devotees' enthusiasm were not dampened by the ban.

May the ban be uplifted soon so that more can receive the King's guidance and blessings.


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 06:33:33 PM »
Thank you TK for sharing the videos, and thank you this website for putting up the videos.

I really like the video 2 (debate video). I have heard a lot about the Gaden tradition of debating, but I have never seen it before. This is the first time I see it and even though I cannot understand what they say, just watching their facial expression and body language is very exciting.

I also like video 4 (taking trance). Wow, look at the numbers of devotees!! (at 8m 37s) Really happy to see so many devotees!!


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 10:29:20 PM »
Thank you tk and for sharing these videos so that we have the chance to watch these sacred videos. Rejoice to see so many people in the video have the chance to be there and received the blessing directly from Lord Shugden.

I have not seen Lord Shugden taking trance. I am following your example to download the video of Lord Shugden taking trance into my PC so that I can watch it often to create more merits to see it in person next time.  ;)

From the video, I can see the process of Lord Shugden taking trance, did the protector dance and giving blessing. I saw that there are a few times protector taking trance (01:30, 03:10, 04:27, 05:07, 05:49) and dancing twice (01:30 and 06:18). May I know if the sequence of protector taking trance is Setrap, Dorje Shudgen, Jowo Chingarwa, and Kache Marpo?

I can see that Lord Shugden giving offering and Khata to Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche(06:30). This shows that Guru is always higher than protector and the protector will pay respect to Guru.

Could tk please explain the video so that we will understand the video more on what is happening and have more blessings from it?

May the ban be lifted soonest and more people will have the chance to be blessed by Lord Shugden!


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 10:12:51 AM »
I had the fortune to witness an oracle taking trance of Dorje Shugden. I was speechless for a while because never in my life I would expect to see it happening real life. The video TK posted here is exactly how I saw an oracle taking trance of the great Dorje Shugden. Watching this video, I know what I saw in front of my eyes was REAL!

Dorje Shugden is real and He is a Buddha! I was also very fortunate to receive blessings from the great KING himself!!

For those who have not seen it, I can tell you it is real! The videos you watched are not fake, not a single bit in fact! If Dorje Shugden is fake, nobody will be practicing it after so many years already. But for the matter of fact, more and more people are practicing Dorje Shugden today! If Dorje Shugden is fake, all the great master we have been receiving heart teachings from are fake as well! But that cannot be true because somehow or another we all benefited from those teachings and the great masters have proven over and over again by taking rebirths. If Dorje Shugden is an evil demon, these great masters will not be around anymore today...but they are still here spreading the Dharma!!!


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2012, 10:40:12 AM »
Thankyou for this wonderful video tk.  I like to watch oracle taking trance video a lot, it is as though i am meeting the oracle myself!  The energy that the oracle manifests can be felt even by watching the video.  Yes I have personally witnessed a trance taking session in a Taiwan trip I had last year, it was King Dorje Shugden.  How precious and blesssed I was to witness such ceremony.  It was such a great blessing.  I saw with my own eyes how powerful, compassionate and clairvoyant Dorje Shugden was.. blessing one by one, answered questions and how he prophesied, it was beyond imagination.  So many were blessed... 

Here again in the Serpon monastery opening video, you can see the arrival of the King, how he blessed people and paid respect to Yongyal Rinpoche.  I wish very much the practice of oracle continues... Please spread on to preserve this holy practice so many more can witness such auspicious, powerful and blessed ceremony.

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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2012, 05:13:12 PM »
What beautiful videos. My favourite is also the one of Shugden taking trance which is in your post. Am curious though why the monks that are serving The King have their zen in their mouths?

I was told this is out of respect/reverence because Dorje Shugden is a holy being and the monks serving, in their humility, they need to "close" their mouths so that they do not breathe their impure breaths upon Dorje Shudgen. Because they are using their hands to serve, the only way to do so is to "hold" one's zen in one's mouth...

I just love the naunces and rituals of the monastic "establishment"!


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2012, 02:05:44 PM »
Watching video 11 and it is such a blessing to be able to visit Serpom monastery virtually although this forum post.  :)
I like the scene of young monks assembled early in the morning to do their prayer together. It is inspiring to see that young monks especially those who are still kids devoted themselves to Buddhism for the benefits of others.
From Video 7, I can see that Serpom monastery is very well established in their Buddhism study and offers a lot of classes. Engage in Buddhist studies in a systematic way through classes and the traditional debate and therefore the Buddhism is spread rapidly. Rejoice!

Below is the Monastic Curriculum that I found on their website, you can see that it is very organized and good. I like the part that explain about what is debate about and the explanation of each physical movement during the debates.

Monks at Serpom Monastery study the five main texts: Valid Cognition, Perfection of Wisdom, Middle Way, Monastic Discipline, and Treasure of Knowledge. For the students in the Perfection of Wisdom class, there are two different texts: the General Meaning of Perfection of Wisdom and the Decision of the Perfection of Wisdom. Along with the main texts, they study other root and commentary texts. Monks attend lessons with philosophical masters and debate in the courtyard for two hours in the morning and three hours in evening. And twice a year, monks take writing, debating and oral exams. In all, it takes 18 years to complete the study of the five main texts, including four years for the Geshe Lharampha, the highest degree in Buddhist philosophy.


Debate is a key means of learning Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy. Through debating students clear doubts, brighten their wisdom, and develop clear memories; it reminds of all the paths leading to liberation and enlightenment. There are 14 different levels of debate classes at Serpom. The admission for the classes is started right after the Great Prayer Festival. Admission day is called Kyichoe Chenpo in Tibetan. On that day, the Abbot presides over the morning debate session.
As far as the debating is concerned, initially students gather in circle, reciting our monastic uncommon prayers along with the text called ‘Recitation of Manjushri Name’. After the half an hour-prayer monks debate in pairs. One member of each pair takes a seat, while the other stands and poses questions. The debate is centered on an ongoing subject. After 30 minutes or so, the Disciplinarian waves his sen (monk’s red shawl) to signal the students to hold class. Students then form classes, according to seniority. They sit on the ground in two facing rows, leaving space in middle. This represents a class. In each class, two students sit at the top of the rows. These students are respondents. One stands and debates with the respondents. Classmates gradually join in the debate, either in favor of the questioners or respondents. The process is the same in every class. A student begins the debate session by yelling Dhi ji thar choe chen - the syllables of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. Then lifting his left foot, he pulls the rosary (hanging over his left wrist) up the arm with his right hand, and claps his right hand onto his left palm while the left foot bangs down. The clap on the left palm denotes the containment of wrong views. The right hand signifies the correct views. Pulling the right hand up the left arm symbolizes leading living beings to the path of liberation. And turning his left hand down signifies locking the doors of the lower levels of rebirth. Each physical movement denotes great meaning and is intended to purify one’s negativities.
The debate session is over at 11 am. After lunch, carrying their texts and cushions, students pay a visit to the philosophy master in their house. The students offer three prostrations to the master before they sit down on their cushions. The master reads a chapter, pinpoints the contradictions and doubts, comparing them with other texts. He poses questions, which the students answer. In this way, by discussing the major contradictions in the text, students learn the techniques of debate. The master gives one-hour lessons to different classes. The students must visit at least two masters every day. Everyday they debate a new topic during the session with their master. Back in their individual houses, the students reflect on what the master has taught them. They also read the suggested chapters to maintain mindfulness. In debate, when challenged, the questioner recites different quotations to support his view. Thus it is important for the students to memorize the quotations and to read the references to ensure that their views are substantiated by logical reasoning.
When the gong sounds at 6 pm, students gather in a circle in the monastic courtyard where the chanting master leads the prayer. The prayer is called Kurim and is intended for the well-being of students. During the Kurim prayer, monks recite the Heart Sutra 18 times, the Tara Sadhana 21 times and the Dhukar (White Umbrella) which has a long melody. The melody and rhythm of the Kurim are so pleasant that it is not unusual for senior monks to attentively place their ears against the windows of their houses to listen to the prayer. After the Kurim, students debate as in the morning session. The evening session is over at 9 pm. Afterwards, from 9 pm to 1 or 2 am, students recite the memorized texts outside their houses, or read texts. Every Monday evening, after dinner, a group debate session is held. In this session called Damcha, one class act as questioner and the other as respondent, roles assigned the day before by the Disciplinarian.


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2012, 03:24:44 PM »
Thank you so much TK and for providing these videos. These videos have a very powerful significance to me as a DS practitioner because it is a very clear sign that my Dharmapala is real and not just a figure that sits on the altar and who works his invisible ways. He can actually appear and talk to us, give his assistance and find ways to benefit us and purify our karma.

It is also another way of us of knowing what is the best way to repay the protector's kindness as he can tell us directly what needs to be done in order to repay him. It is also a very direct method of getting answers that would normally be subjected to all sorts of interpretations otherwise. The answers from an oracle is a very direct and precise answer compared to our guesses and deductions.

To be able to watch this trance on film is very powerful and it is a huge blessing for anyone at all who views it as it is viewing the powerful Dharma protector himself, moving and talking as he does exists, and this is the very same protector that has helped me against all my karmic and mundane obstacles to Dharma. It is a very powerful reaffirmation of my faith towards my great protector.

They say that he was destroyed, but he takes trance immediately after they tried to run a exorcism ritual that is supposed  to be very powerful. This is definite proof that he is not a spirit but an enlightened protector that does not have the karma to be harmed in any way, therefore nothing happens. This is another sign that we are practicing the right Dharma protector as he manifests in many different ways for our benefit.


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2012, 05:38:47 PM »
I still remember the first time I witnessed the oracle taking trance of Lord Shugden. It was more than 5 years ago, back when the ban wasnt as hot as it is now. I remember being quite anxious prior to the trance session as I was fairly new to his practice and I didnt know what to expect at all. I had never watched a video of an oracle before, and I wasnt sure whether he would throw some rice at me or if he would hit me on the head with his sword!

In no time at all, the trance was starting. The monks were softly chanting the invocation verses, and I felt the hair on my arms stand on end as I watched the oracle starting to move at critical points in the prayers. And then, the King arrived. Monks rushed back and forth making offerings, preparing tea and lining the visitors up.

Our protector in the oracle was moving, hissing, throwing rice, and giving blessed red strings to everyone who was fortunate enough to have audience with him. When it was my turn, I hardly dared look into his face and kept my eyes on his boots. I felt him touching my head, putting some rice in my cupped palms and I remember feeling a rush of compassion and kindness from this very wrathful being in front of me.

I looked up into his face, and couldnt help the tears filling my eyes. I kid you not, the feeling of compassion (I dont know how else to describe it) was so so strong. I just knew at that moment that what they say in the scriptures is true - that despite how fierce the protectors manifest themselves to be, they are none other than living compassion.

Anyway I thought I would share this with you, perhaps it would be of interest to those of you who have not yet seen an oracle before. Seems like many of you have tho :)


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2012, 06:28:31 PM »
Thank you for these very clear, high quality videos. It is amazing to be able to watch these videos in the comfort of our own homes from miles away across the world. Thanks to all the efforts put in by everyone at Serpom Monastery to film the videos and thanks also to this website for posting these videos up. I don’t think I am going to make it to India any time soon, so it is incredible for me to be able to ‘attend’ these events on a virtual basis.

Serpom looks so clean and beautiful. The monks must have wonderful sponsors to build such a wonderful monastery. I do believe it must be Dorje Shugden’s blessings combined with the pure devotion of the monks that a monastery ostracized by the establishment managed to raise enough funds to have such a beautiful building.

My favourite video is this one of the oracle. I loved watching how the monks can offer drink directly Dorje Shugden. I was amazed that there were so many laypeople there. Does anyone know if these were Tibetans or foreigners?

I do have a question.. at 5:05, the oracle is wearing an unusual hat. Could someone explain what does that hat symbolise? Thanks in advance.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2012, 06:36:29 PM »
These are really excellent videos that showed very clearly the whole taking trance process. Thank you TK for sharing. Everyone should watch this and be blessed by Dorje Shugden. Thank you to those who video taped this, the quality of the video is really superb!

I was told that the weight of the hat would break the neck of anyone who wears it, but as we can all see when the oracle started to take trance, he was moving back and forth violently, he was perfectly ok. This showed that wisdom beings do exist.

The oracle in trance will take the sword and dance around before going back to the throne, it is said that this helps to clear the obstacles for the place and the people there.

Another way protector is constantly clearing obstacles for the people is seen during question and answer time (9.24), you can see the oracle is constantly wiping his face with a red cloth. Protector is wiping away the obstacles for the people.

I personally have the good fortune to witness Dorje Shugden taking trance, and bless eaxh one of the us there. Like in this video, look at the long queue of people waiting to get blessings, Dorje Shugden still patiently blessed them one by one. How compassionate our protector is!


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2012, 06:41:21 PM »
To be able to watch this trance on film is very powerful and it is a huge blessing for anyone at all who views it as it is viewing the powerful Dharma protector himself, moving and talking as he does exists, and this is the very same protector that has helped me against all my karmic and mundane obstacles to Dharma. It is a very powerful reaffirmation of my faith towards my great protector.

They say that he was destroyed, but he takes trance immediately after they tried to run a exorcism ritual that is supposed  to be very powerful. This is definite proof that he is not a spirit but an enlightened protector that does not have the karma to be harmed in any way, therefore nothing happens. This is another sign that we are practicing the right Dharma protector as he manifests in many different ways for our benefit.

True Ensapa! It is a great previllage and blessing to witness Dorje Shugden taking full trance. And yes if Dorje Shugden was really a demonic spirit... so why can't all the great highly attained masters and pujas subdue him. Indirectly it belittles their ability and the Buddhas. Unless you cannot subdue a Buddha because there is nothing to subdue in the first place! This is such a clear video that Dorje Shugden is alive and kicking... Thanks TK!

The first time I saw Dorje Shugden take trance was in Nepal. For the very first time, if was like a dream, I shook out of great excitement and humble when he spoke as it was so kind and gentle. And you realised, you were witnessing a Buddha coming down and literally talking and blessing you! Priceless and speechless.  You can say it is like meeting "God".

In this video, I also see Kache Marpo and how kind He is to give blessings, advice, talk, answer questions. And he walks and talks like a normal person, so smooth and easily through this oracle. I believe he was healing someone in this video by blowing mantras on him. So kind of Kache Marpo! Now if He was a bad spirit, then why is he now healing and blessing people?

Kache Marpo is non other then Hayagriva... so have two great powerful Buddhas showing up in front of your very eyes... now I don't think they can be demons and that Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche and the whole sangha could not see it.   

And if our lovely Indian govt supports it, it goes to show, religious practice is a Free choice, you don't force people to give up or follow what you want them to follow... I wonder what will the CTA would cook up next to create yet another drama within sangha! and make themselves look even more ridiculous and painting a very bad image about Tibetan's (esp those in exile in Dharamsala which the Indian Govt donated to HHDL). Now we don't see them telling HHDL, you must give up your practice and believe in Hinduism right?

Kudos to Serpom monastery and Kyaje Yongyal Rinpoche!!! May there be more Dorje Shugden Monasteries!

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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2012, 07:33:01 PM »
Wow... I really like to watch this video... very very clear especially the closed up shots of the King Dorje Shugden taking trance.

For those of us who cannot be there to attend this auspicious event at the holy Serpom monastery, it is a jab on the arm, an assurance to us that Dorje Shugden is a real Buddha. I love the scene when the King came, He did the dance, swaying his sword... very very beautiful and 'powerful'... I just can feel his powerful energy. No normal human being can show such 'power' presence, just amazing...

This video also showed a proof that Dorje Shugden practitioners came from many different countries around the world... some in Tibetan traditional costume, some Caucasian, some Chinese looking...

I believe this is another proof that DS practice is popular because He helps many people. Everyone must do more to help create conditions for the ban to be lifted. When that happens, many more people will receive blessings and helps from the King. Lets work together to put pressure on CTA to lift the ban.


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2012, 11:12:08 PM »
Thank you TK for this clear video.  I wish I can understand what he said though  :)