Author Topic: Beautiful High Quality Videos  (Read 9913 times)


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Re: Beautiful High Quality Videos
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2012, 10:55:11 AM »
Despite being in such oppressed conditions, doesnt anyone find it strange that Shar Ganden and Serpom look so nice? Where did they get the funding from being unwelcomed in their own home? where did the sponsors come from? While Ganden Shartse is having problems even to repaint the stupas, Shar Ganden is expanding and looking really good while they're at it. What other proof is needed?

Just to be politically correct Ganden gave up the protector that ensured their survival through turbulent times in the history of tibet, where the Gelugs were suppressed by the Dzungzars, and now, with the drop of a hat and also for political reasons, they drop this protector almost immediately and now look at where they are! It is rather pitiful and sad, dont you think?

It is a very stark and somewhat funny in a sad way on the events that befell ganden compared to what happened to Shar Ganden. Obviously there will be karmic repercussions for kicking out high lamas and very old monks from the monastery due to nothing but political differences...even if it was done for the survival of the monastery, karmic repercussions are still karmic repercussions....and its quite painful for me to have to see this to happen to Ganden monastery.

To me, this does seem very much like HHDL trying to water down the monasteries so that they will not appear as a threat to the other traditions. Ganden, Sera and Drepung are the biggest monasteries around, and the other monasteries are only a quater in size compared to these three. These sheer size of these monasteries are often the envy of the other traditions and this is actually a fact.