Author Topic: more love for lobsang sangay  (Read 17868 times)


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more love for lobsang sangay
« on: May 01, 2012, 03:01:52 AM »
That's right! Here are more interesting things that Tibetans themselves are saying about lobsang sangay.'

Im also an angry Tibetan and a disappointed one here is why:

Journalists, thinkers, leaders, the Chinese and the conscious Tibetans including myself are laughing at the most stupid and silly response Lobsang Sangye has given. I have nothing against this man, except after watching a few of his interviews he is a man made of stories, but with little substance. He fails to strike hard for Tibetans on the political world stage.

I think he thinks he still running for Kalon Tripa as he never fails to remind the media and the world of his 16 years of Harvard. Who cares Lobsang Sangye??! What were you doing for 16 years anyway? After 16 yrs i would have hoped you could have delivered the most basic media soundbite the one which no Tibetan fails to answer.

As soon as the words rolled off your tongue, Tibetans haven’t had a country, alarm bells should have been ringing in your head. Not that their is no air to breath, what the hell was that??

What a disappointment, yet again. But it is not his fault, people do make mistakes, but there have been a few now. The man needs more experience, he needs a few more years at Harvard.

Stop fucking up LS and drop your ego. There are many Tibetans who have gone to top universities who didnt need to spend 16 years there and have achieved better results than you. So stop talking about about yourself and more on the Tibet crisis. DUHHHHHHH!!

but isnt that what the CTA does all the time? No substance and just talk?

We can forget about this clown lifting the ban, he's not man enough to do something important like that.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 07:20:32 AM »
For every political person, there will be bound to have people who like him, and many who do not like him. I am sure there are many people who do not like HH Dalai Lama, but even more people who like Him. Just one "dis-like" article does not mean anything, to me.

I am not trying to defend him or anything. I am not in favor of him either. What I am saying is this: since he is now the Prime Minister, and he will not be going away anytime soon, we should use the situation to our best advantage.

For example, since he is a Harvard grad, we should write letters to Harvard and inform them that his grad (16 years) is not practicing basic human rights.

Of course we also should not just put all hopes onto 1 person...


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 02:01:20 PM »
For every political person, there will be bound to have people who like him, and many who do not like him. I am sure there are many people who do not like HH Dalai Lama, but even more people who like Him. Just one "dis-like" article does not mean anything, to me.

I am not trying to defend him or anything. I am not in favor of him either. What I am saying is this: since he is now the Prime Minister, and he will not be going away anytime soon, we should use the situation to our best advantage.

For example, since he is a Harvard grad, we should write letters to Harvard and inform them that his grad (16 years) is not practicing basic human rights.

Of course we also should not just put all hopes onto 1 person...

If one person thinks this way about him, it means that there are more people who share the same sentiments since they are all in one community. The idea within a community will probably not differ much between each individuals because they are all in the same condition. If we have feedback of this nature it does mean that even the Tibetans themselves do not feel very confident of Lobsang Sanggay's direction.

Although he is not going away anytime soon, it still means how low has CTA gone down to, to have to pick someone that is incompetent to lead them. Must be very very very disappointing for HHDL to see the prime minister hiding behind him and not being able to stand up and take charge of the whole situation. How can a leader not stand up for what is right and allow injustice and illogical bans to take place?

Religious bans should be religious bans in the first place and not carried on to the secular world where DS practitioners get alienated and they are literally destroyed just for having a belief that is not mainstream. What sort of tolerance is that? It is funny that they can tolerate religions that are considered hostile against Buddhism such as Bon but they cannot tolerate a Dharma protector.

With that aside, CTA has been downgraded ever since lobsang took over, and even then there has not been much news about CTA or that there are any developments or improvements although his statement regarding the immolation was a really, really stupid and bad statement that encouraged more of those when he should be telling people to not immolate themselves but to stay alive so that there is a future generation...


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2012, 02:22:38 AM »
I opine that Lobsang Sangye is a clown in office suits with all the other cronies of his in the CTA. Probably the head clown who leads a circus of other clowns! Forget about fighting for Tibetans for freedom or autonomy. He doesn't have the gall to fight for religious freedom in lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden's practice. He's just a clown on strings. Who are the puppeteers.....? CTA or is it the other way around? Maybe he was already groomed years ago to do what he's doing now, that is, actually NOTHING.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2012, 07:01:12 AM »
As a Prime Minister, Lobsang Sangay has not done much for his people. I feel he is not strong enough to fight for what is right for his people as there’s hardly any improvement or development since he came to office.  What is the point of being a Harvard graduate but does not have the guts to fight for religious freedom. Shouldn’t he be practicing human rights? What a big disappointment!


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2012, 07:46:03 AM »
Pgdharma it is very interesting since taking up the office of Kalon Tripa there has been no official statement from Lobsang Sangye about the Dorje Shugden issue. What sort of statesman will he be if he is afraid to take a position, the previous TGIE made a stand at least and we know where they stand. Can Lobsang Sangye keep on the fence forever? He is not typical of an American graduate who seeks to be heard and we all now how loud american grads are.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2012, 08:12:20 AM »
For every political person, there will be bound to have people who like him, and many who do not like him. I am sure there are many people who do not like HH Dalai Lama, but even more people who like Him. Just one "dis-like" article does not mean anything, to me.

I am not trying to defend him or anything. I am not in favor of him either. What I am saying is this: since he is now the Prime Minister, and he will not be going away anytime soon, we should use the situation to our best advantage.

For example, since he is a Harvard grad, we should write letters to Harvard and inform them that his grad (16 years) is not practicing basic human rights.

Of course we also should not just put all hopes onto 1 person...

People have high hopes of their prime minister, it is normal as they rely their voices to be heard through their prime minister.

As a prime minister, no matter how ambitious you are, you are definitely bound by some political wind that hails the air whether you like it or not. I am more inclined to Kris's opinion, it is very hard for the prime minister to be liked by ALL of his people, infact, being a politican, you will be liked and dis-liked anyway.

Having said that, even though I am not a Tibetan, I do expect Dr Lobsang Sangay to do more since he was elected, but nothing much seems to be accomplished.

The quesrtion here is, is Dr lobsang Sangay the real leader that will unite all the Tibetans that are being split by the ban now??? let's not talk about free Tibet , how to free a country when your people are all divided by the ban and fighting each other???

Yes, like the title of this thread which says........"more love for Lobsang Sangay".......but how much more love do you need, Dr Lobsang Sangay???


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2012, 09:41:41 AM »
This is what a Tibetan, staying in Dharamsala thinks about Lobsang Sanggay and the reality of HHDL ruling tibet:

So, I just read HH’s statement and I’m a little scared. He talked quit a bit about emanation, which leads me to believe he has plans to install either a religious or secular head in the position he occupies right now. But here’s my concern, can someone else really fill in HH’s shoes? They are several centuries DEEP!

The Tibetan people have had a relationship with the Dalai Lama’s since the 5th was installed the spiritual and political head of Tibet by the Mongolians. Tibetans have sustained that devotion and dedication up until now. So what happens when all of a sudden someone who is not the Dalai Lama or his incarnation is installed in his place? It took centuries for the Tibetans to develop the type of devotion HH receives, can you really expect people to have that same type of relationship (again, developed over CENTURIES) to someone completely new? and some one possibly not even a spiritual (secular) leader?

This is SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME! I really hope HH is not planning on appointing a young Rinpoche or worse, Lobsang Sangay, in his place because they are virtually “STRANGERS” to the Tibetan people when it comes to the realm of leading both politically and spiritually the Tibetans have only experienced the leadership of the Dalai Lama and especially the 13th and 14th. So anyone stepping into those shoes who is not the Dalai Lama is, for me, a stranger!

Can the Tibetans accept a stranger as their leader over night? I mean WHAT THE HELL, I’m not ready for a STRANGER! I’m sorry but anyone besides HH in HH’s position is a STRANGER no matter what you say…lemme stress, HH has been in this position SINCE THE 16th CENTURY!

I think the Tibetans will try their best to support HH’s wishes but that does not mean confusions won’t rise, giving opportunity to chaos and China will be hovering around like a hungry Hyena. As someone mentioned, it took 15yrs of war the last time something similar happened. After the 6th Dalai Lama’s passing. So what really is the best option?

Emphasis: when I say STRANGER, I’m not devaluing any of the potential emanation or worse non spiritual emanation. But, when it comes to filling HH’s shoes, those shoes are several centuries OLD!

Perhaps this is also some food for thought. If it took them 15-20 years to accept the 5th Dalai Lama, it would take them quite sometime to adjust to a lay kalon tripa.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2012, 10:13:37 AM »
That's right! Here are more interesting things that Tibetans themselves are saying about lobsang sangay.'

Im also an angry Tibetan and a disappointed one here is why:

Journalists, thinkers, leaders, the Chinese and the conscious Tibetans including myself are laughing at the most stupid and silly response Lobsang Sangye has given. I have nothing against this man, except after watching a few of his interviews he is a man made of stories, but with little substance. He fails to strike hard for Tibetans on the political world stage.

I think he thinks he still running for Kalon Tripa as he never fails to remind the media and the world of his 16 years of Harvard. Who cares Lobsang Sangye??! What were you doing for 16 years anyway? After 16 yrs i would have hoped you could have delivered the most basic media soundbite the one which no Tibetan fails to answer.

As soon as the words rolled off your tongue, Tibetans haven’t had a country, alarm bells should have been ringing in your head. Not that their is no air to breath, what the hell was that??

What a disappointment, yet again. But it is not his fault, people do make mistakes, but there have been a few now. The man needs more experience, he needs a few more years at Harvard.

Stop fucking up LS and drop your ego. There are many Tibetans who have gone to top universities who didnt need to spend 16 years there and have achieved better results than you. So stop talking about about yourself and more on the Tibet crisis. DUHHHHHHH!!

but isnt that what the CTA does all the time? No substance and just talk?

We can forget about this clown lifting the ban, he's not man enough to do something important like that.

He has a point... and the point is that Lobsang Sangye doesnt have basis to speak. He has no army, no international backing (except for 6 million people around the world protesting but thats a drop compared to the 6 billion world population). He has no governments recognising his (even Taiwan is doing better than him). He has no economic power which lets face it, compared to the power of morality these days, counts for much more.

To me, he comes across as every other normal Tibetan - out to use whatever little power they have to further their own station in life. Trust me when the Dalai Lama passes away, you watch the rush for American visas and tickets to Switzerland.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2012, 01:27:43 PM »

He has a point... and the point is that Lobsang Sangye doesnt have basis to speak. He has no army, no international backing (except for 6 million people around the world protesting but thats a drop compared to the 6 billion world population). He has no governments recognising his (even Taiwan is doing better than him). He has no economic power which lets face it, compared to the power of morality these days, counts for much more.

To me, he comes across as every other normal Tibetan - out to use whatever little power they have to further their own station in life. Trust me when the Dalai Lama passes away, you watch the rush for American visas and tickets to Switzerland.

The reason why is because Lobsang Sanggay does not do anything to build his credibility. It would be nice for him to for example, reform the school system or dissolve the Tibetan Youth Congress and allow alternative parties to form, including a communist tibetan government because without competition, a government cannot improve or move ahead. They need competition and alternative views.

He can do this very effectively by declaring it illegal for tibetans to discriminate against Dorje Shugden practitioners and make life hard for them. That would really make waves in the Tibetan community and give him something for people to respect. Or maybe even something extremely simple and small like revamp the sewerage system. Improve women's rights. things like that.

HHDL has set up a perfect stage for him to walk in and just pull the strings and fill in the roles for the government to function with the ban but he is not doing anything about it. The ban is acceptable for spiritual reasons, but to act on a secular level based on the ban is absolutely stupid, backward and a blatant transgression of human rights that the CTA need stos top if it wants to grow, unless of course it wants to be downsized even further.

But in general, i dont think there is hope for lobsang sanggay. He will be forced out of the office due to his incompetency and he will let HHDL down. At this rate, he will only hide behind HHDL and cause lots of confusion between the people and say things that will only decrease his credibility. That all will change when he lifts the ban and declares it harmful to Tibet with respect to HHDL....oh well that will never happen..


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2012, 04:15:38 PM »
Since Lobsang Sangey took office as Kalon Tripa, there are high hopes from all Tibetans that he is there to make changes and changes for the better for all Tibetans. Time is running out, Mr. Sangey. Nothing much has been done by you and your office in changing the lives of Tibetans.

There was a glimmer of hope when the articles about Dorje Shugden was removed from the CTA website and people rejoices. However, after three weeks, the articles are up again. What is this U-turn policies? Is it that you face pressure from certain quarters to perform your duties to the people?

Whatever it may be, please do something fast and radical so as to install back the confidence of the people on you. You cannot be just a pretty face or a puppet. Stand on your ground and make those decision where your people will feel that justice is served and that harmony is maintained in the community. As of not, it is just mere talk and no action. Hope and time is really running out. You do not want to see yourself out of office without making a mark in history besides being the first elected Prime Minister.

Time to serve the people and not your masters.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2012, 04:46:30 PM »
I was very hopeful when Dr Lobsang Sangay was voted in as Prime Minister. I was particularly keen to see if his training in justice and rights would translate into some action, even a small step in the right direction for the removal of the DS ban.

Since then, I have searched constantly for news about him, especially what his plans and activities regarding: (i) removal of the DS ban; (ii) welfare of Tibetans living in exile; (iii) engagement of talks with the Chinese.

Sadly, there is very little fresh news about any and all of the points mentioned above. It is true that the Kalon Tripa is still behaving as a candidate rather than the Prime Minister. As someone who professed to understand the power of Social Media, he has not even updated the CTA website.

I would very much like to at the very least hear the Kalon Tripa's opinion of the ban. There is an opportunity for Dr Lobsang Sangay to rise up as an inspiring and revolutionary leader in the same vein as Aung San Suu Kyi and Mandela who have faced similar situations. Sadly he has not.

I can only conclude that either Dr Lobsang is totally out of his depth; or he is merely a puppet.

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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2012, 05:56:34 PM »
If a measure of one's success are the results one has achieve, I am inclined to say Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay has failed! One month into office, its forgivable, 3 months into office forgivable, 6 months into office forgivable... but more than 13 months??? Surely some policies to help alleviate the sufferings of the people or steps made in the right direction even... But NOTHING!

So far, another stalemate... if it is from pure inefficiency, or whether he is out of his depth or he just was never in it to make any radical change, does not matter as it is as good as not having him around.

However, we all know everything is impermanent and we can instigate change if we want to.... so my plea to the Prime Minister is, for change to happen it is never to late... it is whether we want to or not!


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2012, 06:24:05 PM »
Tibetans is exile's future doesn't look to bright if their Prime Minister continues this way and not take charge!

It will only confirm all the comments made about him being a mere puppet... unfortunately. I had quite high hopes in the beginning when he was elected and thought perhaps being educated in Havard, he would have a wider perspective and would make a difference in the "new" democracy Tibetan govt in exile.

In any democratic society, there is religious freedom! For religion has never been part of politics. And of course with the Ban being lifted, it will drive home unity and harmony which will then stabilise what little there's left of the Tibetan community in exile and then perhaps they could help their people in China. But with such news and basically not much news.... their future looks pretty bleak.

Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay... please stand up, show up and wake up for your people! Much time has gone to waste.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2012, 07:31:28 PM »
So sad.  For so long the Tibetans made a stand in the world for their beautiful culture and spiritual practice because of "keep wanting to be right" government, it all boils down to nothing!  After the election of Lobsang Sangay, I personally thought things will become more civilized and improved (take a look, all the great lamas have all fled to other parts of the world!)  But sadly no, seeing this thread makes my hope gone down again.

The qualifications sound all nice and supreme but I guess many have not realize that not all Tibetans are rural provincial thinking.  They have internet too!  The power of social media and internet allow the Tibetans to reach out to the world, I guess it is time to realise that the people are not stupid.  Like I say in most of my post, they will find out the truth.  Times are gone with the Tibetan farmers and yaks, now how many Tibetans are studying aboard, if Lobsang Sangay can acquire that qualification I dont see why the other Tibetans can't.

Tibetans are very hard working individual.  So it is time to listen to your people! Hear them say!  Stop focusing on unnecessary issues that can not be reversed and rewind.  Tibetan has lost their country.  I still believe that the CTA really should look into the future now because they represent the people of Tibet.