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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2012, 01:49:39 PM »
The funny thing is the efforts that CTA puts into banning Dorje Shugden and ratting out citizens who practice Dorje Shugden and the ostracizing them can be put to use to making Dharamsala a better place, like for example making sure that there is a proper sewerage system. Or something even smaller and more effective: lifting the ban and making it illegal to ostracizing the practitioners.

However, it seems to me that everyone is too busy trying their best to polish HHDL's boots than to actually do their duties. How does that even work or give them merit, I dont know but what I do know is that it wont help CTA in the long run, nor will it get things done and improve things. Other than what HHDL has instituted, nothing else has been done to make Dharamsala a better place or to progress in their talks with China.

Why would HHDL remain if nobody wants to take the initiative to lift his burden and just depend on him? Isnt that like pushing him away even more? So why do we want HHDL to return again? So that we can push him all our problems and shit and then request His Holiness to come back and solve them while we enjoy our own comforts and try to get as much as possible on his good side? Will it really work?

At this current rate, I dont think the CTA can survive or grow unless this attitude stops and they actually take control of their own government and lives and do something rather than just sucking up to the HHDL. HHDL is an enlightened being, not an ordinary being that will fall sway easily with praises. If they're doing all these just to get "merits", its more like demerits because for HHDL alone they cause many more others to suffer.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2012, 04:56:06 PM »
During a recent interview with South Tyrol Online journal during March this year, his reply to an interview question about what it is like being a Prime Minister WITHOUT a country stirred up many angry and confused Tibetans.

Lobsang Sangay answered clearly and deliberately ” Well … I can’t say for sure because, Tibetans, we never had a country.”

The Tibetans who were born before and after exile were having debates on what he meant by that saying that he could possibly mean that Tibetans who were born after exile did not have a country. Regardless what, I find his statement a cover up the fact or perhaps embarassment that he is indeed a Prime Minister without a country.

So why do Tibetans need a Prime Minister then? Is it another I am from Harvard Prime Minister of Tibetan in Exile feel good factor? What do you guys think?


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2012, 09:55:17 AM »
For Lobsang Sangey to say that "..Tibetans ..never had a country" is to discount the fact that Tibet and Tibetans had been ruled over spiritually and politically by the Dalai Lamas until the Chinese invasion.

It would also appear that Mr Sangey is also seeking a flimsy justification for his still not having been an effective Kalon Tripa since he officially took office a year ago.It's a crying shame that he's still 'hiding under the skirts' of the Dalai Lama so to speak. Can't he muster up some courage and do even a fraction of what the most courageous leaders  under greater duress have done, leaders like Aung San Su Kyi? Can't he at least begin to address the issue of the ban to redress the unfair and unreasonable ostracism of many Tibetans(including high Lamas and monks) over the worship of an Enlightened Protector, Dorje Shugden? 


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2012, 02:40:28 PM »
It is obvious that the tibetans have grown weak over the many years that HHDL has somewhat spoiled them. They dont seem to have the strength or will to actually rule a country anymore. All they can do is wait for HHDL to give instructions. But HHDL has made it very clear of late that he does not wish to return by saying that he might possibly die from several methods.

The tibetans never really had a country because they never took the responsibility of ever running one. They just dumped that responsibility to the Dalai Lama without much consideration in more ways than one. They never took the initiative to at least try some secular ways to improve before consulting HHDL. They just opened their mouths and asked for instructions.

I'd imagine that after many years of this, it would be very tiring for HHDL to continue to spoonfeed them in this way, especially when there is not much improvement after so many years of doing the same thing repeatedly. The only way for them to grow up, so to speak, is to slowly distance themselves away from some of HHDL's policies such as the Dorje Shugden ban who does not make much sense to begin with.

So at the end of the day, HHDL has to step down to prevent himself from being used and leaned on so that the CTA can actually grow some sense and do what is right. Perhaps lifting the ban would be one of the best starting points for them to actually be a real government with real separation of church and state. doing so will finally get China's attention and respect and maybe they will finally listen.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2012, 09:41:01 AM »

So stop talking about about yourself and more on the Tibet crisis. DUHHHHHHH!!

I totally agree with this Tibetan. All credentials mean nothing if they are not put into action. I'm sure it is very frustrating for Tibetans when their leaders are full of air. They suffer because of their incompetent leaders who may perhaps have personal agendas. So instead of focusing on the welfare of their people, they focus on benefiting themselves. This is prevalent in all countries when corruption is not stopped. Corruption is a parasite to all social systems. That's one of the main reasons why Tibetans lost their country.

If Lobsang Sangey and CTA do not get their act together, CTA will be phased out in a generation or 2. Results speak louder than words.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2012, 12:33:04 PM »
For Lobsang Sangey to say that "..Tibetans ..never had a country" is to discount the fact that Tibet and Tibetans had been ruled over spiritually and politically by the Dalai Lamas until the Chinese invasion.

To give the benefit of a doubt, I having given that same thought that it was meant to be in that context of spirituality. Holding on to the Buddhist teachings, one does not own anything nor be attached to their homeland. However, as a political leader, one has got to be highly skilful in the ears and eyes of the public media to appease his people instead of causing rage and disappointment amongst the many Tibetans who are strongly praying and fighting for their freedom and country. Imagine when you are strongly for a cause, the leader of your cause changes the route. Unless of course Lobsang Sangye is teaching the Tibetans impermanence and letting go of their attachments.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2012, 02:58:46 PM »
For Lobsang Sangey to say that "..Tibetans ..never had a country" is to discount the fact that Tibet and Tibetans had been ruled over spiritually and politically by the Dalai Lamas until the Chinese invasion.

To give the benefit of a doubt, I having given that same thought that it was meant to be in that context of spirituality. Holding on to the Buddhist teachings, one does not own anything nor be attached to their homeland. However, as a political leader, one has got to be highly skilful in the ears and eyes of the public media to appease his people instead of causing rage and disappointment amongst the many Tibetans who are strongly praying and fighting for their freedom and country. Imagine when you are strongly for a cause, the leader of your cause changes the route. Unless of course Lobsang Sangye is teaching the Tibetans impermanence and letting go of their attachments.

There is still a fine line of sorts that needs to be defined here. First of all, even though the tibetans are very spiritual, they are still very much attached to their cultural identity and homeland which they lost to the chinese and many people are still struggling with the fact that they lack a place that they can call their country of origin.It is understandable in a way as people are insecure to start with.

Then, aside from the Dalai Lama, the Tibetans never really had any secular leader for hundreds of years. The sudden shift of having a leader that is not spiritual would not be easy to accept overnight and it will take time for the Tibetans to adapt to the fact that they are no longer under the care of the Dalai Lama on the secular level and that they are actually responsible for their own secular happiness.

Lobsang Sanggay is a very weak leader, from all of his actions to date. He does want to lift the ban as when he took office the pages on Dorje Shugden was taken down. Then they were up again. Then, he changed his statement to be the same as HHDL's on the self immolation issue and that, was not exactly a very good move as it just shows he is a very weak leader that still needs to depend on HHDL.

As much as I want to be kind and give him more time to prove himself, time is really running out and in other countries, leaders who make mistakes are not given chances, they are forced to step down once the people see them as incompetent. In the case of CTA, Lobsang Sanggay is overshadowed by HHDL and/or the other CTA decisions and he has not make any of his own. This is a very sad sight to behold.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2012, 06:56:37 PM »
Unfortunately I have to agree with Ensapa that Lobsang Sangay is a weak leader, but again, everyone will be overshadowed by His Holiness - his charisma,  his presence and his confidence.  Yes, Lobsang Sangay may be from Harvard, he is a very educated man, but we haven't seen much that impresses so far.

At the recent solidarity rally, Lobsang Sangay said, “Our time will come, it is close. Democracy is universal,” referring to the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled veteran dictators in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia as well as Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi who was released from seven straight years of house arrest in November 2010 and has now been issued with a passport, enabling her to travel abroad for the first time in 24 years.

Democracy is an egalitarian form of government in which all the citizens of a nation together determine public policy, the laws and the actions of their state, requiring that all citizens (meeting certain qualifications) have an equal opportunity to express their opinion.

Yet, why is such a separatist policy like the ban on Dorje Shugden practise is passed through without much debate? It is NOT a religious issue, religious issue doesn't involve stopping people from attending school and being discriminated and treated like second class citizens. Also, Dorje Shugden is a major practise of  thousands of monks and many Tibetans who are from the Ba-Li-Gyal area, were they given any say in this matter?


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2012, 07:42:25 AM »
During a recent interview with South Tyrol Online journal during March this year, his reply to an interview question about what it is like being a Prime Minister WITHOUT a country stirred up many angry and confused Tibetans.

Lobsang Sangay answered clearly and deliberately ” Well … I can’t say for sure because, Tibetans, we never had a country.”

The Tibetans who were born before and after exile were having debates on what he meant by that saying that he could possibly mean that Tibetans who were born after exile did not have a country. Regardless what, I find his statement a cover up the fact or perhaps embarassment that he is indeed a Prime Minister without a country.

So why do Tibetans need a Prime Minister then? Is it another I am from Harvard Prime Minister of Tibetan in Exile feel good factor? What do you guys think?

I think LS is not proud to be a Tibetan. I also think that the CTA could have dangled a huge carrot for him to take the bait to be the PM. Why would a man who studied and lived abroad would want to go the mountains of Dharamsala and be the PM to Tibetans whom he said have no country?

If I am still living in Tibet, I do not care of the PM or the CTA because they are holed up in the mountains and are not doing anything good for me and my fellow Tibetans living here. In fact, living conditions here have improved tremendously. And since they are there and I am here, I do not listen to them but continue to do my practice and make offerings to my protector, Lord Shugden. For only you, Lord Shugden, can help me when I am dying, not the PM or the CTA.


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2012, 01:25:54 PM »
In every way, I think that lobsang sanggay is a failure. A complete failure as the president of CTA as he has not implemented any reforms nor has he done anything for the betterment of the CTA or Dharamsala. Its been too long, one year plus is way too long for anyone to be doing anything for any president. In a normal country the president would have an enquiry by now.

What was most disappointing was his comments on the self immolations, because he was indirectly encouraging more self immolations to happen in Tibet by indirectly saying that what they did is right "we will pray for our brothers and sisters who immolate themselves" instead of speaking out against and actually discouraging the whole self immolation thing.

And I do agree that lobsang sanggay is not proud to be tibetan, if he was he would have said many things about tibetan culture and draw many inspirations from its history, but sadly much of Tibet's secular history is often distorted and warped to some degree. He clearly is aware of that and he is ashamed to be a Tibetan national although he could really follow the 13th Dalai Lama's example.

Perhaps, lobsang sanggay can lift the ban or at least, defend the practitioners of Dorje Shugden from discrimination because he cannot even defend or improve dharmasala or CTA in any way. there are no reforms or improvements so far in CTA or Dharamsala ever since he took over. Perhaps he is just a seat warmer for the next president to step in.

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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2012, 01:58:21 PM »
You know something. I think Lobsang Sangye is staying on the safe side without doing anything radical. He is making all the expected speeches and nothing more. He is not making his presence known and I have a theory about this one. I think he thinks he should not rock the boat to much as he is the first and he is still working under the shadow of the Dalai Lama.

He doesn't seem to be a radical and he doesn't know how to consolidate his power. His childish attempts at reminding people that he is Harvard graduate goes to show that he is not capable of creating any change and that he is relying on the Harvard name. I guess even at Harvard, they don't even make every student to be a leader.

I am not sure what would happen next but the very fact that he is just playing it safe now shows that nothing much will come out of this one. That is really another blow to the Dorje Shugden movement and I think the Tibetans can really kiss the Tibetan Independent movement good bye.

I am not sure what is going to happen but I think a lot would unfold once His Holiness leaves us. All the stability that is being experienced by the Central Tibetan Administration is due to the kindness of His Holiness. Therefore, once, he leaves, the CTA is in for a lot of internal and external turmoil. That's just what I think would happen.

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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2012, 02:13:44 PM »
Unfortunately I have to agree with Ensapa that Lobsang Sangay is a weak leader, but again, everyone will be overshadowed by His Holiness - his charisma,  his presence and his confidence.  Yes, Lobsang Sangay may be from Harvard, he is a very educated man, but we haven't seen much that impresses so far.

At the recent solidarity rally, Lobsang Sangay said, “Our time will come, it is close. Democracy is universal,” referring to the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled veteran dictators in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia as well as Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi who was released from seven straight years of house arrest in November 2010 and has now been issued with a passport, enabling her to travel abroad for the first time in 24 years.

Democracy is an egalitarian form of government in which all the citizens of a nation together determine public policy, the laws and the actions of their state, requiring that all citizens (meeting certain qualifications) have an equal opportunity to express their opinion.

Yet, why is such a separatist policy like the ban on Dorje Shugden practise is passed through without much debate? It is NOT a religious issue, religious issue doesn't involve stopping people from attending school and being discriminated and treated like second class citizens. Also, Dorje Shugden is a major practise of  thousands of monks and many Tibetans who are from the Ba-Li-Gyal area, were they given any say in this matter?

Its all nice and well shouting out “Our time will come, it is close. Democracy is universal,” but if Dr Lobsang Sangay does not get off his 'behind' and do something about it - spearhead reforms, issue referendums or just merely try to help the people on ground. The true Tibetans.... the "people".

A few months in office and nothing is done is forgivable... but after more than a year into office its looking more and more like a weakness and to be honest rather IRRESPONSIBLE!

Love needs to be given to those who deserve it... I am beginning to think Dr Lobsang Sangay perhaps does not deserve it. With all that education and 'smarts' he prefers to remain in his comfort zone. Tibetans can only truly be democratic or have some semblance of democracy is when THE leader stands up and shows by example. Look at Aung San Suu Kyi... she NEVER gave up... and she never will... Such is the essence of a great leader.

Please Dr Lobsang Sangay, do not just utter slogans of encouragement and morale boosting... we need more action. More tangible results for the people! Education, infrastructure, freedom of expression in every aspect to name a few...


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2012, 04:08:32 PM »
At the recent solidarity rally, Lobsang Sangay said, “Our time will come, it is close. Democracy is universal,” referring to the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled veteran dictators in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia as well as Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi who was released from seven straight years of house arrest in November 2010 and has now been issued with a passport, enabling her to travel abroad for the first time in 24 years.

Democracy is an egalitarian form of government in which all the citizens of a nation together determine public policy, the laws and the actions of their state, requiring that all citizens (meeting certain qualifications) have an equal opportunity to express their opinion.

Yet, why is such a separatist policy like the ban on Dorje Shugden practise is passed through without much debate? It is NOT a religious issue, religious issue doesn't involve stopping people from attending school and being discriminated and treated like second class citizens. Also, Dorje Shugden is a major practise of  thousands of monks and many Tibetans who are from the Ba-Li-Gyal area, were they given any say in this matter?

Oh dear Mr. LS is proving to us more and more that he is CTAs puppet more then a Prime Minister... of yes unfortunately a nation with no country. I am sorry and do not mean to say it like a put down and honestly I really do feel sorry for him. I cannot believe the presure and stress he must be going through. But if he is to hold the fort of a Prime Minister then He must speak up for all Tibetans! And when I say all Tibetans it means all no matter what religion they practice :)

HHDL is going around introducing MR. LS to the world now as he tour and I would presume it is to start preparing the world to recognize Mr. Lobsang as Tibet's PM and in hopes that the world Leaders and media
would take him seriously after His Holiness passes perhaps? But do we really think that Mr. Lobsang's voice will be heard after HHDL passes of will is slowly drowned down because the impact he is creating now is basically nothing... so what will be the results later???


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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2012, 02:27:55 PM »
You know something. I think Lobsang Sangye is staying on the safe side without doing anything radical. He is making all the expected speeches and nothing more. He is not making his presence known and I have a theory about this one. I think he thinks he should not rock the boat to much as he is the first and he is still working under the shadow of the Dalai Lama.

I don't think Lobsang Sangay is staying on the safe side. There has been much criticism about his travelling schedule and 'not being around' (sounds familiar?) but he's still going ahead with his schedule. Well, may be this is part of his PR campaign to meet as many leaders as possible. After all, that's following the footsteps of His Holiness, no? He is flying off to Australia in a few days' time.

Despite criticism, I will keep travelling, says Katri before leaving for Australia
Phayul [Monday, June 18, 2012 22:57]
By Tendar Tsering

Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay (Phayul file photo)DHARAMSHALA, June 18: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay will be leaving for New Delhi tomorrow for an onward journey to Australia, his first after assuming office in August last, according to the official website of the Central Tibetan Administration.

The website said that Dr Sangay is scheduled to meet “some important officials” in the Indian capital without giving names, before flying off to the island continent on June 23.

Last week, addressing the 8th annual conference of the Tibetan settlement officers, Dr Sangay had said that he will continue to travel despite criticisms from certain sections of the society.

In less than one year as the elected leader of the Tibetan people, Dr Sangay has visited North America and Europe on three separate occasions and Japan once. During his visits, he has met with elected leaders and the Tibetan public, apprising them on the prevalent critical situation inside Tibet.

He also toured many of the Tibetan settlements in north and east India.

“I am aware of criticisms of my busy travel schedule from certain sections of the society,” Kalon Tripa said. “But I will continue to travel. To meet people and seek their help and support for the plight of our brothers and sisters inside Tibet and also to find help for those of us in exile.”

The CTA report said that Dr Sangay will be meeting members of the Australian parliament and the media during his June 23 – July 2 visit.

“During his visits to Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane, Kalon Tripa will meet Members of Parliament, members of think-tank, sponsors, and the media. He will also speak to the Tibetan community based in different parts of the country in Brisbane on 1 July,” CTA said.

Dr Sangay will return to Dharamshala on July 2.
From Phayul news:

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Re: more love for lobsang sangay
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2012, 03:14:29 PM »
You know something. I think Lobsang Sangye is staying on the safe side without doing anything radical. He is making all the expected speeches and nothing more. He is not making his presence known and I have a theory about this one. I think he thinks he should not rock the boat to much as he is the first and he is still working under the shadow of the Dalai Lama.

I don't think Lobsang Sangay is staying on the safe side. There has been much criticism about his travelling schedule and 'not being around' (sounds familiar?) but he's still going ahead with his schedule. Well, may be this is part of his PR campaign to meet as many leaders as possible. After all, that's following the footsteps of His Holiness, no? He is flying off to Australia in a few days' time.

Despite criticism, I will keep travelling, says Katri before leaving for Australia
Phayul [Monday, June 18, 2012 22:57]
By Tendar Tsering

Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay (Phayul file photo)DHARAMSHALA, June 18: Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay will be leaving for New Delhi tomorrow for an onward journey to Australia, his first after assuming office in August last, according to the official website of the Central Tibetan Administration.

The website said that Dr Sangay is scheduled to meet “some important officials” in the Indian capital without giving names, before flying off to the island continent on June 23.

Last week, addressing the 8th annual conference of the Tibetan settlement officers, Dr Sangay had said that he will continue to travel despite criticisms from certain sections of the society.

In less than one year as the elected leader of the Tibetan people, Dr Sangay has visited North America and Europe on three separate occasions and Japan once. During his visits, he has met with elected leaders and the Tibetan public, apprising them on the prevalent critical situation inside Tibet.

He also toured many of the Tibetan settlements in north and east India.

“I am aware of criticisms of my busy travel schedule from certain sections of the society,” Kalon Tripa said. “But I will continue to travel. To meet people and seek their help and support for the plight of our brothers and sisters inside Tibet and also to find help for those of us in exile.”

The CTA report said that Dr Sangay will be meeting members of the Australian parliament and the media during his June 23 – July 2 visit.

“During his visits to Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane, Kalon Tripa will meet Members of Parliament, members of think-tank, sponsors, and the media. He will also speak to the Tibetan community based in different parts of the country in Brisbane on 1 July,” CTA said.

Dr Sangay will return to Dharamshala on July 2.
From Phayul news:

What is the point of all the travelling and meeting leaders of other nations when nothing comes out of it? If there is no fruition from one's action, perhaps one needs to look at other avenues? Perhaps stop spending the much needed money and put it towards reforms and the betterment of the Tibetan people.

Surely this would garner more support and acknowledgement from within as well as outside support. After all, HHDL has paved the way in terms of highlighting or bringing the plight of the Tibetans to the forefront, surely there is no need for more of cheer leading tactics. With respect dear Kalon Tripa, leave the pom poms and concentrate on your people who are in need of leadership from within.

Perhaps start by addressing the disparity and human rights abuses the Dorje Shugden ban is creating. Earn the respect of a person and not just from a title. Lift the ban or at least put measures towards that goal!