Doubt can be both positive and negative, as what most of us have deduced. It becomes a positive push when we take action to learn up more about the subject matter to clear the doubt. It turns negative when we don’t do anything and let the doubt take over and prevent us from having an open mind.
Sometimes we are actually lazy to clear the doubt, or we use the doubt as an excuse to not think further, find out more, so we can remain in our comfort zones. Hence if we don’t work at clearing doubts in our minds, it creates the cause for us to not receive more wisdom and knowledge, because we choose to stop learning.
This is what my friend told me when he approached another friend for donation to a charity. The charity organization is very well established and had great facilities. The friend refused to donate, stating that the organization is rich and just swallowing public funds. My friend explained that everything the organization has is due to the kindness of sponsors and donors, and everything it had was for the benefit of the public. The reason why it is so established and “well off” now is because many people have benefited from the organization. My friend told the guy to check out the organization’s website for more information, or come to the organization to find out himself, but the guy did not budge and did not want to know any further. Needless to say, he did not donate, and he has closed himself out from benefitting from whatever opportunities the organization had to offer.
When we doubt our teacher’s words, it basically means that we think we know better. It is like the doctor tells you to eat this medicine to cure this sickness, but we don’t think the medicine will work and we don’t think the doctor is qualified and we think we can heal ourselves.