Author Topic: Oh boy oh boy oh boy  (Read 12864 times)


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Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« on: May 13, 2012, 08:51:33 AM »
I just saw this on a friends newsfeed.

The Dalai Lama says reports indicate that Chinese agents have trained Tibetan women for a mission to murder him, the Telegraph reports.

"We received some sort of information from Tibet," the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner told the paper. "Some Chinese agents training some Tibetans, especially women, you see, using poison – the hair poisoned, and the scarf poisoned – they were supposed to seek blessing from me, and my hand touch."

Following the advice of Indian security officials, the Tibetan Buddhist leader told the paper he lives within a high security cordon in his temple palace grounds in Dharamsala, in the Himalayan foothills.

Relations between China and the Tibetan government-in-exile in India are poor and mutual suspicion high following more than 30 self-immolations in the last year by Tibetans in protest at Chinese moves to marginalize their language and culture, the Telegraph reports.

The Dalai Lama also told the paper Chinese interference may mean he is the last Dalai Lama and that Tibetans could decided to abandon the institution.

The leader made the revelations in an upcoming interview with the paper that will be published Sunday.

1) How can His Holiness be poisoned by touch, but the Tibetan women who have the poison on their scarf or in their hair not be poisoned too?

2) How quickly do y'all want to bet that the trolls will blame this on us should anything happen to His Holiness?

3) I think its pretty interesting that His Holiness is again reiterating that he will probably be the last Dalai Lama. He has been making this more clear, and repeatedly pointing this out as time goes on. If thats the case, then the ban will end when His Holiness sadly has to take his next rebirth because there wont be anyone to carry on this part of the institution


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 10:47:55 AM »
nah ~DL is 76-year-old,c'mon......

if the Chinese agents wants to kill DL , they would do it long time ago ~ why now ?
DL is buddha himself, i'm sure nobody can harm or poison him unless he let them to~
i think he just want to make it clear that he will be the last Dalai Lama,,,, :-X


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 12:34:13 PM »
This is my opinion to DharmaDefender's questions:

1) How can His Holiness be poisoned by touch, but the Tibetan women who have the poison on their scarf or in their hair not be poisoned too?

I have heard there are many attempts of Chinese to assassinate the Dalai Lama even before the official ban was announced.   The Dalai Lama has no karma to be harmed but it is the karma of the people if he gets hurt. 

2) How quickly do y'all want to bet that the trolls will blame this on us should anything happen to His Holiness?

I do not think this will happen should Dalai Lama gets harmed.  It will not bring any good for the Tibetans and the government in exile if this was to happen during this time.  I do not think CTA will be as foolish to go to this extend now.  They have everything to loose if they wish to garner support from their own people to fight for their causes.  Is it not unity give strength?

3) I think its pretty interesting that His Holiness is again reiterating that he will probably be the last Dalai Lama. He has been making this more clear, and repeatedly pointing this out as time goes on. If thats the case, then the ban will end when His Holiness sadly has to take his next rebirth because there wont be anyone to carry on this part of the institution.

This is left to be seen in the next chapter for we are unable to read the enlightened minds.  This is the bigger picture to come.


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 01:31:31 PM »
About as ridiculous as saying that a spirit, Dorje Shugden, can manage to threaten the Dalai Lama's life. If a big nasty spirit can't manage it, what makes them think a couple of Chinese women can? And if they do, please, do share here how they manage it - it would be fascinating to know how on earth an emanation of Avalokiteshvara is affected by such mundane methods.

And such is the basis of this entire ban in the first place - the Dalai Lama instituted this ban because apparently Dorje Shugden will harm his life, practitioners who pray to Shugden will cause the Dalai Lama to die sooner, and prayer to DS will also, apparently harm the cause of Tibet. Such a claim goes completely against the most basic teachings of Dharma, inferring that a spirit has more power over the life of an attained being (like the Dalai Lama) than he has over himself. This is completely illogical.

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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 02:28:43 PM »
Well... if one were to truly believe who HHDL is, this is just downright preposterous and an impossibility. Perhaps in this day and age the mystical/magical is beyond us... and if that is the case, perhaps we really should contemplate seriously what we actually believe in or are we merely being subjective.

To some, a super human being incapable of conventional means of death may be far fetched but if so, perhaps enlightenment is too? And if so, why in Buddha's name are we existing for?


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2012, 02:45:49 PM »
I think at this point HHDL has made it very clear that he's had it with the tibetans and he does not wish to lead them anymore, simply because they have not shown much results over the years despite decades of leading them and encouraging them to be a proper government. Everyone still wants to wait for HHDL to take action or open his mouth before they actually do anything. Nobody takes initiative.

Perhaps HHDL will appear in other forms or guises, or will take on other roles, but definitely not as the Dalai Lama anymore. This time around, he has made it extremely clear that he does not wish to live long, because I dont think China would really bother to assassinate HHDL as they could very easily crush Dharamsala or persuade India to oust HHDL if they want to.

It makes no sense for HHDL to say this now, unless he realized that him assisting the Tibetans for so many centuries has done nothing but cripple their ability to conduct themselves as a country, or that he's been receiving too many threats and mindgames from different people of his government. CTA has been allowing HHDL to do so many things he does not need to do and they just keep quiet.

What is interesting is, HHDL has also confessed that he is fierce towards his own close disciples who are serving him directly. This is the side of HHDL that most people dont expect to see or to know as people live in dualities and they have their own concept of how things are supposed to be and HHDL has not revealed things like that now till now. An indication that he wishes to break free of his role soon?


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2012, 03:56:37 PM »
actually there is such a possibility if the Lama allows himself to be killed for a good cause. As twisted as it seems to be, there are cases whereby high lamas allow themselves to be killed for the fulfillment of greater activities. Our lord and Protector Dorje Shugden is one good examples of such a Lama who was murdered and caused great uproar in his activites when he arose benefit more sentient beings especially people during our time.

Reading this article, I am wondering why would a Lama of his stature who is well equipped with body guards and skilled attendants be making such a big fuss? The power of compassion which he has already have conquered many hearts! I think the worst assasin in the land when met with a living Chenresig would certainly drop his gun!
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!

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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2012, 04:04:10 PM »
About as ridiculous as saying that a spirit, Dorje Shugden, can manage to threaten the Dalai Lama's life. If a big nasty spirit can't manage it, what makes them think a couple of Chinese women can? And if they do, please, do share here how they manage it - it would be fascinating to know how on earth an emanation of Avalokiteshvara is affected by such mundane methods.

And such is the basis of this entire ban in the first place - the Dalai Lama instituted this ban because apparently Dorje Shugden will harm his life, practitioners who pray to Shugden will cause the Dalai Lama to die sooner, and prayer to DS will also, apparently harm the cause of Tibet. Such a claim goes completely against the most basic teachings of Dharma, inferring that a spirit has more power over the life of an attained being (like the Dalai Lama) than he has over himself. This is completely illogical.

Yep if 'nasty spirit' still can"t harm him, how can a couple of Chinese women harm HHDL???

As rightly said by many and especially Ensapa, I do believe that HHDL is planning to end the Dalai Lama institution, so there will be no more new incarnation of recognised DL, still I believed, as a Buddha and especially Chenresig - the great compassionate DL definitely will take rebirth back to save more sentient beings though not as DL.

With the ending of DL institution, there is no more reason to ban DS because the claim by HHDL is that this practice only will harm his life, not other Gurus. So it is a perfect plan for the lifting of the ban...

Though this might sound silly but if the plot to kill HHDL is real, I cannot imagine if HHDL, motivated by great compassion and for the benefits of greater Tibet, decided to let them have their way...  :( and imagine the karma created by these people... so much hatred, so much anger... Om Mani Peme Hum


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2012, 04:31:53 PM »
It makes no sense for HHDL to say this now, unless he realized that him assisting the Tibetans for so many centuries has done nothing but cripple their ability to conduct themselves as a country, or that he's been receiving too many threats and mindgames from different people of his government. CTA has been allowing HHDL to do so many things he does not need to do and they just keep quiet.

What is interesting is, HHDL has also confessed that he is fierce towards his own close disciples who are serving him directly. This is the side of HHDL that most people dont expect to see or to know as people live in dualities and they have their own concept of how things are supposed to be and HHDL has not revealed things like that now till now. An indication that he wishes to break free of his role soon?

I think so too Ensapa... that Tibetans are still relying on HHDL to call the shots and solve all their problems... Look honestly what has Lobsang Sangye been up to since he started taking over the politics? Is anyone listening to him and has any interesting action/results we can see from him taking over as a democratic leader? Seems like He and the Tibetans are still waiting with their mouths opens for HHDL to feed them with the right clues, unfortunately.

Yes I agree HHDL is being more and more obvious about his life ending soon and that there will no longer be another Dalai Lama. It is time for them the "Tibetans" to take some responsibility and take charge. So CTA better wake up a smell the coffee before it is too late! They better stop all their precious time about a Banning and separating their own people within their tiny community because soon there will be no one left. So what will become of their future in exile land once their spokesperson for Freedom is gone and why do they ask for Freedom when they give none to their own people/sangha/dharma brothers and sisters? How will this create the cause for them to gain something they want so badly yet they refused to give to their very own people? Strange how they think - and they claim they are Buddhist? They must think they are special group of Buddhist from another planet.  ILLOGICAL.


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2012, 05:57:22 PM »
Oh dear. I don't suppose that this is the first attempt the Chinese government has tried to assassinate HHDL. All those in positions of power (of any sort) will be subjects to assassination... the greatest heroes and heroines have died being assassinated (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr). Even HHDL previous incarnation barely escaped an assassination attempt allegedly orchestrated by his own regent.

1) I wouldn't be surprised if the women with poison on their scarf or hair were on a kamikaze mission. If it's death by touch, how can they possibly survive!

2) If anything should happen to HHDL, the trolls can blame all they want, but how long will their blame game go on for.

3) It's true what you said @DharmaDefender, in another interview HHDL said that 'If, at the time I pass away, or even before, the majority of the people feel the Dalai Lama institution is no longer relevant, the institution will automatically cease. I am not worried about that.'

Unless someone like the Panchen Lama decides to turn tables and enforce the DS ban, the ban will probably be lifted after HHDL takes on his next rebirth. When that happens it will be such an awkward moment; such a loss, and yet a gain to the Buddhist world. *shudder

@Beggar I'd love to see what other mundane methods have been tried. Apparently, an Al-Qaeda linked group attempted their tricks on HHDL too in 2007,2933,264440,00.html - Since then, HHDL has been given a 3-tiered security ring.

Can someone shout this out any louder? "HE'S A BUDDHAAAAAAAAA!"


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2012, 05:38:56 AM »
In one of HHDL books, I remember him saying that the reason why the Chinese has not murdered him is because he does not have the karma to be killed.  I think, rest assured that the law of cause and effect never fails, and HHDL cannot be killed without him creating the cause to be killed.

hope rainbow

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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2012, 06:22:08 AM »
I do not believe one single instant that China is trying to assassinate the Dalai Lama.
What advantage would that have? Only one - and it has nothing to do with Tibet.

Dis-advantages for China
- China would lose credibility on the international scene for (a) commiting political murder, (b) doing this outside of their frontiers, (c) trying to deny it
- Loosing face, as to assassinate HHDL would be a display of fear from mighty China against an old monk (no offense meant to HHDL)
- Potential troubles in the Chinese province of Tibet
- International out-cry, campaigns against China made products, etc...
- Potential social un-rest arising nation-wide from the troubles in the Chinese province of Tibet (see Middle-East 2011)
- Economical slowdown as a result

Advantages for China
- China would be more powerful in any discussion with India, since India, for decades now, has found in HHDL its best political asset when dealing with China, for the simple reason that HHDL could at any time create a civil war in the Chinese province of Tibet with devastating consequences.

And I have not even touched on the spiritual aspects and karmic consequences of trying to assassinate a Buddha...


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2012, 07:33:56 AM »
If His Holiness is said to be who he is, definitely he can foresee people who are trying to kill him but why would he speak out about it?  I think he himself can handle the situation, after all he is a Buddha.  I think it is his way to give hints that the Shugden practice is growing in China. 

Yes a lot have been said about if the Tibetan woman is possible to kill His Holiness with her scarf and hair? Then wouldn't Dorje Shugden kill him ages ago?  I don't think we even have to wait until this very life time reincarnation.  It could happen to the 5th Dalai Lama...  Since Dorje Shugden is said to be an powerful evil spirit that can kill Dalai Lama???

Like I mention in another post, it is possible that His Holiness is giving hint about him entering clear light and there will not be a reincarnation of Dalai Lama.  Slowly the ban will fade, but of course we are not sure yet; it'll all leave to the wisdom of His Holiness.  Fingers crossed.


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2012, 03:46:36 AM »
I don't think Dalai Lama can be harmed by others, especially when you are talking about poisons in the hand or scarf. The people surrounding Dalai Lama (or even before you get to Dalai Lama, a lot of people would have been hit by the poison). So my only thought of this would be an indication that this reincarnation of Dalai Lama is going to be the last and Panchen Lama will take over as the "spiritual leader". and by then, the ban on Dorje Shugden will be lifted and widely practiced all over the world??


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Re: Oh boy oh boy oh boy
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2012, 06:02:01 AM »
It's just a matter of a few more years until Dalai Lama enters heavenly fields. He is 76. Whatever he tried to galvanize against China with support of various govts lead nowhere. No country in the world believes Tibet is not a part of China. China is not afraid of the aging Dalai Lama at all.

It's only in the last 15 years the security around Dalai Lama has been tighter. Prior to this it was very lax. You can bring whatever you want into the private audience to see him my friends who met him said. You can make an appt today and have private audience with Dalai Lama within a week provided he was not in retreat.

If China wanted to kill Dalai Lama they would have done so years ago and with so many methods. Assassination by many governments are carried out all the time unfortunately. It was done in Tibet within the Dalai Lama's govt also.

It would benefit China more if they don't assassinate Dalai Lama and let him live his natural life out. Then no one can accuse China of it. Even if China did do it, proving it and making it stick would be not easy as the whole world is more interested in financial gains by aligning themselves with China than one old monk who is the defacto head of the non-existent Tibetan independent state. If China did assassinate Dalai Lama it would be big news for a month or so, then die down, and disappear. Everyone would still be scrambling to get on the good side of China. There will be no international tribuneral to try China for sure. No one would gain anything. More gains to be on China's side then Dalai Lama. Good or bad is not the point, but it's just the way it is.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy, unfortunately for all the drama CTA likes to produce to get attention on a dead cause (Tibetan independence or autonomy) they will say and do anything now. Please give it a rest CTA. Have your butter tea, tsampa and go for some circumambulations. And oh, one more thing, lift the undemocratic ban on Shugden's practice please.