Author Topic: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet  (Read 6803 times)


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China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« on: May 15, 2012, 05:28:10 AM »
I knew it! It is time to get Dorje Shugden in the news again and what better talking point than as a Chinese weapon of mass destruction! Yea right.

What I like about this news is:

  • Dorje
    Shugden is getting more media coverage (about time, darlings)
  • The anonymous letter from the Dorje Shugden administration – this sounds like one of the letters which have been posted on this website ( Whoever sent out these letters, thank you very much! “What has made doubts stronger is an anonymous letter, of which TOI has a copy, allegedly written by Dorje Shugden administration to the Tibetan administration, saying that the Dalai Lama should be unbiased towards all Tibetans and should not exclude them from his fold.”

    Keep the letters up... we are making a difference!

China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
S Gopal Puri, TNN | May 15, 2012, 06.32AM IST

DHARAMSHALA: The Tibetan government-in-exile on Monday pointed its finger towards a splinter community among Tibetans - the around 5000-strong Dorje Shugden community - after the Dalai Lama had raised an alarm on Sunday over threat to his life.

The Dalai Lama has not recognized this community - members of which live underground - and had put a ban on them in 1996, saying they do not conform to the principles of Buddhism, sources said. Members of the community are also not allowed to vote in the elections of the Tibetan government.

The Dalai Lama told the New Delhi correspondent of UK's Sunday Telegraph that he had received reports from inside Tibet warning that Chinese agents had trained Tibetan women for a mission to poison him while posing as devotees.

"There is a threat perception from this community as the Chinese may use their anger against the Dalai Lama to cause harm to the spiritual leader," said religion and culture minister of the government-in-exile Pema Chinjor.

What has made doubts stronger is an anonymous letter, of which TOI has a copy, allegedly written by Dorje Shugden administration to the Tibetan administration, saying that the Dalai Lama should be unbiased towards all Tibetans and should not exclude them from his fold.

GUARDING THE DALAI LAMA Tibetan spiritual leader has been given special category security cover, above Z plus There is a 2-tier security cordon in place - outer one is manned by Himachal Pradesh police and the inner cordon by specially-trained personnel from the Tibetan government-in-exile.

IB and state CID personnel have been deployed at Tekchen Choling, the Dalai Lama's residence, in McLeodganj; at least 17 CCTV cameras have been installed in and around his residence which are monitored by a control room inside the residence.

There are three entrances to the Dalai Lama's residence. Apart from frisking by security men, five metal detectors have been installed at all the entrances.

Prior permission from the private office of the Dalai Lama is required for a meeting with the Tibetan leader

Private audiences with the Dalai Lama are usually scheduled thrice a week. Applications for private audience with the Dalai Lama have to be made well in advance

Media requests for an interaction with the dalai Lama have to be given at least 6 months in advance

The practice of the Dalai Lama accepting Khatas (white scarf) from his followers has now been stopped. Now his secretary receives the Khatas on his behalf on the instruction of his security wing

During his public teachings, people are not allowed to carry mobile phones, cameras or any other electronic device; only cushions, FM radios, drinking cups and hats are allowed.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 06:28:53 AM by Admin »


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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2012, 06:43:30 AM »
I'm sitting here in my room reading this post with a big grin on my face. Dear Wisdom Being, thank you for posting this up.

Dalai Lama claims that Dorje Shugden practice does not conform to "principles of Buddhism,..".
You must be kidding me. This practice came from HHDL's gurus, like Trijang Rinpoche, and Pabongkha Rinpoche. What does that make of HHDL's practices whom he received from the same Gurus if this teaching doesn't conform on the "principles of Buddhism"

It is just a matter of time when people will come to see the many contradictory claims against Dorje Shugden. Each and everyone of the claims are without any basis.

I am glad that security is being tightened..rightly so for such a prominent personality. However, if practitioners of Dorje Shugden can shorten HHDL's live just by merely practicing this evil practice and is part of this "dissident sect" then no human security measures can be put in place to prevent the harm from a spirit. The fact that thousands of people practice Dorje Shugden and it has not affected HHDL's life at all should speak volumes that this claim again is false.

I am glad that Dorje Shugden is in the media again and the many annonymous letters are not falling of deaf ears. All I want is for religious freedom, religious harmony and the many illustrious masters to live long and turn the wheel of dharma.


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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2012, 10:53:07 AM »
The heightened security is interesting because it does show that the tibetans are actually doing something proactive now instead of just letting it be. If only they could take the same attitude and apply it to actually improving Dharamsala then China would have no choice but to respect them out of many reasons, mainly because they can pick themselves up after falling down.

But it is funny that the heightened security claim has to be bundled with the news of Dorje Shugden because I dont think any Dorje Shugden practitioner, especially those from Tibet would want him dead. China just saw of this as a tool or device to spread their disapproval of the Dalai Lama and therefore encouraged the practice, and I dont think they want to kill His Holiness either.

If the CTA is so afraid of China using this community of people that they have mistreated and abused unfairly, then maybe they should do something that they have been doing to beings that used to strike fear in them: pacify them and treat them well. They can do such things in pujas and ceremonies towards demons and ghosts, but not for humans? this is hilarious indeed.

In the end, what happens is the more intelligent people will make investigations on Dorje Shugden and CTA will lose face once again and when they find out how they have been treating these practitioners in Dharamsala, they will lose more credibility as they are oppressing their own people while yearning for freedom on the other hand. Al Jazeera has recorded vide evidence of this and it is on youtube. CTA better be consistent.


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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2012, 12:07:26 PM »
Well, it seems rather timely then to have recently resurrected this post (with Glenn Mullin having written about the seeming growth of DS practice, particularly in China):

Politically, I think it has always been a rather unwise decision for the Tibetan communities and Dalai Lama supporters talk constantly against the Chinese - launching allegations that Dorje Shugden practitioners are Chinese spies and etc. It looks like they've shot themselves in the foot now - it's become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Perhaps it's time for them to reread the truth of this letter:
which warns of the potential damage of speaking against China, and providing them more ammunition to launch against the Tibetans. By flaunting human rights charters, and speaking in such antagonistic ways towards the Chinese, do the CTA not realise that they risk their standing not only with China, but also with China's great old "frenemy" India? And surely, you don't need to be that clever to realise the gravity of an exiled Tibetan community upsetting their host country, India!


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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2012, 07:55:15 PM »
This news has literally made my day! About time Dorje Shugden hit the media again. Thanks WB :)

Those letters are finally getting attention! Good job Dorje Shugden administration!!!

Can't help but to laugh on the fact that Dalai Lama claims Dorje Shugden practice does not conform to "principles of Buddhism". I guess if this practice does not then all the other practices like Lamrim should also be stopped and not being taught by anyone because it was taught by Pabongka Rinpoche, (known to be emanation of Heruka) who spread DS strongly during his time. If He can be wrong then all his teachings could also be wrong and also impure because He did Dorje Shugden demon practice. Pabongka said Dorje Shugden helped him all through his life and gave him the opportunity to spread Tsongkhapa teachings. Pabongka Rinpoche wrote histories and rituals of Dorje Shugden. He gave the responsibility of this practice to Trijang Rinpoche.
See Pabongka Rinpoche's short bio here

Trijang Rinpoche who was HHDL Guru, received his lineages from Tapo Dorje Chang, and Pabongka was his root guru. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was responsible for keeping the teaching of Pabongka and especially Dorje Shugden.

So it is truly a joke to say Dorje Shugden practice does not conform with Buddhism. The all of the teachings and practices HHDL has received and is giving today (because most of it were passed down from Trijang Rinpoche) would also not conform to Buddhist "principles". It is absurd!

Let hope the media does not stop here...


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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2012, 01:51:53 PM »
Well, it seems rather timely then to have recently resurrected this post (with Glenn Mullin having written about the seeming growth of DS practice, particularly in China):

Politically, I think it has always been a rather unwise decision for the Tibetan communities and Dalai Lama supporters talk constantly against the Chinese - launching allegations that Dorje Shugden practitioners are Chinese spies and etc. It looks like they've shot themselves in the foot now - it's become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Perhaps it's time for them to reread the truth of this letter:
which warns of the potential damage of speaking against China, and providing them more ammunition to launch against the Tibetans. By flaunting human rights charters, and speaking in such antagonistic ways towards the Chinese, do the CTA not realise that they risk their standing not only with China, but also with China's great old "frenemy" India? And surely, you don't need to be that clever to realise the gravity of an exiled Tibetan community upsetting their host country, India!

As usual, CTA did not heed the warning and the prayers and mantras that they chanted about China, that China is against them, China is against them,  China is against them is finally coming through! Their prayers have been granted and China will be mounting more and more threats against the CTA. CTA does not realize that China can always demand India to hand the Tibetans over back to China....but China did not do so for many years.

Everything will have its results, including stupid, immature and childish actions like name calling against the Chinese which, aside from not allowing them to have Tibet back, has not really bothered the CTA much. China wants unity of its territories and that is the only reason why they oppose HHDL. Other than that, they pretty much have no beef with the CTA or HHDL, so to speak.

Unfortunately for the CTA, in many times in the past they have shown that they do not appreciate their host country, India and they have been running Dharamsala as they would, without much respect to India's laws and regulations.  If they continue to act callously, India might be forced to expel them or limit them even more than now. I am not surprised at all if CTA will reach that stage.

If CTA still persists, they will have to reap more unfortunate consequences that will await them if they continue this way and it wont be good or pretty for them. Right now, other than speaking ill of China, which hampers their efforts even further for the freedom of Tibet, CTA isnt doing anything at all to help gain Tibet's independence or even improve their own condition. This does speak volumes of them.


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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2012, 03:15:32 PM »
Each time Dorje Shugden is in the media is good news! Let us rejoice that Dorje Shugden is getting more and more media coverage!

The Dalai Lama claimed that Dorje Shugden practice do not conformed to "principles of Buddhism" so does that mean that Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and all the great lamas who practice Dorje Shugden are all wrong? Not logical because than it would mean that the Dalai Lama teachings are all wrong too if we were to trace back where he received his teachings from. How can Dorje Shugden who is an enlightened being do not conformed to the "principles of Buddhism"?

It is good that security is being tightened for the interest of the Dalai Lama. However, if the Dalai Lama's life can be shortened by Dorje Shugden practitioners, than how would  the tightened security help in safeguarding the Dalai Lama. Anyways, if the Dalai Lama's life can be shortened by Dorje Shugden as claimed, it is proven wrong again as the Dalai Lama is now over 70 years old!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2012, 04:32:05 PM »
Dorje Shugden administration, you have again bring to attention the parties concerned the plight of the side-lined DS practitioners. Yet again, DS practitioners are blamed trying to harm HHDL. It's about time someone get the fact across that DS practitioners hold their refuge vow of not killing and also refuge commitments of not harming others. I agree with beggar that CTA should realize the dangers of them speaking against China as it will bring much negative effects to Tibatans living in Tibet and India. Please keep sending letters to highlight the truth to the whole wide world. May we don't need to do our practice underground,soon.


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Re: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2012, 05:49:27 PM »
I love this Dorje Shugden administration reference. Sounds like the Barack Obama administration LOL! I do hope the ban will be lifted one day so I can finally meet the people behind this website who have been working tirelessly in the shadows without any of the eight mundane concerns. As they are anonymous, they don’t get credit nor a good rep, though perhaps they may have pleasure seeing their efforts have some fruition! I can’t wait to see what Dorje Shugden has in store for us once the ban is lifted!

Anyway, going back to this article, it is very tiring to be always accused of being a Chinese spy. I reiterate – China – if you’re reading this and you would like to pay me to be a Dorje Shugden practitioner, please do send me a cheque. I have no qualms receiving money from China! And CTA, can we get with a NEW program already? You keep trotting out the re-runs! Please blame Dorje Shugden practitioners for something new and preferably original, for entertainment’s sake?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being