Author Topic: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism  (Read 13105 times)


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Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« on: May 27, 2012, 04:56:34 AM »
Dalai Lama urging Chinese to embrace Buddhism, despite what the Chinese did to him and to his countrymen in Tibet? You still ask your enemy to embrace the most precious jewel in the unverse - the Dharma, after they destroyed your monasteries, killed your monks and nuns and killed 1/6 of your countrymen?

Only a Bodhisattva can do that.

And will a Bodhisattva really bring real harm to people who practise another Bodhisattva Manjushri - Dorje Shugden? No defnitely not, if Dalai Lama can forgive China, he can "forgive" Dorje Shugden practitioners" if there is anything to be forgiven at all.

Again another clear indication that the Dalai Lama bans Dorje Shugden exactly for this purpose - for China to embrace Dorje Shugden, because the Dalai Lama still cares for the Chinese despite them being his enemies....,10906,0,0,1,0
by ADRIAN CROFT, The Globe and Mail, May. 14, 2012

LONDON, UK -- Tibet’s exiled Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, said Monday that China is beset by a moral crisis, widespread corruption and lawlessness, leading millions of Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism.

“Look at China now, the moral crisis, corruption – immense,” he said, adding that China had “no proper rule of law.”

A survey two years ago found that 200 million Chinese followed Buddhism, including many who followed Tibetan Buddhism, he added, and millions of young Chinese are showing an interest in spirituality.

“Tibetan Buddhist culture, I think, [is of] immense benefit to millions of Chinese who are really passing through a difficult period like that,” said the Dalai Lama.

He spoke before a ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London where he was awarded the $1.7 million Templeton prize for his work affirming the spiritual dimension of life. He also met with Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, although not at Mr. Cameron’s official Downing Street residence in a gesture to Chinese sensibilities.

China voiced “strong dissatisfaction” after Mr. Cameron’s predecessor as prime minister, Gordon Brown, met the Dalai Lama, also away from Downing Street, in 2008.

China has ruled Tibet since 1950 when Communist troops occupied the country. The Dalai Lama escaped to live in exile in India after a failed uprising against Chinese rule.

The Dalai Lama told a British newspaper on Sunday he feared China might have plotted to kill him by training female agents with poison in their hair or scarves and then to seek his blessings or touch his hand. But he said on Monday he did not know if the allegation was true as he had no way of checking.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said the Tibetan spiritual leader's allegations, reported in the London-based Sunday Telegraph newspaper, were not worth refuting, but added that he generally spreads false information.

“The Dalai always wears religious clothes while carrying out anti-China separatist activities in the global community, spreading false information and deceiving the public,” spokesman Hong Lei said at a routine daily news briefing.

Asked what spiritual advice he would give to British people suffering from economic turmoil in the country, which is going through austerity and recession, the Dalai Lama said: “Please don’t feel helpless or hopeless. ... Work hard.”

The Dalai Lama, who won the Nobel peace prize in 1989, said he would donate $1.5 million of the Templeton prize money to support British charity Save the Children’s work to combat malnutrition among children in India. The rest will go to scientific causes.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 06:19:28 AM »
Do you think the Chinese are going to head the advice of their sworn enemy the Dalai Lama? Do you think they are going to follow his advice to learn Buddhism, practice meditation, and by the way return the land formerly known as Tibet to the Dalai Lama?


So as Namdrol says, what is the closest thing the Chinese will do? They will be open to Buddhism of course, as that was one of the religions of their forefathers, and steeped in Chinese history. But they will also more than likely choose to practice Shugden - not only because he is effective, but also because they may have some hope that he will shorten the Dalai Lama's life, or destroy the cause of autonomy in Tibet.

Wrong motivation for sure, but shugden's practice will grow in China. Isnt that a good thing?
The dalai lama banned Shugden's practice, which will result in Shugden growing in China. Wrong or right motivation on our spiritual leader's part? You think.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2012, 07:48:29 AM »
No doubt His Holiness is all about benefiting sentient beings.  A true Bodhisattva indeed.  Regardless what the Chinese did, His Holiness still thinking about benefiting them.  This shows one of the top qualities of a true Bodhisattva, not attached.  The ultimate motive is to benefit and help as many as possible.  Hence, it explains the ban.  This is how China is going to perceive whatever His Holiness commented...  They will think that he is manipulative and try to do something in China.  And moreover for years, Buddhism has been a part of the Chinese culture and history; the ego in them don't need another to tell them what to do.  But on the other hand, they will rebel against what His Holiness advised... which is to practice Dorje Shugden.  And the practice will grow...  Through practice, dharma seeds are planted, imprints and ultimately understanding of dharma.  How skillful of His Holiness to spread dharma in this very way to even the people who view him as an enemy.  A true Bodhisattva.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 09:21:12 AM »
This is great news!

Many of the tibetan Buddhist teachers, including my own, have not shown animosity towards the Chinese all these years. Rather, they attribute it to their collective karma and remain empathetic towards Chinese. This is not to excuse the Chinese for what they have done of course! But it gives the situation another perspective. The lamas look not at what the Chinese have done before but what they may be going through right now.

Understanding that China is at the cusp of such large-scale change, you can anticipate plenty of uncertainty in the country - especially one that huge. Also we must consider that while things are happening on a larger governmental level, individuals go through very much different experiences. We may not like the government's policies or what it goes to Tibet and the Tibetan people, but there are millions more Chinese in the country who are NOT directly involved in this, and who have their own troubles, difficulties, sufferings. This is samsara, of course they will have such troubles.

Instead of being caught up forever in what the governments are or are not doing, I guess the Dalai Lama is advising the larger mass of people. China is emerging as a huge force in the world - their people will need spirituality, and from there, as almost one fifth of the world's population, they can bring it to others. If there's a place to make Buddhism (or anything!) relevant and huge, China is a good place to start for its sheer size and geography.

Also, seeking Buddhism would not be something entirely new or foreign to the Chinese. The Cultural Revolution happened quite a long while ago, but there are definitely people who are still around who will remember the times before that, when Buddhism was very much a part of their lives, culture, tradition and histories. Many of the Buddhist practices being upheld now around Asia originated from China! The Chinese would merely be going back to their roots, not looking for something quite as alien as they think.

And yes, I do totally agree with Thor there - the governments sure aren't likely to listen to the Dalai Lama but they'll certainly do everything they can to go against whatever HHDL has said, which is the Shugden. Buddhism could well find its revival through the very thing that Dalai Lama has told the world "not to do" - Shugden. That's on a governmental level. On an individual level, I'd be interested to know how much the average Chinese person (in the cities, in the countryside) really knows or is averse to the Dalai Lama in the way the government champion?. It is known that there are many old temples still alive in China today which promote the Gelugpa tradition and practices - the dalai lama's own school - and the support for these temples and number of local Chinese people visiting is still very significant.

Well, it took the Communists only a few years to reverse and take everything away. what's to say a reversal the other way, to return to Buddhism, couldn't happen just as quickly?


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 09:59:18 AM »
I feel that HHDL is planting seeds in to the mind stream of the Chinese Government by suggesting to the Chinese to practise "Tibetan Buddhist culture". HHDL is very skillful with his choice of words. The key word HH used is "culture" because the Chinese Government prefers to promote Buddhism as a culture and not a religion. Whatever it is, I feel that HHDL is preparing them to accept and promote Tibetan Buddhism even more later on.

China is having a crisis of moral issues. Corruption is very dangerous for the stability and welfare of a country. China's collapse during the turn of the 20th Century was mainly due to widespread corruption throughout the country. Perhaps when the Chinese government can't find a solution to controlling it, they may opt to adopt "Tibetan Buddhist culture" which is not new in their country's history. Emperor Kangxi was a Tibetan Buddhist and he ruled China very efficiently. China prospered in all aspects as a result.

The Chinese Government can study their rich 5000 year old history to see whether the latter is true and will help their current crisis regardless of their monetary prosperity.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2012, 10:47:37 AM »
Despite having suspicion on the Chinese Government for wanting to poison him, the Dalai Lama still encourages the Chinese people to practice and embrace Buddhism. This is how compassionate the Dalai Lama is. He knows that the Chinese people are going through a phase of rapid growth economically and financially and this phase may cause the people to be less stable and losing their values.

By asking the Chinese people to embrace Buddhism is not something new to the people because it has been practiced before previously by their fore fathers, even the Chinese Emperors. What the Dalai Lama is asking is for them to continue practicing what they used to do and not something new.

With the Dalai Lama encouraging the Chinese people the practice Buddhism and the China Government encouraging it's people to practice Dorje Shugden, we will definitely see a boom in religious practices in China. Both ways, the Chinese will benefit!

Tenzin K

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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2012, 11:50:18 AM »
What a great Boddhisattva. HH Dalai Lama advice for China truly valid. China is suffering do much in degeneration. The accumulative of negative karma is so great. 
For China to take that advice to embrace Buddhism from HH Dalai Lama very much likely. I believe China will embrace Dorje Shugden just because of the ban from HH Dalai Lama. If you ask me whether China make the right choice of Dalai Lama has make the wrong move to ban, both statement support each other of China to propitiate the unmistaken protector that will bring the benefits to the people at this time.
I always believe of Dalai Lama action is always for a bigger purpose that eventually will bring great benefits to the spiritual growth of Buddhism.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2012, 12:39:57 PM »
A true Bodhisattva indeed. After what China has done to Tibet and had to live in exile, HHDL instead urged China to embrace Buddhism. Compassionate being such as HHDL can manifest his actions that may look bad at first but the bigger picture for China to benefit from Buddhism. How skillful HHDL is! China really need Dharma especially in the degenerate age and at this time Dorje Shugden practice will be very beneficial for China.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2012, 12:43:48 PM »
Every move and word of HHDL has been planned and meditated. A reverse psychology that Tibetan Buddhism can give solace to the Chinese. In their minds would be yes Buddhism can give that, but why must be Tibetan Buddhism? But they may consider praying to Dorje Shugden who has historical lineage from China. Perhaps the Chinese will eventually claim DS as their own just like how the Americans claimed they created pizza. (no offense to the Americans here. hehe)

Furthermore, DS brings fast immediate results and relief. I don't suppose the Chinese's main motivation is to practice real dharma. So DS is the perfect "god".


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2012, 03:01:42 PM »
It's good, yet it's odd. Clearly if any of us were the Dalai Lama we would show animosity towards the Chinese, yet the Chinese still continues to show animosity towards HHDL... Who's suppose to show animosity towards whom?

Just yesterday, Wu Bangguo (head of China's parliament and nominally number two in the political system) cancelled a visit to Britain in anger over a meeting between Prime Minister David Cameron and HHDL.

I hate to think of the day HHDL enters clear light. No one else in Tibet can ever have this sort of impact on China. It's quite incredible how HHDL just goes from strength to strength in his works and can affect the Chinese government in such a drastic way.

but why must be Tibetan Buddhism? But they may consider praying to Dorje Shugden who has historical lineage from China.

That's an interesting way of looking at it. Yeah, HHDL directly promotes Tibetan Buddhism - clearly, China will do everything that the HHDL wants? :P

DORJE SHUGDEN IS PART OF CHINA'S HISTORY AND CULTURE. Move away from Tibetan Buddhism... and scooch on over to DS :)


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2012, 03:44:22 PM »
This is the worst kept secret of all time i feel. The whole real motivation in banning the practice of Dorje Shugden is solely because HHDL hoped Chineses (which consist 1/3 of the population on earth) to be able to be in Dharma and practice the sacred practice of Dorje Shugden! Despite all the taunts and allegedly assassination attempts from China againts him, HHDL is pure on his long and well planned move which is to get the Chinese government to encourage its people to start practice Dorje Shugden so that it hope will 'harm' or 'shorten' the life of HHDL. If we think clearly, how can practicing Dorje Shugden's practice (whom is an enlightened being) can harm another enlightened being's life??


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2012, 09:36:48 AM »
The end justifies the means. HH Dalai Lama ,as  compassionate Chenrezig, wants the Buddhadharma to spread to China(one of the most populous countries in the world and also a country that badly needs the Dharma). Moreover, he specifically would have it that it is the lineage teachings of Je Tsongkhapa (especially his unexcelled propounding of Nargajuna's Middle View on Emptiness) -the much needed Dharma medicine for beings in this degenerate age - that spreads to China .As Dorje Shugden was the Protector who arose specifically to fulfill a promise to protect these teachings, so the practice of Dorje Shugden had to spread to China so that Je Tsongkhapa's teachings could grow and spread there. What more skillful way can there be than that of enforcing  a ban on Shugden practice? For, whatever the Dalai Lama condemns, the Chinese would gleefully embrace!

And now, the Dalai Lama is seen to be encouraging the Chinese "to seek solace in Buddhism". He knows they will never listen to him. But no matter. As long as Shugden practice spreads in China, so will Je Tsongkhapa's teachings.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2012, 04:09:31 PM »
This is no surprise to us that His Holiness is about a much bigger cause and far more bigger motivation that we could possibly phantom. Indeed it would the greatest plot of all if it is to get His so called enemy who invaded His country to embrace a loving compassion faith - Buddhism. And an even greater plot would be to spread Dorje Shugden throughout China?

Perhaps it is wishful thinking but none the less it is working as China patriotic education work team actually demanded the monks in some monastery to worship Shugden (because it is banned by the Dalai Lama)

I suppose there is so much illogical reasons and contradictory aspects of the BAN that only makes one think outside the box. What else could it be if His Holiness is really Buddha of Compassion. Definitely the compassionate Buddha loves all equally and perhaps it is our very own narrow perception that cannot see beyond this whole illusory play.

Again the advice give by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Change in  from Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors (pg 125 onwards) rings a very familiar tone, so lets heed the advice and be patient:
But some who are narrow minded, not understanding this point, consider this Dharmapala to be like an ordinary worldly being and, with supposed faith in the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, disparage him; or else they indeed admire this great Dharmapala but criticize the Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama. Using either one as a reason not to admire the other and speaking badly about either in any way is the conduct of an ordinary being who, under the influence of attachment and hatred, just tries to help friends and hurt enemies; it obscures the increase of these great holy Aryas' deeds and creates the karmic cause to experience unbearable suffering in the future.

Dolce Vita

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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2012, 06:17:24 AM »
My Guru said whether a not a person's view on the Buddha or any Dharma items is good or bad, that person planted a Dharma seed in the mindstream anyway, one day when the condition is right, this person will be able to learn and practice Dharma.

Isn't HHDL clever? The more people know about him whether for good or bad reason, the more seeds he is planting in people's mindstream. Ever since he settled down in India, he has been traveling untirelessly even now at the age of 77, almost everyone in the west knows him. Majority of China also knows him, his name is mentioned very often in the country. The imprint or seeds planted due to the political conflict is enormous.

HHDL has retired from the political scene and he would like to be just a monk to do his spiritual practice. And he mentioned he will not want to be a political head anymore in his future lives. I think it is just right for him to do that, he has planted so many Dharma seed in the past, time to water the seed to see grow the plant.


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Re: Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2012, 06:30:21 AM »
If the Dalai Lama had not implemented the ban, China would not really have encouraged the worship of Dorje Shugden and they would not have left many Gelug monasteries alone either. They would have either make things very difficult for them to grow or close them slowly outright, or surpress them with great force as Gelug has very close ties with the Dalai Lama.

From here, no matter what people say, it is very clear that the Dalai Lama is doing this just so that China would actually have a practice that they can do willingly and they will promote openly as opposed to China blocking out Tibetan Buddhism and regarding them as an enemy to the country. Without the Ban, I doubt China would actually take the effort to make their own Panchen Lama.

I am pretty sure that China's Panchen Lama would be a great supporter of Dorje Shugden, and so is Samding Rinpoche, also known as Vajrayogini's direct emanation as she is a very close disciple of Trijang Rinpoche and she has testified that pre occupied Tibet was not exactly in the best of conditions and that the Ganden Phodrang had failed its people back then which is why they dont have much right to demand Tibet back.

China is actually doing a lot of restoration works to the various temples in Lhasa and Tibet. They are aware of the error of their ways and due to the ban they now have a clear preference for Dorje Shugden Lamas. For example. Gangchen Rinpoche is allowed free access in and out of Tibet and China with little or no restrictions and he can open up temples there and teach openly. This is the result of the ban.