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Bye-bye Dictators?
« on: May 27, 2012, 03:23:48 PM »
Previously, I replied in the topic "Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism" about how yesterday the Chinese government showed anger towards Britain, all due to HHDL's visit to London.

Today, the same thing happened when HHDL paid a visit to Vienna. 10,000 people showed up and the Chinese government expressed how Vienna's ties with Beijing could be harmed. Vienna didn't care less, but what struck me as odd was how HHDL spoke about democracy soon being upon Tibet.

HHDL referred to toppled veteran dictators of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia... and Aung San Suu Kyi's sacrifice. I assume from reading that that HHDL was referring to the Chinese oppressors, and that "evil" cannot be gotten away with.

Isn't that similar to the Shugdenpa's plight though? HMM... CENTRAL TIBETAN ADMINISTRATION??

One thing nice to note was how Lobsang Sangye had his 30 minute of fame when he spoke to an audience of 10,000 people before HHDL spoke. Perhaps there is hope for Tibetans after all.

Vienna dismisses Beijing objections to Dalai Lama meet

(AFP) – 21 hours ago

VIENNA — Up to 10,000 people came out to greet the Dalai Lama on Saturday after Vienna ignored warnings from China that ties with Beijing could be harmed by hosting the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader.

China made its objections clear to the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Laureate's meetings with Austrian leaders but Chancellor Werner Faymann said he would decide whom to meet.

The Dalai Lama, who is on an 11-day visit to Austria with the prime minister of Tibet's government-in-exile Lobsang Sangay, spoke at Vienna's historic Heldenplatz (Heroes' Square) for about 30 minutes to a crowd of 10,000, organisers said.

Speaking from a stand emblazoned with the words "Tibet needs you now", he underscored the importance of protecting Buddhist culture, the environment and human rights.

"Our time will come, it is close. Democracy is universal," said Sangay, who spoke before the Dalai Lama.

He referred to the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled veteran dictators in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia as well as Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi who was released from seven straight years of house arrest in November 2010 and has now been issued with a passport, enabling her to travel abroad for the first time in 24 years.

"All the promises that were made in 2008 at the time of the Olympic games have been broken. The Tibetans are in a minority in their own region," a member of the Save Tibet organisation who gave her name as Erika told AFP at the rally.

The Dalai Lama met Faymann earlier Saturday, a day after saying he was open to dialogue with China and calling for real autonomy for Tibet.

The social democrat chancellor, however, dismissed the warnings from Beijing voiced Monday by its ambassador to Vienna and repeated Saturday by the foreign ministry.

"I answer the question of whom I meet myself, and that goes for the Dalai Lama," he said. "Austria is a country which has always shown itself to be on the side of human rights, and I alone am responsible for my agenda."

Calling their meeting "a clear political signal for human rights, non-violence and dialogue and against oppression," Faymann said he was personally interested in meeting such an "eminent figure".

China condemned the talks as "a severe interference with China's internal affairs" which "hurt the feelings of Chinese people", the state Xinhua news agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman as saying Saturday.

The Dalai Lama was "a political exile who has long been engaged in anti-China secessionist activities in the name of religion", spokesman Hong Lei said.

The foreign ministry in Beijing and the Chinese Embassy in Austria would "both lodge solemn representations to the Austrian side", he said, warning of the impact on ties between the two countries.

Chinese ambassador to Vienna Shi Mingde said on Monday that Austria should not offer a platform to the Dalai Lama's "separatist tendencies", warning that it would not be beneficial to relations with Beijing.

The Dalai Lama told journalists on arrival in Vienna Friday that he wanted a solution with mutual benefit for Tibet and China.

Sangay stressed that it was not a question of securing independence for Tibet but that the region aspired to real autonomy within the Chinese constitution.

The Dalai Lama, who has lived in exile in India since 1959, has a long relationship with Austria and visits regularly -- the last time in 2007.

As a young man, one of his teachers in Lhasa was Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer, whose autobiography inspired the 1999 film "Seven Years in Tibet" with Brad Pitt.

Austria has also released a special stamp in the Dalai Lama's honour.

China has imposed tight security to contain simmering discontent in Tibetan regions since 2008, when deadly rioting against Chinese rule broke out in Lhasa and spread to neighbouring Tibetan-inhabited regions.

Copyright © 2012 AFP. All rights reserved.


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 04:16:33 PM »
Previously, I replied in the topic "Dalai Lama encourages Chinese to seek solace in Buddhism" about how yesterday the Chinese government showed anger towards Britain, all due to HHDL's visit to London.

Today, the same thing happened when HHDL paid a visit to Vienna. 10,000 people showed up and the Chinese government expressed how Vienna's ties with Beijing could be harmed. Vienna didn't care less, but what struck me as odd was how HHDL spoke about democracy soon being upon Tibet.

HHDL referred to toppled veteran dictators of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia... and Aung San Suu Kyi's sacrifice. I assume from reading that that HHDL was referring to the Chinese oppressors, and that "evil" cannot be gotten away with.

Isn't that similar to the Shugdenpa's plight though? HMM... CENTRAL TIBETAN ADMINISTRATION??

One thing nice to note was how Lobsang Sangye had his 30 minute of fame when he spoke to an audience of 10,000 people before HHDL spoke. Perhaps there is hope for Tibetans after all.


That's exactly what we're all facing and moreso the High Lamas, monks and villagers within the Tibetan community. What is there to fight about and burn yourself with kerosene when really fundamental rights of living within their own community in exile is being taken off their backs?

I do admire the 30 minute speech the Kalon Tripa was given to speak.

["I answer the question of whom I meet myself, and that goes for the Dalai Lama," he said. "Austria is a country which has always shown itself to be on the side of human rights, and I alone am responsible for my agenda."]

A very brave and daring speech considering for the first time in front of HHDL the Kalon Tripa can openly put such a statement forward to China in a foreign land. I pray and sincerely hope HHDL is really nurturing him for the future when the time will come for a new leader of the Tibetans.
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2012, 07:03:49 PM »
What I find is that when someone makes a decision on a basis that is neither sound nor logical, everything else that they do, that is related to that topic, appears hypocritical. For example, speaking about democracy in any nation looks hypocritical when the CTA's other actions don't reflect that same opinion. How can they suppress Dorje Shugden, then run around the world criticising the Chinese's lack of democracy? No wonder no one takes them seriously. They can't make up their minds about anything and as the years go past, they look increasingly confused and out of touch with global issues. Not to mention their self-serving ways become increasingly obvious to all!

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 01:21:03 AM »
HHDL made one decision regarding Shugden that a minority fringe group is not happy with. This does not make him a dictator.

Tibet's unique govt for hundreds of years were dominated by monk/monasteries. The rulers were Dalai lama and inbetween the monk regents such as Tsekcholing Rinpoche, Kundeling Rinpoche, etc. So Were they all dictators also.

Tibet's unique governance is very different than our traditional governments, but it is not a dictatorship. It can resemble a monarchy transitioning to democracy.

What world leader who were or are in office that does not have oppositions? No one. Take Putin for example, he has become the leader of Russia again with much protests. So? He also has supporters. Obama, he has much opposition, but he has supporters. Many people criticized Iron Lady Thatcher, but she had supporters. Indira Gandhi was in office as Prime Minister of India for nearly a decade before her oppositions shot her.

The point is HHDL has his oppositions and not all his policies will please all the people all the time. But his policy on Dorje Shugden is to safeguard the purity of Buddhism. This faces opposition, but the opposition is quieted down and will accept HHDL's position sooner or later. You don't see anymore protests orchestrated by Geshe Kelsang. In fact Geshe Kelsang has given up his lawsuits, protests and talks against HHDL. He recognizes it is futile. Following Geshe Kelsang example many Lamas has renounced Shugden and followed the advice of HHDL. Geshe Kelsang and the Shugden lamas have not the power, following, evidence, stamina, resources to fight any further. Shugden people have gone back into their comfortable lives and do their prayers quietly to a god Shugden who is not powerful and definitely a spirit that cannot oppose the truth represented by HHDL's courage and stance. The few oppositions left are pockets here and there. No Shugden organization or group is able to oppose HHDL. All of them are powerless and silent. Simply because truth is not on their side and they cannot gain support.

Debating here on the only Shugden friendly forum in the world will not free the Shugden spirit or bring him mainstream. Even all you Shugden followers do not unite or get along. I 've read the old posts. I was suprised how much you all argue just about Shugden and the bigger picture incessantly without end. For this reason you all broke up. Some stayed on this forum, some left because of obscure silly arguments. I found that so hilarious. You don't even have unity because you argue over obscure unsupported theories. Whether there is a bigger picture or not, who cares. You all worship the one god Shugden spirit and you don't get blessed by him to play nice and get along??  :( Definitely this is the 'blessings' of the Shugden spirit where everything looks hunky dory at first and then it just goes down. None of you get along here even when it comes to Shugden! One side against HHDL full stop/criticize non-stop shouting there is no big picture and the other side purports a bigger picture at same time respectful to the Dalai Lama. Your arguments with eachother on this on past threads was really entertaining to say the least. It is proof Shugden creates disharmony. Can't you all see. You all don't even get along and 'tear' at eachother.

People power, effort, hard work, consistent effort will free Shugden and get him into mainstream acceptance. But hold on a minute, don't get excited, that would only work if Shugden's practice was genuine and not a spirt practice. Since it is a spirit practice, hard work and effort will get the Shugden movement nowhere. See the evidence. Do you see Shugden growing? A few monasteries (Shar Ganden & Serphom) splintering off does not exactly spell growth or mainstream acceptance. Shugden movement is dying a slow death.  :-[

Shugden movement is dying. No more protests, law suits whatsoever. All Shugden lamas hide, remain quiet or just have no power/resources to do anything further. The students are just making money, making families, buying houses and eating nice food. Not one single student/group of any well known Shugden lama are standing up or doing anything because nothing can be done. A spirit is a spirit. If Shugden is so powerful why does he let this be? Obviously Shugden does not have the power to 'fight' or 'challenge' one single man-His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Even popular media does not take the Shugden issue seriously. Shugden's 'cause' is losing and becoming more quiet. Sorry. But it is for the better.

Ask yourself, as a follower of Shugden what are you doing everyday for the so called ban (not a ban) to be removed? From the comforts of your homes, what are you doing besides typing on this forum that will make huge waves? Nothing much right? How come? My theory is because Shugden is a spirit and he has some minimal power but not enough to combat the pure motivation and stance of the many lamas who have given up Shugden and went back to Kalarupa, pure Buddhism and the logical wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Gotta get on the page already man. It's not too late.

I've introduced some of my friends here in Dharamsala who work in Tibetan CTA offices. They said, this website and it's writings does not worry them at all. Shugden people are a small minority and getting smaller. They occasionally visit this website, but they find it sad that all of you will not practice pure Buddhism. They said we should be patient towards the Shugden people, it's just a matter of time they disappear completely. My friends said Shugden people do not have the strength, stamina, resources to fight anymore. The biggest part of this dying 'movement' is truth is not on your side.  :( :'(


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2012, 09:07:11 AM »
HHDL made one decision regarding Shugden that a minority fringe group is not happy with. This does not make him a dictator.


oh dear. Didint you know that by the time of the 13th Dalai Lama where Pabongkha Rinpoche was still alive, almost 90% of the Tibetan population were Gelug? And most of them took refuge under Pabongkha Rinpoche. I dont know about you but 90% sounds like a lot of people who took refuge either under Pabongkha or Trijang Rinpoche, and needless to say they all received Dorje Shugden's practice.

You're saying that 90% of Tibetans are a minority? oh dear. Again, please get your facts right. There we go again. Just because you repeat something dosent mean its the truth. We already have the facts in our hands, to convince us otherwise you'll need facts that are of equal weight to displace the already in facts. If not it would be convincing a bird that it cannot fly when it already can.

A dictator is someone who governs a country with an absolute say of things and that people cannot fight back or say otherwise, or else they will be labelled as traitors and punished as such. Does the Dalai Lama not have that trait? What he says about Dorje Shugden cannot be disputed and it is absolute and cannot be negotiated. Also, people who defy this ban are being punished in Dharamsala.

All of us get along here about Dorje Shugden. Some of us may not like the Dalai Lama, but we still get along and we still post here, because we are all unique and we do not follow like sheep. We actually investigate and respect the individuality of each other here. Also, why look at the past when you can look at the future? The forum has seen its share of double agents and spies as well, so i dont quite understand your point that we dont get along.


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2012, 11:32:16 AM »
THe fact that the CTA is oppressing the religious freedom of it's people is denying it's people freedom of choice! And the CTA has enforced this on its people for so many years. The Tibetans because of their difference in protector practices are discriminated against and does not have the same rights as other Tibetans. So, the CTA is forcing the people to choose on a choice that is of no choice. Some have to do it for the survival of their family. Isn't this a behavior of a Dictator?

History has shown that Dictatorship will not last and people power is greater than that as per examples given by Jessica Jameson. So, unless the CTA wants to be toppled, better do something quick that is fair to all Tibetans i.e freedom of religion!


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2012, 04:25:12 AM »
HHDL made one decision regarding Shugden that a minority fringe group is not happy with. This does not make him a dictator.

The minority group who stuck by their Gurus instructions, Id like to add. The majority who abandoned it decided that their rep was more important than their samaya.

The point is HHDL has his oppositions and not all his policies will please all the people all the time. But his policy on Dorje Shugden is to safeguard the purity of Buddhism. This faces opposition, but the opposition is quieted down and will accept HHDL's position sooner or later. You don't see anymore protests orchestrated by Geshe Kelsang. In fact Geshe Kelsang has given up his lawsuits, protests and talks against HHDL. He recognizes it is futile.

You conveniently ignore timing and karma in your statement. Perhaps it is futile NOW but not back then when it brought a lot of publicity to the cause, and kickstarted all the work that is now being by DS practitioners everywhere. I cant remember where I read this the other day, twas in one of the articles about people attempting to assasinate the Dalai Lama, that the CTA have been receiving letters from DS people? Now we know that the CTA DO get the letters. Well maybe Geshela dropped the suits and protests now because timing and karma dictates that a new method of protest and awareness is now required.


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 07:19:25 AM »
What I find is that when someone makes a decision on a basis that is neither sound nor logical, everything else that they do, that is related to that topic, appears hypocritical. For example, speaking about democracy in any nation looks hypocritical when the CTA's other actions don't reflect that same opinion. How can they suppress Dorje Shugden, then run around the world criticising the Chinese's lack of democracy? No wonder no one takes them seriously. They can't make up their minds about anything and as the years go past, they look increasingly confused and out of touch with global issues. Not to mention their self-serving ways become increasingly obvious to all!

I agree with Rihanna's comment. CTA goes around the world speaking about democracy and yet they suppress Dorje Shugden practitioners. What happened to democracy and human rights?  How is CTA creating the cause for democracy when they themselves do not practice democracy? The following is a letter written by Kensur Sonam Gyeltsen of Gyudmed Monastery.
An open Letter to Gelug Monasteries & Sangha Regarding Dorje Shugden

Gyudmed Monastery (Lower Tantric College) Kensur Sonam Gyaltsen’s Letter to
Tibetan Buddhists and Tibetan Government-in-exile
An open Letter to Gelug Monasteries & Sangha Regarding Dorje Shugden

Dear all Gurus and monks,

Regarding the letter sent December 30, 2010, and received on January 13, 2011. The content of this letter asked me to give up the protector practice, let me explain:

In 1996 I was the Khenpo (abbot) of Gyudmed Monastery, at that time, from the Khenpo to the new monks at the end of the seats, everybody was to submit a statement to stop propitiating protector. Besides this, the letter also mentioned that we must make sure to cut off all Dharmic and worldly connections with people who pray to Gyalchen (Dorje Shugden) Protector. Such an order is impossible to carry out, please allow me to state my reasons:

Jangtse Dratsang (Gaden Monastery North College) is not a newly built monastery in India, there have been many Gurus, Rinpoches, and Geshes who propitiated Gyalchen Shugden: the attained Gurus that spread the Dharma nectar to learning monks in the Dratsang – Serkong Dorje Chang, his incarnation the 2nd Serkong Dorje Chang, Kenchen Tendakwa Rinpoche, Phara Rinpoche Lobsang Yeshe Sonam Chokyi Wangchuk, (Hardong) Geshe Rinpoche Kenrab Samten, (Gowo) Kensur Yeshe Gawa, (Tsawa) Drokmi Jampa Lodro Rinpoche, (Gowo) Geshe Nyima Gyaltsen, (Gowo) Ken Rinpoche Sonam Kunga.

These great Lamas are great masters who taught Sutra and Tantra teachings in Jangtse Monastery, if we swear to cut off all Dharmic and worldly material relationship with them, it is totally unacceptable. Forcing ourselves to cut off all Dharmic and worldly material relationship with our Gurus is something impossible to do even for non-Buddhists, let alone Buddhists like ourselves. Where did you get your Sutra and Tantra lineage from? Maybe you dug it out from the ground. Ken Rinpoche Sonam Kunga tirelessly taught us a lot of great scriptures, he received the teachings from his Gurus and Geshes. From Serkong Dorje Chang to Ken Rinpoche Sonam Kunga, and all the Dratsang great masters in between, it is widely known that they practiced protector Gyalchen Dorje Shugden.
You forced us monks to cut off all Dharmic and worldly material relationship with them, I cannot do it, because I am a monk, according to Tibetan traditional vinaya code a monk is not allowed to swear. This code is also in Shakyamuni’s Vinaya scripture towards the end, page 392, you can go and check for yourselves. You should request Samdhong Rinpoche, “Please be compassionate, don’t let the monks swear, because monks are not allowed to swear.” But you didn’t request, and you followed Samdhong Rinpoche’s order and you swore, and caused the great Gaden Monastery to fall apart into different factions. I did not swear because I did not want to create schism among Sangha. Some people abuse the vinaya power in their hands, this is widely known, it is like our Tibetan proverbs “The person in charge of the water flour mill is not the main person-in-charge, the head of the farm village is not the government officials.”

I have already quoted the scriptures for you in my letter above, and have shown to you with valid and solid proofs that Gyalchen Dorje Shugden is a saint, is a protector, is a Gelug protector. I am not trying to show off my knowledge in my letter, I wrote it because I had no choice.

It seemed like our government-in-exile had nothing better to do, they spent so many years to create chaos, excommunicate many monks, divided a fine dratsang into two factions, I wrote this letter because I had enough, it is too much.

Regarding Dorje Shugden, we just have to check the historical materials and we will understand the original facts. I wish the unnecessary chaos created in these 40 years can be pacified very soon.

This letter is sent to the religious department, Samdhong Rinpoche and various dratsangs, please read it openly in front of all sangha.

Gyudmed Monastery Kensur Sonam Gyaltsen
January 13, 2011

Can you imagine a High Lama like Kensur Rinpoche expressing his grief and appealing to the Government to stop the "unnecessary chaos"? It sounds really bad to me.  Unless, CTA practices REAL democracy and gives human rights, I doubt they will ever return to Tibet.


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2012, 02:23:22 PM »
This is a Dorje Shugden friendly forum, but that does not mean all the people need to agree on a same point. IMHO, if everyone is agreeable to a point, then there is no need for a forum, there will be no discussion, and there will be no "sparks" :)

By denying the people, regardless majority or minority, to practice a religion, IS denying people's freedom of choice. What really puzzles me is that CTA allows people to practice other religions, but they don't allow people to practice a particular deity Dorje Shugden.

If CTA people really practice Buddhism, then they should have compassion towards Dorje Shugden practitioners and should not deny Dorje Shugden practitioners basic necessities.

It is said the "Shugden Movement" is dying... well... I see that the "Tibetan Movement" is also dying.. I don't know if CTA sees this as a karma coming back to haunt them.

Big Uncle

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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2012, 05:14:54 PM »
What I find is that when someone makes a decision on a basis that is neither sound nor logical, everything else that they do, that is related to that topic, appears hypocritical. For example, speaking about democracy in any nation looks hypocritical when the CTA's other actions don't reflect that same opinion. How can they suppress Dorje Shugden, then run around the world criticising the Chinese's lack of democracy? No wonder no one takes them seriously. They can't make up their minds about anything and as the years go past, they look increasingly confused and out of touch with global issues. Not to mention their self-serving ways become increasingly obvious to all!

Well, I believed you have nailed it in a nutshell. The CTA has the best poster boy for TIbet's independence and yet, nobody really wants to back Tibetan independence up. I believe that most countries today wouldn't dare mess with China. With the threat of losing billions of dollars of investment, trade and so forth, no country really dares to step on China's toes. Yes, some countries do snub China from time to time but nobody has yet to take up Tibetan independence and gone with it all the way.


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2012, 06:54:19 AM »
This is a Dorje Shugden friendly forum, but that does not mean all the people need to agree on a same point. IMHO, if everyone is agreeable to a point, then there is no need for a forum, there will be no discussion, and there will be no "sparks" :)

By denying the people, regardless majority or minority, to practice a religion, IS denying people's freedom of choice. What really puzzles me is that CTA allows people to practice other religions, but they don't allow people to practice a particular deity Dorje Shugden.

If CTA people really practice Buddhism, then they should have compassion towards Dorje Shugden practitioners and should not deny Dorje Shugden practitioners basic necessities.

It is said the "Shugden Movement" is dying... well... I see that the "Tibetan Movement" is also dying.. I don't know if CTA sees this as a karma coming back to haunt them.

Lol, even on a hand there are short and long fingers but they are all attached to the same hand and they all do the same activities and work. If we cant expect our fingers to be of the same length on our hands, why would we expect every single Dorje Shugden practitioner to think exactly like the same like each other? We're not robots haha. If thats the case this forum would be really boring.

With a forum this big and more than 10,000 posts of informations, discussions and debates compared to the now defunct phayul forum filled with nothing but classifieds, childish insults and not much information, I'd say that the Dorje Shugden movement is getting stronger and stronger by the day while the free tibet movement is waning at least on the internet. And the internet is a very good gauge to see how effective a movement is.

It's funny that CTA wants their freedom so much but they do not want to give the freedom that they want so much to the people who are practicing Dorje Shugden because logically how is that possible on a secular level? on a karmic level they create the causes to never gain freedom for Tibet, ever. And these people protected Buddhism and are supposed to follow it?

Why is it that a government that is supposed to be Buddhist not even applying or following Buddhist principles? The very basic one of not harming others and having compassion are not even present in them. Are they really Buddhist or they just see Buddhism as part of their culture and as a result they do little or no Dharma practice? Perhaps this is the very reason why they lost Tibet in the first place.


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2012, 09:30:44 AM »
Countries welcoming the Dalai Lama receive the wrath of Beijing. Does it mean that those for Dorje Shugden receive China's support? Logically that would be the case.

Why is the Dalai Lama push Dorje Shugden into the arms of over 1 billion Chinese?


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2012, 05:40:52 AM »
I have no doubt that HHDL has been very successful in attracting international attention to Tibet and their rights to practice Buddhism.  I wonder why DS practitioners did not receive the same kind of attention?  Is it because to the International community, we are only a worshipper of a wrathful strange deity? 

HHDL putting the ban on DS has bring a lot of visibility to DS issue and as a protector.  DS although not always put into positive light, has benefited from HHDL's popularity. 


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2012, 08:18:40 AM »
"I answer the question of whom I meet myself, and that goes for the Dalai Lama," he said. "Austria is a country which has always shown itself to be on the side of human rights, and I alone am responsible for my agenda."

Okay, how about "I answer to the question of whom I practice myself, and that goes for my guru."  "Tibet is a country which has always shown itself to be on the side of human rights (really, now?) and I alone am responsible for my agenda."???

All sound very nice but he is not doing for his own country and people?  How weird.  But I like he finally speak up.  I have no expectations for Sangye as he has not proven or shown any result yet, in fact this is the very first time I saw interview that he speak so confidently and profoundly.  Let's see what he has in mind for the people.  I hope he can be the hope for the Tibetans.  I pray for that.  I hope he address the Shugden issue soon.  Yes no more dictators pls...


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Re: Bye-bye Dictators?
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2012, 02:53:51 PM »
The CTA goes around talking about democracy and human rights but on the other hand are suppressing the practice of Dorje Shugden. It is so sad to see that Dorje Shugden practitioners are deprived of their rights to religious freedom. If other religions are accepted why not Dorje Shugden, who is an enlightened being and a Buddhist practice.  However, I do admire the speech by Kalon Tripa and hope that he will address Dorje Shugden issue soon. There is still some hope for the Tibetans.