Author Topic: Kashag statment on dalai lama's security. They are out of there mind.  (Read 6250 times)


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Kashag's statement on the security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Small | Large

21 May 2012 - News Small | Large

i have close friends at North america geluk buddhist association..  i know for the fact they have nothing to do with this...  tibetan goverment and kashag needs to stop playing games


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I don't like to get into politics as so much is not made known as to what is the truth unless a lot of resources is put into it to uncover the truths.

What I can say is, it is only right to tighten security for any great leaders such as HHDL. The Tibetans is said to have been CIA agents. Now the chinese is being accused of threatening the security for HHDL.

What is pressing now is rather religious persecution is stopped and the ban on Dorje Shugden is lifted. This is  what matters to thousands around the world. Besides strengthening the security around HHDL, can the CTA please get some priorities straight. Show the world that CTA is a progressive governing body.


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I don't like to get into politics as so much is not made known as to what is the truth unless a lot of resources is put into it to uncover the truths.

What I can say is, it is only right to tighten security for any great leaders such as HHDL. The Tibetans is said to have been CIA agents. Now the chinese is being accused of threatening the security for HHDL.

What is pressing now is rather religious persecution is stopped and the ban on Dorje Shugden is lifted. This is  what matters to thousands around the world. Besides strengthening the security around HHDL, can the CTA please get some priorities straight. Show the world that CTA is a progressive governing body.

What I dont understand is that the CTA does not hesitate to destroy others in the Dalai Lama's name and expect that there is not karmic repercussions from all the broken samayas, ousted monks, isolated practitioners and people being unfairly treated by the community, all in the name of the Dalai Lama and then on this hand want to protect HHDL from harm. Does it work? I dont think so unless lord Karma is sleeping.

If they were doing everything correctly and without their own agendas, they have no reason to be afraid that His Holiness will die soon or that they attracted too much enemies to harm His Holiness? Why not stop doing things that will provoke their enemies instead of making such a huge song and dance about His Holiness's safety rather than just stop things at the source?

Personally, I think it is a very hilarious and funny attempt to hide their own shortcomings and insecurities by doing something that is somewhat needless because they never stopped the source. They kept taunting China and pushing the envelope with India without much consideration that it might invite repercussions, then cry in fear at some unproven rumors.

All these paranoia is unnecessary and can be stopped at the source itself, which is to be respectful to china and to have some basic gratitude for india. If the CTA did just that in the first place, they wouldnt need to beef up security. The other is to lift the ban because banning Dorje Shugden creates the karma for the CTA to go down even more and more.


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They are skilled in whipping up hatred  ::)


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Personally, I think it is a very hilarious and funny attempt to hide their own shortcomings and insecurities by doing something that is somewhat needless because they never stopped the source. They kept taunting China and pushing the envelope with India without much consideration that it might invite repercussions, then cry in fear at some unproven rumors.

All these paranoia is unnecessary and can be stopped at the source itself, which is to be respectful to china and to have some basic gratitude for india. If the CTA did just that in the first place, they wouldnt need to beef up security. The other is to lift the ban because banning Dorje Shugden creates the karma for the CTA to go down even more and more.

I agree with Ensapa. All these insecurities are self created by CTA. They can't provoke China and expect no reaction from them? That's illogical. Perhaps it's time to further tightened the security for HHDL. Isn't that what Governments do anyway? How accurate is the source of this claim? Is it reliable?

How is CTA amending their relationship with China? What are the steps? If no autonomy for Tibet, then what? CTA is a speck of dust for China. Without HHDL all these years, CTA would be long forgotten. Who in CTA is well known around the world? NOBODY! CTA just rode on HHDL's name as the easy way out. How has the lives of Tibetan refugees improved under CTA?

Sorry to say, if CTA were given the authority to govern Tibet as an autonomy region, would CTA be capable of managing Tibet? I really doubt it based on the current situation of the Tibetan refugees and ostracism of Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners.

The government of Hong Kong had a track record of good management and having huge yearly trade surplus. It makes sense for Hong Kong to be an autonomous region for the psychology of the people in Hong Kong. Nowadays, the Hong Kong people are more confident of the Chinese Government.

Therefore, without a proven track record of being an efficient and effective Government in exile, CTA can talk till the cows come home. Nothing is every going to happen in their favour.


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When Tibetans are obvious they are  unable to regain their motherland they blame it on Dorje Shugden to cause a distraction from themselves.  Now they are blaming the Chinese government's attempt on Dalai Lama's life to cause another distraction.  CTA is shifting the attention from Dorje Shugden to the Chinese government.  Does this shift mean they had realised their attempt on Dorje Shugden is not fruitful and brings another plot of distraction hoping that this will work?  In the past we were told of many attempts of the Chinese government on Dalai Lama's life.  If the Chinese was serious, I reckon they could have easily achieved their motive.  As it is now, there is not much benefit to gain from this and Dalai Lama is not a threat to the Chinese.


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I agree with Ensapa. All these insecurities are self created by CTA. They can't provoke China and expect no reaction from them? That's illogical. Perhaps it's time to further tightened the security for HHDL. Isn't that what Governments do anyway? How accurate is the source of this claim? Is it reliable?

How is CTA amending their relationship with China? What are the steps? If no autonomy for Tibet, then what? CTA is a speck of dust for China. Without HHDL all these years, CTA would be long forgotten. Who in CTA is well known around the world? NOBODY! CTA just rode on HHDL's name as the easy way out. How has the lives of Tibetan refugees improved under CTA?

Sorry to say, if CTA were given the authority to govern Tibet as an autonomy region, would CTA be capable of managing Tibet? I really doubt it based on the current situation of the Tibetan refugees and ostracism of Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners.

The government of Hong Kong had a track record of good management and having huge yearly trade surplus. It makes sense for Hong Kong to be an autonomous region for the psychology of the people in Hong Kong. Nowadays, the Hong Kong people are more confident of the Chinese Government.

I like what you said Klein... It is TRUE... How will CTA operate after HHDL is gone? They are so dependent on Him and now HHDL is saying there may not be another incarnation, no 15th. So honestly can d CTA survive without HHDL? I do not think any other High Lama can replace HHDL, because He is just irreplaceable... Not because those high Lamas are not powerful and incapable... it is just the Dalai Lama has risen to such a huge height since he escaped from Tibet, that if someone else takes on His role, it would just seem less authentic to the world.

And YES.... CTA without the Dalai Lama is NOBODY and will slowly fade in to the darkness. They have not broken themselves capable of running anything without HHDL and they have not done anything much since the new PM was elected to improve the lives of the Tibetan refugees, instead the create seperation, disharmony, hardships, pain and suffering amongst their very own people... who could have join them, be united to have more voice. But they are to busy pointing fingers and acting like witch hunters.

Yes I really don't think CTA could cut it without HHDL even if China gave CTA the authority to govern Tibet as an autonomy region. They simply have zero track record and well what can they offer back to China? Definite more burning of their own people is not gonna be lucrative. Perhaps China is even laughing saying haha go on burn more, the lesser to deal with.

CTA should think more broadly and more long term...  amending their relationship with China would be a great start but I doubt they could think bigger.

Now they have Gone and did another silly thing


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I agree with Ensapa. All these insecurities are self created by CTA. They can't provoke China and expect no reaction from them? That's illogical. Perhaps it's time to further tightened the security for HHDL. Isn't that what Governments do anyway? How accurate is the source of this claim? Is it reliable?

How is CTA amending their relationship with China? What are the steps? If no autonomy for Tibet, then what? CTA is a speck of dust for China. Without HHDL all these years, CTA would be long forgotten. Who in CTA is well known around the world? NOBODY! CTA just rode on HHDL's name as the easy way out. How has the lives of Tibetan refugees improved under CTA?

Sorry to say, if CTA were given the authority to govern Tibet as an autonomy region, would CTA be capable of managing Tibet? I really doubt it based on the current situation of the Tibetan refugees and ostracism of Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners.

The government of Hong Kong had a track record of good management and having huge yearly trade surplus. It makes sense for Hong Kong to be an autonomous region for the psychology of the people in Hong Kong. Nowadays, the Hong Kong people are more confident of the Chinese Government.

Therefore, without a proven track record of being an efficient and effective Government in exile, CTA can talk till the cows come home. Nothing is every going to happen in their favour.

I feel that the people behind the CTA are are really stupid people who are unable to think and see things from the bigger point of view and how it can court disaster for Tibet if they do not control themselves or at least have steps to prevent them from happening. Soon, they will start offending everyone around them and they will be left without support once people see through their facade.

The tightened security with HHDL reflects nothing but their insecurities about HHDL's life and if they are doing enough to follow the Dalai Lama's instructions to the fullest and also at the same time not abandon the duties in which they are supposed to perform. Heightened security can be a good and a bad thing at a same time because it shows how paranoid the CTA is and China perceives that as silly.

CTA is too dependant on HHDL to get things done and also for HHDL to lead Tibet and the people and once HHDL is no longer coming back, CTA will be at a lost as nobody seems to know how to run the country or stand up for themselves. I do not think that is what HHDL would want from his students, especially from those whom he has been teaching tirelessly for the last few centuries.

CTA has nothing to talk to China that will prove that they deserve their independence and thus they try to distract themselves and others from this fact with protests, rumors and nasty statements that only aggravate China more which in turn, will make them getting Tibet back even more difficult. It is funny to see how the CTA seals their own fate with meaningless talk.


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Re: Kashag statment on dalai lama's security. They are out of there mind.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2012, 09:54:47 AM »
When someone is famous like HH Dalai Lama, I am sure many people like Him, and there will also be many who do not like Him, for whatever reasons. May be there are people who have ill intention who wants to hurt HH Dalai Lama and joined a particular organization, and such that the claim that a particular organization is trying to hurt HH Dalai Lama. It is possible.

But what I learn from my Dorje Shugden Lama is to be compassionate and never to hurt anyone, and that of course include HH Dalai Lama. A real practitioner should not harm anyone. When we practice well and be kind to others, people will know it is the power of worshiping Dorje Shugden, and that's who we can spread the teaching far and wide.

But of course, we need to inform the world that Dorje Shugden practitioners are being discriminated and work towards to lift the ban. This, I think is not hurting HH Dalai Lama.


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Re: Kashag statment on dalai lama's security. They are out of there mind.
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2012, 08:19:48 PM »
AGREE well put kris  ;) No i too do not think by us spreading and educating people about Dorje Shugden in a civil, logical and compassionate would be something His Holiness would mind? Let's put it this way... He certainly id not say STOP spreading Dorje Shugden! Actually what the BAN did was to give us Shugdenpas a chance to talk more about Dorje Shugden to others. It also gives us a real fulfilling purpose, a chance in educating and/or sharing about Dorje Shugden to just about anyone who ask us out of great curiosity... and this is thanks to the wonderful media attention, hype created on this discrimination. "When you get lemons, create lemonades" that is Dharma...

Before the BAN on Dorje Shugden, it was less talked about. Now the entire world pobably knows a little but more on this great protector of our!

When someone is famous like HH Dalai Lama, I am sure many people like Him, and there will also be many who do not like Him, for whatever reasons. May be there are people who have ill intention who wants to hurt HH Dalai Lama and joined a particular organization, and such that the claim that a particular organization is trying to hurt HH Dalai Lama. It is possible.

But what I learn from my Dorje Shugden Lama is to be compassionate and never to hurt anyone, and that of course include HH Dalai Lama. A real practitioner should not harm anyone. When we practice well and be kind to others, people will know it is the power of worshiping Dorje Shugden, and that's who we can spread the teaching far and wide.

But of course, we need to inform the world that Dorje Shugden practitioners are being discriminated and work towards to lift the ban. This, I think is not hurting HH Dalai Lama.


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Re: Kashag statment on dalai lama's security. They are out of there mind.
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2012, 02:42:22 PM »
When someone is famous like HH Dalai Lama, I am sure many people like Him, and there will also be many who do not like Him, for whatever reasons. May be there are people who have ill intention who wants to hurt HH Dalai Lama and joined a particular organization, and such that the claim that a particular organization is trying to hurt HH Dalai Lama. It is possible.

But what I learn from my Dorje Shugden Lama is to be compassionate and never to hurt anyone, and that of course include HH Dalai Lama. A real practitioner should not harm anyone. When we practice well and be kind to others, people will know it is the power of worshiping Dorje Shugden, and that's who we can spread the teaching far and wide.

But of course, we need to inform the world that Dorje Shugden practitioners are being discriminated and work towards to lift the ban. This, I think is not hurting HH Dalai Lama.

I dont see or feel in any way that practicing Dorje Shugden harms the Dalai Lama in any way and nor does it harms the Tibetan cause in any way, shape or form merely because there is no logic to it. After all the song and dance and the  magical carpet ride to the archives of Tibet's 'history' that is riddled with one sided facts and glossed over events, there is still no concrete proof that Dorje Shugden is harmful in any way, shape or form. It is just implication after implication after implication which does not really give a satisfactory answer in any way.

Logically, the points given by the Dalai Lama to why Dorje Shugden is harmful does not make sense as there is no solid logical proof to it. Just hearsay after hearsay. And HHDL has not used any logic to debase this so far. Interesting.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Kashag statment on dalai lama's security. They are out of there mind.
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2015, 09:44:10 AM »
They are absolutely out of their mind, how can all of their statements be true? For as far as I know, I have not seen someone practises Dorje Shugden to harm someone else, and how will an enlightened Buddha agrees to harm others? They are definitely some Dorje Shugden practitioners who are malicious but so do other practitioners, no one is perfect. It's not fair to just judge a book by its cover, please study properly and do your research well.