Author Topic: How to help an Angry person  (Read 12870 times)


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How to help an Angry person
« on: June 02, 2012, 03:32:04 AM »
Is there any puja or prayer that we can do to help and angry, unhappy and old person?

More importantly, I an curious to know, karmically, how does a person become so angersome that she is constantly showing blackface? Its like she has this anger in her that she is not able to express in words but she just needs to pick a specific person to hate..

It is very sad to see this person being so unhappy and she is not able to live a happy life, it would be great if I can do something to help her (other than dragging her to a shrink or spike her drinks with antidepressant drugs haha)

Down with the BAN!!!

Jessie Fong

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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 05:28:11 AM »
Do you know the cause behind your friend's "black face"?  What is important to know apart from knowing the cause for this facial expression is this : can your friend open up to you to talk about what is bothering her that causes her to be such an angersome person?  Is she the type who can listen to advice and adopt to her life?  Is she a person who believes in the power and strength of prayers?

If she has been picking on you, looks like you are on the receiving end of something nasty.  Does she pick on the same person all the time?  It could be that the other person must have said or done something to make her angry?

Tammy, say your prayers and dedicate to your friend that may she find peace in whatever is troubling her and that she finds a solution to it so as to find a closure to this unhappy frame of mind.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 08:11:19 AM »
It seems like this person has developed so much anger in her.  Each time she gets angry she would create more karma to be angry.  Every subsequent anger becomes bigger and harder to eliminate.  It is a vicious cycle.  Eventually she would become the victim of her own anger.  She will become bitter, sensitive and hostile towards every single object that she encounters.  She will on hindsight realize that she couldn’t control her anger even though she wanted to.  This leads to helplessness and eventual depression in her!
Please refer the other post entitled ANGER for my sharing on anger and its causes etc.
It is important and urgent now that you extend your help to this person.  She is crying for help though we may not see it.  To really help her, we must try our best to understand the cause of her anger. The cause could be a grudge, resentment, frustration, unfulfilled wish, disappointment, hurt, abuse, illness, loneliness, separation or loss of a loved one etc. It is difficult to talk her out of anger if she is an old person.  We need to be very skillful and patient when we try to help her.  Perhaps she needs a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on or to cry on.  Initially, we must be on her side by listening and gathering all the necessary information about the nature of her anger.  Later we can slowly encourage her to let go of her anger by explaining clearly why it is not beneficial to hold onto her anger.  Explain to her the Law of Cause and Effect, Karma and Impermanence. It is also advisable to get her involved in some social and meaningful activities to distract her mind from the cause of her anger.
What matters most is her willingness to try to transform herself.  If she is agreeable then she is on her way to recovery.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2012, 08:46:00 AM »
Anger is a very strange feeling... I'm not a person free of anger. Although it takes a lot to make me angry, I find that certain individuals can just make me angry in an instant. Then after the anger has passed... I'd be like "what was that all about?" so strange, because I don't even know why I got angry in the first place! She/he didn't say things that was offensive, or degrading... in fact, it was just kind words!!! So strange...

I don't think pujas can help with our anger per se... though I think it will help us on the basis that by dispelling our mental darkness, we will see where the anger comes from and realizes it is technically part of our nature... like a parasite in our mind. However, our own personal effort must be used to remove this so called 'parasite'. How? I am still unsure... and still trying how to make it so that my anger will not destroy the close relationship that I have with this particular person.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2012, 09:02:59 AM »
In our daily life,we encounter many angry people who are angry and can't control their feelings.Find a way to calmly but quickly to fiqure out this person anger or blackface.This person need to come to self realization that going into every situation in life,he can't change or expect to change anyone but himself.Try to find what provoked this constant anger that will eventually manifest itself into an illness.
"When dealing with people,remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic ,but creatures of emotion."Dale Carnagie"
Another solution is you can suggest him a good therapy and prayers for him to overcome his situation.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2012, 10:55:41 AM »
The way to deal with others' anger is not to respond with anger. There are many methods to deal with angry people. One of the best ways is to generate loving kindness. Just as anger leads to deleterious results, loving kindness or metta has benefit and will lead to good results. Therefore let go of any thoughts of revenge on the person who has hurt you and establish your mind in goodwill. A person whose mind is imbued with goodwill will win over the minds of others. This is a conclusive victory. It won't lead to defeat. One who is established in goodwill helps himself and others.

Also think how the Buddha would respond to an angry person. The  Buddha never responded with anger when attacked or exploited by others. Because he has built up the paramitas. Think and act like the Buddha.

Think that anger will only lead to regression in our spiritual practice. It can lead to the hell realm. Do not create bad karma. Have pity on the person who is angry because he/she is creating bad karma and will suffer the consequences.  Think that there is no such thing as an angry person who is happy. This way, you will not become angry with this person and goodwill will arise.

negra orquida

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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2012, 02:06:47 PM »
hmmm i'm not sure what prayer is there to specifically target anger, but I know that the Migtsema mantra or Guru Yoga of Lama Tsongkhapa is powerful to combat depression...

Your friend is probably unable to let go of something which happened in the past and has let it fester inside until it taints everything or particular things / persons in her life... Unless you are someone she trusts very deeply, it will be hard to get her to open up and let the rotten part of her heart come out, so the good stuff like forgiveness and openness can go inside.

If she acknowledges that she has anger issues, and knows she needs to address it and is open to receiving "treatment", perhaps bringing her for meditation classes would help calm her mind... or ask her to chant "om mani padme hum" since compassion is the antidote to anger... or do Blue Tara (from what i read, Blue Tara is associated with the transmutation of anger) practice? Otherwise you or her family can do these and dedicate the merits to her..


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 03:42:22 AM »
Anger can cause a lot of unhappiness and pain. Always unhappy at everything! I feel sad for those people because they are too caught up in themselves. Everything revolves around them only and they become selfish and angersome. I know Migsegma can definitely help out in these cases. Probably you can try sponsoring pujas for this person in any temples near your or order pujas online if there are no temples near your place and dedicate the merits to this person. Or you can chant the mantras yourself and dedicate it as well.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened, Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2012, 04:27:09 AM »
There is no one solution to deal with angry people. Even dealing with them with loving kindness may not help them. I've experience many encounters with very disruptive and angry people and I use the non confrontational method, being understanding, and using kindness to help them and the results are often negative. These type of people have grown to habituate and ingrained anger in them so deep that the more you show them kindness, patience and etc the more they reinforce their anger behavior as they view it as their anger works to shut you up and get what they want. For these type of people, they must first realized that their anger is damaging others and themselves, if they don't, chances of them being better is far fetched. Well anger will work for them in a certain degree to have their way, but after a period of time they will see people around them slowly ignore them and the worst part is they will harbour more ill feeling after that.

We can only advise them with patience and living kindness but ultimately they have to realize to change.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2012, 06:50:22 AM »
When we want to help someone who are anger-some, we need to find out the real reason for this person to be angry, on what aspect she gets angry very easily and what she doesn't, then only we can help her on that.

After identifying the cause for being angry, then only we can find ways to solves this, we can do pujas or prayers for this person, but the bottom line is this person must be willing to accept suggestion, because there are people who cannot face their ugly truth, when we point out their ugly side, they became more angry.

In fact, any prayers will be good for her, as long as we do a good dedication after our prayer, it does help to create merits for this person to be released from this angersome mind.

Tenzin K

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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2012, 08:25:56 AM »
 A person can become so angersome and constantly show black face has become her habituation and definitely due to previous live imprint. How can a person constantly becoming so unhappy? So much suffering within her but people only sees the effect of her angersome towards others.

She must be in pain too. She must be covering her unhappiness with anger. She need friends to talk to, not easy but she definitely need someone to help her to let go her burden. As long as she keep on being angry it will just get to worst and continue to next life and so on.  I feel sad for her.

Explain cause and effect and show her that there are other people that are more unfortunate but move on their live with happy mind because anything happen to us is due to our own previous action. No one to blame and can help beside our own realization. We are our own happiness and by surrendering ourself to the Guru and learn up the Buddhist teaching will change one mind> show her the way and guide her along.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2012, 08:33:00 AM »
It is so sad to see so much anger in a person. Do we know the source of her anger? Sometimes it helps to talk it out with her. Or maybe she just wants some attention? Personally, I would say a prayer and dedicate merits to her to be free of this suffering.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2012, 03:12:11 PM »
There are so many factors that cause one person to become so angry, it can be she hate herself and has a wrong attitude therefore whatever people did for her, she wasn't happy about it. Or it can be she is so proud of herself and think that whatever that she did is better than other so when people did things she is not happy about it as it lower that her standard. And it can be from other things etc.

So the best way is to observe or talk with her directly what is disturb her so much until her face turn black shows as an angry person all the time.

The mantra that good for the anger person is white tara, if she willing to do it. Hope it help.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2012, 03:49:14 PM »
Anger can cause so much pain and unhappiness. It is also due to not being able to control one's emotion and not seeing things rationally and when one cools down, one will feel ashamed afterwards. Holding on to anger has no benefits. So the best method is try to control that angry emotions before it arise. In fact, reciting prayers, chanting mantras or meditation is good as it will calm the mind down. When one is able to control one's emotion than anger will not arise so frequently.


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Re: How to help an Angry person
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2012, 04:58:25 PM »
It seems like this person has developed so much anger in her.  Each time she gets angry she would create more karma to be angry.  Every subsequent anger becomes bigger and harder to eliminate.  It is a vicious cycle.  Eventually she would become the victim of her own anger.  She will become bitter, sensitive and hostile towards every single object that she encounters.  She will on hindsight realize that she couldn’t control her anger even though she wanted to.  This leads to helplessness and eventual depression in her!
Please refer the other post entitled ANGER for my sharing on anger and its causes etc.
It is important and urgent now that you extend your help to this person.  She is crying for help though we may not see it.  To really help her, we must try our best to understand the cause of her anger. The cause could be a grudge, resentment, frustration, unfulfilled wish, disappointment, hurt, abuse, illness, loneliness, separation or loss of a loved one etc. It is difficult to talk her out of anger if she is an old person.  We need to be very skillful and patient when we try to help her.  Perhaps she needs a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on or to cry on.  Initially, we must be on her side by listening and gathering all the necessary information about the nature of her anger.  Later we can slowly encourage her to let go of her anger by explaining clearly why it is not beneficial to hold onto her anger.  Explain to her the Law of Cause and Effect, Karma and Impermanence. It is also advisable to get her involved in some social and meaningful activities to distract her mind from the cause of her anger.
What matters most is her willingness to try to transform herself.  If she is agreeable then she is on her way to recovery.

Do you really believe that an old, bitter and angersome lady can be helped by what you advised above? No way. A life time and perhaps several lifetimes of habituation can not be eradicated so easily. At her age, there is no more time to try to get to the root of her problem as it is so deeply ingrained in her. The best way would be to make sure that before she draws her last breath, her environment is pleasant and you remind her of any happy events/occasions during her life time so that happy thoughts are triggered and she leaves with a happier mind.

It is very sad to see some people, especially elderly, who do not appreciate the good things they have but create more suffering for themselves by holding on to whatever that could have happened years ago. They use that as a cause to make others around them suffer too. It is kinda putting you on a guilt trip. That is why it is important that young people be exposed to dharma teachings so as not to age into another bitter angry person.